Unknown2007-03-05 22:12:29
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Mar 5 2007, 09:55 PM) 388357
Since you seem opposed to minor, cheap constructs, how about a big multi-faceted construct of some kind into which the city leader can put several different objects (3-5 at a time?) causing it to have different minor effects. (This would make things like the anti-scent and the free shadows construct more practical!)
I love this idea. A lot.
Also, maybe something could be added so that when a member of an org touches a construct in their nexus world, they can tell what its function is could be added, unless there's already an easy way for your average citizen to find out what a construct does. When we start getting more constructs, there'll always be the occaisonal newbie who wants to know what such and such does, or the experienced player who needs clarification on a syntax or usage or something.
Unknown2007-03-05 22:14:36
Does it have to be an existing skill or effect?
Daganev2007-03-05 22:17:45
QUOTE(shadow @ Mar 5 2007, 02:14 PM) 388362
Does it have to be an existing skill or effect?
I assume not.
strryx2007-03-05 22:38:22
A movement/Transport Construct - Where the time and cost for teleporting to your nexus or another city/commune member is reduced. Also the cost and time for Tessing to another City/Commune member is reduced. And also possibly summoning another city/commune member as well.
A light of the Star Construct - You are surrounded by the warmth and light of the Star, greater resistance or chance to shrug off certain afflictions and poisions (especially mental maladies etc.), the warmth allows you basic regeneration maybe even to things like ego as your confidence is boosted, or willpower and endurance.
A light of the Star Construct - You are surrounded by the warmth and light of the Star, greater resistance or chance to shrug off certain afflictions and poisions (especially mental maladies etc.), the warmth allows you basic regeneration maybe even to things like ego as your confidence is boosted, or willpower and endurance.
Unknown2007-03-05 22:52:15
The Symbiotic Tree: This tree lives through the emotions of others, and grants them a boon in return. Members may SUPPLICATE HEALTH, SUPPLICATE MANA, or SUPPLICATE EGO. They are then granted a seed, which quickly grows into a small vine and hugs their forearm. The vine shares the happiness and pain of its host and one third of all damage received is transferred to the vine, reducing damage to 66% in that stat. The vine eventually absorbs enough positive emotions and pain and blossoms into a fruit, sending it’s stored emotions back to the tree. Due to the connection shared with its host there is a small backlash when this happens 33% of the hosts health is lost. It is not wise to become too connected with this tree, as this backlash is synergist with any other vines the host is connected too. If two vines are used when one blossoms the damage is increased to 66% of the hosts health. If all three vines are in use the strain is too much and the host dies. Fruit may be plucked off the vine and eaten to fully replenish the stat the vine was tied too, this lets the vine return back to its tree, it’s boon given.
Ok, so you could have all three vines, but you’d end up dieing, so almost no one would do that. You couldn’t store up masses of fruit, as you can only have one vine of each type. Yet you’re still getting a very nice bonus. Vines would either be timed (they ‘decay’ into the fruit state after 5 IG months or so) or they could store a set amount, and turn into the fruit vines when the amount is reached.
I don’t think my retyping was as good the second time, but oh well. It's depressing losing it all, it can always be modified if needed.
Estarra2007-03-05 22:52:51
QUOTE(Forren @ Mar 5 2007, 01:42 PM) 388349
The battle last night - it was.. interesting.
It was sort of fun - we were kind of angry when we could no longer damage the Crypt, which was on the verge of destruction. Will it heal fully for the next battle?
Also - greater pentagram is going to be key in fighting these. It's to the advantage of everyone to know exactly when the battle will take place and to get there as soon as possible. Also - will moving a colossus into a room bypass a greater pentagram?
It was sort of fun - we were kind of angry when we could no longer damage the Crypt, which was on the verge of destruction. Will it heal fully for the next battle?
Also - greater pentagram is going to be key in fighting these. It's to the advantage of everyone to know exactly when the battle will take place and to get there as soon as possible. Also - will moving a colossus into a room bypass a greater pentagram?
Glad it was interesting!
Constructs and colossi do NOT go to full. They can be healed at the start of every month with a fish keg which does a limited amount of healing. Thus, between battles, it is possible to PARTIALLY heal your construct and colossus. When the battle time restarts, of course, you can begin sparkle healing your construct/colossus and (if there is no opposition) take it back up to full. Note that you can fish keg heal your construct even while it is full to pump it up beyond its normal max between battles (thus, yes, you can upgrade in this manner). Yes, there is a maximum ceiling it will hit.
Moving a colossus should bypass greater pentagrams. They'll blow right through them.
Estarra2007-03-05 22:54:20
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Mar 5 2007, 01:43 PM) 388351
Personally, I'd love to see Serens get a fae companion that does something. My suggestions would be periodically casting faerie fire on enemies, or providing health/mana/ego regen (that stacks with mother and sprite, of course).
This has been widely discussed in the havens, even suggesting bringing back willowisp as a construct power (though we decided against that at this time).
Estarra2007-03-05 22:56:57
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Mar 5 2007, 01:55 PM) 388357
Since you seem opposed to minor, cheap constructs, how about a big multi-faceted construct of some kind into which the city leader can put several different objects (3-5 at a time?) causing it to have different minor effects. (This would make things like the anti-scent and the free shadows construct more practical!)
A crotamine pet would be ubersauce in choke. And probably overpowered.
As a side note I think constructs that directly affect combat (ie. giving damage resistance or significantly faster writhes) are a bad bad idea.
A crotamine pet would be ubersauce in choke. And probably overpowered.
As a side note I think constructs that directly affect combat (ie. giving damage resistance or significantly faster writhes) are a bad bad idea.
I'm not opposed to cheap constructs. I just don't think cities and communes would buy them. Or, if they're too cheap, there's no reason to attack them.
Interesting idea on a multi-facted construct, though right now we want to build a stable of regular constructs for cities and communes to select from.
Shamarah2007-03-05 23:00:28
QUOTE(Estarra @ Mar 5 2007, 05:54 PM) 388372
This has been widely discussed in the havens, even suggesting bringing back willowisp as a construct power (though we decided against that at this time).
As a new construct fae, how about a fae we were talking about a while ago as a potential to replace willowisp:
Amorph (or a different name): Each attack, it randomly imitates one of the following faethorn fae: pixie, nymph, sprite, banshee, leprechaun, brownie, sylph. It would have a message to the room indicating which fae it was morphing into. It would attack at the same speed as other fae do normally.
Daganev2007-03-05 23:01:08
new skill idea:
WyrdenPustule: Allows you to eat random items that are not normally ateable. When you eat 5 items, you lose EQ for 2 seconds, and then spit out something useful. It might be a shadow, it might be a crow feather, it might be essence, or it might be a vial, or maybe other more usefull objects.
WyrdenPustule: Allows you to eat random items that are not normally ateable. When you eat 5 items, you lose EQ for 2 seconds, and then spit out something useful. It might be a shadow, it might be a crow feather, it might be essence, or it might be a vial, or maybe other more usefull objects.
Estarra2007-03-05 23:01:55
QUOTE(Fallen @ Mar 5 2007, 01:54 PM) 388356
Cocoon Construct--Each member of Glomdoring can summon a spider to their side. This large spider has the ability to either passively web, or bite with crotamine.
Passively webbing and crotamine biting is pretty strong unless the spiders are slow. Am not really taking to the idea of it creating pets, though am not strongly opposed to it either (especially if someone comes up with good, non-combat? abilities).
QUOTE(Fallen @ Mar 5 2007, 01:54 PM) 388356
Spider Construct--Each member of Glomdoring gains the effect of SpiderLegs (Harbinger song which speeds up writhing), poison resistance, and the ability to either web or bite using something like Nihilist's tails, so that it acts on its own balance.
Yeah, I think this is a fairly solid idea, though I understand there would be some concern if it provides too much advantage in combat.
QUOTE(Fallen @ Mar 5 2007, 01:54 PM) 388356
Rose Construct--Wearing the rose increases charisma, passive ego regen, resistance to Dramatics afflictions, as well as provides a sort of Justice aura in debates. In addition, there's a single Vitality-like effect. If your ego gets too low, the rose decays and boosts you back up. Or maybe instead of regen, it could act like a Stag medicine bag for ego. 100 uses and then it decays and you have to go get a new one, in addition to the charisma, resistance, and debate justice aura.
Hmmm, not bad ideas really.
QUOTE(Fallen @ Mar 5 2007, 01:54 PM) 388356
Grutina Construct--Allows Glomdoring to simply point at the corpse of a fallen enemy and direct a dark spirit to a new home. The corpse is reborn at the construct without almost no trace of its former self. The fallen druids can be ordered to follow by a member of security, and will attempt to break any enemy demesne they enter as well as being able to be ordered to forest a location. Every time a fallen spirit breaks a meld, there is a 75% chance that its bond to the host body will break, causing it to crumble to dust. The dust will protect the room from having its terrain changed until either RAIN or GUST is used. In addition, Blacktalon gain the ability to CROW SPIT DUST, which uses carrion stored in their stomachs to mimic the effect.
I think this is a bit much at this time, though points for creativity!
Estarra2007-03-05 23:05:52
QUOTE(Jigan @ Mar 5 2007, 02:04 PM) 388358
Maybe a construct which affects various creatures in the Basin? Probably noted before. For the undead orc thingies everyone loves to hunt in Shallmar, maybe Magnagora could have an armoury which increases their strength, armor, or something else. Every so often a shipment would be sent out to the creatures in question. If you really want to pester it, you could make the shipment actually walk there at a pace. ur'Guard could assign a few troops to protect it.
Not sure Magnagora would pay for a construct that does that.
QUOTE(Jigan @ Mar 5 2007, 02:04 PM) 388358
Celest could have a library type construct.. Bring a few merians from the isles or create a new mob for it and they learn from the library and after so long they leave. They could teach a bit of magic to the merians or learn some secret which empowers them for awhile.
Interesting but vague. Maybe bring scholars instead of merians? Not sure what 'secret' it would provide.
QUOTE(Jigan @ Mar 5 2007, 02:04 PM) 388358
Glomdoring could have a spider cocoon which produces some spiders periodcally to add to the forest Of course, once they hit a certain area they would become hostile, which means that the Glomdoring would have to clear them out.
Bashing mobs? Or free guards? Free guards might be interesting (well, free except for the upkeep of the construct).
QUOTE(Jigan @ Mar 5 2007, 02:04 PM) 388358
Serenwilde could have something. Maybe a nature spirit which roams the Wilde and either increases walk speed of animals or makes them more powerful.
Not sure the point of this.
Daganev2007-03-05 23:05:57
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Mar 5 2007, 01:21 PM) 388344
These ideas should only modify the nation they are raised by, there should be no offensive constructs. Even if some of the offensive constructs I can think of would be nifty (for instance a construct which protects fae from the scarab, or a construct which interferes with power/comm production from villages, or one that makes travel by an enemy's nexus hazardous). It would force other nations to keep the construct dead as a defensive measure.
Just as a note, my construct idea was not offensive. It would only be activated once, when it is destroyed. It is sort of an incentive to have orgs help each other not have certain constructs destroyed.
Estarra2007-03-05 23:06:42
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Mar 5 2007, 02:05 PM) 388359
Oh, and there could be a construct like a Great Cauldron of Night that provides a bunch of useful bonuses to a bunch of different skills. For example, it could do all of the following:
-1 less coven member required for each skill
-Free 5-10 shadows every night
-Can shadowdance nightkiss during the day or the full moon if standing at the construct
-Flight goes 3 rooms per 1 power instead of 2 rooms per 1 power
-Conclave is faster and/or costs 0p
-Penumbra gives an extra +1 charisma
-Cauldron call takes no eq
-Steal lasts longer
-Cauldron release lasts longer
-Can cauldron gather during the day
-1 less coven member required for each skill
-Free 5-10 shadows every night
-Can shadowdance nightkiss during the day or the full moon if standing at the construct
-Flight goes 3 rooms per 1 power instead of 2 rooms per 1 power
-Conclave is faster and/or costs 0p
-Penumbra gives an extra +1 charisma
-Cauldron call takes no eq
-Steal lasts longer
-Cauldron release lasts longer
-Can cauldron gather during the day
Many of these are good ideas. I like the idea of a Great Cauldron.
Estarra2007-03-05 23:09:01
QUOTE(strryx @ Mar 5 2007, 02:38 PM) 388367
A movement/Transport Construct - Where the time and cost for teleporting to your nexus or another city/commune member is reduced. Also the cost and time for Tessing to another City/Commune member is reduced. And also possibly summoning another city/commune member as well.
We've been playing around with this as a general construct ability. Again, unsure if commune/city will actually pay for just that as an effect.
QUOTE(strryx @ Mar 5 2007, 02:38 PM) 388367
A light of the Star Construct - You are surrounded by the warmth and light of the Star, greater resistance or chance to shrug off certain afflictions and poisions (especially mental maladies etc.), the warmth allows you basic regeneration maybe even to things like ego as your confidence is boosted, or willpower and endurance.
I like the idea of a construct representing the Light of Celestia, though unsure if these would be good effects for it.
Estarra2007-03-05 23:15:50
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Mar 5 2007, 02:52 PM) 388370
The Symbiotic Tree: This tree lives through the emotions of others, and grants them a boon in return. Members may SUPPLICATE HEALTH, SUPPLICATE MANA, or SUPPLICATE EGO. They are then granted a seed, which quickly grows into a small vine and hugs their forearm. The vine shares the happiness and pain of its host and one third of all damage received is transferred to the vine, reducing damage to 66% in that stat. The vine eventually absorbs enough positive emotions and pain and blossoms into a fruit, sending it’s stored emotions back to the tree. Due to the connection shared with its host there is a small backlash when this happens 33% of the hosts health is lost. It is not wise to become too connected with this tree, as this backlash is synergist with any other vines the host is connected too. If two vines are used when one blossoms the damage is increased to 66% of the hosts health. If all three vines are in use the strain is too much and the host dies. Fruit may be plucked off the vine and eaten to fully replenish the stat the vine was tied too, this lets the vine return back to its tree, it’s boon given.
Ok, so you could have all three vines, but you’d end up dieing, so almost no one would do that. You couldn’t store up masses of fruit, as you can only have one vine of each type. Yet you’re still getting a very nice bonus. Vines would either be timed (they ‘decay’ into the fruit state after 5 IG months or so) or they could store a set amount, and turn into the fruit vines when the amount is reached.
Ok, so you could have all three vines, but you’d end up dieing, so almost no one would do that. You couldn’t store up masses of fruit, as you can only have one vine of each type. Yet you’re still getting a very nice bonus. Vines would either be timed (they ‘decay’ into the fruit state after 5 IG months or so) or they could store a set amount, and turn into the fruit vines when the amount is reached.
I think I get the general gist, though not sure how a vine would give health at the cost of health (okay, maybe I don't get the idea fully). Not sure about vines growing on your arms. What if its simpler: you get a seed that grows into a special tree in a forest location. You can choose to activate the tree bond or not. If it's activated 20% of damage done to you is transferred to the tree. The tree can only take so much damage before it dies (so you need to know when to deactivate your bond or it'll die). The tree replenishes its own health slowly. If someone cuts down your tree, however, you'll lose health and possibly die!
(Hmm, even if we don't use this as a construct idea, might be a good druid spell!)
Estarra2007-03-05 23:16:57
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Mar 5 2007, 03:00 PM) 388374
Amorph (or a different name): Each attack, it randomly imitates one of the following faethorn fae: pixie, nymph, sprite, banshee, leprechaun, brownie, sylph. It would have a message to the room indicating which fae it was morphing into. It would attack at the same speed as other fae do normally.
Amorph is a terrible name! Interesting power though.
Daganev2007-03-05 23:17:38
Ok, I know I will get shot for suggesting this but anway....
Repair construct: Enter the construct and have lots of very high level mobs to fight, ones that a single person probably can't survive. Also, you can't exit the construct untill the mobs are dead, or you die
Each time the space inside the construct is cleared, the construct comes alive and repairs all the other constructs a small amount, with the possibility of increasing their max health a bit.
Repair construct: Enter the construct and have lots of very high level mobs to fight, ones that a single person probably can't survive. Also, you can't exit the construct untill the mobs are dead, or you die
Diamondais2007-03-05 23:18:34
QUOTE(Estarra @ Mar 5 2007, 06:15 PM) 388382
I think I get the general gist, though not sure how a vine would give health at the cost of health (okay, maybe I don't get the idea fully). Not sure about vines growing on your arms. What if its simpler: you get a seed that grows into a special tree in a forest location. You can choose to activate the tree bond or not. If it's activated 20% of damage done to you is transferred to the tree. The tree can only take so much damage before it dies (so you need to know when to deactivate your bond or it'll die). The tree replenishes its own health slowly. If someone cuts down your tree, however, you'll lose health and possibly die!
(Hmm, even if we don't use this as a construct idea, might be a good druid spell!)
(Hmm, even if we don't use this as a construct idea, might be a good druid spell!)
Actually, that just sounds fun for a Druid skill.
Estarra2007-03-05 23:19:37
QUOTE(daganev @ Mar 5 2007, 03:01 PM) 388375
new skill idea:
WyrdenPustule: Allows you to eat random items that are not normally ateable. When you eat 5 items, you lose EQ for 2 seconds, and then spit out something useful. It might be a shadow, it might be a crow feather, it might be essence, or it might be a vial, or maybe other more usefull objects.
WyrdenPustule: Allows you to eat random items that are not normally ateable. When you eat 5 items, you lose EQ for 2 seconds, and then spit out something useful. It might be a shadow, it might be a crow feather, it might be essence, or it might be a vial, or maybe other more usefull objects.
You hang out around the wyrdling wyrm too much!
Not really sure I like one eating random items to create random items, especially giving the power to everyone in the commune. Maybe you could feed the construct something to make something?