Shamarah2006-10-20 10:31:53
The Etil'ck quest is awesomesauce.
Ixion2006-10-20 11:49:54
QUOTE(Nico @ Oct 13 2006, 01:04 PM) 342373
Best thing to do is just time the spawns when you do manage to find them up. Or you can do astral circuits if you have the spheres timed. The key in making gold is gold/minute, not where you can get the most.
A lot of people say catacombs is the best gold, but they're wrong. It's the best gold in that there are the most mobs there - 50 or so - and thus, at the end of a run, you'll likely have made 15k or so. However, these creatures are dangerous and take a while to kill, not to mention often are found in big groups. It can take me upwards of an hour to finish catacombs, for 15k. Gorgogs + hammerhead shark (hands down the best gold/minute) combo can net about 8-12k, in about 15 minutes.
Here's what I like to do (there is a specific time when to start to ensure astral links):
1. Gorgogs and hammerheads. (note time for respawns) Check krokani, bash if up.
2. Astral, killing only unlinked creatures. At points, you need to wait a minute or two for a sphere to connect - at that time you can link. But, if you have the timing right you can go cancer, scorpio, leo, aries, back to aquarius, then gemini and down.
3. Shallach ur'dead.
4. Catacombs until time on gorgog respawns is up.
5. Rinse, repeat till out of willpower/endurance.
Using this, I can make around 30k an hour, plus good exp and a ton of karma. Argilent, who taught me a bit on astral timing, says his best doing a similar circuit was 52k an hour.
Anyways, the point's all about timing spawns and the essential gold/minute.
Only takes me a few minutes to do the cats when I'm going fast

Ekard2006-10-20 12:24:36
QUOTE(Ixion @ Oct 20 2006, 01:49 PM) 344510
Only takes me a few minutes to do the cats when I'm going fast

I miss super fast warriors bashing.
Gandal2006-10-20 22:04:34
Warriors bash faster? How?
Unknown2006-10-20 22:11:09
QUOTE(Gandal @ Oct 20 2006, 03:04 PM) 344673
Warriors bash faster? How?
They get critical hits faster.
Exeryte2006-10-20 23:46:36
Warriors can't bash quickly until around level 80. Lower level warrior bashing is absolutely terrible.
The Etil'ck quest is awesomesauce.
I actually let "awesomesauce" slip out of my mouth a few times today...curses.
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 20 2006, 05:31 AM) 344504
The Etil'ck quest is awesomesauce.

Ekard2006-10-22 10:26:29
Warriors bash fast cose thay can have fast weapons.
Human mage or guardian will be hitting at 4 seconds. Where human warrior with fast rapiers can go below 3 seconds. Add to that uber fast raze and tankiness.
Human mage or guardian will be hitting at 4 seconds. Where human warrior with fast rapiers can go below 3 seconds. Add to that uber fast raze and tankiness.
Hiriako2006-10-22 19:50:52
Level 78 Changeling Warrior with 280 speed hammers. Speed hunting! Warriors at that level are obscene.
Gandal2006-10-22 22:36:51
Sorry, don't have access to OOC credits and 1000 credits IG is, well, ...
Btw, how much do 280 speed rapiers cost?

Btw, how much do 280 speed rapiers cost?
Exeryte2006-10-22 23:01:29
I think Caedryn is selling a pair for around 20 credits each. So, if you hunt 50 rounds of krokani... 

Caedryn2006-10-23 00:34:19
20cr each? *dies*
I wish.
Depending on where your character's from - 115-120k for two (that's BOTH of them, ie, the pair) if Seren, probably similar for Mag, Celest and Glom will pay more (~150k the pair), unless I'm in a good mood.
20cr each would be high speed AND high precision. Ie, the 33/175/279 range rapiers. Not hunting rapiers.
I wish.
Depending on where your character's from - 115-120k for two (that's BOTH of them, ie, the pair) if Seren, probably similar for Mag, Celest and Glom will pay more (~150k the pair), unless I'm in a good mood.
20cr each would be high speed AND high precision. Ie, the 33/175/279 range rapiers. Not hunting rapiers.
Hiriako2006-10-23 01:35:32
Heh, changeling was just because my race does change. Faeling is truly obscene, if you can deal with low (for a warrior) health. You really need surge though. Damage...not so hot.
Also to be considered: Aslaran or even just any race with ordinary balance.
Also to be considered: Aslaran or even just any race with ordinary balance.
Gandal2006-10-23 03:41:34
Heh, that was for my lvl 60 faeling influencing paladin alt (yes I know, weird combo). As for my aqua-merian-ness, when I reincarnated, I decided merian for the intelligence, but would human have been better?
Karrack2007-02-19 23:46:19
ok, question: how long does it take for astral beasties and krokanis to "re-spawn" ???
Genevieve2007-02-20 02:28:28
That would be giving away too many secrets :-P It's not hard to time, just camp there one time and check your clock.
Gandal2007-02-26 00:04:56
Heh heh, it might be helpful to figure that out, so I can actually have a chance of getting to the gorgogs before Exeryte and the Celestian Paladin posse.
Exeryte2007-02-26 01:17:31
I actually have an incredibly intricate gorgog-tracking system. It clocks how long it has been since each specific gorgog (identified by IH) has been killed and notifies my when and where they will appear. If I'm on a different plane, my system lets me know a few minutes in advance to head over there. Additionally, it tracks everyone and thirdeye and auto-scries everyone with gems of cloaking to discern if anyone is currently hunting the gorgogs or anywhere near them (based off of the room names). Everyone else who hunts gorgogs is also tracked by the system. It takes their ranking, archytpe, and weapon choice, and with that information, finds their mean killing time for the gorgog. I currently have 76 individuals which I track, all of whom are viewable through a single alias which displays the most up-to-date level, stats, weapon choice, and of course their gorgog killing times. 

Gandal2007-02-26 01:19:20
Do you have me, or do I screw up your system because I run too much? 

Shishi2007-02-26 01:20:07
QUOTE(Exeryte @ Feb 25 2007, 05:17 PM) 386053
I actually have an incredibly intricate gorgog-tracking system. It clocks how long it has been since each specific gorgog (identified by IH) has been killed and notifies my when and where they will appear. If I'm on a different plane, my system lets me know a few minutes in advance to head over there. Additionally, it tracks everyone and thirdeye and auto-scries everyone with gems of cloaking to discern if anyone is currently hunting the gorgogs or anywhere near them (based off of the room names). Everyone else who hunts gorgogs is also tracked by the system. It takes their ranking, archytpe, and weapon choice, and with that information, finds their mean killing time for the gorgog. I currently have 76 individuals which I track, all of whom are viewable through a single alias which displays the most up-to-date level, stats, weapon choice, and of course their gorgog killing times. 

that sounds a little obsessive
Exeryte2007-02-26 01:23:50