Shamarah2006-10-26 10:23:09
Date: 10/25/2006 at 22:18
From: Starknight Vesar
To : Everyone
Subj: Serenwilde
Greetings, New Celest,
The Serenwilde have agreed to our terms of peace. These are simply that
they will not attack angels, Supernals, or the Tide Lords. If you
witness an attack of any of the aforementioned beings by a member of the
Serenwilde please message me directly.
What does this mean for you? The Serenwilde is willing to unenemy any
citizens who have not participated aggressively in the war. If this is
your case, please message Alodia and she will forward the list to the
Moonhart Circle.
Those who are unenemied may now freely pass the territories of New
Celest. As always, enemies of the city shall not be allowed into our
territories, and if you do see an enemy in our territories, please alert
the city for a military response.
Penned by my hand on the 1st of Avechary, in the year 160 CE.
Shorlen2006-10-26 10:26:54
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 26 2006, 06:23 AM) 346812
Ever hear the phrase, "Keep it IC?"
Damn griefers.
Want to know what happened? The Commune gets asked "Hey, want to surrender?" and the Commune respondes, "WTF? NO!" and then the Serenguard goes, "Okay, looks like everyone wants to surrender, let's surrender, and then say we didn't surrender, we just decided ON OUR OWN that we wanted peace!" and then the other leaders went "Whatever, we don't care about our commune, so go ahead!"
And then Nejii went, "Yay! Celenwilde again! Finally!"
Shiri2006-10-26 10:29:43
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 26 2006, 11:26 AM) 346813
Want to know what happened? The Commune gets asked "Hey, want to surrender?" and the Commune respondes, "WTF? NO!" and then the Serenguard goes, "Okay, looks like everyone wants to surrender, let's surrender, and then say we didn't surrender, we just decided ON OUR OWN that we wanted peace!" and then the other leaders went "Whatever, we don't care about our commune, so go ahead!"
(EDIT: no at topic title as well)
Shorlen2006-10-26 10:32:56
QUOTE(Shiri @ Oct 26 2006, 06:29 AM) 346814
(EDIT: no at topic title as well)
(EDIT: no at topic title as well)
Denial doesn't change truth. "We decided on our own to do exactly what Celest demanded, but it's okay, because we aren't doing it because they told us to, but instead because we wanted to! See? Semantics solves everything! It isn't surrender, it's just free will!"

EDIT: So, yeah, we surrendered, but it was THREE PEOPLE who made that decision - Hiriako, Everiine, and Nejii, as far as I could tell. Not like we can do anything about it, the Seren is becomming a freaking dictatorship, city-style.
I miss the old Serenwilde

Shiri2006-10-26 10:34:02
And it looks to me like you just didn't want the war to end for any reason and you're pissy that we all decided keeping our playerbase from disintegrating was more important so you're trying to make it look bad.
That's close enough to denial.
EDIT: Also, what the hell? Three people? Nejii, Hiriako, Everiine? Where do you get your info from? It sure as hell isn't TMC. Or SEG. Or anywhere the matter was actually discussed by the people who made the decision.
That's close enough to denial.
EDIT: Also, what the hell? Three people? Nejii, Hiriako, Everiine? Where do you get your info from? It sure as hell isn't TMC. Or SEG. Or anywhere the matter was actually discussed by the people who made the decision.
Shorlen2006-10-26 10:49:55
What I'm pissed about is how the surrender was a- swept under the table as much as possible and called EVERYTHING CONCIEVABLE except surrender by those who made the ruling, and b- made out of nowhere. No great climax, no "OMG! We're getting our butts kicked!" It was just like... "Hey, people are saying on the forums that they don't like the war, so let's just pretend it never happened."
I hate how powerful forum influences are >_<
I'll also point out the number of people who have gone inactive due to the ruling, and the people like Shorlen who now loathe the Commune.
Sure, different people would have left if the war continued - I don't see how that's a problem. Why is the game becomming so... boring, with the focus on the boring?
I miss conflict quests =\\
I hate how powerful forum influences are >_<
I'll also point out the number of people who have gone inactive due to the ruling, and the people like Shorlen who now loathe the Commune.
Sure, different people would have left if the war continued - I don't see how that's a problem. Why is the game becomming so... boring, with the focus on the boring?

I miss conflict quests =\\
Forren2006-10-26 10:54:55
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 26 2006, 10:49 AM) 346817
I miss conflict quests =\\
Geb2006-10-26 11:09:20
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 26 2006, 11:49 AM) 346817
I miss conflict quests =\\
There actually has to be quests created that harmed the communes as much as the ones that harmed the cities. When it came to conflict quests, the communes had it easy.
Shorlen2006-10-26 11:11:07
QUOTE(geb @ Oct 26 2006, 07:09 AM) 346823
There actually has to be quests created that harmed the communes as much as the ones that harmed the cities. When it came to conflict quests, the communes had it easy.
Laysus2006-10-26 11:25:39
I'm kinda uneasy about this, but to be honest, I think it's for the best.
Until Celest learns how to respect the player base of the org they're warring against, it's not worth maintaining a state of conflict against them, because we lose people. I came damned close to losing proteges, and as a guild leader I saw people disappear, I saw people coming around less and less, and I didn't like it. The thing is, we didn't surrender, so grow the
up, Shammy. From what I saw, the leadership has said "Right, try not to do this, it'll piss them off and put us in a bad position again.", not "OMG WE CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE.". Ixion and Athana have gone back to Magnagora - they're the only ones who were affected particularly by asking people not to attack celest/celestia/water. Noone else, as an individual, was capable of doing much to them.
Coming from me, this might seem a bit amusing, but Shorlen, swallow your pride and realise that this was actually for the best. I didn't want to surrender, and I would have kicked up a massive fuss if it even looked like it. But it's more of a diplomatic solution to a situation where we were coming off the worse.
Much as I dislike furball's leadership at times, he's probably done the right thing.
Until Celest learns how to respect the player base of the org they're warring against, it's not worth maintaining a state of conflict against them, because we lose people. I came damned close to losing proteges, and as a guild leader I saw people disappear, I saw people coming around less and less, and I didn't like it. The thing is, we didn't surrender, so grow the

Coming from me, this might seem a bit amusing, but Shorlen, swallow your pride and realise that this was actually for the best. I didn't want to surrender, and I would have kicked up a massive fuss if it even looked like it. But it's more of a diplomatic solution to a situation where we were coming off the worse.
Much as I dislike furball's leadership at times, he's probably done the right thing.
Sylphas2006-10-26 12:47:28
Maybe you missed the hours of discussion on SEG. We had three options: 1: Surrender. 2: Get our ass kicked and lose players. 3: Come up with a solution that appeases Celest, while at the same time answering future political problems, all without even mentioning Celest, angels, or anything to do with them. Something we should have done anyway, a year ago.
Personally, I'd also have liked a solution that said, "Do what you want, but if you start a war, we're not helping you. Hang out at the Aetherplex until you decide to stop being a dick."
Personally, I'd also have liked a solution that said, "Do what you want, but if you start a war, we're not helping you. Hang out at the Aetherplex until you decide to stop being a dick."
Unknown2006-10-26 12:52:12
All I'm wondering is if Celest is going to unenemy the people they mass enemied out of precaution who never actually raided against them?
I don't really care about anything else. I'm rather apathetic at the moment.
I don't really care about anything else. I'm rather apathetic at the moment.
Ashteru2006-10-26 12:52:21

Serenwilde lost and surrendered. I expected that to happen. No point in denying anything there.
Unknown2006-10-26 12:58:09
Oh my... someone. (calling God for such trivial things is blaspemy, not that I'm religious)
We all knew that this war would last until Serenwilde agrees to the treaty. It didn't got beaten militarily, because it's impossible in Lusternia, nor was its territory conquered because it's next to impossible in Lusternia. It might have lost the war, but it certainly didn't surrender. Capitulation is disgraceful, what happened here is that two sides accepted a face-saving treaty.
Short version: there are more effective ways of e-masturbation, Shamarah. And this one failed.
EDIT: Ashteru, you'd have more rights to noobishly scream "OMG PWNT!" if you actually had any role in this war's outcome.
We all knew that this war would last until Serenwilde agrees to the treaty. It didn't got beaten militarily, because it's impossible in Lusternia, nor was its territory conquered because it's next to impossible in Lusternia. It might have lost the war, but it certainly didn't surrender. Capitulation is disgraceful, what happened here is that two sides accepted a face-saving treaty.
Short version: there are more effective ways of e-masturbation, Shamarah. And this one failed.
EDIT: Ashteru, you'd have more rights to noobishly scream "OMG PWNT!" if you actually had any role in this war's outcome.
Drathys2006-10-26 13:01:46
To be honest, I have been inactive for a while partially due to the war. Although RL was the major factor.
I was just starting to think about learning to fight, and didn't really want to get pushed into the deep end.
Not to help the matter, my hard disc died, destroying what little of a system I had developed >_<
I was just starting to think about learning to fight, and didn't really want to get pushed into the deep end.
Not to help the matter, my hard disc died, destroying what little of a system I had developed >_<
Shiri2006-10-26 13:05:06
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Oct 26 2006, 01:52 PM) 346849
All I'm wondering is if Celest is going to unenemy the people they mass enemied out of precaution who never actually raided against them?
I don't really care about anything else. I'm rather apathetic at the moment.
They did, and I'm 90% sure I put you on the list so I think you're okay for that.
EDIT: Regardless of inaccuracies in Ash's post, that moggy is freakin' awesome. I'm stealing it.
Narses2006-10-26 13:06:21
Shamarah... I really think you deliberately try to vex people with that title.
Those who wish to see it as surrender, go on ahead. I think it's a load of bull though. The law made is -very- unspecific. People just choose to make a surrender out of it.
Ah well, to each his own.
Those who wish to see it as surrender, go on ahead. I think it's a load of bull though. The law made is -very- unspecific. People just choose to make a surrender out of it.
Ah well, to each his own.
Ashteru2006-10-26 13:07:38
QUOTE(Shiri @ Oct 26 2006, 01:05 PM) 346853
They did, and I'm 90% sure I put you on the list so I think you're okay for that.
EDIT: Regardless of inaccuracies in Ash's post, that moggy is freakin' awesome. I'm stealing it.
My cats! Retaliation!

Shiri2006-10-26 13:15:12

Ashteru2006-10-26 13:16:57

The Juggernaut of pics!