Sylphas2006-11-01 16:41:37
It's strategy when he does it. When you do it, it's because you suck.
Hiriako2006-11-01 17:01:25
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Nov 1 2006, 04:51 AM) 349123
I recall raiding with like 6 Celestians versus 12-16 Serens. And your ability is what? I'll serpent and raze while 13 people moonburst you? I'm sorry, but anytime I've ever fought you EVERY SINGLE TIME you used Serpent and typically ran as it was coming to an end.
Mostly because the times I actually fought you it was me, alone, moving into a group of some many Celestians with serpent already -up-, in order to have you all attack me, drop shields, and get hit by moonbursts.
There was only one time I can remember actually fighting you, and that was when you summoned me into a demesne in the Catacombs. Not much sense in talking about that time, as I was smart and brought help.
Edit: Actually, I can think of a few other times you attacked me. Let's see, I was on Aries, already highly neurotic and you showed up with Malicia. What's the intelligent move here? Try to fight you two by myself, in a situation where half my commands aren't even going through, or use serpent and go down to prime, living? I think it's a fairly logical answer.
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 07:58 AM) 349152
And I recall lots of people saying your character runs away every time hes left in a raid. In Mag, Glom and Celest neglect one thing: I. Don't. Raid.
Plus, if I'm the only one left, why the hell should I stick around and die if I can get away?
Narsrim2006-11-01 18:20:41
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Nov 1 2006, 08:08 AM) 349156
I do believe I've killed Hraddon without him/her hitting me so... I really don't know what you mean. If you are attempting to imply that you, by yourself, would have any chance fighting me then lets go for it.
Do I run? Of course I run - usually because no one attacks me without a group of 5-10.
Unknown2006-11-01 18:40:16
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Nov 1 2006, 06:20 PM) 349267
Do I run? Of course I run - usually because no one attacks me without a group of 5-10.
The point is that you DO run, not how many people your about to face. And I've heard of people less powerful than Narsrim who have fought against more than 5 people. And won. I know there are people who have survived group attacks, and even won them(Including when there were more than 5-10 people).
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Nov 1 2006, 04:41 PM) 349230
It's strategy when he does it. When you do it, it's because you suck.
No you only call it strategy IF he leaves to regroup. If he just runs away and stays away, then its cowardice. Nothing bad in retreating then attacking again.
Forren2006-11-01 18:41:09
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 06:34 PM) 349275
The point is that you DO run, not how many. Also, it means double cowardice if you only feel safe taking on less than 5 people. Korolak took on 10 celestians, and he was on his own, in an Aquamancian mance. Point is you -do- run, not how many people.
You're joking, right?
and... Aquamancian mance?
Shayle2006-11-01 18:48:49
Knowing how little combat experience you have personally, Calico...I'm left to wonder why you would stick yourself into a thread like this? 

Unknown2006-11-01 19:02:33
Who's Korolak?
And referring to one of the earlier posts, Celest only got beat off by Serenwilde once or twice when they outnumbered 2/3:1. For the most part, Celest would just leave since all the avatars and ladies were already dead, there wasn't anything left to kill and they couldn't meld while Serenwilde had meld, that damn passive entanglement, which should allow Seren to demolish ANY group that EVER raids their plane if they would just take advantage of it, and guards. But for the most part Celest just chose to leave cause it was boring having staring contests with ya'll through the archway after everything was killed
And referring to one of the earlier posts, Celest only got beat off by Serenwilde once or twice when they outnumbered 2/3:1. For the most part, Celest would just leave since all the avatars and ladies were already dead, there wasn't anything left to kill and they couldn't meld while Serenwilde had meld, that damn passive entanglement, which should allow Seren to demolish ANY group that EVER raids their plane if they would just take advantage of it, and guards. But for the most part Celest just chose to leave cause it was boring having staring contests with ya'll through the archway after everything was killed
Narsrim2006-11-01 19:06:59
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 01:40 PM) 349275
The point is that you DO run, not how many people your about to face. And I've heard of people less powerful than Narsrim who have fought against more than 5 people. And won. I know there are people who have survived group attacks, and even won them(Including when there were more than 5-10 people).
No you only call it strategy IF he leaves to regroup. If he just runs away and stays away, then its cowardice. Nothing bad in retreating then attacking again.
Who are you? I'm the primary commander for Celest. I probably lead 75-90% of most Celestian raids, and I never just up and leave people behind. I do move because when I encounter 10+ people (usually in my demesne), I move and maelstrom their sorry asses to oblivion. The other day, for example, I wiped out about 11 people quite quickly as I'm sure many Magnagorans can tell you. I also, assuming there are lots of soft targets, move to hailstorm.
As Shayle has stated, you don't sound like you have any idea what you are talking about. I fight by myself all the time against groups (go go demesne) and kick some serious ass. I do have to move because I am mage, but given I can attack from a distance with hailstorm, staff, my demesne, animate daggers (which I love to use), etc.
It seems to me like you are one of those combat noobs who probably would die to my demesne alone that sits around ranting.
Penumbra Calico, Servant of Binding (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 16th of Vestian, 130 years after the
Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 708th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Pilgrim in the Fellowship of Explorers.
His motto: 'Like the black cat hidden in the dark, so is your fate.'
He is considered to be approximately 0% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
See HONOURS FULL CALICO for a complete honours list.
You would take what... phantoms + 1 staff to kill? Maybe two? You don't even hold a guild position as protector or security in the Shadowdancers...
Narses2006-11-01 19:13:54
Narsrim... honestly, you can make a point -without- being so self indulgent?
Yes, you are good at fighting. Well done! It is by no reason a justification to speak in the revolting tone you are so keen on taking.
The man wanted to make a point, can you counter it without going "bring it on you wuss?"
You disagree, grand. There are ways to say it.
Yes, you are good at fighting. Well done! It is by no reason a justification to speak in the revolting tone you are so keen on taking.
The man wanted to make a point, can you counter it without going "bring it on you wuss?"
You disagree, grand. There are ways to say it.
Unknown2006-11-01 19:48:28
QUOTE(Shayle @ Nov 1 2006, 06:48 PM) 349285
Knowing how little combat experience you have personally, Calico...I'm left to wonder why you would stick yourself into a thread like this?

I use other characters thank you

Narsrim2006-11-01 19:49:31
QUOTE(Narses @ Nov 1 2006, 02:13 PM) 349302
Narsrim... honestly, you can make a point -without- being so self indulgent?
Yes, you are good at fighting. Well done! It is by no reason a justification to speak in the revolting tone you are so keen on taking.
The man wanted to make a point, can you counter it without going "bring it on you wuss?"
You disagree, grand. There are ways to say it.
I reserve the right to be snappy when even Sylphas AND Shayle are calling my opposition to question.
Unknown2006-11-01 19:49:53
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Nov 1 2006, 07:06 PM) 349297
You would take what... phantoms + 1 staff to kill? Maybe two? You don't even hold a guild position as protector or security in the Shadowdancers...
You see, if I was like you, and had a big ego along with showing it off, I would care. But Calico is weak. So? I admit it. Woo hoo your stronger than him. Want a medal?
Unknown2006-11-01 19:55:24
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 01:49 PM) 349316
You see, if I was like you, and had a big ego along with showing it off, I would care. But Calico is weak. So? I admit it. Woo hoo your stronger than him. Want a medal?
Give the man a

Unknown2006-11-01 20:01:33
QUOTE(Neraka @ Nov 1 2006, 07:55 PM) 349319
Give the man a

Tch, fangirls

Shorlen2006-11-01 20:04:08
Actually, I find Narsrim to be quite mediocre as an Aquamancer fighter, though he was top tier as a Moondancer - he has even said this to me on more than one occasion.
Narsrim, however, is quite skilled at bending rules and exploiting tactics others would not touch in order to win. That's what makes him so difficult and unpleasent to fight, not his skill, as his offense could really use a lot of work.
Forren can kill me FAR faster than Narsrim ever could. There was one time I even gave up on a fight due to having my power drained to 0 from Narsrim's double escozul daggers, and so I walked into Narsrim's demesne to where he was standing, turned on my autobasher with him targetted, and left the room to cook some dinner. Three or four minutes later, I came back to find that I was still alive, and apparently doing rather well. This was before I had the champion cudgel.
Narsrim, however, is quite skilled at bending rules and exploiting tactics others would not touch in order to win. That's what makes him so difficult and unpleasent to fight, not his skill, as his offense could really use a lot of work.
Forren can kill me FAR faster than Narsrim ever could. There was one time I even gave up on a fight due to having my power drained to 0 from Narsrim's double escozul daggers, and so I walked into Narsrim's demesne to where he was standing, turned on my autobasher with him targetted, and left the room to cook some dinner. Three or four minutes later, I came back to find that I was still alive, and apparently doing rather well. This was before I had the champion cudgel.
Unknown2006-11-01 20:05:48
And referring to one of the earlier posts, Celest only got beat off by Serenwilde once or twice when they outnumbered 2/3:1. For the most part, Celest would just leave since all the avatars and ladies were already dead, there wasn't anything left to kill and they couldn't meld while Serenwilde had meld, that damn passive entanglement, which should allow Seren to demolish ANY group that EVER raids their plane if they would just take advantage of it, and guards. But for the most part Celest just chose to leave cause it was boring having staring contests with ya'll through the archway after everything was killed
To be realistic, a good deal of Celest's success was that your fighters (both those who are actual good fighters and the others who were along for the ride) were willing to die over and over to succeed in a raid. Your fighters were better, nobody doubts that, and you could have caused a lot of trouble anyway, but most of the damage Celest did (to us and to Mag) was through suicide raids, where you all go knowing you will die and be resurrected (or conglut) and come back again over and over again. We didn't have nearly that much devotion to the war in the Wilde.
Narses2006-11-01 20:07:36
being angry does not mean you need to be repulsive. You can make your point perfectly well without being a brute about it.
Hiriako2006-11-01 20:13:03
Not to start complaining about skills, because that is -not- my intent with this. I have no issues with the ability, but it makes a difference.
Soul resurrection for Celest. Means a lot more people are willing to fight and die, even those who cannot conglutinate. JUST a statement, as people who have to pray often will shy away from battle a lot more.
Soul resurrection for Celest. Means a lot more people are willing to fight and die, even those who cannot conglutinate. JUST a statement, as people who have to pray often will shy away from battle a lot more.
Narsrim2006-11-01 21:19:01
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 1 2006, 03:04 PM) 349324
Actually, I find Narsrim to be quite mediocre as an Aquamancer fighter, though he was top tier as a Moondancer - he has even said this to me on more than one occasion.
Narsrim, however, is quite skilled at bending rules and exploiting tactics others would not touch in order to win. That's what makes him so difficult and unpleasent to fight, not his skill, as his offense could really use a lot of work.
Forren can kill me FAR faster than Narsrim ever could. There was one time I even gave up on a fight due to having my power drained to 0 from Narsrim's double escozul daggers, and so I walked into Narsrim's demesne to where he was standing, turned on my autobasher with him targetted, and left the room to cook some dinner. Three or four minutes later, I came back to find that I was still alive, and apparently doing rather well. This was before I had the champion cudgel.
As a Moondancer, the max number of persons I ever slew at one time was -1-.
As an Aquamancer, the max numer of persons I've slain at one time was -15-.
You also have to bear in mind that any mage-v-druid is going to be a bit weaker than wiccan-v-druid. While I am weaker as an Aquamancer, I'm also still relatively new to the class. I'd actually like to fight you as a Telepath, which is where my true Aquamancer power was. I hate Telekinesis. I hate Heartburst. However, barrier is a must have against Daevos, Ixion, etc.
Acrune2006-11-01 21:26:13
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 01:40 PM) 349275
The point is that you DO run, not how many people your about to face.
I LOL'd.