Sarrasri2007-04-22 22:27:35
Well, I was out back cleaning up and mowing the lawn when I thought of a little thing that might be nice for trackers. While I know tracking is more of the rogue skill of the game, I was thinking that if someone wanted to, they can specialize further in tracking if they wanted. There'd be two options, (forgive the lack of imagination) Rogue Tracking and then Org Tracking. Naming them not important. In Rogue tracking, you'd have what you have now for tracking, but in Org tracking there'd be some little skills that relate to whatever your org follows (such as Nature Spirits, Supernals/Demon Lords, Elemental Lords). Might just be fun for those that want the tracking stuff but also want some fun RP religious stuff that tracking doesn't really tie into like Moon or Crow would for their respective organizations. Thoughts?
Razenth2007-04-22 22:47:06
But isn't tracking already a specialization of hunting?
Sarrasri2007-04-22 22:49:28
Yes, I meant take it a little further with the tracking.
Arix2007-04-22 22:57:44
this more of a hunting thing, but it would be nice if hunters could, at the expense of like 3 pices of rope, fashion a lasso that wouldn't fall out of their hand, and provide a slightly better success rate when rustling
Ildaudid2007-04-23 00:22:45
Trackers need lots of nice little things, the utility skills they have right now are down right plain ol stupid. I still don't know why a tracker cannot scent, they are trackers