Autosipper in Nexus

by Gelo

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Gelo2007-06-07 18:22:35
What if I wanted to autosip if my health/mana/ego drops to 50%? Is this possible in Nexus?

Can anyone help please? @___@
Krellan2007-06-07 18:52:49
try asking Shiri. He's the best one I know for such things. I just manual everything with aliases and a million macros.
Rika2007-06-08 07:22:10
Rika2007-06-08 07:23:31
I got one, but will need to change a few things around to suit the 50% you want.
Rika2007-06-08 08:34:06
Top lines are trigger lines. Bottom lines are scripts.

Health : {d}/{d}
#set currenthealth $1
#set maxhealth $2

Ego : {d}/{d}
#set currentego $1
#set maxego $2

Mana : {d}/{d}
#set currentmana $1
#set maxmana $2

{<}Your mind feels stronger and more alert.{>}
#set healbalance 0

{<}Ah, the soothing bromides help strengthen your ego.{>}
#set healbalance 0

{<}The elixir heals and soothes you.{>}
#set healbalance 0

{<}You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.{>}
#set healbalance 1

{d}h, {d}m, {d}e, {*}
#set currenthealth $1
#math siphealth $maxhealth/2
#set currentmana $2
#math sipmana $maxmana/2
#set currentego $3
#math sipego $maxego/2
#if $healbalance=1 and $currenthealth<$siphealth {
sip health
} elsif $healbalance=1 and $currentmana<$sipmana {
sip mana
} elsif $healbalance=1 and $currentego<$sipego {
sip bromide

EDIT: Forgot the ego and mana
Shiri2007-06-08 08:46:16
It's possible. The problem is that you'd have to make it a prompt trigger, which may or may not (apparently depending on who you are, it hates me but other people report no complaints) lag you to censor.gif. Also, this is just one I made up on the spot for bashing, it won't work in PK by any means.

ALIAS: maxhealth
#set maxhealth $0

#set healthbalance off
drink health

ALIAS: autosipon
#set autosipper on

ALIAS: autosipoff
#set autosipper off

TRIGGER: {<}{d:health}h,
(no script)

TRIGGER: {<}You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
#set healthbalance on
#math healthpercent ( $health / ( $healthmax * 100 ))
#if $autosipper = on {#if $healthpercent < 50 { dv }

That way you can turn it on or off. If it lags you to crap when you're not just bashing, you have to set the prompt trigger in group "autosip" and have the aliases #groupon autosip and #groupoff autosip. However, last time we tried that they bugged out under certain conditions and erased all your reflexes.

Note: this also might die if you get anorexia or blackout or something, but most mobs won't hit you with that so you should be ok.

EDIT: Rika ninja'd me, but without looking at her post I'm sure mine is better ninja.gif and it has more words so yeah
Rika2007-06-08 08:50:25
Hey, not my fault I suck at writing scripts for Nexus tongue.gif
Also, I really don't think autosipping is the way to go. Too many ways for things to go wrong.
Shiri2007-06-08 09:31:22
I was being facetious, yours looks fine. And yes, autosipping is kind of bad.
Rika2007-06-08 10:25:28
I had some time, so I decided to add priorities for sipping, for those who want them. Use the triggers from my other sipper, but replace this bottom one (with what is for the prompt) with the three bottom trigger in the other one.

#set healthp 1
#set manap 0
#set egop 0

#set healthp 0
#set manap 1
#set egop 0

#set healthp 0
#set manap 0
#set egop 1

{d}h, {d}m, {d}e, {*}
#set currenthealth $1
#set currentmana $2
#set currentego $3
#math siphealth $maxhealth/2
#math sipmana $maxmana/2
#math sipego $maxego/2
#if $healbalance=1 and $healthp=1 and $currenthealth<$siphealth {
sip health
} elsif $healbalance=1 and $manap=1 and $currentmana<$sipmana {
sip mana
} elsif $healbalance=1 and $egop=1 and $currentego<$sipego {
sip ego
Krellan2007-06-08 13:02:21
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 8 2007, 04:31 AM) 415791
I was being facetious, yours looks fine. And yes, zmud is kind of bad.

nexus ftw!
Unknown2007-06-16 03:29:34
Is it just me or there's something missing in Rika's script?
I followed it and I can't seem to make it work. It's not sipping anything.
Alodia2007-06-16 03:39:39
Glory be to the Nexus users!!

on topic, I prefer macros for sipping. Auto sipping is just too risky.
Rika2007-06-16 03:42:29
You need to do SCORE before using it.

Though really, autosippers are evil things that go on strike when you need them most.

EDIT: Actually, it seems the forums formated the Ego : {d}/{d} and Mana : {d}/{d} so there is only one space between Ego and Mana and the ':'s. Needs to be four for ego and three for mana.
Talnar2007-06-21 13:07:14
Rika, to add to your autosipper, add the line:
#set healbalance 0

When I used it, the thing got confused, and kept sipping health or mana for me.
Rika2007-06-22 07:01:53
I do have that in there... seems to work fine for me.
Talnar2007-06-22 12:05:06
Well, it kept wanting to keep sipping for me, so I had to add that in there. Just for all those whom this thing hates, I suppose!
Neos2008-12-27 19:41:57
This topic is old, but I still need an autosipper, but I'm confused on how to do this.