Anarias2006-10-31 20:04:36
QUOTE(Nico @ Oct 31 2006, 12:32 PM) 348843
Um, what's this about blaming Serenwilde's losses because there weren't enough capable defenders around? (*cough* magnawilde pwning the supernals at 5am *cough*)
Er no, no one is saying Serenwilde didn't have enough defenders. Serenwilde only had defenders essentially, that's the problem. There was no offense, just defense.
Laysus was fairly good at organizing people too. I just wish we still had wisp.

Kharaen2006-10-31 20:16:08
QUOTE(talkans @ Oct 31 2006, 01:09 PM) 348801
When Serenwilde was raided by Celest they didn't have a lot of good defenders either. They might not have many good aggressive fighters, but they apparently didn't have very good defensive fighters either
Eh, each time I was helping defending Celest was pushed back fairly quickly. And when we got annoyed with Celest sticking outside the Archway, we came out and forced you off Ethereal. We had good defenders, but it takes more then defenders to win a war. We didn't have enough offense to compete with Celest.
Nico2006-10-31 20:24:51
Wait what? You actually came out of the archway to fight us on faethorn? 
Meh, guess every now and then there's a freak occurence. Oh, and you must pay much homage to the planar defenses of etherwilde. Honestly, from a strategic raid planning standpoint, those were our main concerns, not the defenders.
And yeah, Anarias, I wasn't commenting on that really; I realize it was Serenwilde's lack of offense that led to their downfall. They tried to fight a defensive war, hoping Celest would get tired of raiding. Too bad they didn't realize we're all l33t griefers who love to raid.
Guess I should've quoted whoever it was that stated that Celest raiding when there weren't defenders was prevalent.

Meh, guess every now and then there's a freak occurence. Oh, and you must pay much homage to the planar defenses of etherwilde. Honestly, from a strategic raid planning standpoint, those were our main concerns, not the defenders.
And yeah, Anarias, I wasn't commenting on that really; I realize it was Serenwilde's lack of offense that led to their downfall. They tried to fight a defensive war, hoping Celest would get tired of raiding. Too bad they didn't realize we're all l33t griefers who love to raid.
Guess I should've quoted whoever it was that stated that Celest raiding when there weren't defenders was prevalent.
Kharaen2006-10-31 20:30:29
QUOTE(Nico @ Oct 31 2006, 03:24 PM) 348884
Wait what? You actually came out of the archway to fight us on faethorn?

Meh, guess every now and then there's a freak occurence. Oh, and you must pay much homage to the planar defenses of etherwilde. Honestly, from a strategic raid planning standpoint, those were our main concerns, not the defenders.
And yeah, Anarias, I wasn't commenting on that really; I realize it was Serenwilde's lack of offense that led to their downfall. They tried to fight a defensive war, hoping Celest would get tired of raiding. Too bad they didn't realize we're all l33t griefers who love to raid.
Guess I should've quoted whoever it was that stated that Celest raiding when there weren't defenders was prevalent.
Meh, I get annoyed very easily. Which leads to impulsive and rash actions

Unknown2006-10-31 20:31:56
QUOTE(Nico @ Oct 31 2006, 02:32 PM) 348843
As a side note, who -are- you, Zarquan? I can't judge a person's combat proficiency if I don't know who the nil they are in game.
This isn't the game, so I prefer to use a different name. I doubt my name would really help you judge my combat proficiency. If you really want to know who I am, do a little sleuthing.
As a side note, I find your posts to be purely argumentative and not very informative.
Celest has the offensive strength simply because the offensive players gradually (and then more quickly once the war started up) migrated there. There was a time when Serenwilde was more aggressive, just as there was a time when Magnagora was the primary force. Balances shift, for whatever reason. Try not to let it get to your head too much.
Shayle2006-10-31 20:38:42
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Oct 31 2006, 03:31 PM) 348887
This isn't the game, so I prefer to use a different name. I doubt my name would really help you judge my combat proficiency. If you really want to know who I am, do a little sleuthing.
This actually kind of irritates me. Your last post was all, "Hey, don't forget about me!" and this one is all coy, mystery man.
I don't really think anyone cares who you are. You brought it up.

Reiha2006-10-31 20:42:59
Actually I think Nico brought it up. What was this thread about again? And is a certain favourite griefer of mine returning yet? 

Unknown2006-10-31 20:46:47
QUOTE(Shayle @ Oct 31 2006, 03:38 PM) 348890
This actually kind of irritates me. Your last post was all, "Hey, don't forget about me!" and this one is all coy, mystery man.
I don't really think anyone cares who you are. You brought it up.

Also, Nico brought it up.

Aiakon2006-10-31 20:48:47
QUOTE(Shayle @ Oct 31 2006, 08:38 PM) 348890
This actually kind of irritates me. Your last post was all, "Hey, don't forget about me!" and this one is all coy, mystery man.
I don't really think anyone cares who you are. You brought it up.

I've been wondering who he is for ages...
Shayle2006-10-31 20:50:48
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Oct 31 2006, 03:48 PM) 348895
I've been wondering who he is for ages...

But thank you for giving me a reason to post #500.

Oh and...why aren't you on AIM? We haven't talked in forever.
Nico2006-10-31 20:59:36
My posts are argumentative in nature because I only find a need to post when I oppose some nonsense someone else has quipped off as 'information'.
Which, as a side note, you tend to do.
That second part of your post is partly correct. I prefer the way someone else put it before, how it's always the same people fighting, it just depends on what organization they belong to that determines what org's are fighting.
However, you're making the argument that Celest owes it's strength to people who went there from other organizations.
Ok, let's see. There's Narsrim, sure. You got me there. But he's just one person. Then, there's Leef, who doesn't fight all that much (though imo, she is very good). Then, there's Mazeb, who also isn't around that much. If you're going to say Munsia coming to us was a great boon, then I don't know what you're smoking, but I want some.
Now, let's see...the fighters in Celest that have been there long before this war, and at least as long as I've played (over an OOC year): Malicia (Who, yes, used to be in Serenwilde, but come on, that was like a OOC year ago, not relevant in the least), myself, Amaru, Forren, Vesar, Shamarah, Geb, Acrune, Collvan...etc. You get my point.
Something I think that has helped Celest a lot are the newer players that have come and are eager to learn how to fight. I used to be one of those newer players, and I've worked my way to being a significant person in Celest. They are now becoming staple fighters in the brigade, and I'm glad there will be people to take up the reins when the older leaders are gone (look at what's happened to Mag now that the leaders are all leaving).
I realize that power tends to shift. No
sherlock. Ya know...I was there when Celest was getting destroyed by Mag on a regular basis. I also remember commenting to Malicia in game several OOC months ago that I liked the way Celest was shaping up: a lot of people getting interested in combat, and several very good fighters to hold the core of the regiment. Back then, I had felt that we were going to be very strong in the coming time.
So now that they are free to reap the fruits of their labors, I'm happy. I'm not even active anymore, so I don't see how you're insinuating this is bolstering my already significant ego. I'm happy that others who've gone through hard times in Celest are now enjoying some good times. Any problems with that, Iasmos?
You made a comment about how you were a proficient fighter in game. I asked your name in game so I could judge for myself, rather than rely on your personal word. And, from my personal judgment, you are a capable fighter, true, however, you're not active enough (as far as I've seen in raids, only fought against you once) to provide a significant impact. And by capable, I mean you cure well for group combat and have a decent offense, but I cannot say anything further considering I have not fought you 1v1.
EDIT: Wait, when did I bring it up? There were a bunch of posts earlier about the fighters in Serenwilde, and Zarquan came out and was all like "Hey, don't forget me!!" And I replied "Ok, but who are you, first?"....which I thought was perfectly legitimate if he really wants others to count him as a fighter. Of course, I'm in my work daze, so I might've posted earlier but forgot about it.
Which, as a side note, you tend to do.
That second part of your post is partly correct. I prefer the way someone else put it before, how it's always the same people fighting, it just depends on what organization they belong to that determines what org's are fighting.
However, you're making the argument that Celest owes it's strength to people who went there from other organizations.
Ok, let's see. There's Narsrim, sure. You got me there. But he's just one person. Then, there's Leef, who doesn't fight all that much (though imo, she is very good). Then, there's Mazeb, who also isn't around that much. If you're going to say Munsia coming to us was a great boon, then I don't know what you're smoking, but I want some.
Now, let's see...the fighters in Celest that have been there long before this war, and at least as long as I've played (over an OOC year): Malicia (Who, yes, used to be in Serenwilde, but come on, that was like a OOC year ago, not relevant in the least), myself, Amaru, Forren, Vesar, Shamarah, Geb, Acrune, Collvan...etc. You get my point.
Something I think that has helped Celest a lot are the newer players that have come and are eager to learn how to fight. I used to be one of those newer players, and I've worked my way to being a significant person in Celest. They are now becoming staple fighters in the brigade, and I'm glad there will be people to take up the reins when the older leaders are gone (look at what's happened to Mag now that the leaders are all leaving).
I realize that power tends to shift. No

So now that they are free to reap the fruits of their labors, I'm happy. I'm not even active anymore, so I don't see how you're insinuating this is bolstering my already significant ego. I'm happy that others who've gone through hard times in Celest are now enjoying some good times. Any problems with that, Iasmos?
You made a comment about how you were a proficient fighter in game. I asked your name in game so I could judge for myself, rather than rely on your personal word. And, from my personal judgment, you are a capable fighter, true, however, you're not active enough (as far as I've seen in raids, only fought against you once) to provide a significant impact. And by capable, I mean you cure well for group combat and have a decent offense, but I cannot say anything further considering I have not fought you 1v1.
EDIT: Wait, when did I bring it up? There were a bunch of posts earlier about the fighters in Serenwilde, and Zarquan came out and was all like "Hey, don't forget me!!" And I replied "Ok, but who are you, first?"....which I thought was perfectly legitimate if he really wants others to count him as a fighter. Of course, I'm in my work daze, so I might've posted earlier but forgot about it.
Flacarealah2006-10-31 21:07:40
2) Flacarealah. Offensive? I doubt it. Won't attack me in a raid. Uses guards instead. Deathly afraid.
Xavius, in my history of champion, you have raided once (1) when I was around. And that one time was with Nirrti, not alone. Also, apart from the whole village being melded, Etherwilde was under attack at that point by all of Celest, so I came by myself. Now, when I have a nice resource at my command and all of the above disadvantages, why would I not use them? And after all of this, the guards killed Nirrti, and you ran into the trees, where I followed you and killed you without any damn guards.
I don't appreciate the slander.
Unknown2006-10-31 21:10:34
Xavius has spies every where so no one knows when he's watching you so he can get information to bash people with.
Crap...probably has stuff on Ksil that even I don't know about!

Unknown2006-10-31 21:26:54
Speaking of Sherlock, good work on guessing my name.
I'm no raider (only once and only because I was upset at our Avatars having just been slain), so you won't see me on the offense. I defend against any attack on my home, so long as I'm aware something's actually happening.
I concede the point that Celest has obtained many good fighters from other organizations. Still, if not for a few key people leaving and taking their combat leadership abilities with them, I think Serenwilde would be in a far better position. Willing fighters are easier to find than willing leaders, and all the fighters in the world can still fail if they don't have a good plan.
The only problem I have with Celestians reaping the fruits of their labors is when they do it at the expense of others. It doesn't happen often, so don't get me wrong, but sometimes that line between raiding and griefing is crossed.
I'm no raider (only once and only because I was upset at our Avatars having just been slain), so you won't see me on the offense. I defend against any attack on my home, so long as I'm aware something's actually happening.
I concede the point that Celest has obtained many good fighters from other organizations. Still, if not for a few key people leaving and taking their combat leadership abilities with them, I think Serenwilde would be in a far better position. Willing fighters are easier to find than willing leaders, and all the fighters in the world can still fail if they don't have a good plan.
The only problem I have with Celestians reaping the fruits of their labors is when they do it at the expense of others. It doesn't happen often, so don't get me wrong, but sometimes that line between raiding and griefing is crossed.
Shamarah2006-10-31 23:45:55
QUOTE(Charune @ Oct 31 2006, 01:25 PM) 348813
In point of fact when Celest raided and there were people who knew more about combat around, Celest found itself driven back, on more than one occasion.
We did?

Hiriako2006-11-01 01:21:46
I was usually fairly good at knocking you guys out of Faethorn, Shamarah. Rarely on my own, because of the times I was around, but usually with equivalent forces.
Xavius, it's true. I don't raid much. I tend to be busy with guild and commune business, and a lot of hunting. I returned to the realm in the midst of this war, and was trying to figure details out. Now I know. Should war break out, you can be fairly certain that Hiriako will be seen doing more than just defending.
Xavius, it's true. I don't raid much. I tend to be busy with guild and commune business, and a lot of hunting. I returned to the realm in the midst of this war, and was trying to figure details out. Now I know. Should war break out, you can be fairly certain that Hiriako will be seen doing more than just defending.
Narsrim2006-11-01 09:51:02
QUOTE(Hiriako @ Oct 31 2006, 08:21 PM) 348978
I was usually fairly good at knocking you guys out of Faethorn, Shamarah. Rarely on my own, because of the times I was around, but usually with equivalent forces.
I recall raiding with like 6 Celestians versus 12-16 Serens. And your ability is what? I'll serpent and raze while 13 people moonburst you? I'm sorry, but anytime I've ever fought you EVERY SINGLE TIME you used Serpent and typically ran as it was coming to an end.
Unknown2006-11-01 12:58:40
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Nov 1 2006, 09:51 AM) 349123
I'm sorry, but anytime I've ever fought you EVERY SINGLE TIME you used Serpent and typically ran as it was coming to an end.
And I recall lots of people saying your character runs away every time hes left in a raid. In Mag, Glom and Celest
Unknown2006-11-01 13:08:21
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 08:58 PM) 349152
And I recall lots of people saying your character runs away every time hes left in a raid. In Mag, Glom and Celest
Unknown2006-11-01 15:38:03
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 07:58 AM) 349152
And I recall lots of people saying your character runs away every time hes left in a raid. In Mag, Glom and Celest
Double QFT. I've never killed Narsrim because he just won't hold still for more than three seconds.