Daganev2006-12-13 00:27:55
QUOTE(diamondais @ Dec 12 2006, 04:27 PM) 362607
Is this thread...dissapearing and reappearing?
Only if you don't have special editing powers.
Sylphas2006-12-13 00:47:15
I don't really agree with the no bug posting either, but that IS the rule. :shrug:
Narsrim2006-12-13 03:02:59
QUOTE(Ixion @ Dec 12 2006, 06:17 PM) 362573
I'd like to point out that the comments here are vastly incorrect. Geb pegged some of the concerns as I would have (hinting at why you got kept in without showing the strategy)
Pits have a few bugs still, yes, but what you posted is not a bug Narsrim. I can engage you every balance, though that neither stops you every time nor does has any benefit from engaging you just once. Without trying to be insulting, the problem rests with your curing inabilities in this situation. If you review the log carefully you should be able to figure out why you got kept in the pit. In fact, Geb and I are really the only people who use that strategy effectively, so you have little to worry about from the playerbase. I also chuckle at people's reliance of flying to escape pits rather than learning how to cure out of them; think of the poor non-flying warriors and others who have to learn the hard way.
Umm, I've tested it buddy, and I can prove to you in a hot second that any time you use engage with forcefield, you cannot move. It 100% blocks the movement from everything to walk, fly, tumble, climb up, dive, scale up, etc.
Acrune2006-12-13 03:32:27
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Dec 12 2006, 04:42 PM) 362547
Sweet mother of God... this makes so much sense. I never thought about forcefield + engage.
A while back, I tried to tumble away from Ixion/company on Nil. Tumble started, I hit engaged, and it totally stopped the tumble. I asked Ixion about it, and neither of us could figure out why - but I did hit engage with forcefield up.
I bet this is exactly what it happening with forcefield/engage in pits.
I'll test later.
Sidharta is my hero! We have identified the problem - engage will stop movement 100% of the time with forcefield up. I can't exactly prove Geb knew this (nor do I care anymore, I just wanted this fixed), but there is a bug for sure.
Out of curiousity, what about just absorption rune?
Vix2006-12-13 03:48:39
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Dec 12 2006, 03:42 PM) 362547
Livictus moves in to engage you.
4488h, 7289m, 8447e, 10p, 30595w esSixd<>-
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
4488h, 7289m, 8447e, 10p, 30595w esSid<>-
Wavering translucent lights flicker silently in the distant space.
4488h, 7289m, 8447e, 10p, 30595w esSid<>-
You tumble out of the room.
Livictus lashes out at you as you turn to flee.
A magic aura flares around you and completely absorbs the damage.
4488h, 7289m, 8447e, 10p, 30595w esSid<>-
Didn't leave the room
That was just absorption rune.
Geb2006-12-13 04:51:34
QUOTE(Sidharta @ Dec 12 2006, 07:37 PM) 362516
On Achaea there's a bug where if a Shield of Absorption fires and absorbs the damage from engage, you don't leave the room. It seems as though this is what the force field thing does 100% of the time, apparently preventing you from leaving when engaged 100% of the time?
It should be fairly obvious something like that is a bug.
Considering the fact that the only person who knows when an absorption rune goes off is the person with one, how would I know it was because of that? I've been in achaea too, and I have never had my absorption rune stop me from moving. Considering the fact that it only fires 15% of the time, the chances of me seeing it on engage was very slim. So fairly obvious is the case, only if a person has experienced it before.
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Dec 12 2006, 10:42 PM) 362547
I can't exactly prove Geb knew this (nor do I care anymore, I just wanted this fixed), but there is a bug for sure.
If you did not care anymore, you would not go through the effort to plant a negative seed with the tone of your statement. Instead of saying "I do not know if Geb knew this or not" which would have been an innocuous statement, you choose the one you used. So, I would appreciate it if you stopped your statement poorly veiled statements disparaging my personal character.
Estarra2006-12-13 04:55:15
Okay, I'm closing this topic. We get the gist of what the bug is.
The reason we don't want bugs reported and discussed in the forums is we really don't want to turn the forums into a means of bug reporting. For one, the forums would soon fill up with nothing but people reporting bugs. Also, such threads tend to diverge into really annoying bitch fests on who's exploiting a bug and who's not, if it's a bug or if it's not, etc. Anyway, agree with me or not, it's our prerogative to enforce a policy of no bug reporting on the forums.
The reason we don't want bugs reported and discussed in the forums is we really don't want to turn the forums into a means of bug reporting. For one, the forums would soon fill up with nothing but people reporting bugs. Also, such threads tend to diverge into really annoying bitch fests on who's exploiting a bug and who's not, if it's a bug or if it's not, etc. Anyway, agree with me or not, it's our prerogative to enforce a policy of no bug reporting on the forums.