Razenth2007-06-14 01:31:23
Since I like Kharaen's formatting, I'll use that.
Restoring Xion: Difficult (at first) to get to, so make sure you bring plenty of supplies. Xion has both intense bashing involved and puzzle solving involved in it. In fact, you may even have to do the bashing part twice since it resets fairly quickly, and there's no way you can finish the last puzzle (unless you're some kind of pro genius) in the timeframe given. The reward is interesting, both not really worth it. Completing the quest is also totally anticlimatic. Both factions act as if nothing happened, even though one of them doesn't even exist anymore after completing the quest. It's as if nothing happened at all. (Admin, please fix!) I can see why we puny mortals didn't manage to finish it during the event; I was out there for hours.
Difficulty: Very Hard (70+)
Aiding/Slaying the Centaurs: I THINK there might be four quests here, but I'm not sure. I'll have to ask a Glom to do the anti quest and see what happens. Anyways, some bashing involved, more for helping the evil side than the good side I think. Otherwise pretty straightfoward, with a little puzzle involved at the end (or beginning, depending on your order of doing things). Easy to do, on par with the Verasvir Valley quest.
Difficulty: Easy (40+)
Snow Valley: Lots of bashing. Lots of it. You'll be up to your elbows in gore, especially if you do the Igasho side, which, surprising, has you kill MORE things than if you were helping the Taurians. Requires you move between elevations and layers, more so on the Igasho side. No reward, but a cool mountains echo, and all that gold from all that bashing usually makes up for it. And a funny little thing that you have to do for part of the quest that makes me giggle. Beware of hostile saber cats.
Difficulty: Easy (60+)
Venerating Mother Moon: No real bashing, just a little bit of combat and a lot of puzzle solving. First part is really fun, next segment takes a little bit of lateral thinking to figure out what to do, next segment is more lateral thinking, and the last part is just mind numbingly boring. But, the reward is kind of fun (sort of?) and the entire area is pretty.
Difficulty: Hard (60+)
Restoring Xion: Difficult (at first) to get to, so make sure you bring plenty of supplies. Xion has both intense bashing involved and puzzle solving involved in it. In fact, you may even have to do the bashing part twice since it resets fairly quickly, and there's no way you can finish the last puzzle (unless you're some kind of pro genius) in the timeframe given. The reward is interesting, both not really worth it. Completing the quest is also totally anticlimatic. Both factions act as if nothing happened, even though one of them doesn't even exist anymore after completing the quest. It's as if nothing happened at all. (Admin, please fix!) I can see why we puny mortals didn't manage to finish it during the event; I was out there for hours.
Difficulty: Very Hard (70+)
Aiding/Slaying the Centaurs: I THINK there might be four quests here, but I'm not sure. I'll have to ask a Glom to do the anti quest and see what happens. Anyways, some bashing involved, more for helping the evil side than the good side I think. Otherwise pretty straightfoward, with a little puzzle involved at the end (or beginning, depending on your order of doing things). Easy to do, on par with the Verasvir Valley quest.
Difficulty: Easy (40+)
Snow Valley: Lots of bashing. Lots of it. You'll be up to your elbows in gore, especially if you do the Igasho side, which, surprising, has you kill MORE things than if you were helping the Taurians. Requires you move between elevations and layers, more so on the Igasho side. No reward, but a cool mountains echo, and all that gold from all that bashing usually makes up for it. And a funny little thing that you have to do for part of the quest that makes me giggle. Beware of hostile saber cats.
Difficulty: Easy (60+)
Venerating Mother Moon: No real bashing, just a little bit of combat and a lot of puzzle solving. First part is really fun, next segment takes a little bit of lateral thinking to figure out what to do, next segment is more lateral thinking, and the last part is just mind numbingly boring. But, the reward is kind of fun (sort of?) and the entire area is pretty.
Difficulty: Hard (60+)
Unknown2007-06-14 11:47:21
I'll make a post about village quests then!
There are two kinds of these quests: puzzle-solving, which requires you only to solve a relatively simply logical game (Dairuchi and Angkrag), and item-searching, which require you not only to perform a job at logical elimination, but you also have to find hidden items (as it was said before, LOOK or PROBE items you see in the room's description, not only at INFO HERE, and probe, push, turn, or look into them).
Also, by trade goods I mean stuff you can cash in at traders - dead cows, chickens, lumber, fish, etc.
Dairuchi: low reward (1000), relatively simply task which can take some time if you don't remember all the patterns yet.
Angkrag: very low reward (500, I think), but the task is very simple, can be finished very quickly and I've yet to see someone fail it.
Estelbar: standard, big reward (5000). Requires you either to find trade goods outside the village (hassle...) or to use influencing (begging).
Acknor: average reward (3000). Simple and fast, doesn't require you to leave the village, sometimes the quest messes up for no fault of the player. Not that it matters, because the quest resets so often that you don't have to wait for long. Yes, this quest resets VERY fast.
Stewartsville: big reward, fast, requires not only logical deduction but also sometimes guessing, which can be deadly because failure means there's suddenly a relatively strong NPC after your life - if you're a newbie, better run for a while. Fortunately, failing this quest doesn't mean you have to wait for it to reset, you can try again after ~30 seconds. Resets very slowly.
Delport: average reward, much hassle - there are many trade goods outside the village that you must get to receive all the clues, and if you're not fast enough the clues will change and you'll fail the quest! I don't like this one very much.
Paavik: big reward, doesn't require you to leave the village. Can be only performed at night, after midnight - but you can search for items earlier. Don't forget about the secret area in the mansion and you should be alright. I like this one.
Shanthmark: big reward, much hassle - you need a lot of trade items to finish this one. Fortunately, it's also hard to fail it if you are 100% sure you got all the clues. Remember - there are 5 braves, but more than 5 rooms!
Rockholm, Southgard: these aren't really village quests per se, more like organisation quests.]
EDIT: I also noticed that many quests (none of the village ones though) involve Mastermind. I wouldn't be surprised if a newly-released area would have a tablet with seven gems (ruby, garnet, opal, onyx, pearl, garnet, emerald) somewhere inside it.
There are two kinds of these quests: puzzle-solving, which requires you only to solve a relatively simply logical game (Dairuchi and Angkrag), and item-searching, which require you not only to perform a job at logical elimination, but you also have to find hidden items (as it was said before, LOOK or PROBE items you see in the room's description, not only at INFO HERE, and probe, push, turn, or look into them).
Also, by trade goods I mean stuff you can cash in at traders - dead cows, chickens, lumber, fish, etc.
Dairuchi: low reward (1000), relatively simply task which can take some time if you don't remember all the patterns yet.
Angkrag: very low reward (500, I think), but the task is very simple, can be finished very quickly and I've yet to see someone fail it.
Estelbar: standard, big reward (5000). Requires you either to find trade goods outside the village (hassle...) or to use influencing (begging).
Acknor: average reward (3000). Simple and fast, doesn't require you to leave the village, sometimes the quest messes up for no fault of the player. Not that it matters, because the quest resets so often that you don't have to wait for long. Yes, this quest resets VERY fast.
Stewartsville: big reward, fast, requires not only logical deduction but also sometimes guessing, which can be deadly because failure means there's suddenly a relatively strong NPC after your life - if you're a newbie, better run for a while. Fortunately, failing this quest doesn't mean you have to wait for it to reset, you can try again after ~30 seconds. Resets very slowly.
Delport: average reward, much hassle - there are many trade goods outside the village that you must get to receive all the clues, and if you're not fast enough the clues will change and you'll fail the quest! I don't like this one very much.
Paavik: big reward, doesn't require you to leave the village. Can be only performed at night, after midnight - but you can search for items earlier. Don't forget about the secret area in the mansion and you should be alright. I like this one.
Shanthmark: big reward, much hassle - you need a lot of trade items to finish this one. Fortunately, it's also hard to fail it if you are 100% sure you got all the clues. Remember - there are 5 braves, but more than 5 rooms!
Rockholm, Southgard: these aren't really village quests per se, more like organisation quests.]
EDIT: I also noticed that many quests (none of the village ones though) involve Mastermind. I wouldn't be surprised if a newly-released area would have a tablet with seven gems (ruby, garnet, opal, onyx, pearl, garnet, emerald) somewhere inside it.
Unknown2007-06-14 14:25:10
In my opinion you might need to be a higher level than 40 to do the Verasavir quest. Wolves hit pretty hard, track and team. What level is recommended?
Shorlen2007-06-14 14:28:14
QUOTE(Ksilna @ Jun 14 2007, 10:25 AM) 417348
In my opinion you might need to be a higher level than 40 to do the Verasavir quest. Wolves hit pretty hard, track and team. What level is recommended?
I think people should be giving recommended health values, not levels. That's all that really matters in PvE in Lusternia. Well, tankiness isn't a direct corelation on that, but it's usually close. Except for those new insect things.
Vix2007-06-14 19:07:17
Yeah, the subjectivity of levels is why I didn't put recommended levels down for mine.
Noola2007-06-14 19:19:54

This thread makes me feel dumb. All these easy ratings beside things that I find distressingly difficult!

Vix2007-06-14 19:33:53
They're easy in comparison to the other monsters the gods choose to create. 

Unknown2007-06-14 20:57:41
QUOTE(Ksilna @ Jun 14 2007, 10:25 AM) 417348
In my opinion you might need to be a higher level than 40 to do the Verasavir quest. Wolves hit pretty hard, track and team. What level is recommended?
I did it at around level 40, as a human. But I killed Taurians, not wolves.
Estarra2007-06-14 22:29:41
I agree that 90% of the quests being categorized as "easy" isn't very helpful or informative. Maybe a scale from 1-10 would be better? Or 1-5? How about: Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Hard, Very Hard
What if Stewartsville is considered the standard (i.e., a moderate), how would other quests fall around that?
What if Stewartsville is considered the standard (i.e., a moderate), how would other quests fall around that?
Caffrey2007-06-14 22:45:45
Someone posted this one already but...
Facility - Gnomish Experiment.
Relatively easy to work out what to do, requires hunting of creatures with a recommended experience circle of 50+ and basic curing techniques. Takes a long time to do, remember to take supplies as this is on an aetherbubble. Repetitive but simple tasks to perform.
Difficulty : Easy (3) ------- Time : Long (8) ------- Reward : High (7) ------- Circle : 50+
The scale for that would be
1-2 Very Easy/Very Short/Very Low
3-4 Easy/Short/Low
5-6 Moderate/Moderate/Moderate
7-8 Hard/Long/High
9-10 Very Hard/Very Long/Very High
The points are in there for a bit more information.
Facility - Gnomish Experiment.
Relatively easy to work out what to do, requires hunting of creatures with a recommended experience circle of 50+ and basic curing techniques. Takes a long time to do, remember to take supplies as this is on an aetherbubble. Repetitive but simple tasks to perform.
Difficulty : Easy (3) ------- Time : Long (8) ------- Reward : High (7) ------- Circle : 50+
The scale for that would be
1-2 Very Easy/Very Short/Very Low
3-4 Easy/Short/Low
5-6 Moderate/Moderate/Moderate
7-8 Hard/Long/High
9-10 Very Hard/Very Long/Very High
The points are in there for a bit more information.
Xenthos2007-06-14 22:46:41
QUOTE(Estarra @ Jun 14 2007, 06:29 PM) 417431
I agree that 90% of the quests being categorized as "easy" isn't very helpful or informative. Maybe a scale from 1-10 would be better? Or 1-5? How about: Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Hard, Very Hard
What if Stewartsville is considered the standard (i.e., a moderate), how would other quests fall around that?
What if Stewartsville is considered the standard (i.e., a moderate), how would other quests fall around that?
To be honest, given your 5-point ranking, I'd call Stewartsville an Easy once you know the general way of quest-working. (Probe items in the room description, and then prod them in one of four ways, open / close things, etc).
Xavius2007-06-14 23:27:38
If you've ever played Clue, or you're decent at process-of-elimination stuff, the only hard parts of Stewartsville are 1) the initial learning curve of interacting with room descriptions, and 2) timing it so that all the pieces are actually in the mansion. Number two is not to be underestimated. I'm almost certain that I know how to do the quest, but there's always an empty item-dropping thing or two when I try.
Kharaen2007-06-14 23:30:17
Most quests are easy though. Find the item, give it to everyone, kill the thing, give it to everyone, say anything that comes to your mind, be suspicious of any word in all descriptions, and then words inside the invisible items...Puzzles are kept simple so anyone would be able to solve them with a little effort, and since this is a MUD complex code to make things difficult would likely be too much of a hassle to bother with. Hardness is basically based on if you're able to kill the creatures involved with the quest. Sorry. That's just the way MUD quests are, and always will be.
Xenthos2007-06-14 23:39:46
QUOTE(Xavius @ Jun 14 2007, 07:27 PM) 417446
If you've ever played Clue, or you're decent at process-of-elimination stuff, the only hard parts of Stewartsville are 1) the initial learning curve of interacting with room descriptions, and 2) timing it so that all the pieces are actually in the mansion. Number two is not to be underestimated. I'm almost certain that I know how to do the quest, but there's always an empty item-dropping thing or two when I try.
That's normal. There are a LOT more spaces than items there.
Noola2007-06-14 23:58:47
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Jun 14 2007, 06:30 PM) 417447
Most quests are easy though. Find the item, give it to everyone, kill the thing, give it to everyone, say anything that comes to your mind, be suspicious of any word in all descriptions, and then words inside the invisible items...Puzzles are kept simple so anyone would be able to solve them with a little effort, and since this is a MUD complex code to make things difficult would likely be too much of a hassle to bother with. Hardness is basically based on if you're able to kill the creatures involved with the quest. Sorry. That's just the way MUD quests are, and always will be.

Daganev2007-06-15 00:04:05
Ratting is technically a quest, as is bringing in power. I havn't done stewarts, but if you went from Ratting being the easiest quest, to um Kephera underground being the hardest, what would be in the middle?
Xenthos2007-06-15 00:06:51
QUOTE(daganev @ Jun 14 2007, 08:04 PM) 417454
Ratting is technically a quest, as is bringing in power. I havn't done stewarts, but if you went from Ratting being the easiest quest, to um Kephera underground being the hardest, what would be in the middle?
I don't think ratting is actually a quest. Gathering shadows, on the other hand, is (same with pixies). Those are Very Easy. I'd still place Stewartsville as Easy-- it's basically "solve the clues," once you know about probing and prodding things.
Daganev2007-06-15 00:21:23
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jun 14 2007, 05:06 PM) 417455
I don't think ratting is actually a quest. Gathering shadows, on the other hand, is (same with pixies). Those are Very Easy. I'd still place Stewartsville as Easy-- it's basically "solve the clues," once you know about probing and prodding things.
Ok, with that definition every quest is "easy". The "once you know" part is what makes them hard.
i.e. You have to read each room description and decipher which things should be probed and which should be prodded. As opposed to shadows, where no thinking is involved.
Also, according to the help files, ratting is a quest.
Estarra2007-06-15 00:30:37
I'm very proud of the complexity and quality of our quests! OF COURSE, they're easier once you learn them, though many do change so you can't run through them by rote. I'm mildly insulted by Kharaen's comments. Personally, I think we go out of our way to make many of the quests here as replayable as possible, which frankly is difficult and is a hassle but one we do anyway. If another MUD does quests better than we do, feel free to post their tricks.
Anyway, think of the difficulty level as a measure of how hard the quest is FOR THE FIRST TIME. Presumably, a quest list is for those who are looking to see what new quests to try out, not to recap a list for people who have already done them.
Anyway, think of the difficulty level as a measure of how hard the quest is FOR THE FIRST TIME. Presumably, a quest list is for those who are looking to see what new quests to try out, not to recap a list for people who have already done them.
Richter2007-06-15 00:39:04
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Jun 14 2007, 04:30 PM) 417447
Most quests are easy though. Find the item, give it to everyone, kill the thing, give it to everyone, say anything that comes to your mind, be suspicious of any word in all descriptions, and then words inside the invisible items...Puzzles are kept simple so anyone would be able to solve them with a little effort, and since this is a MUD complex code to make things difficult would likely be too much of a hassle to bother with. Hardness is basically based on if you're able to kill the creatures involved with the quest. Sorry. That's just the way MUD quests are, and always will be.
And how many of our quests have you done? I think you're mistaking Lusternia for somewhere with easy/stupid quests.