Forren2006-10-20 15:54:21
Put me in Reiha, as Aqua GC unless Narsrim wants to take it.
Xenthos2006-10-20 16:08:20

Nico2006-10-20 16:43:32
QUOTE(Reiha @ Oct 20 2006, 04:36 AM) 344492
Additional Cast: Soll, Kamion (sorry but Nico is a bigger griefer which makes for more fangirls), Shorlen, Zenji, Valarien.

Felandi2006-10-20 16:45:13
Felandi in the Nihilists, of course 
Though, i'm not sure she even counts as one. xD

Though, i'm not sure she even counts as one. xD
Unknown2006-10-20 16:46:03
While I don't do much with any of my characters any more, They're available if you need some random characters for either comic relief, an annoying passerby, or... well, anything.
Peter: Normaly care-free and obliviose to things around him, I've been trying to roleplay him as being possessed by his Elegant katana he had forged with "cheap commodities". He now refers to himself as 'We' and 'us' (in tribute to Marvel's Venom) and still doesn't give a crap about the world around him. Sometimes, when he manages to put the thing away, he'll revert back to a normal person, but when the sword takes over again, he'll refer to it's host as 'Little Bastard' before speaking in terms of 'We' again.
Peter: Normaly care-free and obliviose to things around him, I've been trying to roleplay him as being possessed by his Elegant katana he had forged with "cheap commodities". He now refers to himself as 'We' and 'us' (in tribute to Marvel's Venom) and still doesn't give a crap about the world around him. Sometimes, when he manages to put the thing away, he'll revert back to a normal person, but when the sword takes over again, he'll refer to it's host as 'Little Bastard' before speaking in terms of 'We' again.
Ashteru2006-10-20 16:56:52
You can put in Ash, if you want.
Not like he's anything special, but eh, he has his moments. 

Anarias2006-10-20 17:28:52
Sounds like fun. Put me in if you want. I'm the one obsessed with nexus power, anti-greatrobes/pro-leather armour aaaaand long blonde haired elfen girl.
Veonira2006-10-20 17:38:05
OHHH, I'd loooove to be in it
(as Geo admin...of course

Forren2006-10-20 17:45:31
QUOTE(Fugisawa @ Oct 20 2006, 04:46 PM) 344561
Yunli: Again, hasn't done anything, spaces out quite often and lives in her own world, (seeing a pattern?) rather frightened of people with fancy titles and people in positions of power.
My protege!!

Must play more!
Simimi2006-10-20 18:51:35
ohh pic me! pic me!
Unknown2006-10-20 19:17:00
Oi...add Daermon.
An ur'Guard that gets annoyed with his mother (*cough*), always beats up newbies in the arena, and never defends.
An ur'Guard that gets annoyed with his mother (*cough*), always beats up newbies in the arena, and never defends.

Unknown2006-10-20 19:30:15
You can use me for a blacktalon character if you want. If you need info, just tell me what you need and I'll give it to ya.
Joli2006-10-20 20:28:13
QUOTE(Reiha @ Oct 20 2006, 09:57 AM) 344536
I hope that was sarcasm....

It was.
Sarrasri2006-10-20 20:46:38
Oooh. You can use Sarrasri. She's currently the Moondancer GM. She mainly is the person to go bugging Nejii and start the commune with bugging him by asking for amusing titles. Works a lot, is blamed for breaking the Order of Charune (mostly), and will randomly pounce those she likes. Oh yeah, she's a lucidian as well. She likes to look good.
Rowoc2006-10-20 21:25:57
Put me in! Put me in! Put me in! I'm a flamboyant magnagoran bard 

Diamondais2006-10-20 21:28:54
feel free to use Dy, if you want. Let me know if you need anything.
Karnagan2006-10-20 22:30:31
Use Karnagan. A bald, grey-skinned undead Orclach Ur'Guard. Usually seen either bashing Inner Sea/ Catacombs, or chained to a forge or desk.
Ild can help you more with anything else.

Arix2006-10-20 22:32:33
oooh, put me in too! I can be the crazy guy
Richter2006-10-21 04:36:52
I wouldn't mind being in, but only if you got the character right, he's very complex. 

Hiriako2006-10-21 04:48:00
Go ahead, use Hiri as the Serenguard GM as he is. I'll be happy to discuss the character and his motivations and being with you at any point. You can send me a tell in-game if you wish, we can then move to IMs or some such.