Geb2006-11-30 07:23:19
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 30 2006, 06:42 AM) 358431
Trueheal is a skill that fully cures all afflictions, cures all exhaustion, restores all health/mana/ego, restores balance and equilibrium, and makes you invincible indefiniately until you act. Thus, it is the most powerful healing skill possible, the most powerful defensive skill possible, and has offensive applications.
The bolded portion is incorrect. A person hiding behind a prismatic sphere is not invincible. Psionics can get through, and many insta-kills are not stopped by it (Decapitate, Fling Soulless, and Chasm). In addition, if a pooka is already on the person before the Sphere goes up, the person can be force to perform an action that will drop it.
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 30 2006, 06:42 AM) 358431
Now, it isn't as if this one skill is all that makes Sacraments worthwhile for a warrior or a Celestine. The skillset is full of VERY useful skills, including ones that are wonderful for warriors, which many other warrior choices don't get. Moon, Night, Stag, Crow, and Necromancy, for instance, have very few skills that warriors can really make use of beyond the trans skill, and in some cases (Crow/Stag), not even that, where as Sacraments users have Numen, Sacrifice, Ressurect, Dazzle, Judgement, and the Inqusition combo which, though difficult for warriors, has been done before by warriors from what I've heard. All in addition to Trueheal, which is wonderful for warriors who can conserve their power while still launching a strong offense.
Ok, here you have added in some skills that do absolutely nothing for the Personal combat viability of the Sacraments user. Neither Sacrifice nor Resurrect abilities can be used on one's self. None of them will aid in the Paladin defeating an opponent. Therefore, those two abilities are more for the benefit for others, not the Sacraments user. Also, you throw in that Trueheal is wonderful for warriors, but do not understand that holding 10 power on the prompt to TrueHeal when in trouble reduces the Paladin's offense. The Paladin forgoes using Heretic, Dazzle, and his power using skills just to make sure he can TrueHeal out of a sticky situation. The skill is a wonderful means of getting back into the fight, but in order to make sure you can use it you have to fight half-cocked in the first place.
Ok, now Lets also look at some of the skill-sets that you have mentioned are not that great for warriors.
Crow- This one has a personal resurrection skill. It also has a reactive shield that afflicts a person if the crow user is hit. Crow also allows for a dive attack that damages health and mana, and insta-kills the person if he/she is below 25% mana. Crows can also peck out eyes, which can only be cured by regeneration.
Night- It has a weapons aura that increases the stats on the weapons wielded, increases the person's intelligence, gives the Nightkiss ability, and decreases physical damage taken. It also has an ability to allow the person to capture the shadows of a victim and use it to boost the damage they do to the person.
Moon- This skill-set allows Serenguards to be the only warriors with an Aeon affliction ability. Moon has a targeted and room curse called Darkmoon (which is very nice). It has an ability that can temporarily increase the damage a warrior does in combat. The skill-set also has Drawdown, which allows the Warrior to cast Moonburst, gives weapon stat bonuses, and a damage reduction shield.
Stag- Gives a person the ability to disrupt equilibrium with Stagstomp, stun appoints with Bellow, and Lust a Person with Parade. It also has stripes that allow the user to choose between increasing Equilibrium or Balance recovery speeds. Along side that, the skill-set allows for the creation of a Medicine bag that gives better Health Heals and better Wound healing than sipping or applying Health (Must be used in place of health though). Added to the list is a curse that has a decent line up of afflictions and Stag form, which increases strength and gives the gore ability (which will insta-kill a person below 25% health).
Necromancy- Gives the ability to Drain power from one person's reserves into your own. Though it is a 1% reserve at a time, it is still a very powerful skill in that it allows the Necromancer replenish his/her power reserves in the middle of a fight. The skill-set also has the Ectoplasm ability, which can hit the Necro's enemy list, forcing balance users to cleanse or recover balance significantly slower. There is also Contagion, which is a room attack that can be removed by gust, unless the Necro is in Lich form. Let us not forget Ghost, which allows for some decent infiltration and escape applications, and Crucify, which has good applications in group combat. Last, there is Lich, which allows the person the chance to cheat death, and gives a bonus or penalty to the Lich depending on the time of day.
Ok, my point of writing this entire up was to refute this statement by you:
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 30 2006, 06:42 AM) 358431
Moon, Night, Stag, Crow, and Necromancy, for instance, have very few skills that warriors can really make use of beyond the trans skill, and in some cases (Crow/Stag), not even that, where as
I found your statement above to be very biased and uninformed, because all of those skill-sets you mentioned have abilities in them that are very useful to warriors. As useful as anything in Sacraments is useful to Paladins. Therefore, I just wanted to make sure that people got a more accurate view on what is available to warriors in each of those skill-sets, instead of a blanket statement that there are no real uses in them besides some of the transcendent skills.
Shorlen2006-11-30 08:10:55
QUOTE(geb @ Nov 30 2006, 02:23 AM) 358444
Ok, my point of writing this entire up was to refute this statement by you:
Yeah, I made that post while really tired and made some stupid comments in the end. All I meant to say was that Sacraments was far from useless for a warrior.
I will point out though that some of the things you posted were inaccurate. For instance, stagform raises dex, not strength. The stun time on bellow is less than the stun time on the athletics stun skill. I've also never seen a situation where Gore would instakill and a double lunge, which costs just 1 more power (gore is three), wouldn't.
I think Moon is the perfect example of what I was talking about. The only skill that warriors actually use is the trans skill, which is absurdly overpowered for them, but the only skill in the entire skillset that noticably benefits them. Aeon without any passive effects with which to stick it is just not that amazing.
Night is another close example, as it has one other really good ability for warriors (the +10% damage one) apart from the absurdly powerful trans skill.
Stag, crow, and necromancy were not good examples of what I was talking about though, and I don't know why I mentioned them.
For clarity, I had said that there were other skillsets (specifically meant night and moon) where the entire skillset was crud for warriors except the trans skill, which was amazing. The real reason for the comment was in refutation of another Envoy's earlier comment said elsewhere that I happened to be reading at the time, which basically stated that Sacraments was "useless" for warriors without trueheal being exactly as it now is. Compared to other skillsets where the trans skill is amazing for warriors (moon/night), the Sacraments skills are far, far superior in usefulness, so I do not see "the rest of the skillset sucks though" as a valid reason to keep Trueheal unbalancedly powerful.
Ildaudid2006-11-30 08:53:35
QUOTE(Neraka @ Nov 29 2006, 02:54 PM) 358257
uninformed stuff
This is neat, If your envoy doesn't keep you up to date with what is going on, that is your fault. I practically harrass Ethelon, he is our guild envoy and he is there to express our guilds ideas, and voice in the envoys. I am lucky enough knowing that he is more than happy to keep me informed on what is going on, with the new ideas coming up, and if say I have an objection.... I tell him the reasons why, and if he thinks it is justified and makes sense, he will tell me either he has already thought of that and posted his thoughts on it already or that he hasn't thought of that and will make the reason known.... Now he may hate me because I like to stay informed. But he does it because it is his job to consult his guild mates on ideas that he wishes to present for us... and ideas that are being presented to see if any of us know of any reason why they shouldn't be allowed to pass or not....
Now concerning Necromancy, it is actually not that great IMO (but remember that is just my opinion). It has some great defensive aspects to it... like ghost, lich and putrefy. Also ectoplasm is nice, and so is contagion if you are in lich form. But crucify is actually a waste of power, and never ever expect to get a sacrifice out of it... especially since if I am remembering correctly the one who crucifies MUST be the one who sacrifices.
I have not been a necromancer since the new shrivel updates.... so I cannot comment on them at all. But it is definately not a SUPERIOR skillset to any of the others. It has its good points and bad points, and actually may be great for a Mugwump warrior, but I don't think I have ever seen a mugwump warrior.
I cannot comment on Sacraments, but I can say this.... the Trueheal thing that will be changed is a godsend. It will stop people from sitting and demolishing 10 guards at a time and will stop some of the combos that Shorlen referred to. The barrier it produced was insane enough, I have never had problems because I can spend 5 power to bypass it and kill them or force them to drop it by moving. But to many others it has been a nightmare. It is also like he stated the most powerful healing skill in the game, which can completely heal what took someone possibly up to 40 power to afflict them within 1 second.
I know that there must have been an almost complete agreement on this being "downgraded" or it would not have happened. Your envoys be them Paladin or Celestine would not just sit there and say ok hey lets downgrade a skill from our skill set because some other guild envoy thinks it is a good idea.
I have the utmost respect for all of the envoys that take on the position as envoy. Granted it is very hard to be unbiased as an envoy, but they try. Geb is not a "guild" envoy so to speak, yet he is one of the most neutral envoys in the group. I go to him with ideas as well, and he will sit and speak to me, telling me if the idea is just plain crazy or if it is something worth looking into. He was also the first envoy to let me know when the planned updates for tracking were not going to go through. He calmed me down...

Shorlen has been a good envoy also. He tries his best to understand skills. If he has any questions he does try to go and test them out. He doesn't just say no, I think that won't work. He actually does tests to see if something is really worth fixing/reworking or adding.
All the envoys I do not know, I do not have any intimate relationships with them save for Xenthos, who keeps me informed when I ask him about anything warrior specific, or when he likes to dance around about darkrebirth

Anyways, envoys can be considered your senators, elected by the divine, who work for you. So if you wish to have any say in the way things are presented.... just ask them. They are there to present ideas for your guild and for the game in general. They are not some secret Illuminati clan who are solely bent on passing only ideas they come up with themselves, nor are they glory seekers.... They serve a great purpose as a voice from us to the divine. If we all spoke..... we would drown each other out.... that is why we have them to speak for us. (Yes sometimes I forget this and pull some stupid crap and say dumb things on the forums) But that is just a personal trait flaw.... do not be an Ildaudid....

ferlas2006-11-30 11:02:24
Also, you throw in that Trueheal is wonderful for warriors, but do not understand that holding 10 power on the prompt to TrueHeal when in trouble reduces the Paladin's offense.
Lunge once, then lunge constantly when you get to 10 power so you never go below 6 power, basically your trading one lunge combo to have enough power for the rest of the fight to get a full cure get out of jail free card, 4 power regens fast enough generally if anyone locks you up or wounds you exceptionally badly you'll have enough time to get it back. Your losing a tiny ammount of offence about what 400ish wounds in the long run to keep the option of a full cure avaliable.
Ixion2006-11-30 11:26:50
As Ferlas said, it's not hard to regen power for trueheal. If I were a paladin I doubt anyone would enjoy fighting me. I can trueheal with 0 power, then laugh at the target and depart.
Icarus2006-11-30 11:38:45
QUOTE(ferlas @ Nov 30 2006, 07:02 PM) 358470
Lunge once, then lunge constantly when you get to 10 power so you never go below 6 power, basically your trading one lunge combo to have enough power for the rest of the fight to get a full cure get out of jail free card, 4 power regens fast enough generally if anyone locks you up or wounds you exceptionally badly you'll have enough time to get it back. Your losing a tiny ammount of offence about what 400ish wounds in the long run to keep the option of a full cure avaliable.
I remember sparring Nico some time ago. Geb is right that he didn't get to use dazzle, infidel, heretic much, just the occasional crush leg/smite down. I was sweeping and using traps etc. It went on for a bit, then he truehealed (twice, I think) and I had to build up the wounds from zero every time. Eventually, he brainbashed me.
Basically, unless I can finish a paladin off from no wounds in the time it takes to regenerate 10p, I am never going to win, ever. The best I, or any warrior, could do is a draw. And in the case with Nico, I lost. Trueheal needs to be changed, and so do Champion artifacts.

Geb2006-11-30 11:51:16
QUOTE(ferlas @ Nov 30 2006, 12:02 PM) 358470
Lunge once, then lunge constantly when you get to 10 power so you never go below 6 power, basically your trading one lunge combo to have enough power for the rest of the fight to get a full cure get out of jail free card, 4 power regens fast enough generally if anyone locks you up or wounds you exceptionally badly you'll have enough time to get it back. Your losing a tiny ammount of offence about what 400ish wounds in the long run to keep the option of a full cure avaliable.
You do know that lunge gives a a significant boost to wounds? Also it bypasses defenses, which some warriors here need desparately to get anywhere it seems (I can attest to that, seeing as how most who have no power seemed to be unable to get anywhere with me outside of a demesne even when all I wore was robes). Besides that, I suggest you time how long it takes to regain 4-power. I think you are assuming every warrior who has transcendent Sacraments also has transcendent discipline, which is far from being the case. Below for your benefit, I have placed up here the 4-power regen time for a person who does have transcendent Discipline.
Holding a curiously engraved claymore poised at an angle overhead, Geb unleashes
a violent assault at your right leg. The strike to your right leg leaves only a
nick on your thigh.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily
3185h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16308en, 18800w elrkdb<>-
You bleed 184 health.
3001h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16308en, 18800w elrkdb<>-(-1024health)
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
3001h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16308en, 18800w elrkdb<>-
You take a drink from a shimmering golden vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3550h, 4487m, 5069e, 6p, 16308en, 18776w elrkdb<>-
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
3952h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16308en, 18728w elrkdb<>-
You see no sparkleberry in your inventory.
3952h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16308en, 18728w elrkdb<>-(+951health)
You read a Scroll of Healing.
You feel an invigorating energy rush through you.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16308en, 18728w elrkdb<>-(+73health)
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16348en, 18752w elrkdb<>-
You eat a calamus root.
Your glands cease their oily secretion.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16348en, 18752w elrkdb<>-
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16348en, 18752w elrxkdb<>-
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16348en, 18752w elrxkdb<>-
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16348en, 18752w elrxkdb<>-
You bleed 16 health.
4009h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16388en, 18776w elrxkdb<>-(-16health)PHEADLEGS
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. The air about you is cool and damp. Each
step you take makes a plop and splash sound like you are walking in a pool of
shallow water. You can't be sure of that though, because the mist is so thick
that you are unable to see your feet, let alone the ground you walk on. Lying at
your feet is a bloodied and mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. You
see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the
aetherplex system. Shopkeeper: you may BUY SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this
shop. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what
is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4009h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16388en, 18776w elrxkdb<>-
4009h, 4577m, 5069e, 6p, 16388en, 18776w elrxkdb<>-PHEADLEGS
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. The air about you is cool and damp. Each
step you take makes a plop and splash sound like you are walking in a pool of
shallow water. You can't be sure of that though, because the mist is so thick
that you are unable to see your feet, let alone the ground you walk on. Lying at
your feet is a bloodied and mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. You
see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the
aetherplex system. Shopkeeper: you may BUY SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this
shop. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what
is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4009h, 4577m, 5069e, 7p, 16388en, 18776w elrxkdb<>-
4009h, 4577m, 5069e, 7p, 16388en, 18776w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4009h, 4577m, 5069e, 7p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
You bleed 3 health.
4006h, 4577m, 5069e, 7p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-(-3health)
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4006h, 4577m, 5069e, 7p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4006h, 4577m, 5069e, 7p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4006h, 4577m, 5069e, 7p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 7p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-(+19health)
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 8p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 9p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
Demiplane of Mist.
You feel hidden powers in this room. Lying at your feet is a bloodied and
mangled arm, still warm and throbbing with life. Shopkeeper: you may BUY
SHOPSIGN for 200000 gold in this shop. You see a sign here instructing you that
WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
There are no obvious exits.
4025h, 4577m, 5069e, 10p, 16400en, 18800w elrxkdb<>-
So it took me from to to regen 4 power (about 30 seconds). Now again, I have Transcendent Discipline. Consider how much longer it is for someone who does not have it. Still, 30 seconds is enough time to easily kill a person with certain skills. In addition, using Lunge or Assualt every 30 seconds will not allow many warriors to get anywhere with a person offensively. So though your theory sounded good in your head and perhaps in the minds of those who support you, it would not be practical for the vast majority of the warriors to use your suggestion and maintain a truly viable offense.
Then again, you can show the Paladins how it is done by using a lunge combo once every 30 seconds and defeating them in fights...
Icarus2006-11-30 12:00:54
Assault and Sweep cost 4p. I thought Lunge and Crush cost 2p?
Ixion2006-11-30 12:03:24
Let me rephrase for Ferlas. In warrior vs warrior fights, and against certain other classes and circumstances, it's very easy to regen the power to trueheal. It's also not hard to forsee instances when one would need trueheal and thusly be a bit more frugal on the power usage.
For the record, power regen is 1p per 8 seconds at trans discipline.
For the record, power regen is 1p per 8 seconds at trans discipline.
Hiriako2006-11-30 13:26:22
Lunge and Crush do require 2 power. Per arm.
I also would disagree with the statement that Moon is useless for Warriors. Sure, I don't get the uses out of it that a Moondancer does, but I make fairly regular use of dark in combat, aura for magic resistance, beam for travel, shine for emergencies and resurgem for obvious reasons. I'm half asleep right now, but I'm sure there are more skills in it that I use which escape my mind.
I also would disagree with the statement that Moon is useless for Warriors. Sure, I don't get the uses out of it that a Moondancer does, but I make fairly regular use of dark in combat, aura for magic resistance, beam for travel, shine for emergencies and resurgem for obvious reasons. I'm half asleep right now, but I'm sure there are more skills in it that I use which escape my mind.
Shorlen2006-11-30 14:29:25
Power regen is 12 seconds per point if you are inept, 8 seconds per point of you are trans. It can generally be considered 10 seconds per point, as that is what it is at most reasonable levels of discipline.
ferlas2006-11-30 14:47:59
QUOTE(Ixion @ Nov 30 2006, 12:03 PM) 358487
Let me rephrase for Ferlas. In warrior vs warrior fights, and against certain other classes and circumstances, it's very easy to regen the power to trueheal. It's also not hard to forsee instances when one would need trueheal and thusly be a bit more frugal on the power usage.
For the record, power regen is 1p per 8 seconds at trans discipline.
Ya basically, keeping your power above 6 means the difference of one lunge combo in the long run, which means keeping yourself at a reasonably high power level means that you loss about 400 wounds in the long run to keep yourself able to true heal, and basically 400 wounds isn't much of a big deal.
If you lunge every time you have 10 power and no more then your lunging every 32 seconds.
Or you can lunge 3 times every 96 seconds if your basically lunging every time you have power.
Comparitivly speaking once lunging on the ten power mark=32 second lunge, lunging 2 times when you have 10 power then a third lunge when you have another 4 power is equlivant to lunging 29.33 seconds.
It isn't a big difference if you know how to manage your power.
As I said keeping 6 power all the time only loses you 1 lunge combo in the entire fight. Which is what the difference of 400 wounds?
manage your power your going to still be constantly lunge comboing once every 32 seconds as opposed to someone comboing 3 times every 88 seconds
And as geb pointed out to me yesterday he was able to tank groups long enough for him smoke his pipes empty, lets say thats one knight hitting with two myrtle afflictions every lets say 4 seconds that means he can tank and survive a group for about 20 seconds and still not be dead as you said yourself geb, 30 seconds is pretty easy to survive for a bit while you wait for the power to regenerate even against groups, even easier one on one as and against some classes/tatics like for example druids with sap 30 seconds isn't long at all. And if you look at our fight as well geb, I was curing badly, had no sparkleberries or scrolls after a while and after I stopped attacking and was badly wounded it still took well over 40-60 seconds for you to finish me off, now think of how long it would have taken against someone with good curing, better health regain and without artifacts, 30 seconds isn't a long time as you yourself have pointed out.
Furien2006-11-30 14:57:30
As for Stag:
Parade is a fairly useless skill. I don't think it lusts them, just makes them ally you. They can easily fix it with a trigger. Plus, unless you have stagform, it costs 1 power to use, so it isn't used often..
Parade is a fairly useless skill. I don't think it lusts them, just makes them ally you. They can easily fix it with a trigger. Plus, unless you have stagform, it costs 1 power to use, so it isn't used often..
Geb2006-11-30 15:09:58
QUOTE(Furien @ Nov 30 2006, 03:57 PM) 358514
As for Stag:
Parade is a fairly useless skill. I don't think it lusts them, just makes them ally you. They can easily fix it with a trigger. Plus, unless you have stagform, it costs 1 power to use, so it isn't used often..
That is Lust, Furien.
QUOTE(Ixion @ Nov 30 2006, 01:03 PM) 358487
Let me rephrase for Ferlas. In warrior vs warrior fights, and against certain other classes and circumstances, it's very easy to regen the power to trueheal. It's also not hard to forsee instances when one would need trueheal and thusly be a bit more frugal on the power usage.
For the record, power regen is 1p per 8 seconds at trans discipline.
So, you just confirmed what I had shown. I said about 30 seconds, and you have confirmed it is 32 seconds.
Also, you make that statment yet you have never been a paladin nor have I ever seen you be frugal in using your lunge ability. Then again, you have no abilities that require you to be. With lich, you can use up your power all you like, because as long as lich seed is up you will reform after death.
Shiri2006-11-30 15:47:06
QUOTE(geb @ Nov 30 2006, 03:09 PM) 358517
That is Lust, Furien.
No it isn't. Forcing them to ally you, which is strictly what I think it does, does not require rejection, just UNALLY SHADDAI>>ENEMY SHADDAI.
Lust would require a 4second (or whatever) eq drop.
Geb2006-11-30 15:50:14
QUOTE(ferlas @ Nov 30 2006, 03:47 PM) 358510
Ya basically, keeping your power above 6 means the difference of one lunge combo in the long run, which means keeping yourself at a reasonably high power level means that you loss about 400 wounds in the long run to keep yourself able to true heal, and basically 400 wounds isn't much of a big deal.
If you lunge every time you have 10 power and no more then your lunging every 32 seconds.
Or you can lunge 3 times every 96 seconds if your basically lunging every time you have power.
Comparitivly speaking once lunging on the ten power mark=32 second lunge, lunging 2 times when you have 10 power then a third lunge when you have another 4 power is equlivant to lunging 29.33 seconds.
It isn't a big difference if you know how to manage your power.
As I said keeping 6 power all the time only loses you 1 lunge combo in the entire fight. Which is what the difference of 400 wounds?
manage your power your going to still be constantly lunge comboing once every 32 seconds as opposed to someone comboing 3 times every 88 seconds
And as geb pointed out to me yesterday he was able to tank groups long enough for him smoke his pipes empty, lets say thats one knight hitting with two myrtle afflictions every lets say 4 seconds that means he can tank and survive a group for about 20 seconds and still not be dead as you said yourself geb, 30 seconds is pretty easy to survive for a bit while you wait for the power to regenerate even against groups, even easier one on one as and against some classes/tatics like for example druids with sap 30 seconds isn't long at all. And if you look at our fight as well geb, I was curing badly, had no sparkleberries or scrolls after a while and after I stopped attacking and was badly wounded it still took well over 40-60 seconds for you to finish me off, now think of how long it would have taken against someone with good curing, better health regain and without artifacts, 30 seconds isn't a long time as you yourself have pointed out.
You state it took over 40-60 seconds to kill you after you were not healing, but you seem to forget that their are more attacks than just melee ones. If you had payed attention to my previous statement, you would have seen the word some. Some does not mean all, some means a finite amount. Some abilities can kill a person easily within 30 seconds. Example, a person affliction+aeon locked can be judged in 10 seconds, or Soullessed in 8 (if the 7 rubs are acquired first). See I did not speak in absolutes like you are doing, I speak in relative terms since it is all relative. 30 seconds for some can be a mightly long time, because for some plenty can be done in that time period. Now hopefully you understand my meaning.
I have never lost to a Paladin that wasted time holding power back for a Trueheal (I am only going to use my time as a Mage fighting outside of a demesne as a basis for this statement). Why do you want to know? Here are two reasons. First, the Paladin is unable to go all out, because he must be able to have 10-power when he needs it. Again, for some people 30 seconds later is not when they need it. They needed the power right then. Therefore, if the person does have to think ahead and not use his power to hold it for Trueheal, then that said person is only using normal attacks that must bypass my defenses. Second, once the Paladin does Trueheal, he has exhausted his 10 power and none of it has harmed me at all. Not only that, but since he has not been able to really get ahead of my healing (since some warriors seem to need Lunge like attacks to get anywhere), I am usually fully healthy along with the person. So we start from the top, but this time the person is in a deficit, while I am not. So what does that 10-power used only for defense do to your equations? I know what it does; it puts the person even farther behind in maintaining any sort of offense against me. Not only that, but it leaves the person open for atleast 80 seconds to being handled by some archetypes, that can mess a person up pretty quickly.
Finally, please do not twist my words to support your arguments. I said that if I am jumped by a group and have only two pipes, I could find myself unable to refill the pipes before I finish smoking them both, if both are not completely full to begin with. I said that is why I had three. Someone else said it would not matter, because a person would be dead by then anyway. I responded that it was not necessarily so, because I have survived long enough for it to happen to me before. Nowhere in my statements did I say I could tank groups for over 30 seconds. I just pointed out that I have been in situations were I lasted long enough for both of my pipes to go empty. Which can happen very fast, depending on their condition when I went into a fight. That is why I use a 3-pipe daisy chain system; to give me a theoretical 1000 smokes before all three could be out at the same time. So please make sure to state what I say correctly, or do not use my statements at all. Don't try to bend what I say to support your position.
Edite: Replace Some with Certain. Still same meaing, since both are not all incompassing.
Narsrim2006-11-30 16:46:08
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 30 2006, 03:10 AM) 358446
I think Moon is the perfect example of what I was talking about. The only skill that warriors actually use is the trans skill, which is absurdly overpowered for them, but the only skill in the entire skillset that noticably benefits them. Aeon without any passive effects with which to stick it is just not that amazing.
Moondancers have no true passive effects that stick with Aeon to make it amazing either (brownie, banshee, crone, pixie). The affliction barrage comes from active hexes. In any case, this statement varies depending on the type of warrior you are fighting. For example, consider BCs. Fracture Skull stacks with Dulak (stupidity) to make curing aeon -very- difficult. If you can stick the two for a moment and aeon, the target is in trouble. Likewise, concussion + aeon (and fracture skull, etc) makes for a lethal combination as well.
QUOTE(Furien @ Nov 30 2006, 09:57 AM) 358514
As for Stag:
Parade is a fairly useless skill. I don't think it lusts them, just makes them ally you. They can easily fix it with a trigger. Plus, unless you have stagform, it costs 1 power to use, so it isn't used often..
Parade was fixed several months ago to lust the target. You might want to check into your abilities before declaring them useless.
Shorlen2006-11-30 16:47:07
ARGH! How many times do we have to go through this?
Stag Parade is LUST, not forced ally. LUST. This has been posted incorrectly on the forums at least ten times now, and half of those were by people with the freaking skill.
Stag Parade is LUST, not forced ally. LUST. This has been posted incorrectly on the forums at least ten times now, and half of those were by people with the freaking skill.

Narsrim2006-11-30 16:50:33
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 30 2006, 03:10 AM) 358446
I will point out though that some of the things you posted were inaccurate. The stun time on bellow is less than the stun time on the athletics stun skill.
Bellow is relatively fast. Munsia and I used to stun/aeon lock people with great ease. This is not longer as easy given the changes to stun, but the speed of bellow for a Furrikin Hartstone using swiftstripes was vastly better than headslam/shieldstun. For small races who rarely get stun resistance, I imagine you could still stun with Bellow much better than you could headslam.
Shorlen2006-11-30 16:52:47
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Nov 30 2006, 11:50 AM) 358558
Bellow is relatively fast. Munsia and I used to stun/aeon lock people with great ease. This is not longer as easy given the changes to stun, but the speed of bellow for a Furrikin Hartstone using swiftstripes was vastly better than headslam/shieldstun. For small races who rarely get stun resistance, I imagine you could still stun with Bellow much better than you could headslam.
Hrm, I should test that. I found the stun from bellow to be under half a second, and the balance time to be about four seconds base. I didn't keep careful numbers though. Bellow also has the issue for druids that switching facepaints midcombat is irritating, as you can't just wipe off a part of your face, and fighting with an eq penalty isn't really viable.