Estarra2007-06-13 18:23:54
I noticed someone in another thread rated some of the quests found in Lusternia. I thought it might be nice to have a pinned quest guide in this subforum. List all the quests and rate them by difficulty and what level (if any) is required!
We'll replace this first post with whoever has the most comprehensive listing. Feel free to discuss/debate the quests in this thread.
We'll replace this first post with whoever has the most comprehensive listing. Feel free to discuss/debate the quests in this thread.
Ildaudid2007-06-13 18:30:51
The Morgfyre Quest is by far the neatest quest, not because of difficulty or anything, but because it involves mixing a quest (with no honors line), receiving karma for it, and doing the induction into Morgfyre's order... The stuff you see when it is completed is just really neat. It is easy to do, and it combines the Order with a quest like thing.
By far I like this quest, even though I am not sure if you can keep doing it over and over for karma (which probably shouldn't happen) but just the niftiness of melding order stuff with a quest I
I hope Terentia, Lisaera, The God formally known as Soll, Fain, Vira and the rest ask Morgfyre (cuz he is da bestest!! >.>) to help them make cool little quests for their orders too... It just gives so much more flavour to it!!
By far I like this quest, even though I am not sure if you can keep doing it over and over for karma (which probably shouldn't happen) but just the niftiness of melding order stuff with a quest I

I hope Terentia, Lisaera, The God formally known as Soll, Fain, Vira and the rest ask Morgfyre (cuz he is da bestest!! >.>) to help them make cool little quests for their orders too... It just gives so much more flavour to it!!
Ialie2007-06-13 18:33:32
Richter2007-06-13 18:39:26
This may give us a good starting point:
He did lower the veil over the Hifarae hills and release Gromagh's horde.
He is a revered Dark Reaper of the Great Illithoid Prison.
He has restored the ancient workshop of Xion to functionality.
He did aide the dragon turtles, saving a lost kin in the Toronada tidepools.
He holds the position of Planar Trader at the Facility in the Aetherways.
He hatched a dragon egg at Mount Zoaka, birthing a magnificent wyrmling.
He helped Tolborolla tae'dae and furrikin contact Ackleberry.
He did help summon the Great Cat Spirit to aid the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur.
He sabotaged the experiment of Etil'ck Arthar'rt.
He ruthlessly assassinated the noble traitor at the Presidio of the Damned.
He marshaled the undead legions to victory, displacing the mold battalions.
He aided the gnomes of the Facility in a mysterious endeavor.
He has aided the Kyrian tribe in curing their children.
He helped the shaman Rynak vanquish the ghost-wolves of Verasavir Valley.
He did sacrifice the innocent Joiya, thus aiding Jeitara's schemes.
He did put the spirits of Paavik manor to rest.
He used the Hand of Tzaraziko in an attempt to free Gaudiguch.
He released the horrors of Castle Djarrakh onto an unsuspecting world.
He brought harmony of mind to the Shanthmark Lodge.
He freed the gorgogs from their dimensional prison.
He helped seal the gorgogs behind the dimensional barriers.
He is the Matchmaker, having brought lovers together at the Chateau d'Amour.
He is known to the dwarves as Kingmaker.
He used the Hand of Tzaraziko in an attempt to free Hallifax.
He passed the challenges of the Tosha Monastery.
He is an official cartographer of Lusternia.
He resurrected Mighty Crow, the scourge of Glomdoring.
He is an honoured Caregiver to the tae'dae cubs in Estelbar.
He did release the ship of the dead to plague the Inner Sea.
He is an Honourary Shepherd of the Rocks.
He has scribed the tales of old Celest into the Tome of Remembrance.
He is a Slave Master of Angkrag.
In Acknor, he helped the orcs raise a new chieftain.
He did become the first Planeswalker in the realm.
He solved the mysterious murder at Stewart Mansion.
Though, that crow line in there... There were three honors lines available for the Glomdoring quests, and I'm not sure if you can still get them, even if crow dies.
He did lower the veil over the Hifarae hills and release Gromagh's horde.
He is a revered Dark Reaper of the Great Illithoid Prison.
He has restored the ancient workshop of Xion to functionality.
He did aide the dragon turtles, saving a lost kin in the Toronada tidepools.
He holds the position of Planar Trader at the Facility in the Aetherways.
He hatched a dragon egg at Mount Zoaka, birthing a magnificent wyrmling.
He helped Tolborolla tae'dae and furrikin contact Ackleberry.
He did help summon the Great Cat Spirit to aid the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur.
He sabotaged the experiment of Etil'ck Arthar'rt.
He ruthlessly assassinated the noble traitor at the Presidio of the Damned.
He marshaled the undead legions to victory, displacing the mold battalions.
He aided the gnomes of the Facility in a mysterious endeavor.
He has aided the Kyrian tribe in curing their children.
He helped the shaman Rynak vanquish the ghost-wolves of Verasavir Valley.
He did sacrifice the innocent Joiya, thus aiding Jeitara's schemes.
He did put the spirits of Paavik manor to rest.
He used the Hand of Tzaraziko in an attempt to free Gaudiguch.
He released the horrors of Castle Djarrakh onto an unsuspecting world.
He brought harmony of mind to the Shanthmark Lodge.
He freed the gorgogs from their dimensional prison.
He helped seal the gorgogs behind the dimensional barriers.
He is the Matchmaker, having brought lovers together at the Chateau d'Amour.
He is known to the dwarves as Kingmaker.
He used the Hand of Tzaraziko in an attempt to free Hallifax.
He passed the challenges of the Tosha Monastery.
He is an official cartographer of Lusternia.
He resurrected Mighty Crow, the scourge of Glomdoring.
He is an honoured Caregiver to the tae'dae cubs in Estelbar.
He did release the ship of the dead to plague the Inner Sea.
He is an Honourary Shepherd of the Rocks.
He has scribed the tales of old Celest into the Tome of Remembrance.
He is a Slave Master of Angkrag.
In Acknor, he helped the orcs raise a new chieftain.
He did become the first Planeswalker in the realm.
He solved the mysterious murder at Stewart Mansion.
Though, that crow line in there... There were three honors lines available for the Glomdoring quests, and I'm not sure if you can still get them, even if crow dies.
Exeryte2007-06-13 18:47:32
QUOTE(Richter @ Jun 13 2007, 01:39 PM) 417105
Though, that crow line in there... There were three honors lines available for the Glomdoring quests, and I'm not sure if you can still get them, even if crow dies.
You can still get it. Xenthos recently did when the kephera killed Crow.
Vix2007-06-13 19:13:29
Whoo! Time to tackle that load! I can only do the ones I know though. I'm still working on that big list, but this is to claim my position! Let me know if this format is fine or too many hints while I continue to edit in quests.
General needed quest information:
***Some objects in LOOK do not show up on INFO HERE. If you LOOK and you see a fresco mentioned in the VERBOSE description, and you can PROBE FRESCO, then it's probably safe to assume that that item is necessary for part of the quest. Upon discovering such an item, try to PUSH, PULL, TURN, TOUCH, OPEN, etc. it. Some items can have two possible verbs work on them. Sometimes, another hidden item will be concealed inside the original hidden item, e.g. if there was a hole in the fresco and you could PROBE HOLE, then that hole may also have significance.
*Also, many quests involve hidden rooms - rooms that do not show up as an "obvious exit." Rather than trying every single exit that doesn't show up in every single room of an area, it's probably best to cheat a little bit. *eyeshift* By cheating, I mean using a map of course! I personally recommend Caffrey's huge map of all the areas (it can be found in the Cartography section of the Library on the Lusternia website). It doesn't list every single hidden exit, but it does for several.
Quests ranked by level:
Newton (Finks and Gnomes): Requires much running back and forth between the various stages of Newton, so easiest to complete before you run out of PORTALS. Of course, this usually only applies to alts since it takes a long while to figure out how to even start the quests. If you plan on doing both, the second quest is usually easier after having completed one since the two quests have a few overlap sections, although I have heard that if you do opposing quests then the second one cancels the first out.
-Difficulty: Easy - Not the easiest by far, but a relatively simple quest nonetheless.
Verasavir (Taurians and Ghost Wolves): Possibly one of the best quests for introducing oneself to quests in Lusternia as it's most definitely the easiest. The hardest part would probably be starting out. Be warned, these quests will make you an enemy of either Kyrian (taurians) or Ghostwolves. Having the ghostwolves enemy is rather meaningless, but being enemied to Kyrian prevents you from doing the Snow Valley taurian quest. This quest also requires you to do a fair bit of slaughtering, but with a health vial, shouldn't be too much of a problem.
-Difficulty: Easiest - A three step quest for starters.
Tornada: Another quest that can be categorized into the "newbie" section. Tornada requires a bit of killing as well as some patience. Some of the creatures there are rather difficult to handle for younger people, so be prepared for broken limbs and deafness. This quest may even expose you to a novice's first glance at an aggressive creature, so stay on your toes if you're younger. Very cute concept though!
-Difficulty: Easy - Even though you have to do a smidgen of fighting, still straightforward with an easy starting point.
Delport: Moving on to the village quests, Delport also has a cute concept. Not too hard with a relatively simple start, and almost no killing involved (just a little bit though). This quest can easily be done by all levels. A little frustration may be found at certain points, but very straightforward. A nice reward at the end, although not as nice a reward as in other villages.
-Difficulty: Easy - Love in real life may be hard, but it sure isn't in Lusternia!
Dairuchi: Kudos to the Admin for a bit of coding work in doing this quest! Dairuchi involves no mass slaughter at all - just a bit of mapping work. You can't cheat on this quest by using Caffrey's map either since the tunnels constantly change. This quest is a little annoying in that you have to do it seven times before getting the honors line, but I think it becomes available after being completed much faster than other quests. The payout isn't too good compared to other quests, even after getting the honors line (your reward gets increased a little after getting the line).
-Difficulty: Easy - Mapping and planning can be rather fun. Just need some determination to come back and do it six times more.
Stewartsville: People are constantly doing this quest as soon as it's available since the payout is nice for a minimal amount of work, so it may be difficult to even start this quest as it's almost never unclaimed. Still, it's also a nice bit of codework, although how the Countess Cecelia keeps surviving countless murder attempts is beyond me.
This quest begins the chain of AwesomeTM payouts with a 5k reward at the end!
-Difficulty: Easy - If events go wrong, you may find yourself with an aggressive creature on your hide, but it's easy to run from. Money and karma are absolute great for a bit of lucky guesswork.
Estelbar: Like the Countess's many assassination attempts, these cubs just can't seem to get a break from their illness! Anyways, this quest gets a Cute+ for the idea as well as an AwesomeTM reward. People tend to claim this quest a fair amount as well, but not nearly as much as Stewartsville in my experience. This may be giving out a bit much, but the influence skillset may be useful here if you don't want to trek into Glomdoring for a portion of the quest.
-Difficulty: Easy - No killing at all except for an optional teensy bit and a simple puzzle for a great payout.
Paavik: This quest can be a little creepy. The haunting message really scared me when I first saw it! Anyways, the book in Paavik tells you just about everything you need to know and practically walks you through the quest. Also, Paavik involves no running around the village for components, but it does require you to complete it at a certain timeframe, which can be annoying if you accidentally miss it. Same format as most other village quests. Oh, and if you find the cane, be sure to THWAP someone while holding it!
-Difficulty: Easy - Easy like most other village quests with a close concept as well as reward$$.
Shanthmark: When first starting this quest, it can be rather annoying as it involves much running around. Influence is also useful here, although it's not as helpful as in Estelbar and some people are resistant to it. I personally hate having to run up and down the Lodge to Adaeze, so sprinting can be your friend. Possibly one of the most difficult village quests (and that's not saying much) just for its initial learning phase.
-Difficulty: Easy-ish - Still easy, but frustrating when first starting. Still good money and exceptional karma.
Acknor: The only advice I can give is you need too only make one addition to the club, not all of the available ones. You also should pick up everything you can. Good reward for a quick quest.
-Difficulty: Easy - Watch out about angering the chieftain person, he can get aggressive.
*Thanks Othero!
Ankrag: I haven't actually tried this quest yet, but it looks straightforward. A bit of a puzzle, but with some thinking, you should be able to solve it. More information needed probably.
-Difficulty: Easy? Info needed.
Dwarf Villages (Rockholm and Southgard): I haven't done this one yet either, but I have seen a lot of it. Requires a bit of sleuthing and romping about the Basin as well as some hunting creatures dangerous to novices. Definitely not for novices. The reward, however, is huge for the city or commune that controls whichever village you do the quest for since it draws all non-undead mining dwarves into your own village. Also useful to weaken an enemy, e.g. if Celest controlled Rockholm and Magnagora controlled Southgard, then both cities would do their quests to hurt the enemy and empower themselves. Warning: requires you to actually infiltrate the opposing village and kill the leader, earning you both city and village enemy status. Most definitely NOT for novices.
-Difficulty: Hard - Simple to start, just difficult in the rest of it, especially the raiding part.
Etil'ck Observatory: Easy enough, though make sure Magnagorans don't catch you doing the first part of it (highly unlikely that they will, though). Also watch out for gravediggers. Small gold reward (~1500), compared to the village quests, but good experience and karma. The end part also can only be done during a certain (broad) time period.
-Difficulty: Easy
*Thanks Shamarah!
Carai Caroo: Sudoku anyone? That's the main portion of this quest, so puzzle fiends rejoice! No monetary reward here, but you do get to release some organizational-aligned creatures into the Inner Sea. Just finding Carai Caroo may be one of the hardest parts of this quest.
-Difficulty: Medium - Not for those who can't solve a Sudoku.
Arysian Isles (gorgogs and merians): The two quests are exact copies of each other and both require some bashing. You need patience as well since it takes this one guy like five minutes to move like seven rooms. >_< Also, this place is one of the heaviest bashed out places ever. Expect major delays in your quest as people will inadvertently (and sometimes advertently) sabotage it. Be warned, if Celest finds you killing merians or discovers that you released the gorgogs, they will enemy you.
-Difficulty: Medium - Not hard to figure out, but the crowdedness, political dangers, and high-midbie bashing poses a challenge.
Tosha: The monks tell you everything you need to know, and the first part is very easy if you know where to look. Part 2, however, requires a bit of tanking. The spirits give out sometimes nasty afflictions and can team up on you. The Spirit Plane also doesn't count for conglutination I think. Even so, the reward is great - a temporary boost to health/mana/ego.
-Difficulty: Medium - The critters are tough even though the quest is easy.
Hallifax/Gaudiguch: These two quests are just doused in history and flavor but at a high cost of repetition. The quest itself is straightforward with some midbie-level bashing included, but it takes an annoying amount of time to pull off. I've heard some people taking whole real life days of nonstop questing to finish it off. The end's nifty little node is pretty sweet as well save for the exploding part when its power gets too low.
-Difficulty: Hard - Only for the insane amount of patience involved with repetition and the annoying battles between Mesa and Nomads.
Snow Valley (taurians and igasho): To pull of either of these two quests, you need the skill of Scaling in environment, which is very, very high up. A little tip: if you have the skill and the ability to fly, you can LAND MOUNTAINS like you can LAND TREES and you'll be deposited on the highest level.
You'll have to do some level 60/70ish bashing here against either aggressive creatures or flying creatures. This quest has a little favorite part that I can't mention because it'd give too much away, but if you attempt it, you'll definitely know what part that is.
A note: if you did the Ghostwolves quest in Verasavir, you'll need to be unenemied to Kyrian (taurians) to try the taurian side of Snow Valley.
-Difficulty: Hard - Only for the skills needed of Scaling and possibly flying. Some sleuth work may be needed for the puzzling parts as well.
Crumkindivia: Not technically an honors quest as it doesn't give you an honors line, but it's of similar difficulty and reward as the other honors quests. Requires that you make it out to the Crumkindivia bubble and that you be able to kill the peeps or gingerbread men - I've only ever done the gingerbread side of the quest, which I understand is easier (peeps are weaker than gingerbread men). The bosses are rather hard, but attacking them is optional. After you complete the quest, vacating the area is probably a good idea. Nice gold/exp reward.
-Difficulty: Medium - As long as you have access to an aethership to get there and are of sufficient level to fight the peeps (60+ is probably fine)
*Thanks Shamarah!
Xion: Possibly the worst of the puzzle quests! With a whole aethership's crew working on the quest, we still didn't finish. There were at least three puzzles that we got through including another sudoku. You have to do a lot of high-level bashing as well with some aggressive creatures included. Also, when you finish a portion of the quest, you release a slew of aggressive creatures which have the charybdon (random) poison. As Razenth says, very annoying for a mediocre reward. You also run the risk of setting the whole bubble afire as well.
-Difficulty: Hard - Brain-wracking with a so-so reward.
General needed quest information:
***Some objects in LOOK do not show up on INFO HERE. If you LOOK and you see a fresco mentioned in the VERBOSE description, and you can PROBE FRESCO, then it's probably safe to assume that that item is necessary for part of the quest. Upon discovering such an item, try to PUSH, PULL, TURN, TOUCH, OPEN, etc. it. Some items can have two possible verbs work on them. Sometimes, another hidden item will be concealed inside the original hidden item, e.g. if there was a hole in the fresco and you could PROBE HOLE, then that hole may also have significance.
*Also, many quests involve hidden rooms - rooms that do not show up as an "obvious exit." Rather than trying every single exit that doesn't show up in every single room of an area, it's probably best to cheat a little bit. *eyeshift* By cheating, I mean using a map of course! I personally recommend Caffrey's huge map of all the areas (it can be found in the Cartography section of the Library on the Lusternia website). It doesn't list every single hidden exit, but it does for several.
Quests ranked by level:
Newton (Finks and Gnomes): Requires much running back and forth between the various stages of Newton, so easiest to complete before you run out of PORTALS. Of course, this usually only applies to alts since it takes a long while to figure out how to even start the quests. If you plan on doing both, the second quest is usually easier after having completed one since the two quests have a few overlap sections, although I have heard that if you do opposing quests then the second one cancels the first out.
-Difficulty: Easy - Not the easiest by far, but a relatively simple quest nonetheless.
Verasavir (Taurians and Ghost Wolves): Possibly one of the best quests for introducing oneself to quests in Lusternia as it's most definitely the easiest. The hardest part would probably be starting out. Be warned, these quests will make you an enemy of either Kyrian (taurians) or Ghostwolves. Having the ghostwolves enemy is rather meaningless, but being enemied to Kyrian prevents you from doing the Snow Valley taurian quest. This quest also requires you to do a fair bit of slaughtering, but with a health vial, shouldn't be too much of a problem.
-Difficulty: Easiest - A three step quest for starters.
Tornada: Another quest that can be categorized into the "newbie" section. Tornada requires a bit of killing as well as some patience. Some of the creatures there are rather difficult to handle for younger people, so be prepared for broken limbs and deafness. This quest may even expose you to a novice's first glance at an aggressive creature, so stay on your toes if you're younger. Very cute concept though!
-Difficulty: Easy - Even though you have to do a smidgen of fighting, still straightforward with an easy starting point.
Delport: Moving on to the village quests, Delport also has a cute concept. Not too hard with a relatively simple start, and almost no killing involved (just a little bit though). This quest can easily be done by all levels. A little frustration may be found at certain points, but very straightforward. A nice reward at the end, although not as nice a reward as in other villages.
-Difficulty: Easy - Love in real life may be hard, but it sure isn't in Lusternia!
Dairuchi: Kudos to the Admin for a bit of coding work in doing this quest! Dairuchi involves no mass slaughter at all - just a bit of mapping work. You can't cheat on this quest by using Caffrey's map either since the tunnels constantly change. This quest is a little annoying in that you have to do it seven times before getting the honors line, but I think it becomes available after being completed much faster than other quests. The payout isn't too good compared to other quests, even after getting the honors line (your reward gets increased a little after getting the line).
-Difficulty: Easy - Mapping and planning can be rather fun. Just need some determination to come back and do it six times more.
Stewartsville: People are constantly doing this quest as soon as it's available since the payout is nice for a minimal amount of work, so it may be difficult to even start this quest as it's almost never unclaimed. Still, it's also a nice bit of codework, although how the Countess Cecelia keeps surviving countless murder attempts is beyond me.

-Difficulty: Easy - If events go wrong, you may find yourself with an aggressive creature on your hide, but it's easy to run from. Money and karma are absolute great for a bit of lucky guesswork.
Estelbar: Like the Countess's many assassination attempts, these cubs just can't seem to get a break from their illness! Anyways, this quest gets a Cute+ for the idea as well as an AwesomeTM reward. People tend to claim this quest a fair amount as well, but not nearly as much as Stewartsville in my experience. This may be giving out a bit much, but the influence skillset may be useful here if you don't want to trek into Glomdoring for a portion of the quest.
-Difficulty: Easy - No killing at all except for an optional teensy bit and a simple puzzle for a great payout.
Paavik: This quest can be a little creepy. The haunting message really scared me when I first saw it! Anyways, the book in Paavik tells you just about everything you need to know and practically walks you through the quest. Also, Paavik involves no running around the village for components, but it does require you to complete it at a certain timeframe, which can be annoying if you accidentally miss it. Same format as most other village quests. Oh, and if you find the cane, be sure to THWAP someone while holding it!

-Difficulty: Easy - Easy like most other village quests with a close concept as well as reward$$.
Shanthmark: When first starting this quest, it can be rather annoying as it involves much running around. Influence is also useful here, although it's not as helpful as in Estelbar and some people are resistant to it. I personally hate having to run up and down the Lodge to Adaeze, so sprinting can be your friend. Possibly one of the most difficult village quests (and that's not saying much) just for its initial learning phase.
-Difficulty: Easy-ish - Still easy, but frustrating when first starting. Still good money and exceptional karma.
Acknor: The only advice I can give is you need too only make one addition to the club, not all of the available ones. You also should pick up everything you can. Good reward for a quick quest.
-Difficulty: Easy - Watch out about angering the chieftain person, he can get aggressive.
*Thanks Othero!
Ankrag: I haven't actually tried this quest yet, but it looks straightforward. A bit of a puzzle, but with some thinking, you should be able to solve it. More information needed probably.
-Difficulty: Easy? Info needed.
Dwarf Villages (Rockholm and Southgard): I haven't done this one yet either, but I have seen a lot of it. Requires a bit of sleuthing and romping about the Basin as well as some hunting creatures dangerous to novices. Definitely not for novices. The reward, however, is huge for the city or commune that controls whichever village you do the quest for since it draws all non-undead mining dwarves into your own village. Also useful to weaken an enemy, e.g. if Celest controlled Rockholm and Magnagora controlled Southgard, then both cities would do their quests to hurt the enemy and empower themselves. Warning: requires you to actually infiltrate the opposing village and kill the leader, earning you both city and village enemy status. Most definitely NOT for novices.
-Difficulty: Hard - Simple to start, just difficult in the rest of it, especially the raiding part.
Etil'ck Observatory: Easy enough, though make sure Magnagorans don't catch you doing the first part of it (highly unlikely that they will, though). Also watch out for gravediggers. Small gold reward (~1500), compared to the village quests, but good experience and karma. The end part also can only be done during a certain (broad) time period.
-Difficulty: Easy
*Thanks Shamarah!
Carai Caroo: Sudoku anyone? That's the main portion of this quest, so puzzle fiends rejoice! No monetary reward here, but you do get to release some organizational-aligned creatures into the Inner Sea. Just finding Carai Caroo may be one of the hardest parts of this quest.
-Difficulty: Medium - Not for those who can't solve a Sudoku.
Arysian Isles (gorgogs and merians): The two quests are exact copies of each other and both require some bashing. You need patience as well since it takes this one guy like five minutes to move like seven rooms. >_< Also, this place is one of the heaviest bashed out places ever. Expect major delays in your quest as people will inadvertently (and sometimes advertently) sabotage it. Be warned, if Celest finds you killing merians or discovers that you released the gorgogs, they will enemy you.
-Difficulty: Medium - Not hard to figure out, but the crowdedness, political dangers, and high-midbie bashing poses a challenge.
Tosha: The monks tell you everything you need to know, and the first part is very easy if you know where to look. Part 2, however, requires a bit of tanking. The spirits give out sometimes nasty afflictions and can team up on you. The Spirit Plane also doesn't count for conglutination I think. Even so, the reward is great - a temporary boost to health/mana/ego.
-Difficulty: Medium - The critters are tough even though the quest is easy.
Hallifax/Gaudiguch: These two quests are just doused in history and flavor but at a high cost of repetition. The quest itself is straightforward with some midbie-level bashing included, but it takes an annoying amount of time to pull off. I've heard some people taking whole real life days of nonstop questing to finish it off. The end's nifty little node is pretty sweet as well save for the exploding part when its power gets too low.
-Difficulty: Hard - Only for the insane amount of patience involved with repetition and the annoying battles between Mesa and Nomads.
Snow Valley (taurians and igasho): To pull of either of these two quests, you need the skill of Scaling in environment, which is very, very high up. A little tip: if you have the skill and the ability to fly, you can LAND MOUNTAINS like you can LAND TREES and you'll be deposited on the highest level.

-Difficulty: Hard - Only for the skills needed of Scaling and possibly flying. Some sleuth work may be needed for the puzzling parts as well.
Crumkindivia: Not technically an honors quest as it doesn't give you an honors line, but it's of similar difficulty and reward as the other honors quests. Requires that you make it out to the Crumkindivia bubble and that you be able to kill the peeps or gingerbread men - I've only ever done the gingerbread side of the quest, which I understand is easier (peeps are weaker than gingerbread men). The bosses are rather hard, but attacking them is optional. After you complete the quest, vacating the area is probably a good idea. Nice gold/exp reward.
-Difficulty: Medium - As long as you have access to an aethership to get there and are of sufficient level to fight the peeps (60+ is probably fine)
*Thanks Shamarah!
Xion: Possibly the worst of the puzzle quests! With a whole aethership's crew working on the quest, we still didn't finish. There were at least three puzzles that we got through including another sudoku. You have to do a lot of high-level bashing as well with some aggressive creatures included. Also, when you finish a portion of the quest, you release a slew of aggressive creatures which have the charybdon (random) poison. As Razenth says, very annoying for a mediocre reward. You also run the risk of setting the whole bubble afire as well.
-Difficulty: Hard - Brain-wracking with a so-so reward.
Daganev2007-06-13 19:18:52
Spectre isle island quest I would say is medium difficulty. Really easy to repeat though once you know it, although it can be time consuming.
Daganev2007-06-13 19:44:03
well then... from the other thread:
On the nature of quests:
Xion: Annoying. Horrendously annoying. Also, succeeding at it gives you a mediocre reward and doesn't even effect the area much even though it should. I'm never going back there again unless I have too.
Facility: From what I know of it and comparing it to Xion... it's worse than Xion.
Dramube: Kind of fun. Requires some trigonometry, but generally medium and fun. Can be frustrating however, very much so. Also requires you to be fairly tough (almost all the aetherbubble ones require you be) and last time I was there it was kind of buggy (I think).
Snow Valley: Requires one specific high up skill and one ability not everybody may have (or be able to get), but otherwise fairly easy.
Verasavir Valley: Once you understand how Lusternian quests work, not too difficult.
Mt. Zoaka: Same as Verasavir. Requires quick reflexes.
Tolborolla Valley: I have no idea HOW people manage to complete it in a reasonable amount of time, but I can't. It's pretty clear WHAT you have to do, just going about it is mindnumbingly repetitive.
Sea quests: Like Tolborolla. Has a higher rate of intereference. Easier in a group, but can be done mostly alone. (See Exeryte.)
Cankermore: Except for the seemingly random aspects of battles, fun. Requires some strategic thinking which makes it better than a standard kill this and give it to me quest.
Hifarae Hills: Short, fun, and interesting. Both of them anyways. One of the puzzles sometimes works contrary to how you think it should work, but is still solvable.
Carai Caroo: Fun little multiplanar romp. Puzzle is annoying though.
Tosha: The first part TOTALLY does not prepare you for the second part. Otherwise, fairly simple.
Moon Bubble: Difficult. You have to do things based on vague clues. Still fun, but difficult. Except the last part. That wasn't fun at all, just difficult.
Villages quests: All these seem more difficult than the other quests I've done, mainly because none of them require killing things and all of them require item manipulation and logical reasoning. At least they give nice rewards.
Spectre Island: Can be ruined so easily it's not even funny. Also is somewhat difficult to know where to begin, but mostly linear.
Bondero: Ew. Hope Krellan isn't around if you're sealing, hope he is when you're trying to open.
Newton: I don't even know HOW novices manage to do these. Leagues harder than pretty much every other honours quest I've come across. I still can't do it when I make an alt.
On the nature of quests:
Xion: Annoying. Horrendously annoying. Also, succeeding at it gives you a mediocre reward and doesn't even effect the area much even though it should. I'm never going back there again unless I have too.
Facility: From what I know of it and comparing it to Xion... it's worse than Xion.
Dramube: Kind of fun. Requires some trigonometry, but generally medium and fun. Can be frustrating however, very much so. Also requires you to be fairly tough (almost all the aetherbubble ones require you be) and last time I was there it was kind of buggy (I think).
Snow Valley: Requires one specific high up skill and one ability not everybody may have (or be able to get), but otherwise fairly easy.
Verasavir Valley: Once you understand how Lusternian quests work, not too difficult.
Mt. Zoaka: Same as Verasavir. Requires quick reflexes.
Tolborolla Valley: I have no idea HOW people manage to complete it in a reasonable amount of time, but I can't. It's pretty clear WHAT you have to do, just going about it is mindnumbingly repetitive.
Sea quests: Like Tolborolla. Has a higher rate of intereference. Easier in a group, but can be done mostly alone. (See Exeryte.)
Cankermore: Except for the seemingly random aspects of battles, fun. Requires some strategic thinking which makes it better than a standard kill this and give it to me quest.
Hifarae Hills: Short, fun, and interesting. Both of them anyways. One of the puzzles sometimes works contrary to how you think it should work, but is still solvable.
Carai Caroo: Fun little multiplanar romp. Puzzle is annoying though.
Tosha: The first part TOTALLY does not prepare you for the second part. Otherwise, fairly simple.
Moon Bubble: Difficult. You have to do things based on vague clues. Still fun, but difficult. Except the last part. That wasn't fun at all, just difficult.
Villages quests: All these seem more difficult than the other quests I've done, mainly because none of them require killing things and all of them require item manipulation and logical reasoning. At least they give nice rewards.
Spectre Island: Can be ruined so easily it's not even funny. Also is somewhat difficult to know where to begin, but mostly linear.
Bondero: Ew. Hope Krellan isn't around if you're sealing, hope he is when you're trying to open.
Newton: I don't even know HOW novices manage to do these. Leagues harder than pretty much every other honours quest I've come across. I still can't do it when I make an alt.
Shamarah2007-06-13 19:44:20
Rockholm/Southgard require that you go into the opposing village and kill the other ruler in order to complete the quest, so they are definitely NOT for novices.
Here are a couple I know:
Etil'ck Observatory: Easy enough, though make sure Magnagorans don't catch you doing the first part of it (highly unlikely that they will, though). Also watch out for gravediggers. Small gold reward (~1500), compared to the village quests, but good experience and karma. The end part also can only be done during a certain (broad) time period.
Difficulty: Easy
Crumkindivia: Not technically an honors quest as it doesn't give you an honors line, but it's of similar difficulty and reward as the other honors quests. Requires that you make it out to the Crumkindivia bubble and that you be able to kill the peeps or gingerbread men - I've only ever done the gingerbread side of the quest, which I understand is easier (peeps are weaker than gingerbread men). After you complete the quest, vacating the area is probably a good idea. Nice gold/exp reward.
Difficulty: Easy, as long as you have access to an aethership to get there and are of sufficient level to fight the peeps (60+ is probably fine)
Here are a couple I know:
Etil'ck Observatory: Easy enough, though make sure Magnagorans don't catch you doing the first part of it (highly unlikely that they will, though). Also watch out for gravediggers. Small gold reward (~1500), compared to the village quests, but good experience and karma. The end part also can only be done during a certain (broad) time period.
Difficulty: Easy
Crumkindivia: Not technically an honors quest as it doesn't give you an honors line, but it's of similar difficulty and reward as the other honors quests. Requires that you make it out to the Crumkindivia bubble and that you be able to kill the peeps or gingerbread men - I've only ever done the gingerbread side of the quest, which I understand is easier (peeps are weaker than gingerbread men). After you complete the quest, vacating the area is probably a good idea. Nice gold/exp reward.
Difficulty: Easy, as long as you have access to an aethership to get there and are of sufficient level to fight the peeps (60+ is probably fine)
Vix2007-06-13 19:45:19
Ah, thanks. Putting that in now.
Unknown2007-06-13 19:48:44
acknor is easy. the only advice i can give is you need too only make one addition to the club. not all of the available ones. You also should pick up everything you can. good reward for a quick quest
Shamarah2007-06-13 19:53:37
You do have to attack things for Crumkindivia, Vix (but you don't necessarily have to attack the bosses).
Genos2007-06-13 20:28:12
The Mesa Compound/Hallifax quest is rather straightforward and easy but it takes a really, really long time.
Razenth2007-06-13 21:25:25
That spiel from Daganev was from me!
Unknown2007-06-13 22:15:32
QUOTE(daganev @ Jun 13 2007, 03:44 PM) 417132
Newton: I don't even know HOW novices manage to do these. Leagues harder than pretty much every other honours quest I've come across. I still can't do it when I make an alt.
That is the quest I am most proud of, actually. I managed to complete it with my very first Lusternia character, who was also my very first MUD character, and I did it -after- I used my portals (it took that long to figure out how to even start the quest.) I played for about two days without doing excessive leveling so that I could stay in Newton until I figured it out.
Noola2007-06-13 22:19:06
QUOTE(Deschain @ Jun 13 2007, 05:15 PM) 417177
That is the quest I am most proud of, actually. I managed to complete it with my very first Lusternia character, who was also my very first MUD character, and I did it -after- I used my portals (it took that long to figure out how to even start the quest.) I played for about two days without doing excessive leveling so that I could stay in Newton until I figured it out.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who took days to figure it out!

Unknown2007-06-14 00:10:40
The Angkrag quest is fairly easy if you can win the puzzle most of the time. Sometimes it's unwinnable, but most of the time it's not.
Acrune2007-06-14 00:12:01
Newbie quests are two of the very few big ones I've managed. They're not *that* terrible. I just kept getting level 21 before figuring them out on my alts 

Vix2007-06-14 00:21:29
You can lose influence battles as a quiet way to lose experience. 
Or you could just die. People generally don't run over to help novices who die in Newton.

Or you could just die. People generally don't run over to help novices who die in Newton.
Kharaen2007-06-14 00:34:20
Mysterious Gnome Experiment (Gnomish Factory): One person would be enough to do this quest, killing vampiric things over and over (they take 3 times longer to die since they're vampiric, meh) is amazingly annoying and boring. The reward, while high, doesn't seem worth a second effort.
Difficulty: Easy (Level 20+, things are easy to kill, they just take forever.)
Zaoka: There's a lot of little quests in Zaoka, I think that the coeurl treasure hunting was rather fun, but sort of disappointed there's only a few spots that treasure is hidden in. The honours quest for Zaoka was pretty challenging and fun, and now that there's access for communes to get to Astral, doable for everyone now too. A lot of neat messages (like flying out of the volcano, or the world echo when someone completes the quest), and many different components make it a change from the typical quests. Lots of things in this area I'd love to have as commodities as well.
Difficulty: Moderate (50+, if only to survive Astral).
Tome of Old Celest: Mostly frustrating. Each time I've tried to do it, it seems then that Magnagorans want to hunt spectres. Very easy to ruin the quest for someone wanting to do it, and this is only offset by how long one of the key components in the quest lasts.
Difficulty: Easy (20+, since no killing is NECESSARY, this is just a problem solving quest anyone could do).
Grey Moors: Yet another frustrating quest that requires so many components, and killing. Because of high gold rewards for killing aslarans/krokani, it's almost impossible to find the place empty of players in order to do the quest. Quest is also bugged quite often, adding another layer of frustration.
Difficulty: Impossible (50+).
Fungus/Skeletal Dominion of Cankermore: Prize granted is rather random. This plays more like a game then a quest, which makes it rather enjoyable. Kind of like a military version of rock/paper/scissors.
Difficulty: Easy (70+)
Triangle of Dramube: I never figured this one out. I think Shorlen did, but he's the only one I know of who might have been able to finish this odd quest. I think it requires good math and deduction skills that I simply don't possess.
Difficulty: Very Hard (60+).
Tolborolla Valley: Rather long and tedious quest, easy to screw up especially if there's other people trying to do it. However, the added wood and silk it can provide are beneficial to anyone in need. This quest could likely be done by newbies fresh from the tour.
Difficulty: Easy (5+)
All village quests tend to be easy and could be done in simple steps. Novices should be able to do any of the village quests, save the Dwarf King quests.
Difficulty: Easy (Level 20+, things are easy to kill, they just take forever.)
Zaoka: There's a lot of little quests in Zaoka, I think that the coeurl treasure hunting was rather fun, but sort of disappointed there's only a few spots that treasure is hidden in. The honours quest for Zaoka was pretty challenging and fun, and now that there's access for communes to get to Astral, doable for everyone now too. A lot of neat messages (like flying out of the volcano, or the world echo when someone completes the quest), and many different components make it a change from the typical quests. Lots of things in this area I'd love to have as commodities as well.
Difficulty: Moderate (50+, if only to survive Astral).
Tome of Old Celest: Mostly frustrating. Each time I've tried to do it, it seems then that Magnagorans want to hunt spectres. Very easy to ruin the quest for someone wanting to do it, and this is only offset by how long one of the key components in the quest lasts.
Difficulty: Easy (20+, since no killing is NECESSARY, this is just a problem solving quest anyone could do).
Grey Moors: Yet another frustrating quest that requires so many components, and killing. Because of high gold rewards for killing aslarans/krokani, it's almost impossible to find the place empty of players in order to do the quest. Quest is also bugged quite often, adding another layer of frustration.
Difficulty: Impossible (50+).
Fungus/Skeletal Dominion of Cankermore: Prize granted is rather random. This plays more like a game then a quest, which makes it rather enjoyable. Kind of like a military version of rock/paper/scissors.
Difficulty: Easy (70+)
Triangle of Dramube: I never figured this one out. I think Shorlen did, but he's the only one I know of who might have been able to finish this odd quest. I think it requires good math and deduction skills that I simply don't possess.
Difficulty: Very Hard (60+).
Tolborolla Valley: Rather long and tedious quest, easy to screw up especially if there's other people trying to do it. However, the added wood and silk it can provide are beneficial to anyone in need. This quest could likely be done by newbies fresh from the tour.
Difficulty: Easy (5+)
All village quests tend to be easy and could be done in simple steps. Novices should be able to do any of the village quests, save the Dwarf King quests.