Ashai2008-07-31 12:43:58
I can't decide how my name is pronounced. 

Bhiele2008-07-31 13:19:55
QUOTE(Ashai @ Jul 31 2008, 12:43 PM) 539033
I can't decide how my name is pronounced. 

In my head it sounds like I-Shy. Or I suppose it could be interpreted as Ass-High.

Unknown2008-07-31 13:27:27
QUOTE(Arix @ Jul 31 2008, 04:20 AM) 538974
I was pronouncing it Ree-Ehd. Do what I do, guys. I just assume characters in game are pronouncing my name correctly, unless someone tries to pronounce it phonetically, at which point I correct them in a tell.
That's actually why I mentioned RAI-ehd, because someone told a third person that's how Ried pronounces her name, and I was like, "...uh, no."
Ralanbek2008-07-31 20:08:03
Elodres2008-07-31 20:12:12
QUOTE(Eventru @ Jul 31 2008, 10:48 AM) 539006
Not Eeven-tru. Or even Eeveentru. Or Event-rue. Eh-ven-tru.
Not Eeven-tru. Or even Eeveentru. Or Event-rue. Eh-ven-tru.
I always it was the third mis-pronounciation, so when you first came onto the scene I kept misreading it...
Esano2008-08-01 03:09:49
I'm curious as to how various people pronounce my name, so post how you think my name should be pronounced.
Yurika2008-08-01 03:38:15
QUOTE(Esano @ Jul 31 2008, 10:09 PM) 539283
I'm curious as to how various people pronounce my name, so post how you think my name should be pronounced.
Hm.. I've always thought it was like Ee-sahn-noh
Linaeve2008-08-01 04:18:26
QUOTE(Ashai @ Jul 31 2008, 08:43 AM) 539033
I can't decide how my name is pronounced. 

Ash-eye. But with more of a breathy 'h' before the 'eye. Ash-hi. That's how I do it, anyway.
But I have to say that, all of two times I spoke to someone from Lusternia/Achaea on the phone and they were saying character names, I tried to avoid it, because I never say them out loud and it just feels so awkward.
It was the time I realized that "Sadye" is pronounced "Saidie." I had always said "Sad-yay" and when I asked her IG later, she confirmed that it was "Saidie."
So anyway, Linaeve is supposed to be Lin-ay-vay. But said quickly, it goes more off the tongue like Lin-eh-vey, I suppose. I know most people think Lin-ayve, but I just but more emphasis on that 'e' at the end.
Unknown2008-08-01 04:20:10
I always thought it was 'Eh-Saw-Know'
as for mine, Chroi = K-roy
as for mine, Chroi = K-roy
Vathael2008-08-01 04:51:26
I'm about in the same boat as some of the others, I haven't really thought about how I'd pronounce my name.. some say like.. Vu-thayl and I've heard others say it Vath-ay-el.
Shiri2008-08-01 04:56:20
I've been saying "VATH-eyl".
Aramel2008-08-01 05:38:09
I've been saying VA-thael too.
Aramel's name is pronounced with a long initial a (as in father, not in cat) and a schwa on the second a.
Aramel's name is pronounced with a long initial a (as in father, not in cat) and a schwa on the second a.
Unknown2008-08-01 06:12:51
QUOTE(Eventru @ Jul 31 2008, 06:48 AM) 539006
Not Eeven-tru. Or even Eeveentru. Or Event-rue. Eh-ven-tru.
Not Eeven-tru. Or even Eeveentru. Or Event-rue. Eh-ven-tru.

Xiel2008-08-01 06:12:55
Unknown2008-08-01 06:14:58
QUOTE(Xiel @ Aug 1 2008, 02:12 AM) 539339
I've pronounced it like Zeal.
I wonder how Maylea and Isune and Viravain are pronounced.
I've probably been slaughtering those.

Xiel2008-08-01 06:20:22
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Jul 31 2008, 11:14 PM) 539341
I've pronounced it like Zeal.
I wonder how Maylea and Isune and Viravain are pronounced.
I've probably been slaughtering those.
I wonder how Maylea and Isune and Viravain are pronounced.
I've probably been slaughtering those.

Aw. -patpat- You learn new things every day! And as for me, I've pronounced Maylea as May-lay-ah, Isune as Ih-soo-nay, and Viravain as Vi-rah-vain.

Unknown2008-08-01 06:27:02
Unknown2008-08-01 06:35:09
QUOTE(Xiel @ Aug 1 2008, 02:12 PM) 539339
Huh. I actually say it as Si-el, not with that crappy 'z'.
And if I feel like it, SAI-el.

Unknown2008-08-01 06:49:39
QUOTE(Xiel @ Aug 1 2008, 02:20 AM) 539343
Aw. -patpat- You learn new things every day! And as for me, I've pronounced Maylea as May-lay-ah, Isune as Ih-soo-nay, and Viravain as Vi-rah-vain. 

Maylea = May-lee
Isune = Ih-zoo-nay
Viravain = Veer-uh-vain
Maybe the z thing is because I'm from NYC or something. o_o()
Gawds help me if I stawt tawkin' like dis, aw like I broked'd mah doofz.
The above speech pattern was brought to you by: Da East Saheed! Da East Saheed, muggin' yo pawks since yous was a kid, foo'.
/end commercial?
Rauros2008-08-01 06:57:34
Watch Lord of the Rings and you'll find out.