Unknown2007-02-07 14:27:13
For a while now, I've been watching the Hartstone Guild and the Blacktalon Guild in hopes they'd be receiving a list of abilities that pertain to the aspects of White Hart and Crow. They have abilities enough, true, but I believe it would be an incredible step towards developing the story line between the two if the druids of the given commune actually were given powers that were attributed to each aspect of the given Great Spirit. Here are some ideas for abilities for each side.
Power: 5
Type: Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
Through the grace of White Doe, of the four aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid is able to call upon the Aspect and cast a haze of peace onto the central point of their demesne. This area will be flagged a peaced room, meaning that no combat may take place while within its borders. Know that while this is a potent transformation, the malovolent power of Crow may be able to break the haze of peace or the Hartstone druid may break it by performing an offensive act of their own.
1st Person: You kneel on the ground and reverently draw a symbol of meaning within the dirt. Closing your eyes, you beseech the aspect of White Doe to find its home within your body and spirit. A rush of breeze plays whimsically about your head, ruffling your hair, before a tear sheds itself from your closed eyes. You rise from the ground and smile quietly, sensing the loving presence of White Doe within.
3rd Person: $+who kneels on the ground and draws some sort of symbol into the dirt before $her/$himself. Closing $her/$his eyes, you watch in curiousity as $he/$she whispers an unheard liturgy beneath $her/$his breath. You spot the fleeting form of a glowing white doe appearing next to $who, before it places its head on the back of the bowed head of $who before vanishing. $she/$he rises slowly and opens $her/$his eyes, revealing a glowing white light that emenates out from their stare.
Power: 6
Type Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
By calling upon the grace of White Stag, of the four aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid may cause a target to become suddenly overwhelmed by the Aspect's powerful presence. The Hartstone druid must perform the ritual first before White Stag may be called upon to deal a judgement onto another. During the initial ritual, the druid may not move or perform any action whatsoever. A White stag will appear and simply touch the target's forehead with its own, branding them both a heretic to White Hart and an enemy to the forest. While branded, the target will lose equilibrium spontaneously as well as receive augmented damage from a Hartstone's central point in his or her demesne.
1st Person: You kneel on the ground and draw in a deep breath. For a moment, you still the inner turmoil of your own life and thoughts. A sense of revelry spreads out from you, your hands working the ground at your knees until it resembles a symbol of meaning. You close your eyes and send out a plea to White Buck to find solace within your body and spirit. A jovial bay rings through the air, casting its challenge to the wind. You rise from the ground and smile quietly, sensing the courageous presence of White Stag within.
3rd Person: $who kneels on the ground and draws in a deep breath. You watch as $she/$he begins to trace some sort of symbol into the ground before $her/$himself, closing $her/$his eyes a moment later. $who begins to whisper quietly to $her/$himself, $her/$his head bowed and hands held in $his/$her lap. The fleeting figure of a glowing white buck appears standing before $who, its quiet and knowing eyes looking down at $her/$him. It places its muzzle against the forehead of $her/$him lightly before vanishing from sight. $who slowly rises moments later and opens $her/$his eyes, revealing them to be glowing the same color as the ghostly stag.
Power 8
Type: Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
By calling upon the grace of Whie Buck, of the four aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid may perform a ritual of bonding with the Aspect. While performing this ritual, the Hartstone druid may not move or perform any action whatsoever. Once the Hartstone druid has successfully become one with the White Buck Aspect, they will find they will no longer suffer from anorexia or any conditions related to the throat region. However, should this ritual be negated by some form or means, the Hartstone druid will find they cannot perform the ritual again until the following day.
Type: Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
By calling upon the grace of White Foal, of the four Aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid may summon the gentle Aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling within their own spirits for the Aspect. By performing this ritual, a Hartstone druid may not move or perform any actions and must wait until the ritual is done. Once the ritual is performed, the Hartstone druid will receive a bonus to their health and mana while they share their own bodies with the Aspect of White Foal. Should the Hartstone druid die while they are one with the White Foal Aspect, they will be immediately revived at the Moonhart Mother Tree on prime, regardless of where it was they were slained.
Power: 2
Type: Master Ravenwood Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Crow
By calling upon the force of False Memory, of the four aspects of Brother Crow, a Blacktalon druid may summon the haunting aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling within their spirits for the aspect. When performing this ritual, a Blacktalon druid may not move or perform any actions whatsoever. Once the ritual is performed, the Blacktalon druid will gain the ability to cast a haze of forgetfulness onto the central point of their demense. This will inflict one of the three afflictions of amnesia, pacification, and/or omniphobia. Should all three afflictions fall upon the target, they will gradually lose consciousness until they are bound to sleep.
Power: 4
Type: Master Ravenwood Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Crow
By calling upon the thirst of Blood Thirst, of the four aspects of Brother Crow, a Blacktalon druid may summon the haunting aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling within their spirits for the aspect. When performing this ritual, a Blacktalon druid may not move or perform any actions whatsoever. Once the ritual is performed, the Blacktalon druid will find themselves able to call upon Blood Thirst to condemn a target in the name of the Black Forest. Blood Thirst will enter into the target's body and slowly eat its way from the inside out. Damage will be dealt, along with haemophelia, hemiplegy, and thin blood. Should Blood Thirst near the surface of the skin, it will tear its way out from the target's insides and deal an immense amount of damage. Should the target die under the power of Blood Thirst, the aspect will leave the Blacktalon druid with a blessing in the form of increased health and mana for a small duration of time.
Power: 8
Type: Master Ravenwood Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Crow
By calling upon the tacit knowledge of Black Sorrow, of the four aspects of Brother Crow, a Blacktalon druid may summon the wise aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling place within their own spirits for the aspect. When performing this ritual, a Blacktalon druid may not move or perform any actions whatsoever. Once the ritual is performed, the Blacktalon druid will find an incredible reassurance of their place within Brother Crow's murder and the Dark Forest. As long as a Blacktalon forest is in place about the Blacktalon druid, he or she will receive a gracious regeneration of their health should they be attacked. Also, if the Blacktalon druid is killed while they are under the watch of Black Sorrow, the aspect will rise from the earth at their feet and claim the druid for its own. The druid will resurrect immediately in the Dark Nest within Ethereal Glomdoring.
Power: 10
Type: Master Ravenwood Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Crow; A dark spirit present in a personal nest.
By calling upon the dark presene of Dark Spirit, of the four aspects of Brother Crow, a blacktalon druid may summon the dark aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling place within their own spirits for the aspect. When performing this ritual, a Blacktalon druid may not move or perform any actions whatsoever. Once the ritual is performed, the Blacktalon druid will gain the ability to cause a target to fall before the might of Dark Spirit by combining both a dark spirit from their nest and their own spirit. Dark Spirit will reveal itself to the target, burning its way through the victim's mind and soul until there is little doubt that Brother Crow is the greatest of the Great Spirits. This will also inflict confusion, deadening, stupidity, and rigormortis. Should the target die while Dark Spirit is present within their mind, the target will suffer immediate death and also lose eight power, which will be transferred to the Blacktalon as a gift for showing another foe of Brother Crow that he is truly the most fearsome of entities.
Power: 5
Type: Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
Through the grace of White Doe, of the four aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid is able to call upon the Aspect and cast a haze of peace onto the central point of their demesne. This area will be flagged a peaced room, meaning that no combat may take place while within its borders. Know that while this is a potent transformation, the malovolent power of Crow may be able to break the haze of peace or the Hartstone druid may break it by performing an offensive act of their own.
1st Person: You kneel on the ground and reverently draw a symbol of meaning within the dirt. Closing your eyes, you beseech the aspect of White Doe to find its home within your body and spirit. A rush of breeze plays whimsically about your head, ruffling your hair, before a tear sheds itself from your closed eyes. You rise from the ground and smile quietly, sensing the loving presence of White Doe within.
3rd Person: $+who kneels on the ground and draws some sort of symbol into the dirt before $her/$himself. Closing $her/$his eyes, you watch in curiousity as $he/$she whispers an unheard liturgy beneath $her/$his breath. You spot the fleeting form of a glowing white doe appearing next to $who, before it places its head on the back of the bowed head of $who before vanishing. $she/$he rises slowly and opens $her/$his eyes, revealing a glowing white light that emenates out from their stare.
Power: 6
Type Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
By calling upon the grace of White Stag, of the four aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid may cause a target to become suddenly overwhelmed by the Aspect's powerful presence. The Hartstone druid must perform the ritual first before White Stag may be called upon to deal a judgement onto another. During the initial ritual, the druid may not move or perform any action whatsoever. A White stag will appear and simply touch the target's forehead with its own, branding them both a heretic to White Hart and an enemy to the forest. While branded, the target will lose equilibrium spontaneously as well as receive augmented damage from a Hartstone's central point in his or her demesne.
1st Person: You kneel on the ground and draw in a deep breath. For a moment, you still the inner turmoil of your own life and thoughts. A sense of revelry spreads out from you, your hands working the ground at your knees until it resembles a symbol of meaning. You close your eyes and send out a plea to White Buck to find solace within your body and spirit. A jovial bay rings through the air, casting its challenge to the wind. You rise from the ground and smile quietly, sensing the courageous presence of White Stag within.
3rd Person: $who kneels on the ground and draws in a deep breath. You watch as $she/$he begins to trace some sort of symbol into the ground before $her/$himself, closing $her/$his eyes a moment later. $who begins to whisper quietly to $her/$himself, $her/$his head bowed and hands held in $his/$her lap. The fleeting figure of a glowing white buck appears standing before $who, its quiet and knowing eyes looking down at $her/$him. It places its muzzle against the forehead of $her/$him lightly before vanishing from sight. $who slowly rises moments later and opens $her/$his eyes, revealing them to be glowing the same color as the ghostly stag.
Power 8
Type: Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
By calling upon the grace of Whie Buck, of the four aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid may perform a ritual of bonding with the Aspect. While performing this ritual, the Hartstone druid may not move or perform any action whatsoever. Once the Hartstone druid has successfully become one with the White Buck Aspect, they will find they will no longer suffer from anorexia or any conditions related to the throat region. However, should this ritual be negated by some form or means, the Hartstone druid will find they cannot perform the ritual again until the following day.
Type: Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
By calling upon the grace of White Foal, of the four Aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid may summon the gentle Aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling within their own spirits for the Aspect. By performing this ritual, a Hartstone druid may not move or perform any actions and must wait until the ritual is done. Once the ritual is performed, the Hartstone druid will receive a bonus to their health and mana while they share their own bodies with the Aspect of White Foal. Should the Hartstone druid die while they are one with the White Foal Aspect, they will be immediately revived at the Moonhart Mother Tree on prime, regardless of where it was they were slained.
Power: 2
Type: Master Ravenwood Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Crow
By calling upon the force of False Memory, of the four aspects of Brother Crow, a Blacktalon druid may summon the haunting aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling within their spirits for the aspect. When performing this ritual, a Blacktalon druid may not move or perform any actions whatsoever. Once the ritual is performed, the Blacktalon druid will gain the ability to cast a haze of forgetfulness onto the central point of their demense. This will inflict one of the three afflictions of amnesia, pacification, and/or omniphobia. Should all three afflictions fall upon the target, they will gradually lose consciousness until they are bound to sleep.
Power: 4
Type: Master Ravenwood Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Crow
By calling upon the thirst of Blood Thirst, of the four aspects of Brother Crow, a Blacktalon druid may summon the haunting aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling within their spirits for the aspect. When performing this ritual, a Blacktalon druid may not move or perform any actions whatsoever. Once the ritual is performed, the Blacktalon druid will find themselves able to call upon Blood Thirst to condemn a target in the name of the Black Forest. Blood Thirst will enter into the target's body and slowly eat its way from the inside out. Damage will be dealt, along with haemophelia, hemiplegy, and thin blood. Should Blood Thirst near the surface of the skin, it will tear its way out from the target's insides and deal an immense amount of damage. Should the target die under the power of Blood Thirst, the aspect will leave the Blacktalon druid with a blessing in the form of increased health and mana for a small duration of time.
Power: 8
Type: Master Ravenwood Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Crow
By calling upon the tacit knowledge of Black Sorrow, of the four aspects of Brother Crow, a Blacktalon druid may summon the wise aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling place within their own spirits for the aspect. When performing this ritual, a Blacktalon druid may not move or perform any actions whatsoever. Once the ritual is performed, the Blacktalon druid will find an incredible reassurance of their place within Brother Crow's murder and the Dark Forest. As long as a Blacktalon forest is in place about the Blacktalon druid, he or she will receive a gracious regeneration of their health should they be attacked. Also, if the Blacktalon druid is killed while they are under the watch of Black Sorrow, the aspect will rise from the earth at their feet and claim the druid for its own. The druid will resurrect immediately in the Dark Nest within Ethereal Glomdoring.
Power: 10
Type: Master Ravenwood Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Crow; A dark spirit present in a personal nest.
By calling upon the dark presene of Dark Spirit, of the four aspects of Brother Crow, a blacktalon druid may summon the dark aspect within themselves and offer a dwelling place within their own spirits for the aspect. When performing this ritual, a Blacktalon druid may not move or perform any actions whatsoever. Once the ritual is performed, the Blacktalon druid will gain the ability to cause a target to fall before the might of Dark Spirit by combining both a dark spirit from their nest and their own spirit. Dark Spirit will reveal itself to the target, burning its way through the victim's mind and soul until there is little doubt that Brother Crow is the greatest of the Great Spirits. This will also inflict confusion, deadening, stupidity, and rigormortis. Should the target die while Dark Spirit is present within their mind, the target will suffer immediate death and also lose eight power, which will be transferred to the Blacktalon as a gift for showing another foe of Brother Crow that he is truly the most fearsome of entities.
Aiakon2007-02-07 14:32:59
As is often observed on these very boards, peaced rooms are a big big no no.
Peaced rooms = unbreakable demesnes.
Peaced rooms = unbreakable demesnes.
Unknown2007-02-07 14:38:13
Unless being branded an enemy of the forest is a temporary status, I believe that that would be too unfair, as this ability can be used on the offensive, thus branding a victim as an enemy of the forest for being attacked.
Unknown2007-02-07 14:48:20
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Feb 7 2007, 09:38 AM) 381338
Unless being branded an enemy of the forest is a temporary status, I believe that that would be too unfair, as this ability can be used on the offensive, thus branding a victim as an enemy of the forest for being attacked.
The branding isn't an actual branding. It just enemies the person to the druid automatically, thus negating love potion unless removed.
Unknown2007-02-07 14:52:23
I don't like the peaced room. I do support bringing more roleplay into the skillsets.
Genos2007-02-07 15:43:23
I think it would be a bit better if once you take Stagform or Crowform there is then a command to bond more with a certain Aspect. Since there are four choices they could easily be more tailored to Warriors or Druids and you wouldn't have to worry as much about complaints that the skill is useless for them.
Saran2007-02-07 22:53:47
QUOTE(Marina_Whytetower @ Feb 8 2007, 01:27 AM) 381331
Power: 5
Type: Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
Through the grace of White Doe, of the four aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid is able to call upon the Aspect and cast a haze of peace onto a location within their own demesne. This area will be flagged a peaced room, meaning that no combat may take place while within its borders. Know that while this is a potent transformation, the malovolent power of Crow may be able to break the haze of peace or the Hartstone druid may break it by performing an offensive act of their own.
Power: 5
Type: Moonhart Mother Tree
Requires: Spiritbonded with Stag
Through the grace of White Doe, of the four aspects of White Hart, a Hartstone druid is able to call upon the Aspect and cast a haze of peace onto a location within their own demesne. This area will be flagged a peaced room, meaning that no combat may take place while within its borders. Know that while this is a potent transformation, the malovolent power of Crow may be able to break the haze of peace or the Hartstone druid may break it by performing an offensive act of their own.
^ Prevents it being used to create an unbreakable demesne under normal conditions as it would only allow one peaced room per demesne.
I like it, though would you lower the power costs for those with stagform up?
Vix2007-02-07 23:40:02
Would it apply to Stag/Crow 'guard? They don't have the connection to the Aspects like the druid guilds.
Unknown2007-02-08 00:57:13
Power: 10
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
Calling upon the desperate hunger of Brother Crow, this ability installs Windows Vista on your target's hard drive, devouring their RAM, their evening, and possibly their desire to do anything else with their computer.
Power: 5
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
There is no history but the one you write for yourself! This ability will download your target's AIM logs and post them in your commune's News, instantly making all OOC information IC.
Power: 8
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow, iTunes
Inner pain is Crow's power. Achieve new heights of this power by invoking the depths of Black Sorrow, who will find all files with a .mp3 extension and replace them with the greatest hits of Linkin Park and The Cure.
Power: 10
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
You've got spirit, yes you do, you've got spirit, and so will your target. The dire victories promised by Dark Spirit shall be yours when you use this ability on your newly-slain opponent. Dark Spirit will summon the nearest 18 year old with more than ten misspelled words in their description. Only they will be able to bear the corpse of your target. Order out for Chinese food and be halfway through your General Tso's Chicken before you see them, again.
Power: 10
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
Calling upon the desperate hunger of Brother Crow, this ability installs Windows Vista on your target's hard drive, devouring their RAM, their evening, and possibly their desire to do anything else with their computer.
Power: 5
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
There is no history but the one you write for yourself! This ability will download your target's AIM logs and post them in your commune's News, instantly making all OOC information IC.
Power: 8
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow, iTunes
Inner pain is Crow's power. Achieve new heights of this power by invoking the depths of Black Sorrow, who will find all files with a .mp3 extension and replace them with the greatest hits of Linkin Park and The Cure.
Power: 10
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
You've got spirit, yes you do, you've got spirit, and so will your target. The dire victories promised by Dark Spirit shall be yours when you use this ability on your newly-slain opponent. Dark Spirit will summon the nearest 18 year old with more than ten misspelled words in their description. Only they will be able to bear the corpse of your target. Order out for Chinese food and be halfway through your General Tso's Chicken before you see them, again.
Amarysse2007-02-08 01:03:45
If I was at all uncertain at the true depth of the evil the Glomdoring spawns in its followers, my fears have now been confirmed.
Unknown2007-02-08 01:15:08
QUOTE(Demetrios @ Feb 7 2007, 07:57 PM) 381429
Power: 10
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
Calling upon the desperate hunger of Brother Crow, this ability installs Windows Vista on your target's hard drive, devouring their RAM, their evening, and possibly their desire to do anything else with their computer.
Power: 5
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
There is no history but the one you write for yourself! This ability will download your target's AIM logs and post them in your commune's News, instantly making all OOC information IC.
Power: 8
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow, iTunes
Inner pain is Crow's power. Achieve new heights of this power by invoking the depths of Black Sorrow, who will find all files with a .mp3 extension and replace them with the greatest hits of Linkin Park and The Cure.
Power: 10
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
You've got spirit, yes you do, you've got spirit, and so will your target. The dire victories promised by Dark Spirit shall be yours when you use this ability on your newly-slain opponent. Dark Spirit will summon the nearest 18 year old with more than ten misspelled words in their description. Only they will be able to bear the corpse of your target. Order out for Chinese food and be halfway through your General Tso's Chicken before you see them, again.
Power: 10
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
Calling upon the desperate hunger of Brother Crow, this ability installs Windows Vista on your target's hard drive, devouring their RAM, their evening, and possibly their desire to do anything else with their computer.
Power: 5
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
There is no history but the one you write for yourself! This ability will download your target's AIM logs and post them in your commune's News, instantly making all OOC information IC.
Power: 8
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow, iTunes
Inner pain is Crow's power. Achieve new heights of this power by invoking the depths of Black Sorrow, who will find all files with a .mp3 extension and replace them with the greatest hits of Linkin Park and The Cure.
Power: 10
Requires: Spiritbond with Crow
You've got spirit, yes you do, you've got spirit, and so will your target. The dire victories promised by Dark Spirit shall be yours when you use this ability on your newly-slain opponent. Dark Spirit will summon the nearest 18 year old with more than ten misspelled words in their description. Only they will be able to bear the corpse of your target. Order out for Chinese food and be halfway through your General Tso's Chicken before you see them, again.

Unknown2007-02-08 01:15:29
By the way, added Crow's aspect powers.
Anarias2007-02-08 02:53:02
The only ideas here that are any good are the ones posted by Demetrios.
New skills don't advance a storyline. Story is provided as a means to the end of implementing new skills. The plot comes to a screeching halt once the skills are in place. See episode 243, Grutina's Dark Rebirth.
Hartstone druids getting absurdly overpowered pacifism abilities is a double edged suggestion. The Hartstone has no roleplay basis for pacifism. The Doe is actually one of the tougher aspects to kill (though they're all quite easily defeated by even mediocre warriors). The other side of it is that if Hartstone druids had unbreakable demesnes you'd likely see a lot of griefing tactics using them.
There's a lot more things that are awful here but it isn't worth pointing it all out.
New skills don't advance a storyline. Story is provided as a means to the end of implementing new skills. The plot comes to a screeching halt once the skills are in place. See episode 243, Grutina's Dark Rebirth.
Hartstone druids getting absurdly overpowered pacifism abilities is a double edged suggestion. The Hartstone has no roleplay basis for pacifism. The Doe is actually one of the tougher aspects to kill (though they're all quite easily defeated by even mediocre warriors). The other side of it is that if Hartstone druids had unbreakable demesnes you'd likely see a lot of griefing tactics using them.
There's a lot more things that are awful here but it isn't worth pointing it all out.
Unknown2007-02-08 03:06:40
QUOTE(Vix @ Feb 7 2007, 06:40 PM) 381415
Would it apply to Stag/Crow 'guard? They don't have the connection to the Aspects like the druid guilds.
I'm not sure what Stag or Crow guard does. Could you explain?
Unknown2007-02-08 03:10:24
QUOTE(Anarias @ Feb 7 2007, 09:53 PM) 381463
The only ideas here that are any good are the ones posted by Demetrios.
New skills don't advance a storyline. Story is provided as a means to the end of implementing new skills. The plot comes to a screeching halt once the skills are in place. See episode 243, Grutina's Dark Rebirth.
Hartstone druids getting absurdly overpowered pacifism abilities is a double edged suggestion. The Hartstone has no roleplay basis for pacifism. The Doe is actually one of the tougher aspects to kill (though they're all quite easily defeated by even mediocre warriors). The other side of it is that if Hartstone druids had unbreakable demesnes you'd likely see a lot of griefing tactics using them.
There's a lot more things that are awful here but it isn't worth pointing it all out.
New skills don't advance a storyline. Story is provided as a means to the end of implementing new skills. The plot comes to a screeching halt once the skills are in place. See episode 243, Grutina's Dark Rebirth.
Hartstone druids getting absurdly overpowered pacifism abilities is a double edged suggestion. The Hartstone has no roleplay basis for pacifism. The Doe is actually one of the tougher aspects to kill (though they're all quite easily defeated by even mediocre warriors). The other side of it is that if Hartstone druids had unbreakable demesnes you'd likely see a lot of griefing tactics using them.
There's a lot more things that are awful here but it isn't worth pointing it all out.
The pacifism can be broken if they perform an offensive act. This would include any demense affects they wish to add to their demense. While in the room where the peaced flag is turned on, no one can perform an offensive action either. This could be used for influencing times. Demesnes can be broken around the peace central demesne room as usual. Crow followers can break this by summoning a sapling within the same room as the peaced room. Also, direct offensive acts can't take place, but ents can still attack. So if you placed a shadow cauldron in the same room as the peaced room and brought in fae, the room can be easily destroyed. Another note, if the druid is killed, so, too, does the peaceful haze vanish.
Unknown2007-02-08 03:11:29
QUOTE(Saran @ Feb 7 2007, 05:53 PM) 381403
^ Prevents it being used to create an unbreakable demesne under normal conditions as it would only allow one peaced room per demesne.
I like it, though would you lower the power costs for those with stagform up?
I like it, though would you lower the power costs for those with stagform up?
It would make sense if either hartstone or blacktalon druid was in Crow form or stag form, yes. If not, then the power would be as typical.
Gwylifar2007-02-08 03:14:44
QUOTE(Marina_Whytetower @ Feb 7 2007, 10:06 PM) 381472
I'm not sure what Stag or Crow guard does. Could you explain?
She means Serenguard who follow White Hart, or Ebonguard who follow Crow, and thus have access to the skillset specializations of Stag and Crow respectively, but whose connections to Hart and Crow are assumed (by the druids, at least) to be less than the connections the druids have. (In game mechanics terms, the Aspects howl on Hartstone/Blacktalon channels only, just as Avatars and fae howl on Moondancers/Shadowdancers, while Moon Serenguard and Night Ebonguard don't hear them.)
Anarias2007-02-08 03:20:49
QUOTE(Gwylifar @ Feb 7 2007, 08:14 PM) 381479
She means Serenguard who follow White Hart, or Ebonguard who follow Crow, and thus have access to the skillset specializations of Stag and Crow respectively, but whose connections to Hart and Crow are assumed (by the druids, at least) to be less than the connections the druids have.
Hey, I'm not guilty of that!
Re: Marina's reply
Its not the specifics that are the issue. Its the way you've cast the Hartstone in the passive/defensive role and the Blacktalon in the aggressive/offensive role. Its the basis your ideas are founded on that make them so reprehensible.
Unknown2007-02-08 05:15:19
QUOTE(Anarias @ Feb 7 2007, 10:20 PM) 381484
Hey, I'm not guilty of that!
Re: Marina's reply
Its not the specifics that are the issue. Its the way you've cast the Hartstone in the passive/defensive role and the Blacktalon in the aggressive/offensive role. Its the basis your ideas are founded on that make them so reprehensible.
Re: Marina's reply
Its not the specifics that are the issue. Its the way you've cast the Hartstone in the passive/defensive role and the Blacktalon in the aggressive/offensive role. Its the basis your ideas are founded on that make them so reprehensible.
What would you suggest then? Any input or any ideas on revisions of my ideas are always more than welcomed. Afterall, I've only ever played a Moondancer and Shadowdancer, respectively. Though, my Shadowdancer hasn't been played for at least a good five months.
Daganev2007-02-08 05:40:18
I like that idea of two aspects enhance druid stuff, and two aspects enhance warrior stuff. Sort of like a sub/sub skill tree.