Morshoth2007-04-29 03:17:08
Seeing as how currently A) Commune bards get illusions and Hunting/Ecology and
City bards get Illusions and Tarot, I was thinking that Bards should definitely get a Tertiary skill all their own. Would be great if we could have one more related to performance, as that is what we SHOULD be doing, and within it add a little to combat as well. The following is my idea, though the skills are not put in order of how they would be learned, just some ideas. Maybe a skill called ACTING, and some of the abilities would be like:
With the help of costume and makeup, and some good acting, a true bard can turn into someone else. Everyone in the room will see you as a new person, hearing their voice, seeing their actions. With the proper description, a bard can easily pull off this character.
Power: 5
You can build a stage in your current location. A stage is required for most performances.
Requires 10 wood.
A skilled bard can manipulate their stage to reflect any location, from a barren cave to a glamorous bedroom. Can only be done if a stage is set up in the location.
While in a performance, a bard is given freedom to do any action and say anything they please. This allows for a performance to be completely magnificent, not limiting an actor to the actions they normally can perform.
While some bards can perform alone, true skill comes when one can direct others. A casting call can be held, bringing others into your performance, at their will, of course.
Syntax: ACT PROP-
From within the stage, an actor can pull out any prop, from a tiny flower to a large throne. These props, though not the real thing, function just as the item itself would, allowing one to lie on a prop bed, or sit on a prop chair, with the proper acting skills of course.
(These items can not actually be used, but are merely for viewing purposes. Any actions with them would be included in the ACTION part of the Scenestart ability)
Through taunting and laughs, a bard can make anyone shy away from a performance.
(Afflicts with shyness)
Power: 5
A truly skilled bard will captivate their audience, stopping them from moving, even when the bard leaves.
(Binds enemies to the room this skill was activated in)
Syntax: ACT MIME
Power: 1
What bard doesn't know how to mime? From a falling piano, to an invisible box, the miming ability will cause utmost confusion to an opponent.
(Causes random affliction, based on whatever is mimed at the time, which is random. For example, if an invisible box, it would bind the target, if a piano fell, it would knock them down)
A romantic love scene can affect the heart of most, causing your target to fall in love with you.
(Would cause love, cured by REJECT)
Power: 3
A true horror film will cause one to scream and their skin to crawl, instilling fear into even the most brave.
(Would cause a random phobia, one of the ones cured by wormwood)
Making people laugh is one of the most important parts of comedy. A skilled bard knows the best ways to do this, causing their target to laugh hard, losing their balance and falling down.
(Would knock the target off balance and causing them to fall to the ground)
Power: 10
Only the most skilled of actors can pull off this scene. Through complete concentration, an actor can cause death on a target.
(Would only work if the target did not move, and the actor did nothing, would have a timer, allowing the target to escape)
Power: 5
A large boulder comes rolling through the area, typical of a true action scene. Will cause all enemies of the actor to be crushed by the boulder.
(Breaks 2 of all enemies limbs, also causing minor damage)
Power: 3
A true adventurer, or an actor playing one, will bring everyone with them, no matter where they go.
(Teleports all in the same location as the performer to the milestone of their choosing)
Power: 5
Bards of great skill will be able to make even the corpses of their allies have life, reanimating dead people of their choosing.
(Works as a resurrection)
Power: 3
Invisible strings allow the actor to control the very actions of their target, the puppeteer manipulating them as they wish.
(Works like a pooka)
Of course, these are just ideas, but I would love to have this available to bards!

With the help of costume and makeup, and some good acting, a true bard can turn into someone else. Everyone in the room will see you as a new person, hearing their voice, seeing their actions. With the proper description, a bard can easily pull off this character.
Power: 5
You can build a stage in your current location. A stage is required for most performances.
Requires 10 wood.
A skilled bard can manipulate their stage to reflect any location, from a barren cave to a glamorous bedroom. Can only be done if a stage is set up in the location.
While in a performance, a bard is given freedom to do any action and say anything they please. This allows for a performance to be completely magnificent, not limiting an actor to the actions they normally can perform.
While some bards can perform alone, true skill comes when one can direct others. A casting call can be held, bringing others into your performance, at their will, of course.
Syntax: ACT PROP
From within the stage, an actor can pull out any prop, from a tiny flower to a large throne. These props, though not the real thing, function just as the item itself would, allowing one to lie on a prop bed, or sit on a prop chair, with the proper acting skills of course.
(These items can not actually be used, but are merely for viewing purposes. Any actions with them would be included in the ACTION part of the Scenestart ability)
Through taunting and laughs, a bard can make anyone shy away from a performance.
(Afflicts with shyness)
Power: 5
A truly skilled bard will captivate their audience, stopping them from moving, even when the bard leaves.
(Binds enemies to the room this skill was activated in)
Syntax: ACT MIME
Power: 1
What bard doesn't know how to mime? From a falling piano, to an invisible box, the miming ability will cause utmost confusion to an opponent.
(Causes random affliction, based on whatever is mimed at the time, which is random. For example, if an invisible box, it would bind the target, if a piano fell, it would knock them down)
A romantic love scene can affect the heart of most, causing your target to fall in love with you.
(Would cause love, cured by REJECT)
Power: 3
A true horror film will cause one to scream and their skin to crawl, instilling fear into even the most brave.
(Would cause a random phobia, one of the ones cured by wormwood)
Making people laugh is one of the most important parts of comedy. A skilled bard knows the best ways to do this, causing their target to laugh hard, losing their balance and falling down.
(Would knock the target off balance and causing them to fall to the ground)
Power: 10
Only the most skilled of actors can pull off this scene. Through complete concentration, an actor can cause death on a target.
(Would only work if the target did not move, and the actor did nothing, would have a timer, allowing the target to escape)
Power: 5
A large boulder comes rolling through the area, typical of a true action scene. Will cause all enemies of the actor to be crushed by the boulder.
(Breaks 2 of all enemies limbs, also causing minor damage)
Power: 3
A true adventurer, or an actor playing one, will bring everyone with them, no matter where they go.
(Teleports all in the same location as the performer to the milestone of their choosing)
Power: 5
Bards of great skill will be able to make even the corpses of their allies have life, reanimating dead people of their choosing.
(Works as a resurrection)
Power: 3
Invisible strings allow the actor to control the very actions of their target, the puppeteer manipulating them as they wish.
(Works like a pooka)
Of course, these are just ideas, but I would love to have this available to bards!
Tenebrae2007-04-30 18:55:16
Dude, pure awesomeness
AB AETHEMAGIA (Ability Name)
SUMMONING: To use, SUMMON ALTEREGO (ON/OFF). This will allow you
to summon your alter ego. It will automatically follow you and defend you from
attacks. Will constantly drain willpower until deactivated or destroyed.
PYROBLADE: To use, ALTEREGO PYROBLADE. By summoning a blade
of fire, you can give your alter ego a blade. Two blades can we wielded at the same time.
LAIYRE: ALTEREGO LAIYRE (ON/OFF). By creating a stronger connection between you
and your alter ego, you can speak and hear through it.
CHIKATSHIELD: To use, ALTEREGO CHIKATSHIELD. Use this ability to give your
alter ego a tower shield of earth. Two can be wielded at the same time.
YESLAT: To use, ALTEREGO YESLAT (ON/OFF). Your alter ego will hide itself until
you command him to attack.
KERNATCH: To use, ALTEREGO KERNATCH (target). Use this ability to force your
alter ego to attack a certain target. It will continue to attack that target until deactivated,
destroyed, or until the target is dead.
DEREKIS: To use ALTEREGO DEREKIS (target). Use this ability to force your alter
ego to defend a certain target. It will continue to defend that target until commanded
otherwise, destroyed, or when the target is dead.
PERCORD: To use, ALTEREGO PERCORD. Use this ability to give your alter ego
wings. To fly with it, use ALTEREGO HOLD, and it will grab you tightly against himself.
You can FLY and LAND as normal.
PLERFEX: To use, ALTEREGO PLERFEX (imbue/ teleport). This costs 1 power to use.
This will let you set a magical totem that you can travel with your alter ego to. You may have
ONLY one at all times.
FAEKIRE: Passive. This skill will at random burn away anything that binds the alter ego.
RASHAST: To use, ALTEREGO RASHAST. This ability will let you and your alter ego
gain a +1 mana, ego, and health regeneration for ONE hour. Costs 7 power to use.
SADILAN: To use, ALTEREGO SADILAN (target). It costs 3 power to use. This ability
will make your alter ego grab a target, jump up, and throw him against the ground, breaking
2 random limbs.
FERNAST: To use, ALTEREGO FERNAST. Use this ability to give your alter ego an axe of
lightning. Two can be wielded at the same time.
DELIMAR: Passive. This skill will allow your alter ego to instill fear into your enemies by
the sheer presence of it in the room.
GERETA: To use, ALTEREGO GERETA (target). This skill will let your alter ego force
a target to attack it.
CHEREF: To use, ALTEREGO CHEREF (target). This cost 3 power to use and will not
let your target use any focus abilities for a short period of time.
FORAXT: To use, ALTEREGO FORAXT. This ability costs 10p to activate. Once performed,
it will allow you to meld with your alter ego, giving you +2 to Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity, as well as the use of it's abilities. Every HOUR, it will cost you a 10p upkeep, as well as afflict you with a random malady. You cannot use FOCUS abilities under this form.
PLAESTE: passive. If you are melded with your alter ego, you will gain an increased chance
to do critical hits.
CATHORD: To use, ALTEREGO CATHORD (target). In one brilliant stroke, the alter ego will
eat the soul of the target, if the target's ego is halfway below his alloted maximum.
Costs 8 power to use. Can ONLY be used when you are under FORAXT.
AB TIAMEST (Ability Name)
TIMESLIP: To use, TIMESLIP. Your sight into the future will allow
you to sense the next attack and dodge it.
CREATIX: To use, CREATIX (TARGET/ ME). With an idea of the
beginnings of life, you can use time to heal yourself or an ally.
FARRESH: To use FARRESH. Walking backwards to a time that you
were not hungry nor sleepy, you will be able to nullify your tiredness
and hunger for a short while. COST 3 POWER.
MAEKERT: To use MAEKERT (target). By staring at a target, you
will be able to look at their past and stop them from defending
themselves in a certain way. RANDOMLY chosen defense will then
be stripped.
PAENK: To use, PAENK (ON/OFF). By virtue of PAENK, you will
be able to look into the past and sense what magic is infused inside
a room upon entry.
FEINER: To use, FEINER. In keeping in touch with the earth, you
can return a melded room back to its' initial status. COST 3 POWER.
SHOMER: To use, SHOMER (target) (forward/backward). In feeling
the future and past of a target, you can deduct or increase their level,
to the next odd number for a short period of time. COST 5 POWER.
FHORENT: To use, FHORENT. This will allow you to sense how to
attack better, increasing your to-hit ratio and gives you a slight damage
increase for a short period of time.
BEKARET: To use, BEKARET (target/me). Using this, you will increase
a random stat by +2 for ONE day. COST 3 POWER.
LEREST: To use, LEREST (target) (part). In summoning energy from the
past, you will be able to change the body part of a target to it's initial
OETAR: To use OETAR. In understanding the times of a location, you will
be able to create a vortex, changing all the exits in the room with each other.
ENDLEX: The most powerful of the TIAMEST abilities, to use, ENDLEX
(target). By your knowledge of the past and future, you will remove your
target's ancestor from the bloodline, instantly killing him. COST 10 POWER.
Target must have ego half empty.
pure awesomeness
AB AETHEMAGIA (Ability Name)
SUMMONING: To use, SUMMON ALTEREGO (ON/OFF). This will allow you
to summon your alter ego. It will automatically follow you and defend you from
attacks. Will constantly drain willpower until deactivated or destroyed.
PYROBLADE: To use, ALTEREGO PYROBLADE. By summoning a blade
of fire, you can give your alter ego a blade. Two blades can we wielded at the same time.
LAIYRE: ALTEREGO LAIYRE (ON/OFF). By creating a stronger connection between you
and your alter ego, you can speak and hear through it.
CHIKATSHIELD: To use, ALTEREGO CHIKATSHIELD. Use this ability to give your
alter ego a tower shield of earth. Two can be wielded at the same time.
YESLAT: To use, ALTEREGO YESLAT (ON/OFF). Your alter ego will hide itself until
you command him to attack.
KERNATCH: To use, ALTEREGO KERNATCH (target). Use this ability to force your
alter ego to attack a certain target. It will continue to attack that target until deactivated,
destroyed, or until the target is dead.
DEREKIS: To use ALTEREGO DEREKIS (target). Use this ability to force your alter
ego to defend a certain target. It will continue to defend that target until commanded
otherwise, destroyed, or when the target is dead.
PERCORD: To use, ALTEREGO PERCORD. Use this ability to give your alter ego
wings. To fly with it, use ALTEREGO HOLD, and it will grab you tightly against himself.
You can FLY and LAND as normal.
PLERFEX: To use, ALTEREGO PLERFEX (imbue/ teleport). This costs 1 power to use.
This will let you set a magical totem that you can travel with your alter ego to. You may have
ONLY one at all times.
FAEKIRE: Passive. This skill will at random burn away anything that binds the alter ego.
RASHAST: To use, ALTEREGO RASHAST. This ability will let you and your alter ego
gain a +1 mana, ego, and health regeneration for ONE hour. Costs 7 power to use.
SADILAN: To use, ALTEREGO SADILAN (target). It costs 3 power to use. This ability
will make your alter ego grab a target, jump up, and throw him against the ground, breaking
2 random limbs.
FERNAST: To use, ALTEREGO FERNAST. Use this ability to give your alter ego an axe of
lightning. Two can be wielded at the same time.
DELIMAR: Passive. This skill will allow your alter ego to instill fear into your enemies by
the sheer presence of it in the room.
GERETA: To use, ALTEREGO GERETA (target). This skill will let your alter ego force
a target to attack it.
CHEREF: To use, ALTEREGO CHEREF (target). This cost 3 power to use and will not
let your target use any focus abilities for a short period of time.
FORAXT: To use, ALTEREGO FORAXT. This ability costs 10p to activate. Once performed,
it will allow you to meld with your alter ego, giving you +2 to Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity, as well as the use of it's abilities. Every HOUR, it will cost you a 10p upkeep, as well as afflict you with a random malady. You cannot use FOCUS abilities under this form.
PLAESTE: passive. If you are melded with your alter ego, you will gain an increased chance
to do critical hits.
CATHORD: To use, ALTEREGO CATHORD (target). In one brilliant stroke, the alter ego will
eat the soul of the target, if the target's ego is halfway below his alloted maximum.
Costs 8 power to use. Can ONLY be used when you are under FORAXT.
AB TIAMEST (Ability Name)
TIMESLIP: To use, TIMESLIP. Your sight into the future will allow
you to sense the next attack and dodge it.
CREATIX: To use, CREATIX (TARGET/ ME). With an idea of the
beginnings of life, you can use time to heal yourself or an ally.
FARRESH: To use FARRESH. Walking backwards to a time that you
were not hungry nor sleepy, you will be able to nullify your tiredness
and hunger for a short while. COST 3 POWER.
MAEKERT: To use MAEKERT (target). By staring at a target, you
will be able to look at their past and stop them from defending
themselves in a certain way. RANDOMLY chosen defense will then
be stripped.
PAENK: To use, PAENK (ON/OFF). By virtue of PAENK, you will
be able to look into the past and sense what magic is infused inside
a room upon entry.
FEINER: To use, FEINER. In keeping in touch with the earth, you
can return a melded room back to its' initial status. COST 3 POWER.
SHOMER: To use, SHOMER (target) (forward/backward). In feeling
the future and past of a target, you can deduct or increase their level,
to the next odd number for a short period of time. COST 5 POWER.
FHORENT: To use, FHORENT. This will allow you to sense how to
attack better, increasing your to-hit ratio and gives you a slight damage
increase for a short period of time.
BEKARET: To use, BEKARET (target/me). Using this, you will increase
a random stat by +2 for ONE day. COST 3 POWER.
LEREST: To use, LEREST (target) (part). In summoning energy from the
past, you will be able to change the body part of a target to it's initial
OETAR: To use OETAR. In understanding the times of a location, you will
be able to create a vortex, changing all the exits in the room with each other.
ENDLEX: The most powerful of the TIAMEST abilities, to use, ENDLEX
(target). By your knowledge of the past and future, you will remove your
target's ancestor from the bloodline, instantly killing him. COST 10 POWER.
Target must have ego half empty.
pure awesomeness
Unknown2007-05-01 12:05:42
Tenebrae, it is not really in good taste to post your own ideas, which have been posted before, in someone else's topic. It also does not have any direct link to the original post, and even if it did, you didn't mention how. In fact, it looks very much like you are merely advertising your own ideas.
Secondly, it is also not a good idea to praise your own ideas.
And thirdly, do the names of the abilties you use actually mean anything?
Secondly, it is also not a good idea to praise your own ideas.
And thirdly, do the names of the abilties you use actually mean anything?