Unknown2007-04-29 02:52:07
I need a little help with setting up variables in Nexus.
Since you can't combine server-handled targets/aliases (i.e. ST 1 GNOME, SWING &1) with client-handled targets/aliases (such as the ones on the Nexus Client), I'd like to know how you can set up targets in Nexus.
For example, I want an alias to do this:
swing 1
swing 1
where '1' is a variable.
Then have the TARGET alias which will set variable '1' to a certain thing, such as TARGET GNOME will set variable '1' to GNOME.
Is it possible to do this?
Since you can't combine server-handled targets/aliases (i.e. ST 1 GNOME, SWING &1) with client-handled targets/aliases (such as the ones on the Nexus Client), I'd like to know how you can set up targets in Nexus.
For example, I want an alias to do this:
swing 1
swing 1
where '1' is a variable.
Then have the TARGET alias which will set variable '1' to a certain thing, such as TARGET GNOME will set variable '1' to GNOME.
Is it possible to do this?
Unknown2007-04-29 03:02:37
Can't you use "set st target" or whatever's in the game by default? That's what I did, when I used nexus. The server-handled target worked fine. :/
Shiri2007-04-29 03:07:26
Alias: tar
#set target $0
Alias: attack (or whatever)
swing $target
swing $target
#set target $0
Alias: attack (or whatever)
swing $target
swing $target
Sarrasri2007-04-29 03:12:14
I used "#set target $1"...isn't $0 used when you intend to put more than one word?
Arix2007-04-29 03:14:20
I s eee you reading this, HAI BRANWYN
Shiri2007-04-29 03:14:46
Yes. But it works for this too. I didn't even know you could use $1 for that. It's irrelevant though.
Yes. But it works for this too. I didn't even know you could use $1 for that. It's irrelevant though.
Unknown2007-04-29 04:11:11
Whoa, thanks.
Unknown2007-06-28 00:12:18
#set target $1
t ( target's name)
Clt+1 ( for example)
swing $target
#set target $1
t ( target's name)
Clt+1 ( for example)
swing $target
Talnar2007-06-28 00:41:15
Here's what I do!
Tada! It uses the default targeting scripts in the game itself. It's fairly easy enough, and I use it! It's also useful for ALL clients!
Edit: To use the targeting alias, just do 't'
Alias: t
Script: st tar $1
Alias: attack (or whatever)
Script: attack &tar
Script: st tar $1
Alias: attack (or whatever)
Script: attack &tar
Tada! It uses the default targeting scripts in the game itself. It's fairly easy enough, and I use it! It's also useful for ALL clients!
Edit: To use the targeting alias, just do 't
Alodia2007-07-22 08:08:01
need quick help.
Just noticed that #wait xxxx used for timing things doesnt work recently. Is it just me or are there others? Just in case is there any means to halt a long stream of actions which you wish to cramp in one alias (e.g. deffing up)
Just noticed that #wait xxxx used for timing things doesnt work recently. Is it just me or are there others? Just in case is there any means to halt a long stream of actions which you wish to cramp in one alias (e.g. deffing up)
Rika2007-07-22 08:12:58
QUOTE(Alodia @ Jul 22 2007, 08:08 PM) 427615
need quick help.
Just noticed that #wait xxxx used for timing things doesnt work recently. Is it just me or are there others? Just in case is there any means to halt a long stream of actions which you wish to cramp in one alias (e.g. deffing up)
Just noticed that #wait xxxx used for timing things doesnt work recently. Is it just me or are there others? Just in case is there any means to halt a long stream of actions which you wish to cramp in one alias (e.g. deffing up)
Nope, works for me. Post the script you're using it for?
Alodia2007-07-22 08:26:11
drink quicksilver
drink fire
#wait 2000
drink frost
read scroll
#wait 3000
its in an alias something like this when it hits the part to wait it doesnt do anything at all now
drink fire
#wait 2000
drink frost
read scroll
#wait 3000
its in an alias something like this when it hits the part to wait it doesnt do anything at all now
Krellan2007-07-22 22:58:18
i've noticed that too and tried talking to nejii. What i've noticed is that it just randomly doesn't work every now and again. The next day it works though. it's happened twice to me so far.
Alodia2007-07-22 23:12:46
hmm so I see... Yeah it kicked back in when I returned much later, I'm praying this wont happen anytime soon again heh
ralin2007-07-27 07:40:12
umm... I'm completly new at using nexus... and is there anyway to erase an alias or variable set up on nexus? I have come the the conclusion that it must be so simple that I'm overlooking it... any help would be usefull
Shiri2007-07-27 07:43:25
1. Yes. Go to the alias/trigger setup, and set the "filter" to find the alias you want to delete. Then highlight it on the list and press the keyboard delete key. You may or may not have to do it twice for some reason.
2. Your sig is incredibly long and weird, please fix it in some way.
EDIT: Looks like you ninja'd me on 2 there.
2. Your sig is incredibly long and weird, please fix it in some way.
EDIT: Looks like you ninja'd me on 2 there.
Rika2007-07-27 08:07:58
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jul 27 2007, 07:43 PM) 429077
1. Yes. Go to the alias/trigger setup, and set the "filter" to find the alias you want to delete. Then highlight it on the list and press the keyboard delete key. You may or may not have to do it twice for some reason.
The coder from Achaea who coded Nexus said they had fixed this bug. Once should work now.
ralin2007-07-28 03:52:16
thanks for the help... and I was right it was so simple I over looked it. hehe
Unknown2007-07-28 04:10:54
st tar rat
Setalias j swink &tar
have your triggers send j instead of swing &tar
Setalias j swink &tar
have your triggers send j instead of swing &tar
Arvont2007-08-10 10:53:17
I'd also recommend Keybinding the ATTACK alias.
Mine's binded to CTRL+SPACE, so whenever I tap those keys, I attack.
Mine's binded to CTRL+SPACE, so whenever I tap those keys, I attack.