Arel2007-07-04 06:51:11
QUOTE(grantaire @ Jul 3 2007, 09:07 PM) 422617
He thinks he is a pretty pretty princess! But is not. But there are no mirrors in the game!
The entrance to the Harbinger guildhall is a full-length mirror

Viravain2007-07-04 07:07:42
QUOTE(grantaire @ Jul 3 2007, 09:07 PM) 422617
He thinks he is a pretty pretty princess! But is not. But there are no mirrors in the game!
You know, the irony of that statement is that there was a gilded mirror in the most recent artifact auction that allows you to change your gender once every RL day much like the cameos let you change your race.
Vaera2007-07-07 20:50:16
Vaera is an Elfen that still loves the heritage of her previous Dracnari form.
And she has a phobia of cherubs.
Oh, wait. Not a newbie anymore...oh, well.
And she has a phobia of cherubs.

Oh, wait. Not a newbie anymore...oh, well.
Unknown2007-07-12 23:36:45
My char is Ryshal. He is an Ur'Guard and is human.
My char is Ryshal. He is an Ur'Guard and is human.
Xiel2007-07-13 01:08:54
Xiel...umm..ambitious, patient, and a noob only in Lusternian terms.
Unknown2007-07-17 14:54:06
Lygea is so easily distracted by shiny things and tiny details that she often has no idea where she is in the bigger picture--for instance, if asked where she is while standing in Motha Mucka's kitchen, she might well say "beside a lovely fire somewhere". She is more than capable of standing in a clearing, looking at a small wildflower, all the while failing to notice hordes of enemies bearing down upon her.
Montegil2007-07-21 18:47:47
Montegil still, sometimes, secretly, trolls the Lusty forums, taking a break from his "other" game.
Wait, nevermind.
Wait, nevermind.
Arnath2007-07-24 17:51:23
Arnath typically looks down upon forums, but Lusternia is awesome enough that he has decided to put his prejudices behind him.

Unknown2007-08-03 06:01:52
Lyriel is actually not yet a character, but he will be once he gets some advice.
Shiri2007-08-03 06:03:44
Oh dear. That name is going to be awkward.
Unknown2007-08-03 06:26:00
QUOTE(Lyriel @ Aug 3 2007, 02:01 AM) 431154
Lyriel is actually not yet a character, but he will be once he gets some advice.
Pretty sure there is a female named "Lyriell" or something like that.
Just something to consider before you make your character.
Unknown2007-08-03 09:33:44
Pretty sure there is a female named "Lyriell" or something like that.
Just something to consider before you make your character.
Just something to consider before you make your character.
Oh, good to know! Thanks!
Fortunately I'm not at all attached to the name, so I'll come up with another one. Hrm. Although I dunno what to do about the forum display name.

Shiri2007-08-03 09:37:25
You can just start a new forum account from a different email and post here again, I guess. Heh.
Ihsahn2007-08-03 16:06:29
My character has gotten himself lost for quite a long time.
My character has gotten himself lost for quite a long time.
Unknown2007-08-05 20:25:14
Mhorllyn is an arrogant religious zealot of the Nihilists and fully embraces the twisted tenets of the faith, especially the ambitious aspects. She is a perfectionist and speaks with often antiquated grammar, and is an albino.
Unknown2007-08-06 15:34:22
Jillory is painfully shy. And she hates it. 

Minie2007-08-08 20:14:20
Minie confuses Gm's because she advances to fast. >.>
Unknown2007-08-10 23:18:09
Kallisto is a Furrikin warrior who suffers from a squirrel-like hyperactivity. She also has been known to say taco, claiming that it's a family recipe...
Unknown2007-08-11 10:25:18
Blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Blah.
Ghaloaire2007-08-13 06:46:00
Ghaloaire is back. Muhahahahaha.