Shamarah2006-10-27 01:34:44
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 26 2006, 04:59 PM) 347041

Shiri2006-10-27 01:36:07
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 27 2006, 02:34 AM) 347136
No, the halp one was better.
Ildaudid2006-10-27 01:37:36
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 26 2006, 04:59 PM) 347041

Best Cat Evah!!
Furien2006-10-27 01:44:03
Skipping past all the posts of 'LOL SERENWILDE GOT PWNED AND LOST'...
I could really care less about how we 'surrendered', depending on the terms of it. Did we 'surrender' because we were forced into it? I doubt it. I'm sure people may not have the patience I do- but I was quite fine with dying occasionally in raids.
FYI: My avatar (not sig) > cat pics.
I could really care less about how we 'surrendered', depending on the terms of it. Did we 'surrender' because we were forced into it? I doubt it. I'm sure people may not have the patience I do- but I was quite fine with dying occasionally in raids.
FYI: My avatar (not sig) > cat pics.

Unknown2006-10-27 02:00:06
Basically, the way things went was that Celest saw that they were finally stronger than the Wilde (which has historically dominated, as I remember), and realized they could both start a war with new people - congratulations on thinking outside the box without sacrificing RP, I enjoyed this part - get Serenwilders to stop killing angels, and get revenge for being pushed around for a few years. OOC, it was a great thing.
The Serenwilde (hopefully realizing we would not actually win the war...anyone who expected us to dominate was a bit out-of-touch) agreed to the war, but some of our players got upset and complained, and decided to leave (or so has been said, but I don't know specifically anyone who left...doesn't seem to have been a lot of active people anyway). Still those who were left voted against the terms of peace offered by Celest. The Moonhart Circle, though, trying to think of the people who had left and been upset, decided to agree anyway. A lot of people are happy, and a lot are upset - I expect to see a few people disappear or leave because of this decision as well (I might still be one of them in the future, haven't decided yet).
Let's remember that the forums are OOC, no reason to keep pushing IC agendas, let's call it all what it is.
The Serenwilde (hopefully realizing we would not actually win the war...anyone who expected us to dominate was a bit out-of-touch) agreed to the war, but some of our players got upset and complained, and decided to leave (or so has been said, but I don't know specifically anyone who left...doesn't seem to have been a lot of active people anyway). Still those who were left voted against the terms of peace offered by Celest. The Moonhart Circle, though, trying to think of the people who had left and been upset, decided to agree anyway. A lot of people are happy, and a lot are upset - I expect to see a few people disappear or leave because of this decision as well (I might still be one of them in the future, haven't decided yet).
Let's remember that the forums are OOC, no reason to keep pushing IC agendas, let's call it all what it is.
Anarias2006-10-27 03:12:52
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Oct 26 2006, 08:00 PM) 347146
The Serenwilde (hopefully realizing we would not actually win the war...anyone who expected us to dominate was a bit out-of-touch) agreed to the war
Not having been around at the time I can't say for certain but I'd be willing to bet a good majority of people fully expected a clear and decisive victory for the Serenwilde. It was probably that sense of self-satisfaction that led them to believe the conclusion of the war was such a definite thing that they had no need for military plans, strategies, goals or fighters.
but some of our players got upset and complained, and decided to leave (or so has been said, but I don't know specifically anyone who left...doesn't seem to have been a lot of active people anyway). Still those who were left voted against the terms of peace offered by Celest. The Moonhart Circle, though, trying to think of the people who had left and been upset, decided to agree anyway. A lot of people are happy, and a lot are upset - I expect to see a few people disappear or leave because of this decision as well (I might still be one of them in the future, haven't decided yet).
Let's remember that the forums are OOC, no reason to keep pushing IC agendas, let's call it all what it is.
This is another interesting version of the story. Not really what happened so much again though.
I'll say it once more, if you were a Seren and wanted to stay at war you failed your cause. Can the Moonhart Circle be given a lot of blame? Yes. All of it? Not by a long shot. If you wanted war, you should have tried actually waging one instead of just thumbing your nose at Celest and hoping they'd bugger off.
Sylphas2006-10-27 03:28:03
We voted against the peace treaty offered by Celest. I like what we came up with far better, because it won't end up with us cuddling up to Celest in a few years.
Arix2006-10-27 03:38:01
I assume by the title of this thread and the person who wrote it that Serenwilde did not surrender, and it's just meant to piss off Serens? Sorry, I just don't feel like reading and wanted a summary
Kharaen2006-10-27 04:31:54
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 26 2006, 03:06 PM) 346980
Oh, the title was intentionally done because I knew it'd make Serenwilde start crying and trying to deny it.

(Points to quote) There's the answer.
Unknown2006-10-27 04:38:30
We lost, utterly, and surrendered. Not because Celest fought better than we did, but because Celest fought and we didn't.
When the commune voted to step up and start fighting, there was about 2 days where strategies and tactics were formulated to enter the war for real. Then the SEG decided that they would surrender and not call it surrender, that they would ban angel-killing without saying they were banning angel-killing, and that they were doing it because they had failed to take responsibility for keeping nice with the other organizations.
Personally, I wish we had an alternative leadership. I don't like that our current one can't take responsibility without confusing politik-speak and beaurocratic loopholes that alleviate them from taking a stand. But as ultimately we are to blame for our leadership, we have to accept that.
I know Anarias tried very hard to work for a fair diplomatic compromise, even though Celest flatly refused any such attempt. I am sure Nejii tried as best he could to give the commune the opportunity to choose surrender on its own terms. But in the end, we failed, and failed miserably. Our leadership failed, because we fought a war that apparently meant nothing more than that they were too afraid to step up and take action in the first place.
I thought it was more than that, I was proved wrong.
You got your peace, Shamarah, you got what you wanted. Serenwilde won't interfere with cities anymore, we'll just be the snuggler's source of alchemy we were always meant to be. At least for the next few decades anyway, who knows what will happen in the future.
I don't know why the venom and cruel mockery is necessary, when you have won in every conceivable way. What do you gain by the public humiliation of the players, OOCly, who were on the losing team? What is it about Lusternia that encourages so much vindictive and childish behaviour when it is already abundantly clear who succeeded and who failed?
Congratulations, it might be a hollow victory, but it is a victory nonetheless.
When the commune voted to step up and start fighting, there was about 2 days where strategies and tactics were formulated to enter the war for real. Then the SEG decided that they would surrender and not call it surrender, that they would ban angel-killing without saying they were banning angel-killing, and that they were doing it because they had failed to take responsibility for keeping nice with the other organizations.
Personally, I wish we had an alternative leadership. I don't like that our current one can't take responsibility without confusing politik-speak and beaurocratic loopholes that alleviate them from taking a stand. But as ultimately we are to blame for our leadership, we have to accept that.
I know Anarias tried very hard to work for a fair diplomatic compromise, even though Celest flatly refused any such attempt. I am sure Nejii tried as best he could to give the commune the opportunity to choose surrender on its own terms. But in the end, we failed, and failed miserably. Our leadership failed, because we fought a war that apparently meant nothing more than that they were too afraid to step up and take action in the first place.
I thought it was more than that, I was proved wrong.
You got your peace, Shamarah, you got what you wanted. Serenwilde won't interfere with cities anymore, we'll just be the snuggler's source of alchemy we were always meant to be. At least for the next few decades anyway, who knows what will happen in the future.
I don't know why the venom and cruel mockery is necessary, when you have won in every conceivable way. What do you gain by the public humiliation of the players, OOCly, who were on the losing team? What is it about Lusternia that encourages so much vindictive and childish behaviour when it is already abundantly clear who succeeded and who failed?
Congratulations, it might be a hollow victory, but it is a victory nonetheless.
Unknown2006-10-27 05:16:28
QUOTE(Avaer @ Oct 26 2006, 11:38 PM) 347197
What is it about Lusternia that encourages so much vindictive and childish behaviour when it is already abundantly clear who succeeded and who failed?
I don't think it's so much Lusternia so much that this is a common consequence of competitive spirit. It happens else where a lot - just see the wonderful world of sports for more of the same. Look at political smear campaigns. Look at war time propaganda.
Shamarah2006-10-27 10:26:56
I thought it was pretty clear by now that this thread was a joke, what with the title and the cat picture spam and all 

Unknown2006-10-27 10:38:10
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 27 2006, 10:26 AM) 347265
I thought it was pretty clear by now that this thread was a joke, what with the title and the cat picture spam and all

In: Lusternia Forums » Life in Lusternia » General » Serenwilde Surrenders!
silimaur2006-10-27 10:46:02
didnt read all of it got bored but:
websters defines surrender as,
Main Entry: sur·ren·der
Pronunciation: s&-'ren-d&r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -dered; sur·ren·der·ing /-d(&-)ri/
Etymology: Middle English surrendren, from surrendre, noun
transitive verb
1 a : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand b : to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another
2 a : to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner b : to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)
you surrendered
but on a different note..
websters defines surrender as,
Main Entry: sur·ren·der
Pronunciation: s&-'ren-d&r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -dered; sur·ren·der·ing /-d(&-)ri/
Etymology: Middle English surrendren, from surrendre, noun
transitive verb
1 a : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand
2 a : to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner b : to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)
you surrendered
but on a different note..
Unknown2006-10-27 10:50:11
The second I saw Silimaur posting here, I KNEW it was going to be immature e-penis stroking.
Serenwilde didn't give up completely, it just agreed to sign a treaty. The terms of this treaty didn't change during the course of the war, so they didn't agree to forgo especially in Celest's favour. And they definately didn't gave themselves to New Celest like some kind of a slave.
And this link - more e-masturbation.
As a side note, work on your pronounciation and capitalisation. I'm not a native english speaker and I use your language better than you do (if you're a primary english speaker - but if you aren't, you should still at least capitalise sentences). That's sad.
Serenwilde didn't give up completely, it just agreed to sign a treaty. The terms of this treaty didn't change during the course of the war, so they didn't agree to forgo especially in Celest's favour. And they definately didn't gave themselves to New Celest like some kind of a slave.
And this link - more e-masturbation.
As a side note, work on your pronounciation and capitalisation. I'm not a native english speaker and I use your language better than you do (if you're a primary english speaker - but if you aren't, you should still at least capitalise sentences). That's sad.
silimaur2006-10-27 10:51:13
cuber honestly what is your problem? grow up? some of us like to have fun?
you gave yourself over to our treaty and surrendered
ps im english this is a forum about a game i dont have to spell with capitals or punctuation i dont really care?
Serenwilde didn't give up completely, it just agreed to sign a treaty.
to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)
you gave yourself over to our treaty and surrendered
ps im english this is a forum about a game i dont have to spell with capitals or punctuation i dont really care?
Shiri2006-10-27 10:52:16
QUOTE(silimaur @ Oct 27 2006, 11:51 AM) 347278
cuber honestly what is your problem? grow up? some of us like to have fun?
Can you please have fun in a more mature way? Then people wouldn't be inclined to snap at you. (Don't tell people to grow up either.)
Unknown2006-10-27 10:54:40
QUOTE(silimaur @ Oct 27 2006, 12:51 PM) 347278
cuber honestly what is your problem? grow up? some of us like to have fun?
So, vindicative and childish behaviour, HUMILIATING other players OOCly just because their organisation lost a war (let's face it, someone had to lose this one and Celest had a lot more active fighters), and cruel mockery (all as per Elryn's post, to which I agree to a certain point) is fun now?
Maybe for you. Some people find fun to fling insults at fat kids with glasses too. Or cut off cats' tails. Or torture other people.
You're the one who should grow up. And capitalise sentences.
silimaur2006-10-27 10:55:59
i like how me giving a definition is imature but cubers e-penis stroking is obviously a perfect grown up response to someone proving them wrong, i really would like to know how your guys minds work maybe i should write a thesis on it, and no i wont use proper punctuation in that either
cuber what are you reading? its obviously not what im writing?
cuber what are you reading? its obviously not what im writing?
Unknown2006-10-27 10:56:01
QUOTE(silimaur @ Oct 27 2006, 12:51 PM) 347278
you gave yourself over to our treaty and surrendered
Do you really know what does it mean to "gave yourself over to something"? I doubt it.
EDIT: You obviously don't know what it means to stroke an e-penis either. Do you really know anything?