Unknown2007-05-17 20:56:10
I was actually just bored with this argument. You guys can't comprehend that you're wrong, and you keep trying to come up with lame arguments that make it seem like you didn't even read our posts.
But now Oblivion refuses to work. *sigh* Quick, post something else we can argue about.
But now Oblivion refuses to work. *sigh* Quick, post something else we can argue about.
Ashteru2007-05-17 20:57:18
QUOTE(Kromsh @ May 17 2007, 08:56 PM) 409215
I was actually just bored with this argument. You guys can't comprehend that you're wrong, and you keep trying to come up with lame arguments that make it seem like you didn't even read our posts.
But now Oblivion refuses to work. *sigh*
But now Oblivion refuses to work. *sigh*
How sad, I felt like that the entire time too.

Unknown2007-05-17 20:58:10
I said post something else. Don't you see the edit?! 

Ashteru2007-05-17 20:59:19
QUOTE(Kromsh @ May 17 2007, 08:58 PM) 409220
I said post something else. Don't you see the edit?! 

Psh, I am writing on a book and forging. Therefore, my only chance at having fun is this forum.

Ayridion2007-05-17 21:34:42
Two off-topic posts have been moved to 'Deleted Content'. Please keep this related to the topic the creator intended.
Unknown2007-05-17 21:41:11
QUOTE(Ayridion @ May 17 2007, 05:34 PM) 409243
Two off-topic posts have been moved to 'Deleted Content'. Please keep this related to the topic the creator intended.
They were completely related to the topic on-hand.
Unknown2007-05-17 23:05:45
QUOTE(Verithrax @ May 17 2007, 01:15 PM) 409182
How'd you figure that? And no, it doesn't. Atropos in the beginning asks you what you remember being; that's a plot device for the player's own choice of race, but doesn't imply that it's actually determined by what the character remembered. ICly, it is understood the character was that gender, race and class all along - Just couldn't remember it until prompted by Atropos.
Not necessarily. You could use reincarnation as a plot point to relate that you were born a certain race, told Atropos the wrong thing, and realized it at a later time. However, to use that as justification for Illithoids that have features that they shouldn't by reincarnating from human to Illithoid is wrong. As is, in my opinion, carrying over physical traits from your previous race to your current one. If you reincarnate, you're getting a whole new body. You don't keep specific traits (i.e. scales, wings, fur, etc.) unless your new race also has said traits. So unless you have a pre-existing race that has tentacles and assuming Illithoids can, with time, develop tentacles, you're not going to have an Illithoid with tentacles.
EDIT: I'm surprised at how much this conversation seems derivative of "Illithoids are just Illithids that the designers stole, so they should have tentacles." Common sense, people.

EDIT 2: The best source of what a race should look like should come from in-game NPCs that are that race. (I know, people have been arguing that on this thread for some time.) The character art only shows one aspect of a race - and in Lusternia, aspects like guild and city can have a major affect on your character, noted by the "specialized" races. Some races that have subspecies or varieties (for lack of better words), like Loboshigaru or humans, are obviously not defined by the picture on the site. Humans are not all Geomancers with a vein problem nor are they all that shade skin. Loboshigaru are not all wolf-tribe, nor do all of them have brown-ish pelts. Hell, some people roleplay paws instead of the hand-claw type... erm... hands shown in the artwork. Whatever POTENTIAL Illithoids might have to grow appendages that the NPCs don't have would have to come about after generations (after all, 16 years is only going to result in half-breeds, so the Illithoids probably won't change too terribly much after such a short span of time?

Daganev2007-05-17 23:30:09
QUOTE(Denust @ May 17 2007, 04:05 PM) 409305
Whatever POTENTIAL Illithoids might have to grow appendages that the NPCs don't have would have to come about after generations (after all, 16 years is only going to result in half-breeds, so the Illithoids probably won't change too terribly much after such a short span of time?
Unless you want to get extreme, I suppose.)

I have to dissagree with this sentiment.
i.e. the idea that 16 years later things are different.
When Rowena and the Fae guy created ShadowLord Faelings a few things happened.
First off, in less than 3 months, Shadowlord Faelings went from non existant at all, to suddenly being all over Glomdoring. Rowena and Laerdoc(sp?) apparently had hundreds of children very suddenly. I.e. even when people didn't reincarnate. Ontop of that, Rowena had twins, and those two children became the guild tutors of the Shadowdancers and Blacktalon. Bomani however was not one of Rowena's child, but seems to be old and batttle worn as if he has lived lifetimes, even though 3 monhs prior, no Shadowlord faelings existed.
Lucan2007-05-18 00:18:23
Just a couple things before I stop posting in this thread:
1. Saying "I'm done with this" does not mean I've conceded defeat. Were I to concede defeat, I would have said, "I concede defeat. U r teh ub3r l33t gods of descriptions," or something to that affect.
2. I was tired and had work. So sue me.
3. My giving up had more to do with being sick of your immaturity and your need to be right than my being wrong.
4. I still think I'm right and you all are being prejudiced OOC about something in game.
5. I ain't changin' anything and hopefully neither is Dsiri or anyone else who has a unique description. If every Dracnari was green, I think I'd shoot myself...or just quit playing...one of those...
In conclusion...
Grow up plzkthx.
Oh, and make sure to get some of that enzyte for you e-peen. It's obviously not big enough.
1. Saying "I'm done with this" does not mean I've conceded defeat. Were I to concede defeat, I would have said, "I concede defeat. U r teh ub3r l33t gods of descriptions," or something to that affect.
2. I was tired and had work. So sue me.
3. My giving up had more to do with being sick of your immaturity and your need to be right than my being wrong.
4. I still think I'm right and you all are being prejudiced OOC about something in game.
5. I ain't changin' anything and hopefully neither is Dsiri or anyone else who has a unique description. If every Dracnari was green, I think I'd shoot myself...or just quit playing...one of those...
In conclusion...
Grow up plzkthx.
Oh, and make sure to get some of that enzyte for you e-peen. It's obviously not big enough.
Unknown2007-05-18 00:22:18
lol, bitterness ftw
Unknown2007-05-18 00:56:25
lol, reading skills ftw
Unknown2007-05-19 04:34:05
He is a sinuous illithoid and is of a olive-grey appearance. Beneath his strechy
leather-like skin, diaphanous pulsing lavender veins glow softly. He has deep,
sunken, crimson eyes. His tall, lanky body seems frail and weak. Totally bald
with no ears or nose, he is truly a freakish aberration. He is wearing a silver
torc, and a set of deep green greatrobes detailed in silver and emeralds.
leather-like skin, diaphanous pulsing lavender veins glow softly. He has deep,
sunken, crimson eyes. His tall, lanky body seems frail and weak. Totally bald
with no ears or nose, he is truly a freakish aberration. He is wearing a silver
torc, and a set of deep green greatrobes detailed in silver and emeralds.
Unknown2007-05-19 04:38:10
There are no incorrect body parts, but it could be worded better.
Unknown2007-05-19 04:40:22
If can be worded better, why not help me out? Thx 

Verithrax2007-05-19 05:04:54
QUOTE(Stugll @ May 19 2007, 01:34 AM) 409676
He is a sinuous illithoid and is of a olive-grey appearance. Beneath his strechy
leather-like skin, diaphanous pulsing lavender veins glow softly. He has deep,
sunken, crimson eyes. His tall, lanky body seems frail and weak. Totally bald
with no ears or nose, he is truly a freakish aberration. He is wearing a silver
torc, and a set of deep green greatrobes detailed in silver and emeralds.
leather-like skin, diaphanous pulsing lavender veins glow softly. He has deep,
sunken, crimson eyes. His tall, lanky body seems frail and weak. Totally bald
with no ears or nose, he is truly a freakish aberration. He is wearing a silver
torc, and a set of deep green greatrobes detailed in silver and emeralds.
Looks fine. Not so hot on "freakish aberration", but it's not bad otherwise.
Unknown2007-05-19 05:26:46
I'll try:
He is a sinuous illithoid and is of a sickly green color. Beneath his leathery skin, diaphanous veins pulse with lavender blood. Upon the neck of his spindly figure, a ghoulish parody of a head sits. A pair of sunken, crimson eyes glare about from above a lipless mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. He is wearing a silver torc, and a set of deep green greatrobes detailed in silver and emeralds.
He is a sinuous illithoid and is of a sickly green color. Beneath his leathery skin, diaphanous veins pulse with lavender blood. Upon the neck of his spindly figure, a ghoulish parody of a head sits. A pair of sunken, crimson eyes glare about from above a lipless mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. He is wearing a silver torc, and a set of deep green greatrobes detailed in silver and emeralds.
Unknown2007-05-19 06:29:21
sorry I asked....

sorry I asked....

Unknown2007-05-31 01:01:16
Hey, I'm glad I found this topic and would like to make my character's (Illithoid) description open to suggestions to improve it.
I know it isn't very good, but it was whatever occured to me at the time. My idea was that to make my character convey a feeling that folks were standing before a utterly hideous abomination. A tumor that needed to be extirpated, someone so pathetic that you'd feel compelled to kill him or just keep your distance lest you get infected with something. Should I make it longer and describe the maws, for example?
EDIT: Fixed some things.
He is a sinuous illithoid and is a horrible pile of decomposing flesh that
miracously has yet fallen apart; a ghastly grayish veil of skin covers his
body. A putrid stench emanates from his very being that is disgusting to
tolerate. Standing hunchback and shaking convulsively makes it very difficult
to discern his real stature just furthering the oddness of his appearance. Two
orbs of perfect black are within his sockets a little-bit too deep inside his
skull giving him the countenance of an extremely emaciated person. His arms
bony and long end in a pair of hands filled with bruises and pus, his claws as
thin as sticks clawing from time to time. His body in general shows a severe
case of muscular atrophy, with his torso presenting the most severe
malformations like an entirely caved-in chest and blotted belly. His skinny
legs barely giving signs of being capable of holding him up-straight end up
with callus and dirty feet due to always being bare. Strange markings of a
runic nature surround his body and face etched in a sinister purple color,
clearly visible yet with their meaning unknown. He is wearing a canvas
miracously has yet fallen apart; a ghastly grayish veil of skin covers his
body. A putrid stench emanates from his very being that is disgusting to
tolerate. Standing hunchback and shaking convulsively makes it very difficult
to discern his real stature just furthering the oddness of his appearance. Two
orbs of perfect black are within his sockets a little-bit too deep inside his
skull giving him the countenance of an extremely emaciated person. His arms
bony and long end in a pair of hands filled with bruises and pus, his claws as
thin as sticks clawing from time to time. His body in general shows a severe
case of muscular atrophy, with his torso presenting the most severe
malformations like an entirely caved-in chest and blotted belly. His skinny
legs barely giving signs of being capable of holding him up-straight end up
with callus and dirty feet due to always being bare. Strange markings of a
runic nature surround his body and face etched in a sinister purple color,
clearly visible yet with their meaning unknown. He is wearing a canvas
I know it isn't very good, but it was whatever occured to me at the time. My idea was that to make my character convey a feeling that folks were standing before a utterly hideous abomination. A tumor that needed to be extirpated, someone so pathetic that you'd feel compelled to kill him or just keep your distance lest you get infected with something. Should I make it longer and describe the maws, for example?
EDIT: Fixed some things.
Gero2007-06-03 22:49:43
She is a graceful high elfen and a stately young woman whose semblance echos the
tree after which she was named. At any age, she retains the face of a child, her
features slightly plumped and rounded with youth and her alabaster skin is
faintly flushed with azure down to the tips of her slender fingers. She has the
sharply tapered ears characteristic of her race, and a long, vulnerable neck
which draws your eyes down along it's length to the tender flesh of her
well-formed breasts. Her waist is small, as are her hips, yet the proportion is
just what it should be for a girl of her height and weight, and her long, toned
legs further promote that fact. Her cool grey eyes betray an easily wounded
heart and her willingness to help heal others speaks of a personal inability to
heal her own soul. Her long, silvery blond hair falls loosely down her back,
full of odd waves and kinks as though it has been kept tightly braided for some
time. When she speaks, her voice is soft, like the wind through the birches.
tree after which she was named. At any age, she retains the face of a child, her
features slightly plumped and rounded with youth and her alabaster skin is
faintly flushed with azure down to the tips of her slender fingers. She has the
sharply tapered ears characteristic of her race, and a long, vulnerable neck
which draws your eyes down along it's length to the tender flesh of her
well-formed breasts. Her waist is small, as are her hips, yet the proportion is
just what it should be for a girl of her height and weight, and her long, toned
legs further promote that fact. Her cool grey eyes betray an easily wounded
heart and her willingness to help heal others speaks of a personal inability to
heal her own soul. Her long, silvery blond hair falls loosely down her back,
full of odd waves and kinks as though it has been kept tightly braided for some
time. When she speaks, her voice is soft, like the wind through the birches.
At least they don't have something like this going on
Unknown2007-06-03 22:54:34
Don't forget the tender flesh of her well-formed breasts!