Unknown2007-05-13 03:52:08
Because Sini's a raccoon furrikin, she often struggles against her sheer want to climb onto rooftops and root through others' trash.
Morshoth2007-05-30 11:04:51
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Apr 29 2007, 01:30 AM) 402425
You were the young Glomdorian who kicked butt in the Chaos event, weren't you?
If by kicked but, you mean carried it for a long time, before finally being killed by Krellan, then yes!
Kaervas2007-05-30 11:15:47
Oh yeah I remember that, I had you hoisted and was wandering around the Inner Sea. 

Unknown2007-05-31 14:36:36
I (Therapon in-game) am new to Glomdoring, and also incredibly wonderful. Awesome even.
Hello, people!
I've made a character on all the IRE games at one point or another, but this is the first time I've lasted longer than two days, and the first time I've felt entertained atop of overwhelmed. Wish me luck?
Hello, people!
I've made a character on all the IRE games at one point or another, but this is the first time I've lasted longer than two days, and the first time I've felt entertained atop of overwhelmed. Wish me luck?
Yrael2007-05-31 15:02:16
No! Go away! We don't want you!
I'm done. Hiya!
I'm done. Hiya!
Unknown2007-05-31 15:46:48
I just realized that I never actually made a post here.
I am Refugee. As the name implies, I am in fact a refugee from another IRE game, Achaea to be exact.
My character there was a runewarden named Shuruk, and I bashed to level 91 at age 32 in Cyrene on him, before I went to Mhaldor and was introduced to the negative aspects of the game environment (overwhelming, crushing lame, and no IC/OOC seperation in the forums).
If any still play over there, just know that the alt of one of the most prolific griefers in the game (who was shrubbed after years of non-stop laming) recieved credits from a group of mhaldorians to bash up to dragon again and start the griefing anew. Then think if you're still interested in playing a game where that sort of stuff is kosher.
After that I decided to try Lusternia and made a character in the Serenguard over here, and haven't looked back since.
I came for the playerbase, I stayed for the shadowdancing.
I am Refugee. As the name implies, I am in fact a refugee from another IRE game, Achaea to be exact.
My character there was a runewarden named Shuruk, and I bashed to level 91 at age 32 in Cyrene on him, before I went to Mhaldor and was introduced to the negative aspects of the game environment (overwhelming, crushing lame, and no IC/OOC seperation in the forums).
If any still play over there, just know that the alt of one of the most prolific griefers in the game (who was shrubbed after years of non-stop laming) recieved credits from a group of mhaldorians to bash up to dragon again and start the griefing anew. Then think if you're still interested in playing a game where that sort of stuff is kosher.
After that I decided to try Lusternia and made a character in the Serenguard over here, and haven't looked back since.
I came for the playerbase, I stayed for the shadowdancing.
Damadreas2007-05-31 19:50:58
The view of the shadowdancing is much better from here in Glomdoring you know. >.>
Unknown2007-06-03 22:50:17
There's not much to say about my character if I want her to remain a tiny bit anonymous for the moment, but she does have an overwhelming love of peaches.
Unknown2007-06-03 23:11:21
Most people know Marina. She's been named "odd" "heretic" "kind" "overly motherly" "cook" "scribe" "oracle" "annoying" so on and so forth. That's about it. My alts, though, were often loved. I had an alt in Serenwilde that was EXTREMELY hyperactive, bouncing about and loved shiny things. Big time jewelcrafter. An alt in Glomdoring who was a shadowdancer. She was morose and kept to herself most of the time, stargazing and trying to learn astrology. An alt in the Celestians. She was fun to play. I ended up suiciding the one in the Celestians and the one in the Serenwilde. I couldn't play the hyperactive character for too long before I felt like I wanted to reach through the computer and strangle the poor thing. >.<
Gero2007-06-03 23:24:57
Hi I'm Gero and my character has defiantly had one of the funniest miss shouts in the game
Unknown2007-06-15 21:20:19
Hello! Someone pointed me here. My name is Gaesh and I'm new here in Lusternia, though I've played other IRE games before. The Lusternian history of the Vernal Gods is what got me into playing. I hope I meet new friends here. 

Unknown2007-06-16 04:49:12
I'm Rian... and I play a burly tae'dae from Celest! Definitely not one of the greats in this game, or will I ever be, I'm sure... but I'm sure enjoying my time here!
Shorlen2007-06-18 04:08:29
QUOTE(Morshoth @ May 30 2007, 07:04 AM) 413076
If by kicked but, you mean carried it for a long time, before finally being killed by Krellan, then yes!
Oh pssh, you held it longer than anyone except Kaervas =P Seren had to Rage to get it out of your hands, whereas I fell into a Celestian trap within the first minute of holding it the first time I had it =\\
Unknown2007-06-18 21:36:34
Hopefully a post here will get me rolling on these forums!
Elyrian2007-06-20 03:35:56
Elyrian is discovering his dark side. He is very manipulative and likes to keep people guessing.
Abethor2007-06-20 03:51:53
My char (name still secret) is really into cooking all sorts of delectable goodies and prays... a lot.
Lenalith2007-06-23 11:34:25
Lenalith pretends to understand you soul-types, but really she's just smiling along, slightly confused.
Unknown2007-06-23 20:33:05
Skoll was raised in a wolf pack, and does not get on well with people.
Auraria2007-06-23 20:53:23
Auraria extremely dislikes taking baths.
Talnar2007-06-23 23:43:44
Well... I just discovered this Thread, so I suppose I'll post!
My character's name is Talnar. He loves to hunt thing, gain levels, and talk to people. He's still relatively new, came out of the portal 3 days ago... Ohh well! Still loved!
And because I want to, I'll tell you all a little bit about the OOC me! Name's Zach, just in case you care. I love to pretend to quote people, for some reason... I just recently received my black belt in Kyusho Jitsu. I've been labeled many things: He-Who-Is-Awkward, The Coolest Nerdling EVAH!, and a Pimp (though I don't know why a Pimp...)
Edit: OHH! And you all may remember one of my old characters that I gave up. Ryld, anyone? I know Doman will remember me! Ahh, good times, killing eachother and hunting together on Astral... We were like brothers, except I was a Dracnari, and he a Trill. OHH WELL!
My character's name is Talnar. He loves to hunt thing, gain levels, and talk to people. He's still relatively new, came out of the portal 3 days ago... Ohh well! Still loved!
And because I want to, I'll tell you all a little bit about the OOC me! Name's Zach, just in case you care. I love to pretend to quote people, for some reason... I just recently received my black belt in Kyusho Jitsu. I've been labeled many things: He-Who-Is-Awkward, The Coolest Nerdling EVAH!, and a Pimp (though I don't know why a Pimp...)
Edit: OHH! And you all may remember one of my old characters that I gave up. Ryld, anyone? I know Doman will remember me! Ahh, good times, killing eachother and hunting together on Astral... We were like brothers, except I was a Dracnari, and he a Trill. OHH WELL!