by Tenebrae

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Tenebrae2007-04-11 20:52:48
When compared to knighthoods specializations: Bonecrusher, Blademaster, Axelord, and Pureblade, and the choices that they have therein with afflictions, the puny 12 that Starhymn has, for example, is depleting. Is it possible to have 20 different types of skills in the specializations of music? So then you have more choice over what afflictions to use. That way you can make perhaps the bards better in PvP, as well as other things.

Can we have a direct attack as a skill? Like minorsecond, but depending on our city of choice or commune, a different type. No city/commune, 100% MAGIC. Magnagoria, 33% asphixiation.... Or can we also have an ancestral curse bard version or something for 8 power?

In short, we need more than 12 different types of songs, so we have a greater technique of attack, more strategy involved..
Aiakon2007-04-11 20:57:34
When compared to knighthoods specializations: Bonecrusher, Blademaster, Axelord, and Pureblade, and the choices that they have therein with afflictions, the puny 12 that Starhymn has, for example, is depleting. Is it possible to have 20 different types of skills in the specializations of music? So then you have more choice over what afflictions to use. That way you can make perhaps the bards better in PvP, as well as other things.

Without wishing to put this too bluntly... perhaps you should make some effort to get good at your skillset rather than just bleating for upgrades.
Unknown2007-04-11 21:01:03
More variety and just more to work with would be nice. Even skills that are just for fun or entertainment.

Anyway, most skills are added through the envoy reports (I think?), so forward your ideas to Lysandus.
Tenebrae2007-04-11 21:05:22
I already love my combo of PrincessFarewell, Hangman and Soulless, thank you, but seriously, when you look at a pureblade, you can mix your choice between 20? 25 afflictions? And people are complaining why we suck at pvp. It is because we are predictible in our actions. We have 12 different things we can do, it's so easy to defend yourself.
Diamondais2007-04-11 21:17:24
Speak with Lysandus. And you are correct Shou. And I'd prefer, as a Stag user, that if a Bard guilds an Ancestral Curse ability, it is the Spiritsingers as it fits with what their guilds path has taken.
Unknown2007-04-11 21:53:51
You cant compare Bards primary skill to Warriors primary skill. Warriors basically -only- have their weapon specs on which they can use to harm people, the majroity of their other skills are pretty much useless in combat. Bards have their entire music spec as well as music, and their tertiary skill to work with.
Gwylifar2007-04-11 22:07:56

Knighthood, Totems/Moon, Athletics.
Music, Hunting/Ecology, Acrobatics.

Knighthood, Rituals/Sacraments, Athletics.
Music, Tarot, Acrobatics.

What was your point again?
Tenebrae2007-04-11 22:29:15
Increase certain skills, such as 12, why not 15 choices? The midlevel of starhymn, for example, is all attacking, no defensive songs? Why not add a couple there? And why not add a couple of stronger attacks for high level, not a few based on "chance".