Daganev2006-10-31 04:08:59

We need more people

Sarrasri2006-10-31 04:18:31
Umm...I'm not a dedicated fighter.
I'll admit it. Heck, I use Nexus. I have enough curing to keep me alive long enough to support, I think. I defend when needed and go on raids when I think it's necessary.
And Derian, it's no longer contesting Tsuki, you contest me now.

And Derian, it's no longer contesting Tsuki, you contest me now.

Shorlen2006-10-31 04:20:13
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Oct 30 2006, 08:30 PM) 348599
Anyhoo, I just wanted to point out as I attempted to imply:
Serenwilde doesn't want to fight because by and large, most of the Commune (and this comes from someone who was a Seren for a very long time) despises anything whatsoever that requires or demands combat-based attention.
There are people who will always say they will stand up and fight, but in reality Serenwilde has at most 3-4 devoted fighters. Tuek being chief among them who hasn't been around very much lately (at least not that I've seen).
Serenwilde doesn't want to fight because by and large, most of the Commune (and this comes from someone who was a Seren for a very long time) despises anything whatsoever that requires or demands combat-based attention.
There are people who will always say they will stand up and fight, but in reality Serenwilde has at most 3-4 devoted fighters. Tuek being chief among them who hasn't been around very much lately (at least not that I've seen).
Tuek stopped logging on when we surrendered. As far as I can tell, he has far more fun in Imperian anyway, and I can't blame him.
The problem with Serenwilde is that not only are you right, Narsrim, about the commune not wanting to be involved in combat, noone wants to admit it, and so people either speak in favour of a combat solution, or they don't speak at all. A few will rant and rave against the combat solution, but the people who don't want to sound like they don't want combat will shout them down...... and then do nothing.
The war started because of apathy - noone wanted to agree with Celest or disagree with Celest, so they said nothing. Celest demands a response or else they will declare war - they say nothing, war is declared. I, and a few others, were under the mistaken impression that there was a reason behind the war, an ideal that people's actions seemed to point to and uplift - no, that was just us misinterperting apathy. If you, to this day, ask a Serenwilder who wasn't one of the three people on the front lines (me, Krellan, Ixion) why the war started or what we were fighting for, they won't be able to tell you, because none of them really paid much attension to that part.
We were crushed because of apathy - noone really wanted to fight Celest, or so much of anything. Not defend, not raid, not learn to fight, not explain their thoughts on the war and why we were fighting in the first place, nothing.
We "surrendered" also because of apathy - we didn't actually surrender, we were never really fighting. The cease-fire came due to the aniversery games, and since we weren't fighting (since we never really were in the first place), Celest assumed that we had given up, and took a stance of "we won't fight you if you don't fight us, since all we wanted was for the one person who was attacking us before the war to stop attacking us." So, we wrote some half-assed law to maintain the status quo, since someone suggested it and noone spoke up against it. Why did noone speak up against it? That would be doing something, and that's not something many Serens do these days.
Heck, I'm getting the OOC impression that I could shout "Nothing matters but Glomdoring!" on Seren CT and not even get disfavoured, much less kicked out

Shiri2006-10-31 04:23:33
Tuek stopped logging in a while before the ceasefire. (Some of the rest of the post is accurate but I've already covered a lot of the parts that aren't so I figured I'd just bring that up.)
Kharaen2006-10-31 04:27:19
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 30 2006, 11:20 PM) 348651
Heck, I'm getting the OOC impression that I could shout "Nothing matters but Glomdoring!" on Seren CT and not even get disfavoured, much less kicked out

Meh, someone put a magicmouth in my manse to that effect. A lot of people were actually concerned, and Hiriako scowled mightily as he got rid of it. I think you might get disfavored, heh. But the apathy part is pretty correct...
Unknown2006-10-31 05:10:05
Feh. When I first saw the title I thought 'Glomdoring would be happy' then realised it was about the peace treaty.
Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't they have a peace treaty before? I remember when Serenwilde hated the Tainted as much as Celest. But then it got broken. Then fixed. Then broken.
Personally, whether surrender or mutual agreements, I doubt it will last long. Too many people will have gotten grudges against Celest and will probably leave to go to Magnagora for a good reason to attack Celest. And anyway, when I first saw the newspost, well, I thought it was one sided. Celest already didn't kill fae or the avatars but Serenwilde did and this is what caused the controversy.
Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't they have a peace treaty before? I remember when Serenwilde hated the Tainted as much as Celest. But then it got broken. Then fixed. Then broken.
Personally, whether surrender or mutual agreements, I doubt it will last long. Too many people will have gotten grudges against Celest and will probably leave to go to Magnagora for a good reason to attack Celest. And anyway, when I first saw the newspost, well, I thought it was one sided. Celest already didn't kill fae or the avatars but Serenwilde did and this is what caused the controversy.
Ista2006-10-31 05:13:35
Alright, I thought dedicated fighter meant someone who was willing to fight most of the time. Who was dedicated to fighting. Nevermind me, then.
Shorlen2006-10-31 05:15:51
QUOTE(calico @ Oct 31 2006, 12:10 AM) 348665
Personally, whether surrender or mutual agreements, I doubt it will last long. Too many people will have gotten grudges against Celest and will probably leave to go to Magnagora for a good reason to attack Celest. And anyway, when I first saw the newspost, well, I thought it was one sided. Celest already didn't kill fae or the avatars but Serenwilde did and this is what caused the controversy.
Having any kind of conflict requires you to have people willing to fight in it.
Narsrim2006-10-31 05:20:26
QUOTE(Ista @ Oct 30 2006, 09:02 PM) 348612
1) Tael
2) Sarrasri
3) Azora
4) Ista
5) Nejii
6) Caedryn
7) Derian
8) Turnus
There are eight more, not including the ones Kharaen mentioned.
That's funny. Derian aside (Nejii truly just rolls), none of them can fight. Not one of them.
Being a member of a Rage coven != can fight.
Unknown2006-10-31 05:21:40
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 31 2006, 05:15 AM) 348670
Having any kind of conflict requires you to have people willing to fight in it.
But I wouldn't be surprised(Because I doubt -every- seren likes Celest) if Serenwilde had a revolution or was overthrown with its leadership down the drains and lots of anarchic factions.
Ista2006-10-31 05:23:29
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Oct 30 2006, 10:20 PM) 348673
That's funny. Derian aside (Nejii truly just rolls), none of them can fight. Not one of them.
Being a member of a Rage coven != can fight.
Again, dedicated to me != great fighter. I misunderstand what you were saying.
QUOTE(calico @ Oct 30 2006, 10:21 PM) 348675
But I wouldn't be surprised(Because I doubt -every- seren likes Celest) if Serenwilde had a revolution or was overthrown with its leadership down the drains and lots of anarchic factions.
Considering it sort of did that with all three of the moonhart guildleaders, I find it hard to believe that they're going to kick them out so easily. Not to mention I doubt anyone would want to even take over.
Shiri2006-10-31 05:26:31
Hey, Narsrim, what does that "just rolls" mean? Does it mean I roll/tumble a lot when I get teamed (or am in team combat since I cure manually and can't see what's going on through the spam so I have to leave to cure) or does it mean I roll (over and die) when faced with someone like you, Daevos etc.?
Forren2006-10-31 06:26:30
QUOTE(Shiri @ Oct 31 2006, 05:26 AM) 348681
Hey, Narsrim, what does that "just rolls" mean? Does it mean I roll/tumble a lot when I get teamed (or am in team combat since I cure manually and can't see what's going on through the spam so I have to leave to cure) or does it mean I roll (over and die) when faced with someone like you, Daevos etc.?
Pretty sure he means you use the roll skill a lot to run.
Shiri2006-10-31 07:56:42
Ah, fair enough. Yeah, I do tend to for the above reasons.
Unknown2006-10-31 17:46:06
I can fight. Just because you don't know me doesn't mean I should be discounted as a fighter. Just because I don't flex my muscles and boast on the public news boards doesn't mean I don't enjoy the combat. There are many things I enjoy about Lusternia, and I often choose to participate in them rather than fixating on combat. I've had a hard time killing people because either they run a lot and I can't chase/hinder them or because they have friends who are also all beating on me.
So, I hope that the ones who consider themselves the elite combatants will get over themselves one day and realize that there is more to this game than causing trouble. I also hope that those who look up to those elite combatants realize that they're not the only fighters you have/had in your organization. Don't let a few turncoats get you down.
So, I hope that the ones who consider themselves the elite combatants will get over themselves one day and realize that there is more to this game than causing trouble. I also hope that those who look up to those elite combatants realize that they're not the only fighters you have/had in your organization. Don't let a few turncoats get you down.
Charune2006-10-31 18:03:07
I think the semantic issue needs to be addressed properly. Whether a person is a good fighter or bad fighter for whatever reasons is not the issue and is merely a way to make jabs at people for not being as good as you are.
Serenwilde has a number of dedicated defenders.
Serenwilde does not have a number of dedicated aggressors.
Whether either of those two categories fall into each others view of "good fighters" is irrelevant. Serenwilde did not have the aggressive force to fight a prolonged war against an org that does have the aggressive force to fight a prolonged war.
Serenwilde has a number of dedicated defenders.
Serenwilde does not have a number of dedicated aggressors.
Whether either of those two categories fall into each others view of "good fighters" is irrelevant. Serenwilde did not have the aggressive force to fight a prolonged war against an org that does have the aggressive force to fight a prolonged war.
Unknown2006-10-31 18:09:18
When Serenwilde was raided by Celest they didn't have a lot of good defenders either. They might not have many good aggressive fighters, but they apparently didn't have very good defensive fighters either
Unknown2006-10-31 18:13:18
More likely than not, Celest raided at times when they suspected the defenders weren't around. That, and most of the aggressive Serens went to New Celest to join the side of the war that everyone perceived as the aggressor.
Charune2006-10-31 18:25:31
Not sure what part of what I said, said anything about "good". I said dedicated. Celest raiding when there is little resistance doesn't prove Serenwilde has bad fighters, it proves that Serenwilde either had few people on or few people who had ever experienced combat on. The fact they went to defend everytime though makes them dedicated. In point of fact when Celest raided and there were people who knew more about combat around, Celest found itself driven back, on more than one occasion.
This is the point I was making, Serenwilde has a lot of dedicated defenders. Those same defenders though were not dedicated to aggressive acts. You can't "win" a war by being defensive and that is all Serenwilde had barring a small percentage of its population.
This is the point I was making, Serenwilde has a lot of dedicated defenders. Those same defenders though were not dedicated to aggressive acts. You can't "win" a war by being defensive and that is all Serenwilde had barring a small percentage of its population.
Nico2006-10-31 19:32:45
Um, what's this about blaming Serenwilde's losses because there weren't enough capable defenders around? (*cough* magnawilde pwning the supernals at 5am *cough*)
Well, the only time I was ever present in a raid like that was when we were waiting around for wild nodes to start, and since we had a sizable, and very strong, raiding force, figured we'd take out the avatars. You can hardly call that metagaming, since wild nodes was the main intent of our gathering.
As far as the argument claiming that there weren't enough capable Seren defenders around...um, when are you going to have enough? Celest has a ton of combat-oriented people, and will be able to field more than Serenwilde on most occasions. However, Serenwilde has the zerg, and that works in certain situations as well. Most raids I was on, we faced off against much larger numbers of Serens.
Personally, I'll always remember the time when Celest raided faethorn with 8-9 people, versus a group of 17 Serens, and the Serens refused to engage. Only Tuek, Ixion, (Athana, Shorlen, and Krellan too, to a lesser extent) were ever really able to mobilize them into an aggressive force, and when that happened, it was a good fight. Like many others have, I, too, will blame apathy for their failings in the war.
As a side note, who -are- you, Zarquan? I can't judge a person's combat proficiency if I don't know who the nil they are in game.
Well, the only time I was ever present in a raid like that was when we were waiting around for wild nodes to start, and since we had a sizable, and very strong, raiding force, figured we'd take out the avatars. You can hardly call that metagaming, since wild nodes was the main intent of our gathering.
As far as the argument claiming that there weren't enough capable Seren defenders around...um, when are you going to have enough? Celest has a ton of combat-oriented people, and will be able to field more than Serenwilde on most occasions. However, Serenwilde has the zerg, and that works in certain situations as well. Most raids I was on, we faced off against much larger numbers of Serens.
Personally, I'll always remember the time when Celest raided faethorn with 8-9 people, versus a group of 17 Serens, and the Serens refused to engage. Only Tuek, Ixion, (Athana, Shorlen, and Krellan too, to a lesser extent) were ever really able to mobilize them into an aggressive force, and when that happened, it was a good fight. Like many others have, I, too, will blame apathy for their failings in the war.
As a side note, who -are- you, Zarquan? I can't judge a person's combat proficiency if I don't know who the nil they are in game.