Nico2006-10-13 17:22:46
They are. They put you to sleep, do normal attacks upwards of 1-2k damage, and have a super attack that does like 4-5k damage.
But with reflections, you can get away with not getting hit once.
But with reflections, you can get away with not getting hit once.
Tiran2006-10-13 18:32:06
Dreamweaving control makes you immune to their sleep attack, which is the huge danger with them. Insomnia can work as well, but it burns through mana.
With reflections, it's not prctical to get someone else to reflect you, but maybe if you're a mugwump you regain equilibrium fast enough to reflect before they hit if you time it right. I have no problem taking a hit from them, and if it was the sleep attack, it gives me an extra round to hit them. Worst I've seen is about a 2.5k hit, so maybe I've been lucky avoiding the big one, or my resistances are good enough.
Of course, if you lag for a moment, you'll probably die, but that's true of a lot of things.
With reflections, it's not prctical to get someone else to reflect you, but maybe if you're a mugwump you regain equilibrium fast enough to reflect before they hit if you time it right. I have no problem taking a hit from them, and if it was the sleep attack, it gives me an extra round to hit them. Worst I've seen is about a 2.5k hit, so maybe I've been lucky avoiding the big one, or my resistances are good enough.
Of course, if you lag for a moment, you'll probably die, but that's true of a lot of things.
Noola2006-10-13 18:44:10
I've only got a smidge over 2.5k health. I think I'll hold off on trying manifestations for a bit. 

Acrune2006-10-13 18:56:17
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 13 2006, 02:32 PM) 342379
With reflections, it's not prctical to get someone else to reflect you, but maybe if you're a mugwump you regain equilibrium fast enough to reflect before they hit if you time it right.
As a merian aqua I could block all attacks from a manifestation on another, definitely worth doing.
Ekard2006-10-13 19:09:12
You guys have luck with Manifestations then. they really can hit for 5k. Rare but happends.
Easiest way is to go with mage, who will reflect you and both of you use insomnia and you will be fine.
Easiest way is to go with mage, who will reflect you and both of you use insomnia and you will be fine.
Tiran2006-10-13 20:28:51
QUOTE(Acrune @ Oct 13 2006, 12:56 PM) 342382
As a merian aqua I could block all attacks from a manifestation on another, definitely worth doing.
Er... Was this before the 6 second balance on reflecting others or whatever it is now? Best I can seem to do is stop two out of three hits on someone else, and that's if I'm getting the timing every single time.
Acrune2006-10-13 22:45:53
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 13 2006, 04:28 PM) 342413
Er... Was this before the 6 second balance on reflecting others or whatever it is now? Best I can seem to do is stop two out of three hits on someone else, and that's if I'm getting the timing every single time.

Gandal2006-10-14 01:43:53
What tradeskill, as an Aqua, is best for making money?
Reiha2006-10-14 02:03:48
Telrath almost got me killed because of the (at the time) new reflection recovery, and I almost got him killed. One is better than none, two is best.
Best tradeskill for a mage is enchantments. People are always asking them. After that might be jewerly, since people are always looking for those 2000+ powerstones.
Best tradeskill for a mage is enchantments. People are always asking them. After that might be jewerly, since people are always looking for those 2000+ powerstones.
Unknown2006-10-14 02:16:59
Spectre quests gives 2250 gold if you manage to hunt down every bit of spectre you can see, not only that, gives 60% karma in one round, down side is, you have to do the killing so not advicable for novices and low levels.
EDIT: And oh, if you also do the quest before hunting them down and turn them over for spikes, you'll get 7k all in all from the Spectre Isle.
And oh my hunting routine:
Magnagora Territory
Orcs - 2k+
Spectres - 2k+ (+5k if I do the quest)
Acknor Quest - 3k (if you don't bungle it up)
Bondero Bay
Merians - 3250 if you get everyone except Marinus
Gorgogs - 2500 (not including gold drops)
Bondero Bay Quest - 2.5k or just the usual 500 to 1k if you get the dish or rod from either group
Grey Moors
Aslaran - 2900 (includes the Aslaran Mystic, +500 if you kill Cairrus and give it to Kar'chen )
Krokani - 3600(?) if you kill all (including Kar'chen and the old woman krokani on top) except the cook.
Prize - 5k (not 3k) if you give enough krokani to Surtami, not sure yet about Kar'chen's part. (well, you get 500 gold for giving him a rug of aslaran skins if you give enough to the Krokani Cook)
Tip: Assuming the Krokani and Aslarans are all alive, hunt down the Aslarans first and leave Surtami alive, turn in their corpses to the cook and Cairrus to Karchen, now kill all the krokani except the cook and give them to Surtami, kill Surtami (watch out, she's strong and fast) then give her corpse to the cook for another 500 gold bonus. If you do this, only the cook will be left alive from both sides and you get a large amount of gold from both (without the prizes).
So if you manage to follow this routine I'm doing, you get a huge boost in gold (15k+ an hour) and experience but the downside is that I consume more or less 9000 to 11000 willpower so prepare a rocking chair and a long wait in meditation (would be nice if you're skill level in Discipline is High since it helps and meditate with a rocking chair in a willpower room).
*whew* That's all.
EDIT: And oh, if you also do the quest before hunting them down and turn them over for spikes, you'll get 7k all in all from the Spectre Isle.
And oh my hunting routine:
Magnagora Territory
Orcs - 2k+
Spectres - 2k+ (+5k if I do the quest)
Acknor Quest - 3k (if you don't bungle it up)
Bondero Bay
Merians - 3250 if you get everyone except Marinus
Gorgogs - 2500 (not including gold drops)
Bondero Bay Quest - 2.5k or just the usual 500 to 1k if you get the dish or rod from either group
Grey Moors
Aslaran - 2900 (includes the Aslaran Mystic, +500 if you kill Cairrus and give it to Kar'chen )
Krokani - 3600(?) if you kill all (including Kar'chen and the old woman krokani on top) except the cook.
Prize - 5k (not 3k) if you give enough krokani to Surtami, not sure yet about Kar'chen's part. (well, you get 500 gold for giving him a rug of aslaran skins if you give enough to the Krokani Cook)
Tip: Assuming the Krokani and Aslarans are all alive, hunt down the Aslarans first and leave Surtami alive, turn in their corpses to the cook and Cairrus to Karchen, now kill all the krokani except the cook and give them to Surtami, kill Surtami (watch out, she's strong and fast) then give her corpse to the cook for another 500 gold bonus. If you do this, only the cook will be left alive from both sides and you get a large amount of gold from both (without the prizes).
So if you manage to follow this routine I'm doing, you get a huge boost in gold (15k+ an hour) and experience but the downside is that I consume more or less 9000 to 11000 willpower so prepare a rocking chair and a long wait in meditation (would be nice if you're skill level in Discipline is High since it helps and meditate with a rocking chair in a willpower room).
*whew* That's all.

Gandal2006-10-15 00:03:21
Thanks! (but I still hate Celest hunting policy
no aslarans, no merians. I wanna hunt them!
) I've also tried hammerheads (too hard for me
), so I'm sticking with gorgogs (I'll try to do the quest stuff, but can't get the cords), krokani, water plane (bashed out all the time now
), supplicants, and occasionally Inner Sea. Hm, all the astral talk makes me wanna go up there...
Hm. About the tradeskill. I used to be an enchanter, but I found it a bit cumbersome to try to find a powerstone and all, plus the gold seemed...bad (Celest enchantment policy...).
For powerstones, is just that there's a random chance that a cut gem is a powerstone?
Oh yeah, and I'm using all my lessons now trying to trans Aquamancy (68% mythical!
), so...yeah.

Hm. About the tradeskill. I used to be an enchanter, but I found it a bit cumbersome to try to find a powerstone and all, plus the gold seemed...bad (Celest enchantment policy...).
For powerstones, is just that there's a random chance that a cut gem is a powerstone?
Oh yeah, and I'm using all my lessons now trying to trans Aquamancy (68% mythical!

Karrack2006-10-15 03:27:22
heh i'd think you'd want to avoid astral, 3 lobs at once is not pretty when little (there like gorgogs in strength)
Gandal2006-10-17 01:24:41

Ekard2006-10-17 06:26:46
QUOTE(Gandal @ Oct 17 2006, 03:24 AM) 343464

I would add scholars and pilgrims to that too. And maybe soem honors quest.
And somone know if merian in bondero buys only hammerhaed sharks or maybe other sharks too??
Gandal2006-10-18 01:04:13
I think that when you greet the dude, he says he wants hammerhead sharks, so probably no. Scholars I avoid now becuase of Marani Veloske draining power (OMFG!!!OP!!! NERF!!!). Pilgrims I ran into Mag guards by walking into Mag accidentally
. (On a side note, does Mag have guards anymore? Didn't see any last time my alt went around for pilgrims.) But still a good way to get money
Honors, hm, Stewartsville (any way around guessing?), Delport, Dairuchi, Paavik (on an alt), Etil'ck Arthar'rt. Only Delport and Etil'ck around, though the Etil'ck one makes me feel horrible inside
Thanks Ekard!

Honors, hm, Stewartsville (any way around guessing?), Delport, Dairuchi, Paavik (on an alt), Etil'ck Arthar'rt. Only Delport and Etil'ck around, though the Etil'ck one makes me feel horrible inside

Thanks Ekard!
Ekard2006-10-18 05:49:21
Sure thing!
Unknown2006-10-18 08:50:35
QUOTE(Gandal @ Oct 18 2006, 01:04 AM) 343798
I think that when you greet the dude, he says he wants hammerhead sharks, so probably no. Scholars I avoid now becuase of Marani Veloske draining power (OMFG!!!OP!!! NERF!!!). Pilgrims I ran into Mag guards by walking into Mag accidentally

Honors, hm, Stewartsville (any way around guessing?), Delport, Dairuchi, Paavik (on an alt), Etil'ck Arthar'rt. Only Delport and Etil'ck around, though the Etil'ck one makes me feel horrible inside

Thanks Ekard!
Celest should prohibit aiding Etil'ck. The viscanti are -children- and -sentient- after all and he uses them for some HORRIBLE experiment. The city of light and zalotism abducts children eh?

Unknown2006-10-18 12:14:12
QUOTE(Isves @ Oct 18 2006, 04:50 AM) 343914
Celest should prohibit aiding Etil'ck. The viscanti are -children- and -sentient- after all and he uses them for some HORRIBLE experiment. The city of light and zalotism abducts children eh?

Viscanti. Celest. 'Nuff said.
Unknown2006-10-18 13:09:50
QUOTE(Ekard @ Oct 17 2006, 01:26 AM) 343529
And somone know if merian in bondero buys only hammerhaed sharks or maybe other sharks too??
I think that when you greet the dude, he says he wants hammerhead sharks, so probably no.
Others to Ekard, no to Gandal. I know for a fact that the fishmonger also accepts tiger sharks, though I don't know if he takes the ones found in the Sea of Despair.
Gandal2006-10-18 20:39:15
Ah. Thanks, a use for tiger sharks other than feeding them to turtles!