Vix2006-10-24 22:12:31
Making Demigod extremely hard to maintain is good I suppose, but the benefits should definitely outweigh the disadvantages though.
Shamarah2006-10-24 22:17:18
Just let demigods conglutinate for free in city territory and make planar conglute/vitae/etc cost half the essence.
Unknown2006-10-24 23:14:57
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 24 2006, 10:17 PM) 346365
Just let demigods conglutinate for free in city territory and make planar conglute/vitae/etc cost half the essence.
Agreed on the first. Not on the second.
Forren2006-10-24 23:58:38
Demigods should conglutinate normally during revolts and wildnodes.
Daganev2006-10-25 00:12:04
no they shouldn't
Demigods should be above random fights
Demigods should be above random fights

Unknown2006-10-25 01:49:06
I'd agree with shamarah and elryn on that, just on the home territory conglut though, and maybe if there could be some sort of planar message how demigod so-and-so fell, but was saved due to their connection to -insert nexus here-
Unknown2006-10-25 05:59:24
I'll say two things:
1) Get Demigod, then try to judge on how difficult it should be to hold it. I don't mind difficulty, I don't mind a challenge, but I -do- mind a senseless grind. It's not that you have to bash to maintain it, it's the amount of bashing you'd have to do to gather any decent amount of essence that would ensure you don't lose demigod after the first five deaths. I've bashed a lot already to gain level 100, I honestly don't see why I should have to keep doing it forever and ever.
2) How many of those that became a demigod (excluding Ialie since she has only had it for a very short time) would you still count as really active? There isn't much to achieve beyong demigod.. avatar yes, but that too isn't as great as it sounds if it puts you into battle more often than you'd be comfortable with losing essence for.
Likewise, if you do want to turn towards combat once there is nothing to level for anymore, the essence loss puts a huge restriction on you, making it simply not feasible if you aren't already as good as Kaervas for example.
Quite simply, demigod is the one level in the game that can turn the easiest into a mindless and senseless grind, and is subpar to titan. Not because titan is so terribly overpowered, but because demigod has the major disadvantage of a very high phoenix cost and offers no advantages that would justify it.
1) Get Demigod, then try to judge on how difficult it should be to hold it. I don't mind difficulty, I don't mind a challenge, but I -do- mind a senseless grind. It's not that you have to bash to maintain it, it's the amount of bashing you'd have to do to gather any decent amount of essence that would ensure you don't lose demigod after the first five deaths. I've bashed a lot already to gain level 100, I honestly don't see why I should have to keep doing it forever and ever.
2) How many of those that became a demigod (excluding Ialie since she has only had it for a very short time) would you still count as really active? There isn't much to achieve beyong demigod.. avatar yes, but that too isn't as great as it sounds if it puts you into battle more often than you'd be comfortable with losing essence for.
Likewise, if you do want to turn towards combat once there is nothing to level for anymore, the essence loss puts a huge restriction on you, making it simply not feasible if you aren't already as good as Kaervas for example.
Quite simply, demigod is the one level in the game that can turn the easiest into a mindless and senseless grind, and is subpar to titan. Not because titan is so terribly overpowered, but because demigod has the major disadvantage of a very high phoenix cost and offers no advantages that would justify it.
Ekard2006-10-25 06:07:31
Shadow said it right.
And i alos love phoenix idea, but its cost is just crazy.
Half it and make that death from denizens wont cost essence or cost even less.
Damigod would still need to hunt for essence but not so much anymore.
And to let you know 250 linked astral creatures you cant get faster then like 10 hours. Maybe you could drop to 5 if you could kill 50 in half an hour and then for another 30 minutes getting rid of insanity. Just remeber that if you die during those 5+ hours you have to hunt another 5+ hhours. So fear of random power cut offs, lags and so on. And if you die without 500k essence you are dropped to 0% titan and 1% of titan is 100 linked astral creatures. Just count how much of bashing it is.
And i alos love phoenix idea, but its cost is just crazy.
Half it and make that death from denizens wont cost essence or cost even less.
Damigod would still need to hunt for essence but not so much anymore.
And to let you know 250 linked astral creatures you cant get faster then like 10 hours. Maybe you could drop to 5 if you could kill 50 in half an hour and then for another 30 minutes getting rid of insanity. Just remeber that if you die during those 5+ hours you have to hunt another 5+ hhours. So fear of random power cut offs, lags and so on. And if you die without 500k essence you are dropped to 0% titan and 1% of titan is 100 linked astral creatures. Just count how much of bashing it is.

Unknown2006-10-25 06:36:06
QUOTE(shadow @ Oct 25 2006, 01:59 AM) 346472
2) How many of those that became a demigod (excluding Ialie since she has only had it for a very short time) would you still count as really active? There isn't much to achieve beyong demigod.. avatar yes, but that too isn't as great as it sounds if it puts you into battle more often than you'd be comfortable with losing essence for.
There are a lot of different types of achievement, and I would argue that someone like Daevos(leader of Magnagora for HOW long now?

Also, if the case is that there is nothing more to achieve, on a pure hack and slash side of things, then these proposed changes won't even address that issue anyway, they won’t give you anything more to achieve, it would do nothing to reduce demigod inactivity rates. Some people just leave when they ‘max out’ a game; it’s just a fact.

Giving demigods something else to achieve would be very complicated in my mind, it would have to be useful, yet not unbalancing. It would have to be worthwhile, but not significant.

Jack2006-10-25 06:47:02
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Oct 25 2006, 07:36 AM) 346477
Also, if the case is that there is nothing more to achieve, on a pure hack and slash side of things, then these proposed changes won't even address that issue anyway, they won’t give you anything more to achieve, it would do nothing to reduce demigod inactivity rates. Some people just leave when they ‘max out’ a game; it’s just a fact.

The proposed changes will address the issue, as the primary reason most Demigods leave is experience loss rendering combat inconvenient or completely impossible. Whereas off-prime conflict is going to cost your enemies neglible experience loss, less than 1% generally, and you run the risk of losing five hundred thousand essence, it's just not worth it. The Demigod has two choices: either grind constantly for essence or just stop engaging in combat altogether. Both of thse choices result in boredom and restrictive gameplay, both of which henceforth make the Demigod more likely to quit.
Unknown2006-10-25 07:48:45
QUOTE(Jack @ Oct 25 2006, 06:47 AM) 346479
The proposed changes will address the issue, as the primary reason most Demigods leave is experience loss rendering combat inconvenient or completely impossible. Whereas off-prime conflict is going to cost your enemies neglible experience loss, less than 1% generally, and you run the risk of losing five hundred thousand essence, it's just not worth it. The Demigod has two choices: either grind constantly for essence or just stop engaging in combat altogether. Both of thse choices result in boredom and restrictive gameplay, both of which henceforth make the Demigod more likely to quit.
Why not stay in the 90-98 region if you want to be active in combat? Titan and demigod have -significant- bonuses, I would look at aiming for Demigod particularly as stepping up to play as a Demigod. That is, not engaging in little skirmishes or PK, but being a leader/tactician of large scale conflict. Don't Avatars have special shrine powers as well, that make them useful outside of just regular PK contributors?
I don't want to see Demigods active in combat, except with extreme provocation. It would be unbalancing.
I do think at the moment that the envoy suggestion which has already been submitted and is being considered, involving among other things the home territory penalty-free death, is a good compromise. Anything further is really unnecessary.
And don't forget much of the value of a cubix lies in its ability to get you out of danger, not just to what planes it can take you.
Unknown2006-10-25 08:00:21
I'm curious and this is a bit off topic, would being a demi-god override being a lich?
Need to know if it will be worth my time grinding up to demi-god.
Need to know if it will be worth my time grinding up to demi-god.
Unknown2006-10-25 09:00:04
With thunderclap removed, exactly what do demigods have that makes them unbalancing? A stat boni yes.. but you forget that the major stat bonus lies at titan level not demigod.
They also have.. divinefire. In a way, that is worth less than serpent if you so want. Definitely not somthing totally overpowered.
What they do have, together with everyone else who is of a high level are high health/mana/ego. But that is not a problem with demigods, but with everyone who is of level 90+ roughly.
Jack got pretty much right.. if you don't want to lose all the work you put in from titan 0%-99% you have to accept a constant grind of gaining essence.. always.
In reply to Avaer: No I don't see why demigods should not be active in combat or how their participation makes it unbalancing. They have every right to be, same as every other player. They should not be resitricted just because they spend a lot of time to level up to the highest level. I do not say they should, because of their level, be overpowered or significantly stronger than other players but likewise I do not think that combat (and especially the loss from dying) should be so vastly higher compared to 'mortal' players, as it is now.
The only things demigods have going for them right now is the instant teleport (considering how many forms of teleport Lusternia has.. empress, catacombs, spores, teleport, tesseract etc.. I don't see this as anything that compares to an artifact) and the divinefire (compareable to serpent, only that serpent goes up again after an aggressive action while fire doesn't).
In reply to Stagar: No, nothing stops phoenix. I was told once that if you lich as demigod, you still lich but you lose the 500k essence. Not like I ever had a chance to try it out though.
They also have.. divinefire. In a way, that is worth less than serpent if you so want. Definitely not somthing totally overpowered.
What they do have, together with everyone else who is of a high level are high health/mana/ego. But that is not a problem with demigods, but with everyone who is of level 90+ roughly.
Jack got pretty much right.. if you don't want to lose all the work you put in from titan 0%-99% you have to accept a constant grind of gaining essence.. always.
In reply to Avaer: No I don't see why demigods should not be active in combat or how their participation makes it unbalancing. They have every right to be, same as every other player. They should not be resitricted just because they spend a lot of time to level up to the highest level. I do not say they should, because of their level, be overpowered or significantly stronger than other players but likewise I do not think that combat (and especially the loss from dying) should be so vastly higher compared to 'mortal' players, as it is now.
The only things demigods have going for them right now is the instant teleport (considering how many forms of teleport Lusternia has.. empress, catacombs, spores, teleport, tesseract etc.. I don't see this as anything that compares to an artifact) and the divinefire (compareable to serpent, only that serpent goes up again after an aggressive action while fire doesn't).
In reply to Stagar: No, nothing stops phoenix. I was told once that if you lich as demigod, you still lich but you lose the 500k essence. Not like I ever had a chance to try it out though.
Daganev2006-10-25 18:08:08
There should just be a way to deactivate putting up phoenix.
Gandal2006-10-25 20:35:40
Very good idea. 

Jack2006-10-25 20:49:04
QUOTE(Avaer @ Oct 25 2006, 08:48 AM) 346484
Why not stay in the 90-98 region if you want to be active in combat? Titan and demigod have -significant- bonuses, I would look at aiming for Demigod particularly as stepping up to play as a Demigod. That is, not engaging in little skirmishes or PK, but being a leader/tactician of large scale conflict. Don't Avatars have special shrine powers as well, that make them useful outside of just regular PK contributors?
I don't want to see Demigods active in combat, except with extreme provocation. It would be unbalancing.
Why should they have to make allowances? The bonuses Titan present for combative purposes are significant: why should Demigod be different? And how does engaging in hundreds of hours of bashing qualify someone to become a leader or tactician? Most Demigods are not going to be Avatars, since there are an extremely limited number of Elders and a potentially unlimited amount of Demigods.
What is the point of stat bonuses if you can't even use them? What's the point of giving Demigods the ability to participate in combat if it's potentially going to cripple them?
Unknown2006-10-25 21:08:55
They had combat abilities that were worth the 500k essence lost. You all bitched until they were nerfed to be crappier than titans. See what happens when you whine? Estarra takes away your toys.
Shamarah2006-10-25 21:37:26
QUOTE(Fallen @ Oct 25 2006, 05:08 PM) 346632
They had combat abilities that were worth the 500k essence lost. You all bitched until they were nerfed to be crappier than titans. See what happens when you whine? Estarra takes away your toys.
Except the two abilities nerfed were ridiculous: thunderclap degraded group combat into who has the most titans in order to LOLTCLAP, and divine fire allowed killing of guards invincibly and unstoppably behind divine fire.
Unknown2006-10-25 21:41:25
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 25 2006, 02:37 PM) 346640
Except the two abilities nerfed were ridiculous: thunderclap degraded group combat into who has the most titans in order to LOLTCLAP, and divine fire allowed killing of guards invincibly and unstoppably behind divine fire.
I didn't say the abilities were fair, but if people had approach things a bit differently, they wouldn't have been made useless.
Unknown2006-10-25 21:50:13
I hated gathering a dozen or so defenders, and then having Kaervas just waltz on by us, our 40 fae, demense, 25 guards, and we couldn't do anything.
Having a free pass every 1 hour to kill 4-5 guards needed to be changed.