Charune2007-01-05 21:15:53

I meant to QQ there and say it in the other and I got it backwards.

Viravain2007-01-06 00:37:26
I was worrying I was going to do something like that. I'm just glad it was Charune and not me.
Shamarah2007-01-06 01:52:20
edit: updated
Victim Status
Jigan Suspect
Haiden Suspect
Nariah Suspect
Bauto Suspect
Acrune Vengeance
Sobran Suspect
Jasper Vengeance
Anaria Suspect
Armand Suspect
Richter Suspect
Zerglingtwo Suspect
Saklas Suspect
Saklas Vengeance
Flacarealah Vengeance
Saklas Vengeance
Flacarealah Suspect
Astraea Vengeance
Ruiku Suspect
Shiida Suspect
Ruiku Vengeance
Ruiku Vengeance
Derian Suspect
Ruiku Vengeance
Derian Vengeance
Neraka Suspect
Neraka Vengeance
Neraka Vengeance
Talkan Suspect
Talkan Vengeance
Ksilrinda Suspect
Ksilrinda Vengeance
Faethyr Suspect
Faethyr Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Ksilrinda Vengeance
Anisu Suspect
Anisu Vengeance
Ksilrinda Vengeance
Jaskata Vengeance
Arundor Suspect
Arundor Vengeance
Arundor Vengeance
Arundor Vengeance
Anisu Vengeance
Arundor Vengeance
Zerglingtwo Vengeance
Zerglingtwo Vengeance
Eilar Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Doman Suspect
Ksilrinda Vengeance
Doman Vengeance
Felandi Vengeance
Jaskata Suspect
Jaskata Vengeance
Felandi Vengeance
Eilar Vengeance
Kaervas Suspect
Kaervas Vengeance
Kaervas Vengeance
Felandi Suspect
Felandi Vengeance
Laysus Vengeance
Astraea Vengeance
Astraea Suspect
Astraea Vengeance
Astraea Vengeance
Astraea Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Zerglingtwo Vengeance
Laysus Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Arix Suspect
Arix Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Wuylinfe Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Saos Vengeance
Saos Vengeance
Saos Vengeance
Saos Vengeance
Zerglingsix Suspect
Zerglingsix Vengeance
Laysus Suspect
Laysus Vengeance
Acrune Vengeance
Zerglingthre Suspect
Zerglingthre Vengeance
Malicia Suspect
Malicia Vengeance
Acrune Vengeance
Tamri Vengeance
Wuylinfe Suspect
Wuylinfe Vengeance
Tamri Vengeance
Acrune Suspect
Acrune Vengeance
Zerglingsix Vengeance
Wuylinfe Vengeance
Acrune Vengeance
Veonira Suspect
Veonira Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Aranya Vengeance
Fluffy Vengeance
Fluffy Vengeance
Aranya Vengeance
Aranya Vengeance
Fluffy Suspect
Fluffy Vengeance
Aranya Suspect
Aranya Vengeance
Victim Status
Jigan Suspect
Haiden Suspect
Nariah Suspect
Bauto Suspect
Acrune Vengeance
Sobran Suspect
Jasper Vengeance
Anaria Suspect
Armand Suspect
Richter Suspect
Zerglingtwo Suspect
Saklas Suspect
Saklas Vengeance
Flacarealah Vengeance
Saklas Vengeance
Flacarealah Suspect
Astraea Vengeance
Ruiku Suspect
Shiida Suspect
Ruiku Vengeance
Ruiku Vengeance
Derian Suspect
Ruiku Vengeance
Derian Vengeance
Neraka Suspect
Neraka Vengeance
Neraka Vengeance
Talkan Suspect
Talkan Vengeance
Ksilrinda Suspect
Ksilrinda Vengeance
Faethyr Suspect
Faethyr Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Ksilrinda Vengeance
Anisu Suspect
Anisu Vengeance
Ksilrinda Vengeance
Jaskata Vengeance
Arundor Suspect
Arundor Vengeance
Arundor Vengeance
Arundor Vengeance
Anisu Vengeance
Arundor Vengeance
Zerglingtwo Vengeance
Zerglingtwo Vengeance
Eilar Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Doman Suspect
Ksilrinda Vengeance
Doman Vengeance
Felandi Vengeance
Jaskata Suspect
Jaskata Vengeance
Felandi Vengeance
Eilar Vengeance
Kaervas Suspect
Kaervas Vengeance
Kaervas Vengeance
Felandi Suspect
Felandi Vengeance
Laysus Vengeance
Astraea Vengeance
Astraea Suspect
Astraea Vengeance
Astraea Vengeance
Astraea Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Zerglingtwo Vengeance
Laysus Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Arix Suspect
Arix Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Wuylinfe Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Daermon Vengeance
Saos Vengeance
Saos Vengeance
Saos Vengeance
Saos Vengeance
Zerglingsix Suspect
Zerglingsix Vengeance
Laysus Suspect
Laysus Vengeance
Acrune Vengeance
Zerglingthre Suspect
Zerglingthre Vengeance
Malicia Suspect
Malicia Vengeance
Acrune Vengeance
Tamri Vengeance
Wuylinfe Suspect
Wuylinfe Vengeance
Tamri Vengeance
Acrune Suspect
Acrune Vengeance
Zerglingsix Vengeance
Wuylinfe Vengeance
Acrune Vengeance
Veonira Suspect
Veonira Vengeance
Veonira Vengeance
Aranya Vengeance
Fluffy Vengeance
Fluffy Vengeance
Aranya Vengeance
Aranya Vengeance
Fluffy Suspect
Fluffy Vengeance
Aranya Suspect
Aranya Vengeance
Exeryte2007-01-06 03:11:37
A large bran muffin makes up the Muffin Man's torso, and a smaller blueberry
muffin rests on top as his head. Blueberries form his eyes, nose and mouth.
Small stacks of pumpkin muffins form his arms and legs, with roasted pumpkin
seeds forming fingers and toes. He wears an apron and matching chef's hat, both
of which are made of raw white dough. He wields a spatula and is covered with
white flour.
The Muffin Man has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 62 pounds.
He is loyal to Lord Exeryte, the Rainmaker.
The Muffin Man is holding:

muffin rests on top as his head. Blueberries form his eyes, nose and mouth.
Small stacks of pumpkin muffins form his arms and legs, with roasted pumpkin
seeds forming fingers and toes. He wears an apron and matching chef's hat, both
of which are made of raw white dough. He wields a spatula and is covered with
white flour.
The Muffin Man has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 62 pounds.
He is loyal to Lord Exeryte, the Rainmaker.
The Muffin Man is holding:

Doman2007-01-06 03:56:44
(The Aethercity of Deepnight):
"And being naked is an art form. Unless you're some fat 40 year old man who has
more wrinkles on his goods than Martha Stewart has panty stains."

That was Normal Lusternia, it was a very nice Mischannel.
Clise2007-01-06 05:26:02
Regent Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire (Male Human).
No more shedding and fox! Comments everyone!
No more shedding and fox! Comments everyone!
Unknown2007-01-06 05:37:02
QUOTE(Clise @ Jan 6 2007, 12:26 AM) 369821
Regent Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire (Male Human).
No more shedding and fox! Comments everyone!

Shiri2007-01-06 05:39:17
...sooooooo much more tanky...
Hazar2007-01-06 06:28:59

Richter2007-01-06 07:17:42
On normal Lusternia.
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You know, Kaervas would make a hot boy toy."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Mis."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh god mis."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You know, Kaervas would make a hot boy toy."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Mis."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh god mis."
Charune2007-01-06 07:47:13
QUOTE(Clise @ Jan 5 2007, 11:26 PM) 369821
Regent Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire (Male Human).
No more shedding and fox! Comments everyone!
No, he is old. Now he isn't shedding. He is balding.
Laysus2007-01-06 17:32:04
current theory is he got stretched and shaved.
Veonira2007-01-06 17:56:25
QUOTE(Richter @ Jan 6 2007, 02:17 AM) 369856
On normal Lusternia.
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You know, Kaervas would make a hot boy toy."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Mis."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Sobran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh god mis."

He's mine!
Adee2007-01-06 20:27:41
(Market): You say, "You walk into Olive Garden with no pants on and see if you
get serviced..served..helped."
(Market): Astraea says, "The Olive Garden would serve you. They need the
(Market): Verithrax says, "Hair covering on chest > Cardigan sweater."
(Market): Astraea says, "Boo @ pseudo-Italian."
(Market): You say, "Okay fine, Taco Bell."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Boo at pseudo-mexican."
(Market): You say, "Okay fine! China Wok..."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Boo at pseudo-chinese."
(Market): You say, "PF Chang's?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "What the bloody hell is that?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "Boo at pseudo-east asian."
(Market): You say, "What the hell constitutes and non-psuedo-chinese? I have
some Chinese neighbors...I guess I could go eat with them.."
(Market): You say, "You totally just googled PF Changs..."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Are they real Chinese?"
(Market): You say, "Yes."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Or are they from the Pseudo province?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "Cause you know they only becames a part of mainland
China during the Great Leap Forward."
(Market): You say, "By 'Psuedo Province' you mean Hong Kong right?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "No, I mean the province of Pseudo (Simplified
Chinese: ??)"
(Market): Verithrax says, "Have you been huffing kittens?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "THat's, like, on the other side of the country."
(Market): You say, "I'm Celestian. We don't huff kittens. We just seperate them from their mothers so they cry throughout the city making everyone cry and cut themselves in the Pool"
(Market): Astraea says, "Adee."
(Market): Astraea says, "When I was in Celest, I saw the kitten mewling
cityemote like fifty times."
(Market): Astraea says, "You so huff kittens."
(Market): Verithrax says, "You huff cats."
(Market): Verithrax says, "So the poor kittens have to grow up motherless."
(Market): Astraea says, "Celest takes pleasure in orphaning kittens."
(Market): Daermon says, "You also take pleasure in the kittens."
(Market): You say, "We do indeed."
(Market): You say, "Then we stuff them in the spire amongst the squid and
whatnot so they can't be found."
(Market): Daermon says, "LOL TENTACLE FURRIES."
(Market): Astraea says, "The kittens, are of course tainted, so as to vindicate
(Market): Verithrax says, "Kitten tentacle rape is no laughing matter, Daermon."
(Market): Astraea says, "Except for that one wyrden kitten, but you only
half-huffed that one."
(Market): You say, "It's a sad crying emo matter. DUH."
(Market): Laysus says, "Morgfyre and Viravain sitting in a tree, t-e-n-t-a-c-l-e-s-e-x-i-n-g *flee*."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Except when you involve gods."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Then it's BLOODY HILARIOUS."
(Market): You say, "That SO does not fit hte rythym of that song."
(Market): Laysus says, "You just have say it really quickly."
(Market): You say, "-teh zap-."
------------------------------------( 2007/01/06 20:17:25 )---
Thanks for your help! The beta is closing down now.
(Market): Verithrax says, "Hey."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Was that because of the tentacle sex thing?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "Because we can totally stop that."
Then we all got DC'd of DEATH!
get serviced..served..helped."
(Market): Astraea says, "The Olive Garden would serve you. They need the
(Market): Verithrax says, "Hair covering on chest > Cardigan sweater."
(Market): Astraea says, "Boo @ pseudo-Italian."
(Market): You say, "Okay fine, Taco Bell."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Boo at pseudo-mexican."
(Market): You say, "Okay fine! China Wok..."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Boo at pseudo-chinese."
(Market): You say, "PF Chang's?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "What the bloody hell is that?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "Boo at pseudo-east asian."
(Market): You say, "What the hell constitutes and non-psuedo-chinese? I have
some Chinese neighbors...I guess I could go eat with them.."
(Market): You say, "You totally just googled PF Changs..."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Are they real Chinese?"
(Market): You say, "Yes."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Or are they from the Pseudo province?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "Cause you know they only becames a part of mainland
China during the Great Leap Forward."
(Market): You say, "By 'Psuedo Province' you mean Hong Kong right?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "No, I mean the province of Pseudo (Simplified
Chinese: ??)"
(Market): Verithrax says, "Have you been huffing kittens?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "THat's, like, on the other side of the country."
(Market): You say, "I'm Celestian. We don't huff kittens. We just seperate them from their mothers so they cry throughout the city making everyone cry and cut themselves in the Pool"
(Market): Astraea says, "Adee."
(Market): Astraea says, "When I was in Celest, I saw the kitten mewling
cityemote like fifty times."
(Market): Astraea says, "You so huff kittens."
(Market): Verithrax says, "You huff cats."
(Market): Verithrax says, "So the poor kittens have to grow up motherless."
(Market): Astraea says, "Celest takes pleasure in orphaning kittens."
(Market): Daermon says, "You also take pleasure in the kittens."
(Market): You say, "We do indeed."
(Market): You say, "Then we stuff them in the spire amongst the squid and
whatnot so they can't be found."
(Market): Daermon says, "LOL TENTACLE FURRIES."
(Market): Astraea says, "The kittens, are of course tainted, so as to vindicate
(Market): Verithrax says, "Kitten tentacle rape is no laughing matter, Daermon."
(Market): Astraea says, "Except for that one wyrden kitten, but you only
half-huffed that one."
(Market): You say, "It's a sad crying emo matter. DUH."
(Market): Laysus says, "Morgfyre and Viravain sitting in a tree, t-e-n-t-a-c-l-e-s-e-x-i-n-g *flee*."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Except when you involve gods."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Then it's BLOODY HILARIOUS."
(Market): You say, "That SO does not fit hte rythym of that song."
(Market): Laysus says, "You just have say it really quickly."
(Market): You say, "-teh zap-."
------------------------------------( 2007/01/06 20:17:25 )---
Thanks for your help! The beta is closing down now.
(Market): Verithrax says, "Hey."
(Market): Verithrax says, "Was that because of the tentacle sex thing?"
(Market): Verithrax says, "Because we can totally stop that."
Then we all got DC'd of DEATH!
Verithrax2007-01-06 20:47:57
(I win the betaserver)
(I win the betaserver)
Veonira2007-01-06 23:14:26
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Proving that
you don't need to be a Great Fighter, you merely need to have the gold to hire a
pair of thugs. Richter wins, with Bauto and Malarious."
Effervescent whispers dance through your senses, filling your mind with the
soft, feathery voice of Viravain as Her voice carries on the winds, "Well done
thugs of Richter."
you don't need to be a Great Fighter, you merely need to have the gold to hire a
pair of thugs. Richter wins, with Bauto and Malarious."
Effervescent whispers dance through your senses, filling your mind with the
soft, feathery voice of Viravain as Her voice carries on the winds, "Well done
thugs of Richter."
Unknown2007-01-06 23:19:29
QUOTE(Veonira @ Jan 6 2007, 06:14 PM) 370090
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Proving that
you don't need to be a Great Fighter, you merely need to have the gold to hire a
pair of thugs. Richter wins, with Bauto and Malarious."
Effervescent whispers dance through your senses, filling your mind with the
soft, feathery voice of Viravain as Her voice carries on the winds, "Well done
thugs of Richter."
You see Richter shout, "I killed four people!"
Tully, Janitor of the Basin shouts, "Wow, the One Who Was Once Nine has a sense
of wry humor. Who knew?!"
Keeper of the Dark, Kalas Malarious De'Unnero, Fist of Luciphage shouts, "Thank
You Lady Viravain."
Bauto, Apprentice of Gravynia shouts, "Aye,many thanks Lady Viravain."
Effervescent whispers dance through your senses, filling your mind with the
soft, feathery voice of Viravain as Her voice carries on the winds, "Your
combat prowess and greed for shiny gold coins is admirable."
Unknown2007-01-07 02:20:57
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "Hi there! Here in Lusternia we attempt to create the best
roleplaying atmosphere ever. (!!) Your name has been reviewed and we'd like you to
take a look at HELP NAMES and follow the directions located therein to change
your name. Once you decide on a new name, use NAMECHANGE and
that'll change it for you!"
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You tell Mister Spindle, a Fate Guide, "Indeed I know, I was catching up with
news, my character will now ninjapoof."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Yevah grows still and his lips begin to move silently.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "No, that is not acceptable. It needs to be something that
is not an existing word or made up of other words."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-qq
You grow still and begin to silently pray for preservation of your soul while
you are out of the land.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-stop
You cease your praying.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Yevah drops a piece of coal.
Yevah drops a piece of coal.
Yevah drops a dark green egg.
Yevah is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, his soul safe
until he returns to Lusternia.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You tell Mister Spindle, a Fate Guide, "Ninjapoof, as in disappear."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "You require a proper name."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "Can you think of one, please?"
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You tell Mister Spindle, a Fate Guide, "Ninjapoof would be a great name though,
for being a retard with."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "No, it's not. You need something acceptable to the
Lusternian environemtn."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Dysolis inclines his head politely to those around him.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Dysolis grows still and his lips begin to move silently.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "Ninjapoof is made up of two separate words. Take a look at
HELP NAMES for some suggestions."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Dysolis drops a transplanar cubix.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Dysolis is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, his soul
safe until he returns to Lusternia.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Creslin picks up a transplanar cubix.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You tell Mister Spindle, a Fate Guide, "How about, Eldnips?"
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Sparkling motes of bright light surround the Pool of Stars.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "Sorry, think of something else."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Lysandus steps out of the Pool of Stars, trailing sparkling motes of light.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You will now be known as Zao!
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "That is fine."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-qq
You grow still and begin to silently pray for preservation of your soul while
you are outof the land.
Spindle tells you, "Hi there! Here in Lusternia we attempt to create the best
roleplaying atmosphere ever. (!!) Your name has been reviewed and we'd like you to
take a look at HELP NAMES and follow the directions located therein to change
your name. Once you decide on a new name, use NAMECHANGE
that'll change it for you!"
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You tell Mister Spindle, a Fate Guide, "Indeed I know, I was catching up with
news, my character will now ninjapoof."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Yevah grows still and his lips begin to move silently.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "No, that is not acceptable. It needs to be something that
is not an existing word or made up of other words."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-qq
You grow still and begin to silently pray for preservation of your soul while
you are out of the land.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-stop
You cease your praying.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Yevah drops a piece of coal.
Yevah drops a piece of coal.
Yevah drops a dark green egg.
Yevah is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, his soul safe
until he returns to Lusternia.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You tell Mister Spindle, a Fate Guide, "Ninjapoof, as in disappear."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "You require a proper name."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "Can you think of one, please?"
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You tell Mister Spindle, a Fate Guide, "Ninjapoof would be a great name though,
for being a retard with."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "No, it's not. You need something acceptable to the
Lusternian environemtn."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Dysolis inclines his head politely to those around him.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Dysolis grows still and his lips begin to move silently.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "Ninjapoof is made up of two separate words. Take a look at
HELP NAMES for some suggestions."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Dysolis drops a transplanar cubix.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Dysolis is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, his soul
safe until he returns to Lusternia.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Creslin picks up a transplanar cubix.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You tell Mister Spindle, a Fate Guide, "How about, Eldnips?"
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Sparkling motes of bright light surround the Pool of Stars.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "Sorry, think of something else."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Lysandus steps out of the Pool of Stars, trailing sparkling motes of light.
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
You will now be known as Zao!
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-
Spindle tells you, "That is fine."
337h, 346m, 343e, 0p, 585en, 630w ex-qq
You grow still and begin to silently pray for preservation of your soul while
you are outof the land.
Forren2007-01-07 02:26:48
So you made a character to annoy a guide. Your point?
Unknown2007-01-07 02:29:07
I made a character to read the news.
My point was that I was amused by the conversation.
My point was that I was amused by the conversation.