Genevieve2007-02-20 07:43:49

Shiri2007-02-20 07:47:57
*takes all the votes off the comedy option and puts them onto "yes!"*
Arix2007-02-20 08:35:19
Long live the crowned smileys! Death to the uncrowned ones, mash mash mash!
Actually, I really don't give a rat's ass. Carry on.
Actually, I really don't give a rat's ass. Carry on.
Clise2007-02-20 11:32:13
56/7/7 all I have to say is wow....
and of course the obligatory ...

and of course the obligatory ...

Unknown2007-02-20 12:15:56
I don't see what you're all so fussed about, they're fine. I really don't care which set we have but I voted no for that reason.
Aiakon2007-02-20 12:52:28
QUOTE(Shiri @ Feb 20 2007, 07:47 AM) 384807
*takes all the votes off the comedy option and puts them onto "yes!"*
Go live in America, you Republican swine.
Shiri2007-02-20 12:57:42
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Feb 20 2007, 12:52 PM) 384845
Go live in America, you Republican swine.
Hey, -I'm- not the one trying to make our noble monarchy look like retards by comparing this rancid batch of smileys with them...sounds like you're the one with the dodgy rebellious agenda here, not me!
Aiakon2007-02-20 14:07:51
QUOTE(Shiri @ Feb 20 2007, 12:57 PM) 384847
Hey, -I'm- not the one trying to make our noble monarchy look like retards by comparing this rancid batch of smileys with them...sounds like you're the one with the dodgy rebellious agenda here, not me!
Well.. they've got crowns haven't they?

Shiri2007-02-20 14:17:13

Unknown2007-02-20 15:07:21
Oh my god... now I'm starting to read Shiri's post with a British accent, albeit a bad one.
Unknown2007-02-20 15:10:08
Resistance is futile! There's a new order in town! Insert random applicable movie quote here!
Up with the crowned smilies, and death to the detractors!
You've become more American than I am!
Next thing we know you're going to be typing things like 'judgment'...
Up with the crowned smilies, and death to the detractors!
:no: Doesn't cut it, I'm afraid. Totally different. The imposters have got to go.
You've become more American than I am!

Next thing we know you're going to be typing things like 'judgment'...

Shiri2007-02-20 15:31:45
QUOTE(Shou @ Feb 20 2007, 03:07 PM) 384861
Oh my god... now I'm starting to read Shiri's post with a British accent, albeit a bad one.
...why a bad one? I have a perfectly good British accent *blink*
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Feb 20 2007, 03:10 PM) 384862
You've become more American than I am!
Next thing we know you're going to be typing things like 'judgment'...

Next thing we know you're going to be typing things like 'judgment'...

Where is this accusation coming from!? I'm not the one confusing the royal family with these stupid things! *grr*
Xavius2007-02-20 16:58:50
We always have room for one more.
They don't care about you. They never cared about you. They're out to get you. Come to us. We'll protect you from the British evil. Besides, we have cookies. Lots of them. Down with the monarchy! Down with the biscuit tyranny!
They don't care about you. They never cared about you. They're out to get you. Come to us. We'll protect you from the British evil. Besides, we have cookies. Lots of them. Down with the monarchy! Down with the biscuit tyranny!
vorld2007-02-20 17:07:04
Eh. I don't really care for the smilies but I don't use them much anyway. They can stay.
Korben2007-02-20 17:15:54
Purpose of a smiley is to convey emotion, if a happy/sad/etc smiley does that it's doing its job IMO, whether it wears a crown or not. So I don't really care one way or the other. Null vote.
Unknown2007-02-20 17:16:42
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Feb 20 2007, 07:10 AM) 384862
Resistance is futile! There's a new order in town! Insert random applicable movie quote here!
Up with the crowned smilies, and death to the detractors!
You've become more American than I am!
Next thing we know you're going to be typing things like 'judgment'...
Up with the crowned smilies, and death to the detractors!
You've become more American than I am!

Next thing we know you're going to be typing things like 'judgment'...

I'm an American and I've always thought it was judgement, judgment is just retarded.
Unknown2007-02-20 18:08:37
QUOTE(Daruin @ Feb 20 2007, 11:16 AM) 384882
I'm an American and I've always thought it was judgement, judgment is just retarded.
I agree. I'm an American, I think the British are crazy about most things. They're right on the judgement thing though. And I like their monarchy smilies!
Shamarah2007-02-20 19:20:27
Wait, people are actually taking this poll seriously?

Unknown2007-02-20 19:35:43
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Feb 20 2007, 01:20 PM) 384897
Wait, people are actually taking this poll seriously?

The ascension of the New World Order of the Crowned Smilies is no laughing matter.
Any who choose not to support them will be considered an enemy when they truly see fit to demonstrate their power and authority.

Unknown2007-02-22 08:01:29
I've never used a smiley in a post yet. Because the crowned ones look that dumb.

Axelords for life !

Axelords for life !