A Guide to Quests

by Estarra

Back to Survival Guide.

Unknown2011-10-25 16:36:54

Nono, see, the problem is that the foxes are around and I can't find them to kill them.

What do foxes and rabbits both do? Ironcraft is your friend.
Unknown2011-10-25 16:45:02
Yeah, that's the thing I'd figured out with my original post- I dug 'em up. But the problem is that even with that, I can't find all of them. Trackers will find there's like 9 in the area, and only 5 will actually be able to be found/dug up. I'm not quite sure where they've wriggled their way into, and I dug up the entire damn place.

I'm starting to think I'm just going to have to wait for a day where I'm lucky and the amounts I can find and the amount that's left can be worked out to the right numbers.
Unknown2011-10-25 16:55:11

I'm not quite sure where they've wriggled their way into, and I dug up the entire damn place.

Did you dig the same room several times? I'm sure I had to do that.
Unknown2011-10-25 17:15:52
Yes. So much digging. Definitely a thing I find myself wishing was on a shorter equilibrium time. :wacko:
Unknown2011-10-25 17:23:22

Yes. So much digging. Definitely a thing I find myself wishing was on a shorter equilibrium time. :wacko:

Ha! I sympathise. I must have tried that part a dozen times before it was right. I've thought of shelling out for a silver shovel but am not sure if that's any faster.
Kiradawea2011-10-25 18:13:45
It's faster on Dramube.
Tervic2011-10-25 19:17:44

Basically, you either trial and error until you get it or you get someone with the hunting skillset to check prints for you.

Or someone with incredible OCD who writes down all the mob IDs.


It's faster on Dramube.

Dramube can DIAF.
Calixa2011-11-03 13:24:25
If one is enemies to the asylum, how do you get to Alakar i'Xiia to attempt amnesty? I only know of getting the passcard from Ceria.
Kiradawea2011-11-03 13:45:13
You'll need to get someone else to open the path for you. You can help the elemental to get there, but then when you arrive he'll be aggressive.
Rika2011-11-03 23:02:51
Amnesty should stop aggressiveness though, so that should work.
Xenthos2011-11-03 23:22:21
I just kill the elemental for it...
Daereth2011-11-04 13:19:53
You don't -have- to give the key to ceria, it still works.
Calixa2011-11-05 00:45:19
Oops, forgot all about the elemental. :blush:
Razenth2011-11-10 07:24:02
Xion. Roxie. Any information forumites? Namely how to get the gnome to crawl out of her little suit. Is it doable with 2-3 people, or are we talking smob group size?

Is she supposed to heal ungodly fast? What is the meaning of the chinking and the cracking? Is it really possible to crack all five body parts at once given her ungodly fast healing rate?
Unknown2011-11-13 19:16:21
Rikenfriez... is there a starting point? So far I've had the tasty mammoth ribs.. but that's it.
Unknown2011-11-13 21:38:21
The Rikenfriez quest is perpetually disabled.
Ixion2011-11-14 05:58:24
He is a Master of Ice-picking in the Village of Rikenfriez.

It's working again. It starts at Ahhuma, and has nothing to do with stupid trout.
Unknown2011-11-14 06:07:02
Is the krokani quest actually broken? /I've probably asked this before but can't remember.
Ixion2011-11-14 06:22:53
Which, the castle quest?
Unknown2011-11-14 06:33:49

Which, the castle quest?
