Sylphas2006-10-25 23:59:47
Yes, take divinefire totally away and make Demigods mortals that have been marked by the gods for torment. Like Sisyphus, but with Astral critters instead of a boulder.
Ildaudid2006-10-26 02:28:47
QUOTE(Stagar Feyranti @ Oct 25 2006, 04:00 AM) 346487
I'm curious and this is a bit off topic, would being a demi-god override being a lich?
Need to know if it will be worth my time grinding up to demi-god.
If you have lichdom and reach demigod with out having lich up... you will never get lich up... phoenix will kick in before lich does... That is one of the problems with phoenix, It kicks in before any other skills... be it conglute, lichdom or vitae... you will get hit with phoenix first...
That right there makes it not worth having... on a plus note, if you are demigod lich, and leave to say celest you will always stay a lich because you wont be able to turn it off because of phoenix... hmmm I am going for demigod now, retransing necromancy, and liching, then hitting demigod and going back to tracking... I bet if a few of the next demi gods do that... there will be changes made...

Ixion2006-10-26 02:44:15
Demigods who are trans necromancy should be able to change into/out-of a lich for free once every RL day.
Problem solved, and not abusable. Next?
Problem solved, and not abusable. Next?
Richter2006-10-26 05:28:23
With everything as it is right now, I think I'd rather be a titan.
Ixion2006-10-26 05:49:37
Duh, titan is nice, demi is crap because of phoenix.
Duh, titan is nice, demi is crap because of phoenix.
Felandi2006-10-26 06:31:15
I want a place to influence that is as good experience as astral.
Let influencers go Titan too!

Let influencers go Titan too!
Kaervas2006-10-26 10:59:29
Actually it is possible for a Demigod to lich and lose it again, it just costs 500k essence instead of nothing. Also skills like transmigrate will fire before phoenix, they just cost the full amount of essence as well.
Ashteru2006-10-26 11:06:51
Imho, all rezzskills should work before phoenix. So, you lich for no essenceloss, you transmigrate/darkrebirth for no essenceloss, you conglutinate for what is it, 50k essence, etc. Just seems fair. *shrug*
Shorlen2006-10-26 11:28:48
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 26 2006, 07:06 AM) 346822
Imho, all rezzskills should work before phoenix. So, you lich for no essenceloss, you transmigrate/darkrebirth for no essenceloss, you conglutinate for what is it, 50k essence, etc. Just seems fair. *shrug*
Just remember that not all orgs/guilds have equal access to transmigrate/darkrebirth/lich.
Ashteru2006-10-26 11:41:15
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 26 2006, 11:28 AM) 346829
Just remember that not all orgs/guilds have equal access to transmigrate/darkrebirth/lich.
Yeah, but eh, that's not a problem with Demigods, that's a problem with those orgs/guilds in itself.

Shorlen2006-10-26 11:52:10
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 26 2006, 07:41 AM) 346832
Yeah, but eh, that's not a problem with Demigods, that's a problem with those orgs/guilds in itself.

Other orgs have other exp loss reducing skills to componsate for their lack of a death-avoidance skill. Also, immolate, vitae, and conglutinate exist for everyone who does not have a res skill or death avoidance skill. Demigods shouldn't be treated differently with some skills than with others. Either all of these effect essence loss, or none do. That's the only way it's fair.
Ashteru2006-10-26 12:02:14
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 26 2006, 11:52 AM) 346833
Other orgs have other exp loss reducing skills to componsate for their lack of a death-avoidance skill. Also, immolate, vitae, and conglutinate exist for everyone who does not have a res skill or death avoidance skill. Demigods shouldn't be treated differently with some skills than with others. Either all of these effect essence loss, or none do. That's the only way it's fair.
I didn't say that, did I? Lower exploss for conglutinate, vitae, no exploss for death-avoidance skills, and maybe make it so that they have to activate phoenix for themselves while they are a soul, so they have the possibility of getting soulrezzed/other things. If they stay a soul too long (aka, their mana is drained) they start losing essence. *shrug* Don't see any different treatment there.
Ekard2006-10-26 12:14:59
Phoenix is neat skil and should stay. I only would like to see phonix cost recuded or even free if you die to denizen, so it wotn be so much stress from disconecting when bashing( still could die due to bleeding and that would cost essence for pheonix, maybe reduced ?) and lower a bit essence cost for Pheonix, 250k sounds less hindering. Then 500k. If demigods is good basher adn ususally they are then he should get it in 3-5 hours.
Unknown2006-10-26 23:13:30
While my knowledge in stats and other abilities with Demis is limited, I have talked to Titan players who have said that Pheonix is the thing that keeps them back. And 500K essence just sounds like a lot. And going down to 0% of 99 is total crap. People who have reached demi say that it's a LOOOOOONG treck. And to not have bashed enough at 100 just to loose all that isn't fair. I think overall reduction of the essence eaten should be good. And maybe, if you can't make the essence requirement, you go down to X% of 99 in which X is the %tage of essence that you weren't able to make up minus 100%.
So let's say it's 500,000 to rez, and you only have 300,000 essence, you're lacking 200,000 essence. 200,000 is 40% of 500,000. That means, you only go down to 99 and 60% to 100. That's a slightly easier loss to take.
I do however like the idea of a hold on the ability activating, allowing for rez abilities, IE: You're mana pool, then you hit the pheonix rez.
Maybe another thing for making getting Essence easier, is players can give essence to demis. Commune or City mates can maybe offer esteem or something to fellow demi city/commune mates for essence, or perhaps give Essence from Elemental and Ethereal (Would probably require and increase to the dismal Ethereal Essence drop). While it wouldn't be insane it would at least help. Also, if someone offers something to a God(dess) some of the essence (perhaps set by said God(dess)) would go to that said God(dess)'s Avatar(s).
My two cents worth.
So let's say it's 500,000 to rez, and you only have 300,000 essence, you're lacking 200,000 essence. 200,000 is 40% of 500,000. That means, you only go down to 99 and 60% to 100. That's a slightly easier loss to take.
I do however like the idea of a hold on the ability activating, allowing for rez abilities, IE: You're mana pool, then you hit the pheonix rez.
Maybe another thing for making getting Essence easier, is players can give essence to demis. Commune or City mates can maybe offer esteem or something to fellow demi city/commune mates for essence, or perhaps give Essence from Elemental and Ethereal (Would probably require and increase to the dismal Ethereal Essence drop). While it wouldn't be insane it would at least help. Also, if someone offers something to a God(dess) some of the essence (perhaps set by said God(dess)) would go to that said God(dess)'s Avatar(s).
My two cents worth.
Unknown2006-10-26 23:17:25
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 26 2006, 07:06 AM) 346822
Imho, all rezzskills should work before phoenix. So, you lich for no essenceloss, you transmigrate/darkrebirth for no essenceloss, you conglutinate for what is it, 50k essence, etc. Just seems fair. *shrug*
Athana2006-10-26 23:21:14
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Oct 26 2006, 04:17 PM) 347086
Which would leave resurgem, ressurection, and sacrifice demi-users without this new bonus.
Those would then have a reduced essence cost of 50K as Ashteru stated with conglute I'd guess
Unknown2006-10-26 23:24:11
So how long before pheonix would fire then? Sometimes it takes awhile to get around to using those skills.
As a random suggestion (since we seem to have forum mobs with pitchforks running around recently
), what if the god of an Avatar could voluntarily shoulder more or less of their burden when an avatar dies, up to or down to maybe 70/30 or 30/70 percent of the essence loss.
As a random suggestion (since we seem to have forum mobs with pitchforks running around recently

Unknown2006-10-26 23:40:23
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Oct 26 2006, 07:24 PM) 347091
So how long before pheonix would fire then? Sometimes it takes awhile to get around to using those skills.
As a random suggestion (since we seem to have forum mobs with pitchforks running around recently

Good idea, seeing as how for Elders, it's quite easy to get and hold essence. Most people with corpses will just offer them to essence to an Elder of their choice, or they'll go to sanctify or defile. But offering the corpses for essence to Elders, adds up. Especially since, what things of an Elder cost essence? I highly doubt shouting, and server-wide visable emotes (which elders do the most) cost essence. What DOES cost essence, to my knowledge is Favoring/Disfavoring (how often do they do that?), and zapping people (again, how often do they do that?). So the essence strain on Elders doesn't seem that high. (Anyother things that I'm not aware of?)
However, since the number of Demis is potentially infinate, and Elders is limited, a slash to the cost is good, as not every demi will be an Avatar. As far as I know, only Aesyera was an Avatar to a god, and said god is as far as we know, out of action. Maybe others, but I dunno. The number of Demis total can be counted on two hands. The number of active elders with active orders is quite small, Terentia, Lyreth, Fain, Charune, and Morgfyre are the most active, aside from Estarra (I doubt She has an Order), Roark and Sior (who are primarily coders, and are shy anyways). Shouldering the cost is good, slashing the cost is good as well. Why does activity play a role? Well, they gotta be around to avatar-ize a demi for starters.
Ixion2006-10-27 00:13:00
Idea alert.
If demigods dont have the 500k required, they drop to 1 essence, they lose all demigod powers (revert to titan powers) and cannot gain any essence for 24 hours of in realms time.
If demigods dont have the 500k required, they drop to 1 essence, they lose all demigod powers (revert to titan powers) and cannot gain any essence for 24 hours of in realms time.
Vix2006-10-27 00:17:11
Should be a way to lose Demigod though.