Daganev2007-05-17 18:38:38
QUOTE(Estarra @ May 15 2007, 01:33 PM) 408095
FYI, since kephera and illithoid are now no longer isolated within the Undervault, they are now open to becoming contaminated by...er, I mean, exposed to--the human race. Remember humans have the uncanny abillity to intermix with every other race and there's certainly a case to be made for future generations of kephera and illithoid to have hair and other human characteristics. So a PURE illithoid may be grey-purple with protruding veins, bald with a lamprey mouth, etc., there's no reason future generations might be ... a little less alien!

Here would be Estarra's opinion on the matter.
Take the human concept of hair, with the illithoid concept of protrusions, and you end up with fleshy hair. i.e tenticles

Unknown2007-05-17 18:39:19
QUOTE(Lucan Silverwolf @ May 17 2007, 02:36 PM) 409117
I really have more important things to do than argue with you over something so stupid. Oh, and go ahead and say I've "given up" or that I've lost. It will only show everyone just how mature you are.
No, it shows that I'm right and you refuse to admit it with words. Conceding/failure to prove me incorrect is just like admitting that you were incorrect, FYI.
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 17 2007, 02:37 PM) 409118
Beneath what could be considered bangs, his right eye is curiously absent, and no wounds seem to have been inflicted near the socket.
Zomg, I never saw a Tae'dae with bangs. Or a Tae'dae without a right eye!
Zomg, stop being such a sucky RPer.
Seriously, let the guys have some fun varying their descs.
Zomg, I never saw a Tae'dae with bangs. Or a Tae'dae without a right eye!

Seriously, let the guys have some fun varying their descs.
Long (groomed) fur and an acceptable birth defect.

Unless Crow Eyepeck specifies eyes. Does it? I really don't know, I'll change it if it does
QUOTE(daganev @ May 17 2007, 02:38 PM) 409119
Here would be Estarra's opinion on the matter.
Take the human concept of hair, with the illithoid concept of protrusions, and you end up with fleshy hair. i.e tenticles
Take the human concept of hair, with the illithoid concept of protrusions, and you end up with fleshy hair. i.e tenticles

That's not exactly what I meant.
Ashteru2007-05-17 18:41:47
QUOTE(Kromsh @ May 17 2007, 06:39 PM) 409121
Long (groomed) fur and an acceptable birth defect. 

Long fur falls out after winter ends. Do you only have long fur in winter? ^^
And how decides what's an acceptable birth defect and what isn't? You and your Verigod?

Unknown2007-05-17 18:44:11
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 17 2007, 02:41 PM) 409122
Long fur falls out after winter ends. Do you only have long fur in winter? ^^
Hmm. You'll have to show me that, I'm still up for altering my description, unlike certain others.
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 17 2007, 02:41 PM) 409122
And how decides what's an acceptable birth defect and what isn't? You and your Verigod?
What can happen in real life, yo. (Provided the defective person is still capable of functioning "normally". IE, no missing limbs. Missing toes, on the other hand, would be OK.)
Unknown2007-05-17 18:45:55
That is what his tendrils is! Birth defects! Woo! Now I have cleared that up (Thanks to Ashteru) I can stop caring about what people think about it. 

Ashteru2007-05-17 18:46:02
QUOTE(Kromsh @ May 17 2007, 06:44 PM) 409125
What can happen in real life, yo. (Provided the defective person is still capable of functioning "normally". IE, no missing limbs. Missing toes, on the other hand, would be OK.)
Proof there never was a guy with fleshy tendrils, plz.
Verithrax2007-05-17 18:50:18
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 17 2007, 03:37 PM) 409118
Beneath what could be considered bangs, his right eye is curiously absent, and no wounds seem to have been inflicted near the socket.
Zomg, I never saw a Tae'dae with bangs. Or a Tae'dae without a right eye!
Zomg, stop being such a sucky RPer.
Seriously, let the guys have some fun varying their descs.
Zomg, I never saw a Tae'dae with bangs. Or a Tae'dae without a right eye!

Seriously, let the guys have some fun varying their descs.
How does a Tae'Dae even *get* bangs? They don't have hair!
Oh, and I want to see someone eyepeck this guy.
Unknown2007-05-17 18:51:21
QUOTE(Verithrax @ May 17 2007, 08:50 PM) 409129
How does a Tae'Dae even *get* bangs? They don't have hair!
Oh, and I want to see someone eyepeck this guy.
Oh, and I want to see someone eyepeck this guy.
You know, that is your very good friend Kromsh.
Unknown2007-05-17 18:52:18
Lucan, you keep saying you're "Not going against the canon". Lusternia's "Canon" is what we can glean from the game world and the texts and files the Admin have given us. The relevant pieces of information are, in the case of the illithoids, the art and the mobdescs. There is nothing in any of these sources that implies that illithoids can have sea anemones on their heads.
The relevant sources in your case are the racial info and what the admin have told us. Relevant info:
Only humans can crossbreed with other races.
You keep saying that Everiine was part human, which is fine. But he was still technically a Trill, therefore he took more after his trill parent, therefore he was not a human, therefore he could not breed with other non-trills.
Now I think about it, there aren't really any more sources that need quoting. If you bother to accept that the above statement IS all the game lore you're gonna get, then we're done. If not, keep making up your crackpot excuses, but don't expect those who read the info we're given will accept them.
The relevant sources in your case are the racial info and what the admin have told us. Relevant info:
Only humans can crossbreed with other races.
You keep saying that Everiine was part human, which is fine. But he was still technically a Trill, therefore he took more after his trill parent, therefore he was not a human, therefore he could not breed with other non-trills.
Now I think about it, there aren't really any more sources that need quoting. If you bother to accept that the above statement IS all the game lore you're gonna get, then we're done. If not, keep making up your crackpot excuses, but don't expect those who read the info we're given will accept them.
Unknown2007-05-17 18:54:49
I just want to say, that Dsiri has like ten tendrils, more or less. Not enough to really form a hair, don't you think?
Verithrax2007-05-17 18:55:07
Fleshy tendrils would require scalp cells to suddenly go, "Whoa, I wanna be a fleshy tendril" sometime during development.
This would be quite fascinating as scalp cells are skin cells, and so they don't just go "whoa, I wanna be a fleshy *anything*" and it happens. It requires something to actually *fill* said fleshy tendrils (Where'd that come from?). It would also have to happen uniformly over the scalp. Keep in mind Illithoids, being bald and slick-skinned, have nothing analogous to follicles or glands on their skin that could be responsible for that. Anyone with even the slightest understanding of genetics and developmental biology would laugh at the concept of entirely new appendages popping up like this with no precedent; it just doesn't happen, like you don't see human children with tentacles for arms, or beaks, or feathers.
Missing or mutilated body parts are different from nonexistent body parts suddenly showing up; and again, if you look like a freak, you're going to be laughed at and shunned by members of your own race (Or at least the five people who actually bother with roleplay nowadays.)
This would be quite fascinating as scalp cells are skin cells, and so they don't just go "whoa, I wanna be a fleshy *anything*" and it happens. It requires something to actually *fill* said fleshy tendrils (Where'd that come from?). It would also have to happen uniformly over the scalp. Keep in mind Illithoids, being bald and slick-skinned, have nothing analogous to follicles or glands on their skin that could be responsible for that. Anyone with even the slightest understanding of genetics and developmental biology would laugh at the concept of entirely new appendages popping up like this with no precedent; it just doesn't happen, like you don't see human children with tentacles for arms, or beaks, or feathers.
Missing or mutilated body parts are different from nonexistent body parts suddenly showing up; and again, if you look like a freak, you're going to be laughed at and shunned by members of your own race (Or at least the five people who actually bother with roleplay nowadays.)
Unknown2007-05-17 18:55:30
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 17 2007, 02:46 PM) 409127
Proof there never was a guy with fleshy tendrils, plz.
No, that's not the way this works. You have to find an example of fleshy tendrils, as I would have to find an example of someone born without an eye/eyes were you to challenge my statement. :P
And this is where I quote Wikipedia, in regards to bears: "Common characteristics of bears include a short tail, acute senses of smell and hearing, five non-retractable claws per paw, and long, dense, shaggy fur." With grooming, it could look like bangs. >_>
QUOTE(Verithrax @ May 17 2007, 02:50 PM) 409129
How does a Tae'Dae even *get* bangs? They don't have hair!
Fur, lulz.
QUOTE(Verithrax @ May 17 2007, 02:50 PM) 409129
Oh, and I want to see someone eyepeck this guy.
I just want to know how eyepeck works. I have yet to get a solid answer. I said I was still willing to change my description, too. :P
Ashteru2007-05-17 19:03:19
QUOTE(Verithrax @ May 17 2007, 06:55 PM) 409133
Fleshy tendrils would require scalp cells to suddenly go, "Whoa, I wanna be a fleshy tendril" sometime during development.
This would be quite fascinating as scalp cells are skin cells, and so they don't just go "whoa, I wanna be a fleshy *anything*" and it happens. It requires something to actually *fill* said fleshy tendrils (Where'd that come from?). It would also have to happen uniformly over the scalp. Keep in mind Illithoids, being bald and slick-skinned, have nothing analogous to follicles or glands on their skin that could be responsible for that. Anyone with even the slightest understanding of genetics and developmental biology would laugh at the concept of entirely new appendages popping up like this with no precedent; it just doesn't happen, like you don't see human children with tentacles for arms, or beaks, or feathers.
Missing or mutilated body parts are different from nonexistent body parts suddenly showing up; and again, if you look like a freak, you're going to be laughed at and shunned by members of your own race (Or at least the five people who actually bother with roleplay nowadays.)
This would be quite fascinating as scalp cells are skin cells, and so they don't just go "whoa, I wanna be a fleshy *anything*" and it happens. It requires something to actually *fill* said fleshy tendrils (Where'd that come from?). It would also have to happen uniformly over the scalp. Keep in mind Illithoids, being bald and slick-skinned, have nothing analogous to follicles or glands on their skin that could be responsible for that. Anyone with even the slightest understanding of genetics and developmental biology would laugh at the concept of entirely new appendages popping up like this with no precedent; it just doesn't happen, like you don't see human children with tentacles for arms, or beaks, or feathers.
Missing or mutilated body parts are different from nonexistent body parts suddenly showing up; and again, if you look like a freak, you're going to be laughed at and shunned by members of your own race (Or at least the five people who actually bother with roleplay nowadays.)
No, see, it's rather easy. People can already get boils on their skin. You get people like that Elephant dude who had his bones growing all freaky like, and you have people who have six fingers, or siamese twins. All of those happen in -real- life. Now, in Lusternia, you can factor in taint, generally completely different races and countless other stuff, like being descendant of a giant tentacly thing.
So, it can happen that skincells decide, hey, let's build boils. And then they can decide, hey, let's make those boils long and small so they look like bangs.
@Kromsh: Your country has a beautiful thing. Innocent until proven guilty. So unless you find any IC argument that says "NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE LONG FLESHY TENDRILS!!!" he can have them.

Verithrax2007-05-17 19:06:06
Unknown2007-05-17 19:06:53
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 17 2007, 03:03 PM) 409137
No, see, it's rather easy. People can already get boils on their skin. You get people like that Elephant dude who had his bones growing all freaky like, and you have people who have six fingers, or siamese twins. All of those happen in -real- life. Now, in Lusternia, you can factor in taint, generally completely different races and countless other stuff, like being descendant of a giant tentacly thing.
So, it can happen that skincells decide, hey, let's build boils. And then they can decide, hey, let's make those boils long and small so they look like bangs.
So, it can happen that skincells decide, hey, let's build boils. And then they can decide, hey, let's make those boils long and small so they look like bangs.
You're wrong, I'm afraid. See: Verithrax's reply (which you seem to have not read fully), Wikipedia, and various other resources.
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 17 2007, 03:03 PM) 409137
@Kromsh: Your country has a beautiful thing. Innocent until proofed otherwise. So unless you find any IC argument that says "NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE LONG FLESHY TENDRILS!!!" he can have them. 

That can work the other way, too. Prove to me I'm incorrect, otherwise I'm telling the truth, considering I'm the one saying you can't have something.

*Kromsh casts Invoke Administrator IX.
Ashteru2007-05-17 19:10:30
What, you can't find proof? Too bad.
And I read Verithrax reply. It's based on real life humans, which is entirely correct. It however doesn't apply to Illithoids, since...they aren't human.
Once Verithrax dissected a few of 'em, I'll gladly take everything he says as the truth.

And I read Verithrax reply. It's based on real life humans, which is entirely correct. It however doesn't apply to Illithoids, since...they aren't human.

Verithrax2007-05-17 19:10:35
Hence, it's never a matter of "Pruv u cant have tentacluz lulz"; the burden of proof is on people trying to make the point that tentacles show up out of nowhere in defiance of everything known about genetics, the game's own canon, and common sense.
And again, the Taint in its current form is NOT mutagenic.
Hence, it's never a matter of "Pruv u cant have tentacluz lulz"; the burden of proof is on people trying to make the point that tentacles show up out of nowhere in defiance of everything known about genetics, the game's own canon, and common sense.
And again, the Taint in its current form is NOT mutagenic.
Ashteru2007-05-17 19:14:09
QUOTE(Verithrax @ May 17 2007, 07:10 PM) 409142
Hence, it's never a matter of "Pruv u cant have tentacluz lulz"; the burden of proof is on people trying to make the point that tentacles show up out of nowhere in defiance of everything known about genetics, the game's own canon, and common sense.
And again, the Taint in its current form is NOT mutagenic.
Hence, it's never a matter of "Pruv u cant have tentacluz lulz"; the burden of proof is on people trying to make the point that tentacles show up out of nowhere in defiance of everything known about genetics, the game's own canon, and common sense.
And again, the Taint in its current form is NOT mutagenic.
So, please tell me a few things, dear Verithrax.
a) How do genetics apply to Illithoids?
B) Just because there isn't a mob with those tendrils doesn't mean they can't exist. The racedescription doesn't say anything about them.
c) Common sense? How? My common sense tells me mutations are entirely possible.
Taint was mutagenic. He was released a while ago. He could've gone through the surface down to Illithoids and affected them. Proof? They live in -tainted- underground.
Unknown2007-05-17 19:17:07
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 17 2007, 03:14 PM) 409144
So, please tell me a few things, dear Verithrax.
a) How do genetics apply to Illithoids?
Just because there isn't a mob with those tendrils doesn't mean they can't exist. The racedescription doesn't say anything about them.
c) Common sense? How? My common sense tells me mutations are entirely possible.
He was mutagenic. He was released a while ago. He could've gone through the surface down to Illithoids and affected them. Proof? They live in -tainted- underground.
a) How do genetics apply to Illithoids?

c) Common sense? How? My common sense tells me mutations are entirely possible.
He was mutagenic. He was released a while ago. He could've gone through the surface down to Illithoids and affected them. Proof? They live in -tainted- underground.
Are you sure you read post 131?
Also, the presence of Illith disappeared once they splintered, so the Undervault wasn't tainted once the Illithoids appeared, amirite?
Daganev2007-05-17 19:18:17
QUOTE(Kromsh @ May 17 2007, 11:44 AM) 409125
Hmm. You'll have to show me that, I'm still up for altering my description, unlike certain others.
What can happen in real life, yo. (Provided the defective person is still capable of functioning "normally". IE, no missing limbs. Missing toes, on the other hand, would be OK.)
What can happen in real life, yo. (Provided the defective person is still capable of functioning "normally". IE, no missing limbs. Missing toes, on the other hand, would be OK.)
I guess you have to have your charachter stop teleporting or using magic in game. Since you know, that can't happen in real life.