1 on 1 with a demonic spawn

by Malarious

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Yrael2007-06-01 16:37:08
People only. Otherwise Celest would find me drawing to max and dropping over with a full load of goats and making angry goat zombies at the bathhouse.
Jack2007-06-01 22:12:45
"Ahhh, nothing completes the day better than a warm, steaming - DEMONIC GOAT"
Malarious2007-06-02 02:18:19
So... 100 bleed at 2 power? Leave it but remove power cost? (only ever able to have one out at a time).

Either way it needs more health, crit immunity, and to have a reliable timer instead of its range it is now.
Nerra2007-06-02 07:46:22
I think adding some bleeding wouldn't hurt much if you made it power costing too, but maybe unable to move. 75-100 bleeding every 8 seconds isn't that bad and could be worth the power, escpiacally in raids + fighting SD
Malarious2007-06-02 08:37:53
Aye it doesnt move and I would make a solid timer. The power cost I figure would be 0-2.. its low because its not a grand effect, although I would also like to add new syntax to call it so its not wasted by people moving (like contagion already can be).

Additionally it only attacks who its called on.. and to retarget costs power even if its alive.. 1 power to summon and change target would be fine so long as calling it back to you is free.
Malarious2007-06-02 09:19:02
Fun news.. I decided to test spawning on astral since I was linking power anyway.. you CAN call more than one spawn but they each must be for a different person and eash is 5 power.. you can try to call another on the same person but then you lose 5 power and dont manage anything.

So idea would also now limit only one active spawn with a 1 power cost, bleeding, 1 power to change target, mana cost to recall to you but no power. more health crit immunity and standardized 8 second timer.

Bleeding I prefer so grealty because it wont wake people so it lets darksilver changes with hexists still work on sleep locks.. damage wakes which is why you cant use sleep locks with balance locks (scabies does a whole 16 damage right now on its tick).