Someone should play...

by Verithrax

Back to Ideas.

Genos2006-11-06 01:31:02
...a bard who constantly loses his/her voice, forcing their lyrics to be a jumble of letters.
Unknown2006-11-06 01:35:58
A mortal who is able to learn all things despite guild skill restrictions and such.

A mortal bent on releasing Kethuru once again to start another 'Kethuru is released' event.

A dracnari who loves water over fire.

A merian who loves to eat Merian stakes.

Mag and Celest become friends.

World Peace!

Hugs and snugglyness! tongue.gif
Arix2006-11-06 01:36:33
A glom that isn't emo
Daganev2006-11-06 01:42:13
QUOTE(Arix @ Nov 5 2006, 05:36 PM) 351244

A glom that isn't emo

we have too many of those allready... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sad.gif
Gwylifar2006-11-06 02:48:56 otter furrikin. That's tempting, except it could do easily devolve into Kalodan-esque 'being annoying' if not handled just right.
yendos2006-11-06 02:52:34
QUOTE(Gwylifar @ Nov 5 2006, 09:48 PM) 351283 otter furrikin. That's tempting, except it could do easily devolve into Kalodan-esque 'being annoying' if not handled just right.

Sounds interesting. What made you think of otters?
Gwylifar2006-11-06 02:54:21
Because they are amongst the coolest of mammals! They're fun and adorable and remarkably clever and nimble and playful and surprisingly strong and good hunters and swimmers. And so cute!
Anarias2006-11-06 04:52:17
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 5 2006, 01:37 PM) 351136

...a Serenwilder descendant of Grutina Oakvine determined to save the Serenwilde from itself, working with Glom in secret to accomplish this.

Get your own gimmick! mad.gif
Shorlen2006-11-06 08:31:00
QUOTE(Anarias @ Nov 5 2006, 11:52 PM) 351315
Get your own gimmick! mad.gif

Eeep! So that's why everything's going wrong! dry.gif
Joli2006-11-06 10:44:50
A female version of Exarius.

I would try, but that doesn't seem like it'd end well.

An ugly furrikin. Not tainted or anything, but just ugly. Like a big nasty rat furrikin that eats cheese at the Nexus and makes lewd comments at the opposite sex.

A successful rogue.
Jack2006-11-06 16:35:16
QUOTE(Gwylifar @ Nov 6 2006, 02:48 AM) 351283 otter furrikin. That's tempting, except it could do easily devolve into Kalodan-esque 'being annoying' if not handled just right.

I had an otter furrikin alt. I RPed him as sophisticated and aloof. He had a top hat, as I recall.

EDIT: Oh, and a mustache.
Ialie2006-11-06 16:38:02
a dolphin furrikin who gets beached.
Bhiele2006-11-06 16:42:58
...a faeling that wants to totally embrace the fae side of their heritage. Hanging about on ethereal waiting to be influenced and returned to Night, and who is entranced by honeycakes and thus stands still while eating one.
Diamondais2006-11-06 17:16:48
QUOTE(Bhiele @ Nov 6 2006, 11:42 AM) 351444

...a faeling that wants to totally embrace the fae side of their heritage. Hanging about on ethereal waiting to be influenced and returned to Night, and who is entranced by honeycakes and thus stands still while eating one.

Gwylifar2006-11-06 18:43:00
QUOTE(Joli @ Nov 6 2006, 05:44 AM) 351392
A female version of Exarius.

I know of at least two female aslaran who kept harems. But they were neither noisy about it, nor prone to persecution complexes, so I guess it was only halfway like Exarius. Hence why they're not publicly known.
Unknown2006-11-07 02:07:51
QUOTE(Joli @ Nov 6 2006, 04:44 AM) 351392

An ugly furrikin. Not tainted or anything, but just ugly. Like a big nasty rat furrikin that eats cheese at the Nexus and makes lewd comments at the opposite sex.

I'm a blacktalon furrikin that looks like a rat with crow wings and hordes ravenwood nuts. No lewd comments.
Cairam2006-11-07 02:09:27
Oh snap! I need to read the other pages before I post. tongue.gif

Umm... A Trill who looks and acts like Big Bird! (I always picture Everiine like Big Bird, though, hehe)
Joli2006-11-07 03:40:45
A sexually frustrated hedgehog or porcupine furrikin.

Conversation with Veri on Skype:
"How do hedgehogs have sex?"
"Very carefully."

A person that actually wants to roleplay.. and stays IC at all times.. even tells. Oh wait, that's optional here.
Gandal2006-11-07 18:22:13
There are dracnari aquas! But I'd like a tae'dae Aqua the bestest! smile.gif
Unknown2006-11-09 08:26:16
A female dwarf with a beard.