Damadreas2007-05-30 01:06:17
red green elf/burn deck. Your dead in 5 turns max. gg red/black slow ass decks.
As for tabards, you're thinking more along the lines of the derivatives of tabards worn by the average citizen because they came into fashion. Their original use was to be worn over chainmail birnies, scale or plate etc to display the coat of arms. And just by their most basic design there's no realistic reason why they'd cover the spaulders of full plate from which a cloak could easily be affixed.
As for tabards, you're thinking more along the lines of the derivatives of tabards worn by the average citizen because they came into fashion. Their original use was to be worn over chainmail birnies, scale or plate etc to display the coat of arms. And just by their most basic design there's no realistic reason why they'd cover the spaulders of full plate from which a cloak could easily be affixed.