Unknown2007-01-24 09:32:51
I am having a bit of difficulties trying to figure out how to write a decent auto sipping script for zMud. I am not used to the setup here so I am trying to use this as the setup point for the rest of my system.
Unknown2007-01-24 12:01:15
Searching the forums is a good way to find answers to commonly asked questions like this. You could start with a post from Kharaen that contains a very simple sipping script.
relaren2007-02-11 17:58:22
Firstly, a quick hello to you all. Recently started playing after defecting from Aetolia, so I will look forward to meeting everybody.
Seeing as this was one of the first posts I came across, behold my first offering, a fabulous Auto-Sipper.
This requires a FULL prompt by the way. (Excluding arm balance, though) If you use anything less, PM or message me and I will advise on how to change it.
Oh, do SCORE after importing to update your max health and mana values.
Seeing as this was one of the first posts I came across, behold my first offering, a fabulous Auto-Sipper.
This requires a FULL prompt by the way. (Excluding arm balance, though) If you use anything less, PM or message me and I will advise on how to change it.
#class {Sipper}
#var sipbal 1
#regex {^(\\d+)h, (\\d+)m, (\\d+)e, (\\d+)p, (\\d+)en, (\\d+)w (.*)$} {#var health %1;#var mana %2;#var ego %3;#var power %4;#var endurance %5;#var willpower %6;sipcheck} "" {nocr|prompt}
#trigger {Health : (%d)/(%d)} {#var health %1;#var healthmax %2}
#trigger {Mana  : (%d)/(%d)} {#var mana %1;#var manamax %2}
#trigger {^You {take a drink|down the last drop from} from a*vial.$} {#gag}
#cond {} {} {within|param=1}
#cond {^The elixir heals and soothes you.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {reparse}
#cond {^Your mind feels stronger and more alert.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {reparse}
#cond {^The elixir flows down your throat without effect.$} {sipbal=0} {reparse}
#trigger {^You may drink another health or mana elixir.$} {sipbal=1}
#alias sipcheck {#if (@sipbal=1) {#if (@health<@healthmax/3) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/3) {smana} {#if (@health<@healthmax/2) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/2) {smana} {#if (@health<(@healthmax-(@healthmax/5))) {Shealth} {#if (@mana<(@manamax-(@manamax/5))) {smana}}}}}}}}
#alias shealth {sip health;sipbal=0.5;#ala "sipbal" +1.5 {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=1}}}
#alias smana {sip mana;sipbal=0.5;#ala "sipbal" +1.5 {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=1}}}
#class 0
#var sipbal 1
#regex {^(\\d+)h, (\\d+)m, (\\d+)e, (\\d+)p, (\\d+)en, (\\d+)w (.*)$} {#var health %1;#var mana %2;#var ego %3;#var power %4;#var endurance %5;#var willpower %6;sipcheck} "" {nocr|prompt}
#trigger {Health : (%d)/(%d)} {#var health %1;#var healthmax %2}
#trigger {Mana  : (%d)/(%d)} {#var mana %1;#var manamax %2}
#trigger {^You {take a drink|down the last drop from} from a*vial.$} {#gag}
#cond {} {} {within|param=1}
#cond {^The elixir heals and soothes you.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {reparse}
#cond {^Your mind feels stronger and more alert.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {reparse}
#cond {^The elixir flows down your throat without effect.$} {sipbal=0} {reparse}
#trigger {^You may drink another health or mana elixir.$} {sipbal=1}
#alias sipcheck {#if (@sipbal=1) {#if (@health<@healthmax/3) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/3) {smana} {#if (@health<@healthmax/2) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/2) {smana} {#if (@health<(@healthmax-(@healthmax/5))) {Shealth} {#if (@mana<(@manamax-(@manamax/5))) {smana}}}}}}}}
#alias shealth {sip health;sipbal=0.5;#ala "sipbal" +1.5 {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=1}}}
#alias smana {sip mana;sipbal=0.5;#ala "sipbal" +1.5 {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=1}}}
#class 0
Oh, do SCORE after importing to update your max health and mana values.
Vionne2007-02-11 19:34:52
don't think that one works for lusternia; we also have bromides, in addition to mana and health, unlike (from what I understand) all of the other games. That changes the triggers, and requires another sipping thingamahoojer.
relaren2007-02-11 20:15:28
Ah, OK. Care to explain how they work. Am yet to come across those. That script there works fine for health and mana though, I already use it.
Laysus2007-02-11 22:28:58
Bromides restores ego like health/mana to their respective stats, used for influencing
Deepwounds are cured by applying health, which takes healthbalance, and needs to be taken into account, as can using apply health to head to cure deaf/blindness (although myrtle also works).
Deepwounds are cured by applying health, which takes healthbalance, and needs to be taken into account, as can using apply health to head to cure deaf/blindness (although myrtle also works).
Laysus2007-02-11 22:42:19
Have a slightly improved version of your sipper - streamlined, regex-ified, and added in bromide, and corrected the regaining balance message.
If there's any problems with it, post here. (I like coding)
Please note, do not use this sipper for combat if you're going to be fighting knights, it doesn't take deepwounds into account. >.>
#class {Sipper}
#var sipbal 1
#regex {^(\\d+)h, (\\d+)m, (\\d+)e, (\\d+)p, (\\d+)en, (\\d+)w (.*)$} {#var health %1;#var mana %2;#var ego %3;#var power %4;#var endurance %5;#var willpower %6;sipcheck} "" {nocr|prompt}
#regex {^\\s+Health\\s+\\:\\s+(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\s+Endurance\\s+\\:\\s+\\d+\\/\\d+$} {#var health %1;#var healthmax %2}
#cond {^\\s+Mana\\s+\\:\\s+(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\s+Willpower\\s+\\:\\s+\\d+\\/\\d+$} {#var mana %1;#var manamax %2} {regex|within|param=1}
#cond {^\\s+Ego\\s+\\:\\s+(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\s+Reserves\\s+\\:\\s+\\d+\\%$} {#var ego %1;#var egomax %2} {regex|within|param=1}
#regex {^You (take a drink|down the last drop from) from a.*vial\\.$} {#gag}
#cond {.*} {} {regex|within|param=1}
#cond {^The elixir heals and soothes you\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^Your mind feels stronger and more alert\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^Ah, the soothing bromides help strengthen your ego\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^The elixir flows down your throat without effect\\.$} {sipbal=0} {regex|reparse}
#regex {^You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion\\.$} {sipbal=1}
#alias sipcheck {#if (@sipbal=1) {#if (@health<@healthmax/3) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/3) {smana} {#if (@ego<@egomax/3) {sbromide} {#if (@health<@healthmax/2) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/2) {smana} {#if (@ego<@egomax/2) {sbromide} {#if (@health<(@healthmax-(@healthmax/5))) {Shealth} {#if (@mana<(@manamax-(@manamax/5))) {smana} {#if (@ego<(@egomax-(@egomax/5))) {sbromide}}}}}}}}}}}
#alias shealth {sip health;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alias smana {sip mana;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alias sbromide {sip bromide;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alarm "sipbal" 1.5 {#t- sipbal trigger;#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=1}}
#class 0
#var sipbal 1
#regex {^(\\d+)h, (\\d+)m, (\\d+)e, (\\d+)p, (\\d+)en, (\\d+)w (.*)$} {#var health %1;#var mana %2;#var ego %3;#var power %4;#var endurance %5;#var willpower %6;sipcheck} "" {nocr|prompt}
#regex {^\\s+Health\\s+\\:\\s+(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\s+Endurance\\s+\\:\\s+\\d+\\/\\d+$} {#var health %1;#var healthmax %2}
#cond {^\\s+Mana\\s+\\:\\s+(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\s+Willpower\\s+\\:\\s+\\d+\\/\\d+$} {#var mana %1;#var manamax %2} {regex|within|param=1}
#cond {^\\s+Ego\\s+\\:\\s+(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\s+Reserves\\s+\\:\\s+\\d+\\%$} {#var ego %1;#var egomax %2} {regex|within|param=1}
#regex {^You (take a drink|down the last drop from) from a.*vial\\.$} {#gag}
#cond {.*} {} {regex|within|param=1}
#cond {^The elixir heals and soothes you\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^Your mind feels stronger and more alert\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^Ah, the soothing bromides help strengthen your ego\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^The elixir flows down your throat without effect\\.$} {sipbal=0} {regex|reparse}
#regex {^You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion\\.$} {sipbal=1}
#alias sipcheck {#if (@sipbal=1) {#if (@health<@healthmax/3) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/3) {smana} {#if (@ego<@egomax/3) {sbromide} {#if (@health<@healthmax/2) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/2) {smana} {#if (@ego<@egomax/2) {sbromide} {#if (@health<(@healthmax-(@healthmax/5))) {Shealth} {#if (@mana<(@manamax-(@manamax/5))) {smana} {#if (@ego<(@egomax-(@egomax/5))) {sbromide}}}}}}}}}}}
#alias shealth {sip health;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alias smana {sip mana;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alias sbromide {sip bromide;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alarm "sipbal" 1.5 {#t- sipbal trigger;#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=1}}
#class 0
If there's any problems with it, post here. (I like coding)
Please note, do not use this sipper for combat if you're going to be fighting knights, it doesn't take deepwounds into account. >.>
relaren2007-02-12 10:50:12
So, so different. Thanks for that. Will certainly pick things up with regards to healing as time passes I am sure.
Laysus2007-02-12 11:17:25
Most of the changes were actually pretty cosmetic. I combined the max health/mana/ego ones into one trigger using conds, because it's neater, and made all the triggers into regexes because they're faster as far as I know >.>
relaren2007-02-12 11:42:54
Yeah, zMUD converts them into regex on the fly, so to all intents and purposes, it is faster, although something as simple as this, you really would not notice the difference though.
Good work mind, saved me a bit of work, heh.
Good work mind, saved me a bit of work, heh.
Anarias2007-02-13 08:00:56
I tried that little autosipper script for fun earlier. It was quite wasteful with potions since it didn't seem to recognize when I wasn't on sip balance very well.
relaren2007-02-13 11:50:22
Have to admit, quite what is going wrong there I cannot say. That sipper has been used by me for years, and the changes that have been made to it certainly will not cause anything unforseen. The only possibility I can think of is that something is conflicting elsewhere in your system, as the updated script by Laysus I have been using myself with absolutely no problems.
If you could post a log, (preferably with timers) I will take a look and see what can be done.
If you could post a log, (preferably with timers) I will take a look and see what can be done.
Unknown2007-02-13 13:07:15
I think the sipbal alarm should be *1.5, rather than just 1.5, to make it a recurring alarm. That might help.
Laysus2007-02-13 14:31:23
1.5 is recurring as is *1.5. it's only +1.5 that's one-shot.
Unknown2007-02-13 14:39:24
You are correct. It was just a thought. Maybe there's some other conflict in preferences or script code that's causing Anaria's problem then...
The most common cause, in my experience, for scripts not working as intended is error in importing it: either extra carriage return/linefeeds because of wordwrap or not saving to a text file and then doing Settings -> Import -> Script (ASCII).
The most common cause, in my experience, for scripts not working as intended is error in importing it: either extra carriage return/linefeeds because of wordwrap or not saving to a text file and then doing Settings -> Import -> Script (ASCII).
Unknown2007-02-16 08:15:47
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5560en, 5200w ex-****** TARGET SET TO seagull ******
Shrieking loudly, a black and white seagull flaps off to the north.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5560en, 5200w ex-
Shrieking loudly, a black and white seagull flaps in from the north.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5560en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. Your weapon pounds
through the air, missing completely.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5550en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. Your weapon pounds
through the air, missing completely.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
1095h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
836h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-sip health
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
The potion heals and soothes you.
1117h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 28 health.
1089h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1089h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. Your weapon pounds
through the air, missing completely.
1089h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1155h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
Flying at your face, a black and white seagull claws at your face.
916h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
916h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
916h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1191h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1191h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 51 health.
1140h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1140h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1140h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
901h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
901h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
901h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1161h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
Your left arm is off balance.
1161h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
Your left arm is off balance.
1161h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 13 health.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
895h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-sip health
A boxturtle inches its way in from the north.
895h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You powerfully pound
him, making him stagger back.
895h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You powerfully pound
him, making him stagger back.
895h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
961h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
961h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1289h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
1067h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 31 health.
1036h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
1036h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1036h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-sip health
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
The potion heals and soothes you.
1293h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. Your weapon pounds
through the air, missing completely.
1293h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You powerfully pound
him, making him stagger back.
1293h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
A boxturtle inches its way in from the southwest.
1293h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
Flying at your face, a black and white seagull claws at your face.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You powerfully pound
him, making him stagger back.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
Your left arm is off balance.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 17 health.
1142h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1142h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
Flying at your face, a black and white seagull claws at your face.
885h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 3 health.
1145h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
897h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-sip health
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
897h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1139h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
1139h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
926h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
926h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
926h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
992h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
992h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-sip health
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
The blow continues into a black and white seagull's body, causing a sickening
cracking and mashing sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a
moment, vanishing suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
You have slain a black and white seagull.
992h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5490en, 5200w ex-
The potion heals and soothes you.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5490en, 5200w ex-
A boxturtle inches its way out to the north.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5490en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
A log of what it does. The only other things I have running in my client is the targeting settings which will have no affect on the sipper, I've checked. Also checked for any syntax errors in zmud, and tried doing it from command prompt and importing from script ascii.
The sipper only works at all if I have config prompt full set, so I'm assuming the issue is somewhere there. But as you can tell, it wastes quite a lot of sips, something I can't really afford so I'll continue doing it manually I guess. Or actually, I think this all maybe has to do with the alarm, *Not sure why you need to use an alarm at all, so long as you have the sipper manage the state of your sip balance*. It always seems to automatically sip at a certain point if below a certain HP, then does it again if still below a certain HP once you get the sipbalance. Seems like the whole alarm side of it is completely pointless.
Shrieking loudly, a black and white seagull flaps off to the north.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5560en, 5200w ex-
Shrieking loudly, a black and white seagull flaps in from the north.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5560en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. Your weapon pounds
through the air, missing completely.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5550en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. Your weapon pounds
through the air, missing completely.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1332h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
1095h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
836h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-sip health
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
The potion heals and soothes you.
1117h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 28 health.
1089h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5540en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1089h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. Your weapon pounds
through the air, missing completely.
1089h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1155h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
Flying at your face, a black and white seagull claws at your face.
916h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
916h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
916h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1191h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1191h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 51 health.
1140h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1140h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You pound him in the
gut, but it barely fazes him.
1140h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
901h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
901h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
901h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1161h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
Your left arm is off balance.
1161h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
Your left arm is off balance.
1161h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 13 health.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
895h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-sip health
A boxturtle inches its way in from the north.
895h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5530en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You powerfully pound
him, making him stagger back.
895h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You powerfully pound
him, making him stagger back.
895h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
961h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
961h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1289h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
1067h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 31 health.
1036h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
1036h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1036h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-sip health
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
The potion heals and soothes you.
1293h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5520en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. Your weapon pounds
through the air, missing completely.
1293h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You powerfully pound
him, making him stagger back.
1293h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
A boxturtle inches its way in from the southwest.
1293h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
Flying at your face, a black and white seagull claws at your face.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. You powerfully pound
him, making him stagger back.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
Your left arm is off balance.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1093h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 17 health.
1142h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1142h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
Flying at your face, a black and white seagull claws at your face.
885h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
1148h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You bleed 3 health.
1145h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
897h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-sip health
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
897h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion heals and soothes you.
1139h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
1139h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
With a righteous flurry of feathers, a black and white seagull pecks you in the
926h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-sip health
The potion flows down your throat without effect.
926h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
926h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
992h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5510en, 5200w ex-swing seagull
swing seagull
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
992h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-sip health
You wildly swing a heavy mace at a black and white seagull. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
The blow continues into a black and white seagull's body, causing a sickening
cracking and mashing sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a
moment, vanishing suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
You have slain a black and white seagull.
992h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5490en, 5200w ex-
The potion heals and soothes you.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5490en, 5200w ex-
A boxturtle inches its way out to the north.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5490en, 5200w ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
1317h, 1260m, 1260e, 0p, 5500en, 5200w ex-
A log of what it does. The only other things I have running in my client is the targeting settings which will have no affect on the sipper, I've checked. Also checked for any syntax errors in zmud, and tried doing it from command prompt and importing from script ascii.
The sipper only works at all if I have config prompt full set, so I'm assuming the issue is somewhere there. But as you can tell, it wastes quite a lot of sips, something I can't really afford so I'll continue doing it manually I guess. Or actually, I think this all maybe has to do with the alarm, *Not sure why you need to use an alarm at all, so long as you have the sipper manage the state of your sip balance*. It always seems to automatically sip at a certain point if below a certain HP, then does it again if still below a certain HP once you get the sipbalance. Seems like the whole alarm side of it is completely pointless.
relaren2007-02-16 10:36:45
Well, sorry to hear about your problems. There is certainly no reason for it happening, though just to try something, you might want to import this.
Before you do, though. Completely delete the old class folder, then copy-paste this into notepad and import as script(ascii) to be 100% sure.
That is just a more simplified version, and like I say, shouldn't make any difference, though I know full well how zMUD can behave, so keep us informed of the progress if you would please.
Be well.
Before you do, though. Completely delete the old class folder, then copy-paste this into notepad and import as script(ascii) to be 100% sure.
#class {Sipper}
#var sipbal 1
#regex {^(\\d+)h, (\\d+)m, (\\d+)e, (\\d+)p, (\\d+)en, (\\d+)w (.*)$} {#var health %1;#var mana %2;#var ego %3;#var power %4;#var endurance %5;#var willpower %6;sipcheck} "" {nocr|prompt}
#tr {Health : (%d)/(%d)} {health=%1;healthmax=%2}
#tr {Mana  : (%d)/(%d)} {mana=%1;manamax=%2}
#tr {Ego    : (%d)/(%d)} {ego=%1;egomax=%2}
#regex {^You (take a drink|down the last drop from) from a.*vial\\.$} {#gag}
#cond {} {} {regex|within|param=1}
#cond {^The elixir heals and soothes you\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^Your mind feels stronger and more alert\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^Ah, the soothing bromides help strengthen your ego\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^The potion flows down your throat without effect\\.$} {sipbal=0} {regex|reparse}
#regex {^You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion\\.$} {sipbal=1}
#alias sipcheck {#if (@sipbal=1) {#if (@health<@healthmax/3) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/3) {smana} {#if (@ego<@egomax/3) {sbromide} {#if (@health<@healthmax/2) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/2) {smana} {#if (@ego<@egomax/2) {sbromide} {#if (@health<(@healthmax-(@healthmax/5))) {shealth} {#if (@mana<(@manamax-(@manamax/5))) {smana} {#if (@ego<(@egomax-(@egomax/5))) {sbromide}}}}}}}}}}}
#alias shealth {sip health;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alias smana {sip mana;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alias sbromide {sip bromide;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alarm "sipbal" 1.5 {#t- sipbal trigger;#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=1}}
#class 0
#var sipbal 1
#regex {^(\\d+)h, (\\d+)m, (\\d+)e, (\\d+)p, (\\d+)en, (\\d+)w (.*)$} {#var health %1;#var mana %2;#var ego %3;#var power %4;#var endurance %5;#var willpower %6;sipcheck} "" {nocr|prompt}
#tr {Health : (%d)/(%d)} {health=%1;healthmax=%2}
#tr {Mana  : (%d)/(%d)} {mana=%1;manamax=%2}
#tr {Ego    : (%d)/(%d)} {ego=%1;egomax=%2}
#regex {^You (take a drink|down the last drop from) from a.*vial\\.$} {#gag}
#cond {} {} {regex|within|param=1}
#cond {^The elixir heals and soothes you\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^Your mind feels stronger and more alert\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^Ah, the soothing bromides help strengthen your ego\\.$} {#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=0}} {regex|reparse}
#cond {^The potion flows down your throat without effect\\.$} {sipbal=0} {regex|reparse}
#regex {^You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion\\.$} {sipbal=1}
#alias sipcheck {#if (@sipbal=1) {#if (@health<@healthmax/3) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/3) {smana} {#if (@ego<@egomax/3) {sbromide} {#if (@health<@healthmax/2) {shealth} {#if (@mana<@manamax/2) {smana} {#if (@ego<@egomax/2) {sbromide} {#if (@health<(@healthmax-(@healthmax/5))) {shealth} {#if (@mana<(@manamax-(@manamax/5))) {smana} {#if (@ego<(@egomax-(@egomax/5))) {sbromide}}}}}}}}}}}
#alias shealth {sip health;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alias smana {sip mana;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alias sbromide {sip bromide;sipbal=0.5;#t+ sipbal trigger}
#alarm "sipbal" 1.5 {#t- sipbal trigger;#if (@sipbal=0.5) {sipbal=1}}
#class 0
That is just a more simplified version, and like I say, shouldn't make any difference, though I know full well how zMUD can behave, so keep us informed of the progress if you would please.
Be well.
Unknown2007-02-16 17:42:17
What I don't quite get, is what is the benefit of doing it the other way if it can be done simpler?
Unknown2007-02-16 19:09:23
The alarm is a failsafe. If you fail to sip because of anorexia, slit throat, stupidity, or any number of reasons, the balance is reset for you.
relaren2007-02-16 21:41:29
Oh, yes, sorry, forgot to answer that, thankyou Zarquan, appreciated.