Revan2006-11-03 20:18:54
No, sorry, Song of Ice and Fire destroys every other series in a huge pit of awesomeness. There is no comparison. The books just go like "zomg, I'll beat you, SoIF" and SoIF goes "RAWR!!!!" and the books go "ZOMG WE'RE SORRIEZ! WE WORSHIP J00!" and then all is happy.
Sylphas2006-11-03 20:24:58
Best series, in that it's not predictable. Which is very refreshing. I'm very much addicted to Brandon Sanderson, though. Elantris was great, and Mistborn is better. He needs to write more.
Daganev2006-11-03 20:25:29
George R R Martin sent an apology letter on his website on October 20 2006 saying sorry the book is late.
I must say the Series is the best... however, the last book makes me sad, he BETTER end it after 7 or I will have to declare it the worst series ever.
I must say the Series is the best... however, the last book makes me sad, he BETTER end it after 7 or I will have to declare it the worst series ever.
Revan2006-11-03 20:27:58
End it? No! BAD daganev. You shut up
Daganev2006-11-03 20:30:39
If he wants to make a new series about the other parts of the world then fine. Like a series about Aryana or something focusing on the eastern cities, sure whatever. But the story of Westeros and the charachters we know, end in his planned 7 books... The last book had WAY too many similarities to Robert Jordan's endless story for me.
He's breaking out the gods wars, and I don't like it
He's breaking out the gods wars, and I don't like it

Hiriako2006-11-03 21:02:27
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Nov 3 2006, 03:12 PM) 350353
Nope, sorry, "Dune" is the best series ever in any category.

Daganev2006-11-03 21:11:44
Foundation was good too, I read that over a short period.
Kharaen2006-11-03 21:33:03
Song of Ice and Fire is good, but not the best in my opinion. The Farseer, and Liveship books (Robbin Hobb) are better, even George R.R. Martin admits it. Martin's walking the Robert Jordan path with that last book though...Not very good at all...
Daganev2006-11-03 21:36:40
See, someone else agrees with me. Oh and an even better book is Ivory Sword.