Sylphas2006-11-01 21:27:18
Actually, my post was sarcasm. I respect your ability to fight, but beyond that, --- , Narsrim.
EDIT: Personal attacks.
EDIT: Personal attacks.
Acrune2006-11-01 21:29:32
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Nov 1 2006, 03:05 PM) 349325
To be realistic, a good deal of Celest's success was that your fighters (both those who are actual good fighters and the others who were along for the ride) were willing to die over and over to succeed in a raid. Your fighters were better, nobody doubts that, and you could have caused a lot of trouble anyway, but most of the damage Celest did (to us and to Mag) was through suicide raids, where you all go knowing you will die and be resurrected (or conglut) and come back again over and over again. We didn't have nearly that much devotion to the war in the Wilde.
I'd disagree. Most of our 'suicide' raids were in trying to take out demon lords and avatars. And, of course, you're going to die a lot in those unless you have 30+ people, when we had something a little over half that usually. On the standard "run around and kill stuff" raids, we usually have rather minimal losses.
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Nov 1 2006, 04:27 PM) 349369
Actually, my post was sarcasm. I respect your ability to fight, but beyond that, --- , Narsrim.
Thats not nice. You're supposed to thinly veil your insults like everyone else does.

Sylphas2006-11-02 00:30:15
That's not an insult, that's just personal opinion. I didn't say he was, I said I thought he was. 

Shamarah2006-11-02 02:06:38
... that's still a personal attack.
Sylphas2006-11-02 02:15:02
Only if you fail to understand the nuances of the English language.
Shorlen2006-11-02 02:19:45
Aha! I have found a motto for the Serenwilde.
"Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy." - Kurt Vonnegut
EDIT: Foma, of course, being the Bokononist word for harmless untruths that help us cope with life.
"Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy." - Kurt Vonnegut
EDIT: Foma, of course, being the Bokononist word for harmless untruths that help us cope with life.
Diamondais2006-11-02 02:20:51
Curse you Shorlen! Answering before I asked. 

Shorlen2006-11-02 02:22:16
QUOTE(diamondais @ Nov 1 2006, 09:20 PM) 349500
Curse you Shorlen! Answering before I asked. 

You, clearly, have not read the novel, "Cat's Cradle."

Diamondais2006-11-02 02:23:40
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 1 2006, 09:22 PM) 349502
You, clearly, have not read the novel, "Cat's Cradle."


And a problem with heathens?

Shamarah2006-11-02 02:24:46
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 1 2006, 09:19 PM) 349499
Aha! I have found a motto for the Serenwilde.
"Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy." - Kurt Vonnegut
EDIT: Foma, of course, being the Bokononist word for harmless untruths that help us cope with life.
Omfg, I

“No wonder kids grow up crazy. A cat’s cradle is nothing but a bunch of X’s between somebody’s hands, and little kids look and look and… No damn cat, and no damn cradle.â€
Shorlen2006-11-02 02:31:22
QUOTE(diamondais @ Nov 1 2006, 09:23 PM) 349504
And a problem with heathens?

And a problem with heathens?

I urge you to read Cat's Cradle! If you can stand horribly satirical black humor, that is.
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Nov 1 2006, 09:24 PM) 349506
Omfg, I
that book so much.
“No wonder kids grow up crazy. A cat’s cradle is nothing but a bunch of X’s between somebody’s hands, and little kids look and look and… No damn cat, and no damn cradle.â€

“No wonder kids grow up crazy. A cat’s cradle is nothing but a bunch of X’s between somebody’s hands, and little kids look and look and… No damn cat, and no damn cradle.â€
It's my favourite novel! One of my last requirements for graduation is writing a 30-50 page academic paper, and I'm writing mine on that book, so I get to study it in depth

Best book about mud ever.

Oooh, a poem that's completely on topic!
QUOTE(Kurt Vonnegut @ Cat's Cradle)
I wanted all things
To seem to make some sense,
So we could be happy, yes,
Instead of tense.
And I made up lies
So that they all fit nice,
And I made this sad world
A par-a-dise.
To seem to make some sense,
So we could be happy, yes,
Instead of tense.
And I made up lies
So that they all fit nice,
And I made this sad world
A par-a-dise.
Unknown2006-11-02 02:56:05
I personally like Kurt Vonnegut too because his style resembles that of the late Douglas Adams. Especially sirens of titan. But nothing can beat ol' Douglas.

Shorlen2006-11-02 03:13:19
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 09:56 PM) 349518
I personally like Kurt Vonnegut too because his style resembles that of the late Douglas Adams. Especially sirens of titan. But nothing can beat ol' Douglas.

The Church of God the Utterly Indifferent!
I find the two styles VERY different. Adams was mocking the sci-fi genre. Vonnegut mocks the human race.
Unknown2006-11-02 03:20:07
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 2 2006, 03:13 AM) 349527
I find the two styles VERY different. Adams was mocking the sci-fi genre. Vonnegut mocks the human race.
Sirens of Titan was set in space I seem to recall, therefore similar to Adams. But also, they both write about really whacky things which would never happen in real life, but you wonder if they will, or if they do.
Alger2006-11-02 03:38:47
Actually Cuber, from what I've seen perma-death is the best way to make a plot move. People die, people are born, and someone can actually lose and win. Ever wonder what would happen if any of the top 5 in the city died? But yeah I know it's not for this place. Not that I say it's a bad thing, but I think majority of the playerbase loves their characters more than the game.
Gwylifar2006-11-02 03:40:31
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Nov 1 2006, 04:19 PM) 349364
As a Moondancer, the max number of persons I ever slew at one time was -1-.
As an Aquamancer, the max numer of persons I've slain at one time was -15-.
As an Aquamancer, the max numer of persons I've slain at one time was -15-.
And since Narsrim has proposed this as the standard, it must be true. Therefore, the most powerful combatant in Lusternia is Ialie, just like they warned us.
I love it when a bunch of things come together like that.
Ildaudid2006-11-02 03:41:07
QUOTE(Alger @ Nov 1 2006, 10:38 PM) 349547
Actually Cuber, from what I've seen perma-death is the best way to make a plot move. People die, people are born, and someone can actually lose and win. Ever wonder what would happen if any of the top 5 in the city died? But yeah I know it's not for this place. Not that I say it's a bad thing, but I think majority of the playerbase loves their characters more than the game.
Heh, Hey Alger, I miss you and will see you soon!!

Shorlen2006-11-02 03:48:26
QUOTE(calico @ Nov 1 2006, 10:20 PM) 349533
Sirens of Titan was set in space I seem to recall, therefore similar to Adams. But also, they both write about really whacky things which would never happen in real life, but you wonder if they will, or if they do.
Sirens of Titan is set mostly on Earth, some on Mars, a bit on Mercury, and a bit on Titan. None of it is set in space. The "wacky things" in that book were heavy social commentary about the arrogance of mankind and the absurdity of our lives. Though I do love Douglass Adams, his works were far lighter and meant for entertainment, not as social satire.
I would compare the works of Vonnegut more to those of Jonathon Swift.
Mmm, babies.
Unknown2006-11-02 03:56:56
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Nov 1 2006, 09:27 PM) 349369
Actually, my post was sarcasm. I respect your ability to fight, but beyond that, --- , Narsrim.
EDIT: Personal attacks.
I really hope that was self-censored.
Shayle2006-11-02 03:59:39
QUOTE(Avaer @ Nov 1 2006, 10:56 PM) 349562
I really hope that was self-censored.
Me too, because the censor makes it actually look worse than it was.