Acrune2007-01-11 05:24:07

Veonira2007-01-11 05:26:11
QUOTE(Forren @ Jan 11 2007, 12:10 AM) 371930
(Bellator Societas): Veonira says, "I mudsex everyone and everything."
The truth. Revealed.

Richter2007-01-11 08:31:32
Several minutes later, we've gotten no response

Lysandus2007-01-11 08:55:08
Ugh, my eyes.
Shorlen2007-01-11 15:16:54
(Envoys): You say, "Why not just upgrade addition to stop sucking?"
(Envoys): Forren says, "Then we'd have to nerf subtraction, Shorlen!"
(Typos ftw!
(Envoys): Forren says, "Then we'd have to nerf subtraction, Shorlen!"
(Typos ftw!

Diamondais2007-01-11 19:26:50
An elfen guard exclaims, "Call me if you need anything!"
An elfen guard winks knowingly.
A moon maiden exclaims, "Keep those faelings in check!"
A moon maiden's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
I feel scared suddenly.
An elfen guard winks knowingly.
A moon maiden exclaims, "Keep those faelings in check!"
A moon maiden's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

Unknown2007-01-11 19:27:11
QUOTE(Forren @ Jan 11 2007, 05:10 AM) 371930
(Bellator Societas): Veonira says, "I mudsex everyone and everything."
The truth. Revealed.
Veonira_: AH OHHHHHH

Veonira2007-01-11 19:28:58

Astraea2007-01-11 19:39:20
(Shades): Sephira says, "Excuse me, but I was curious, are we Tainted?"
Awwwh. Cute.
Unknown2007-01-11 20:00:10
QUOTE(Astraea @ Jan 11 2007, 07:39 PM) 372207
Awwwh. Cute.

(Market): Genevieve says, "Trans Cosmic Enchantress for hire."
(Market): Genevieve says, "No Kalodans."
(Market): Dysolis says, "Transcendent bookbinder for hire, I also concur with
the no kalodan's policy."
Joli: well come see me

Joli: I'm bored
Joli: and I have a private room

Ash: you could've taken advantage of her
Ash: liek
eyeRdiamante: freak her out by breathing really heavily and staring at her, stroking the wall
Veonira2007-01-12 01:40:18
(Bellator Societas): Diamante says, "Daevos says, "MY UNDEAD LEGIONS! BRING FORTH THE PARTY BOX."
(Bellator Societas): Diamante says, "AND SOME MARSHMELLOWS."
(Bellator Societas): Diamante says, "AND SOME MARSHMELLOWS."
Diamondais2007-01-12 01:42:50
QUOTE(Veonira @ Jan 11 2007, 08:40 PM) 372347
(Bellator Societas): Diamante says, "Daevos says, "MY UNDEAD LEGIONS! BRING FORTH THE PARTY BOX."
(Bellator Societas): Diamante says, "AND SOME MARSHMELLOWS."
Yay Dia's back.

Hazar2007-01-12 03:10:14
A little while ago, now...
(Glomdoring) Rhyron says, "Nothing matters but Gloriana!"
Suicided just shortly after, of course.
(Glomdoring) Rhyron says, "Nothing matters but Gloriana!"
Suicided just shortly after, of course.
Cairam2007-01-12 03:11:14
QUOTE(Richter @ Jan 11 2007, 12:31 AM) 371976
Several minutes later, we've gotten no response

...I felt sick to my stomach and now have a horribe headache, but luckily, no writhing and foaming on the ground.
Did you ever hear back from Clise?
Diamondais2007-01-12 03:15:20
Bit late, but I have had a couple conversations in between:
We were talking about why the floorboards in the Commune Proper sound like they're going to break every so often on CT.
Amavan tells you, "I keep saying they need to be selective about who they let up. If you go up one more time they might break."
You tell Amavan n'Rotha-Talnara, "You have a death wish, dont you?"
Amavan tells you, "I'll go run and hide now."
You tell Amavan n'Rotha-Talnara, "You had better."
Then a bit later...
Amavan tells you, "Death wish...hmmm. I guess I could die but only if it is by your lovely hand."
You tell Amavan n'Rotha-Talnara, "No. It'd be in some horribly brutal way that I designed, but did not carry out."
(The Daughters of Attai): You say, "Who wants to kill Amavan?"
(The Daughters of Attai): Marcalo says, "If I wouldn't get enemied to seren again I would."

We were talking about why the floorboards in the Commune Proper sound like they're going to break every so often on CT.
Amavan tells you, "I keep saying they need to be selective about who they let up. If you go up one more time they might break."
You tell Amavan n'Rotha-Talnara, "You have a death wish, dont you?"
Amavan tells you, "I'll go run and hide now."
You tell Amavan n'Rotha-Talnara, "You had better."

Then a bit later...
Amavan tells you, "Death wish...hmmm. I guess I could die but only if it is by your lovely hand."
You tell Amavan n'Rotha-Talnara, "No. It'd be in some horribly brutal way that I designed, but did not carry out."
(The Daughters of Attai): You say, "Who wants to kill Amavan?"
(The Daughters of Attai): Marcalo says, "If I wouldn't get enemied to seren again I would."

Isluna2007-01-12 03:18:50
QUOTE(Jigan @ Jan 10 2007, 10:20 PM) 371933
Gradd Proudstone says, "Five hundred and fifty thousand shinies, one hundred and fifty wood, one hundred and fifty marble, and a date with da titan-y fish."
Forren, the only way to escape this is to become a Demi-God. Get going.
Oh so when Is and Forren were jesting about someone to be a kid, and she pointed out she could consider them before he, this was who he ment when he said he was wooing someone.

Unknown2007-01-12 03:34:02
Denizens of Lusternia seeking sparring partners:
                    % of
                    your  Combat  Combat
Name              might    Rank  Rating Guild
Rheum                100    ---    ---
Spindle              140    ---    ---
                    % of
                    your  Combat  Combat
Name              might    Rank  Rating Guild
Rheum                100    ---    ---
Spindle              140    ---    ---
Reiha2007-01-12 03:43:30
.... You're Rheum.
How could I miss that 

Cairam2007-01-12 04:35:12
(The Kalas Legacy): Caedryn (from the Aetherways) says, "ANIME OBJECTIFIES WOMEN, WE HAVE PROOF!"
Unknown2007-01-12 04:44:19
QUOTE(Reiha @ Jan 11 2007, 10:43 PM) 372382
.... You're Rheum.

Eeep.... Don't tell anyone. I try not to let people know. It keeps my character from staining my image as a person. I promise I'm not crazy, nor do I spit on people. (Well, I actually am crazy, but not obnoxiously so.)