New Blademasters

by Rodngar

Back to Combat Guide.

Unknown2006-12-18 18:26:18
I use:

numpad for walking
alt+numpad for sprinting/galloping
ctrl+numpad for squinting
alt+ctrl+numpad for swing attacks (smite, pound, smash, etc)

/ is random jab/swing with no body target
ctrl+/ is raze

For group combat, my biggest help was to setup queues of target names and use button/macro combos to switch targets. Highlighting friend/foe names really helps, too. You can more easily see who died and who's hitting a friend, so you know who to target next.
Asarnil2006-12-18 21:35:50
Since when? tongue.gif Unless you have a status window or something to keep track of the last few people to die group combat is generally too spammy to notice more than who is generally attacking who and you attack the colour on your enemy list.
Unknown2006-12-18 22:22:48
In CMUD you can have keypad(num lock on) do things1 and have keypad(num lock off) do things2.
Alger2006-12-20 04:33:58
I never had or needed a keypad when I was active. Didn't have a 6 pack either... kinda defeats the purpose when I have to press so many function keys on my laptop just to access it.

Combat isn't that fast where you don't have time to actually type. If you think fast and react fast then you have a lot of time to type out what you need to do. All you need is a couple of aliases and all your tactics in your head.
Ashteru2006-12-20 06:33:35
used to walk on normal numpad, strike on CTRL+numpad, crush on ALT + numpad and use the bashingattacks with CTRL + ALT + numpad.
Unknown2006-12-22 18:52:55
you dont even need all the swings only one youll actually use is hack down... The way I did it was I just used the f keys for my attacks and lunges and stuff were aliases all the other swings are useless for a blademaster
Unknown2007-01-02 21:01:39
Mine has page up/down changing numpad modes for fighting/traveling/coven abilities/tradeskill abilities. In travel and combat modes ctrl/shift/alt all enable swim/tumble/sprint and jab/manual razeswing/lunges respectively. I have an ergonomic keyboard nicely enough curved that I can reach F1-F10 keys (curing, stancing and parrying shortcuts in my case) while still keeping to the ctrl/shift/alt keys.

I love the numpad.
Hiriako2007-01-11 23:42:54
My own setup is this:

num# = movement
CTRL + num# = swing (as in AB KNIGHTHOOD SWINGING)
ALT + num# = strikes (as in AB KNIGHTHOOD TARGETTING)

I use CTRL or ALT + num5 for discern and CTRL or ALT + num0 for assess. CTRL or ALT + + = raze

Cleaving, crush (now sweep for me) and the like I all use aliases for. My fingers tend to fly across the keyboard. Poison application I use f5-f8 for, with alts, ctrls and such. Maneuvers I use f9-f12 for.