Kiradawea2008-04-15 12:16:30
Gah. Kiakoda Nature Reserve is horrible. You've got few clues to go buy, no indication of how your progress is coming along (not that I've found at least), and the NPCs (except for the old fisherman, forgot his name) are so horribly annoying, sleazy and seemingly incompetent that you want to tear your hair out in frustration. Also you have to kill lots of (rather easy) things in this quest.
Unknown2008-04-15 14:23:11
Verasavir (Taurians and Ghost Wolves): Possibly one of the best quests for introducing oneself to quests in Lusternia as it's most definitely the easiest. The hardest part would probably be starting out. Be warned, these quests will make you an enemy of either Kyrian (taurians) or Ghostwolves. Having the ghostwolves enemy is rather meaningless, but being enemied to Kyrian prevents you from doing the Snow Valley taurian quest. This quest also requires you to do a fair bit of slaughtering, but with a health vial, shouldn't be too much of a problem.
-Difficulty: Easiest - A three step quest for starters
-Difficulty: Easiest - A three step quest for starters
Okay see things like this make me feel stupid. It's a three step quest for starters and Ithe easiest yet I don't know where to begin
Xenthos2008-04-15 14:47:46
QUOTE(Kidchex @ Apr 15 2008, 10:23 AM) 502377
Okay see things like this make me feel stupid. It's a three step quest for starters and Ithe easiest yet I don't know where to begin
I still say that the easiest is the Dairuchi tunnels (if you like mazes, at least). Just take a piece of paper and a pencil.
Unknown2008-04-15 15:07:21
I found angkrag and dairuchi simple. It had a very very very clear starting point. This is where you are now figure it out. Stewartsville is easy as long as you interact with everything. Shanthmark is tedious but easy as long as you again interact with everything. Also stewartsville, dairuchi, and angkrag all stay right there. Shanthmark requires you to do some travelling but mainly right there. I think the one thing that has kept me from doing more quests is the convolouted start points. I'm a simple person I need simple starts.

Unknown2008-04-15 15:08:21
QUOTE(Kidchex @ Apr 15 2008, 10:23 PM) 502377
Okay see things like this make me feel stupid. It's a three step quest for starters and Ithe easiest yet I don't know where to begin
I don't know whether I am able to say this, but the denizens for starting a side of the quest reside in hidden rooms. As to where those hidden rooms are, you'll have to find out yourself ... or, grab a nice map

Unknown2008-04-15 17:49:08
Last complaint about quests. Someone killed a quest needed mob at about 10:45 am est it is now 1:47pm est and the mob hasn't respawned. Yes i'm almost positive he hasn't respawned and been killed cause i've been there checking it every couple of minutes. I like quests don't like waiting all day because someone decided Mob A didn't need to live anymore

Edit: Even though the item needed has respawned five times

Edit: Even though the item needed has respawned five times
Kalisan2008-04-21 12:07:12
I'm new to Lusternia, less than a full day played, but already I love the idea of all the quests. I'm officially saviour for both gnomes and finks, and an honorary shepherd of the rocks. I'm currently trying to solve the Stewart Manor quest, but I seem to be stuck. I've spent about 3 hrs in here, gathering as much evidence as I could, to the point where I can answer each of the magistrate's questions, but I still get it wrong. I'm pretty sure I've uncovered all the spots (Ive probed every single noun in every single room) so I was hoping I could get some guidelines to hopefull constraint my search for info.
Basically, what I want to know is are all the probable objects in the environment interacted with either PUSH, PULL, PROD, TURN, TOUCH, OPEN, CLOSE or USE? (Ive found a couple of probes that dont respond to any of those)
Secondly, is the quest contained entirely in the manor? I tried going out into the village and looking for things, but I dont seem to get a response, so Im guessing yes it is?
Basically, what I want to know is are all the probable objects in the environment interacted with either PUSH, PULL, PROD, TURN, TOUCH, OPEN, CLOSE or USE? (Ive found a couple of probes that dont respond to any of those)
Secondly, is the quest contained entirely in the manor? I tried going out into the village and looking for things, but I dont seem to get a response, so Im guessing yes it is?
Kiradawea2008-04-21 13:23:13
It is contained to the manor. I don't know how much I'm allowed to help, but... there may be more than one "correct" solution. Even if you have found what you think is the right answer, try to look for another answer if the first doesn't work.
Xenthos2008-04-21 13:26:46
QUOTE(Kiradawea @ Apr 21 2008, 09:23 AM) 504206
It is contained to the manor. I don't know how much I'm allowed to help, but... there may be more than one "correct" solution. Even if you have found what you think is the right answer, try to look for another answer if the first doesn't work.
There generally isn't more than one correct solution-- there's just another avenue (or maybe two) of narrowing it down that isn't being tried. Think of it as an actual murder mystery. What does the detective have to do to solve it?
Kalisan2008-04-21 13:49:59
The problem is I'm pretty sure I have all the evidence i need. Or at least I can respond to each question asked with something. I have a niggling feeling I'm missing one particular item though, so I guess i'll just go over everything with a fine tooth comb.
Xenthos2008-04-21 17:58:52
QUOTE(Kalisan @ Apr 21 2008, 09:49 AM) 504212
The problem is I'm pretty sure I have all the evidence i need. Or at least I can respond to each question asked with something. I have a niggling feeling I'm missing one particular item though, so I guess i'll just go over everything with a fine tooth comb.
Oh, it's possible to think you have the right answer sometimes if you miss out on one method of clue gathering (or an item).
Kalisan2008-04-22 01:42:13
Ok, an update. Im a detective! It must have been that something wasn't spawning, because I went back today, and I swear I didn't interact with any other items, but this time I got an extra piece of evidence. Time to move on to others. Any suggestions on ones to try, that don't involve bashing hard mobs?
Rika2008-04-22 01:47:58
Quests are different every time they are done and reset, so I think the 'extra piece of evidence' was just the quest having resetted with different items.
Kiradawea2008-04-27 14:33:44
I've been trying to do Xion lately, and I must say that while it is a LOT of fun, I find myself confused too. I have not come very far but, is there something I can do to make the Breach happen? To me it seems that I just have to sit around and wait for the breach to happen, but that's such a waste of time. Do I even need to wait for the breach? Can I continue even though the Master Crystal is unresponsive?
Edit: Apparently, yes I can. I still have no idea why the last puzzle won't let me solve it though.
Edit: Apparently, yes I can. I still have no idea why the last puzzle won't let me solve it though.
Qistrel2008-05-15 10:04:13
Is there an honours quest in the Caverns of Muhanlesh? Melpith is really annoying me, I killed every single itieration of naga I could find in the caverns (I was using Caffery's map so I found all the hidden places) and he either wants more, or says he's already done the scales. I just want to know whether its worth the angst.
I gave hime enough corpses...and he never gave me anything. Is this a bug or am i missing something?
I gave hime enough corpses...and he never gave me anything. Is this a bug or am i missing something?
Tervic2008-05-15 11:07:26
QUOTE(Starfire Q @ May 15 2008, 03:04 AM) 512340
Is there an honours quest in the Caverns of Muhanlesh? Melpith is really annoying me, I killed every single itieration of naga I could find in the caverns (I was using Caffery's map so I found all the hidden places) and he either wants more, or says he's already done the scales. I just want to know whether its worth the angst.
I gave hime enough corpses...and he never gave me anything. Is this a bug or am i missing something?
I gave hime enough corpses...and he never gave me anything. Is this a bug or am i missing something?
It's an incredibly long and annoying quest that then involves going to Balach Swamp and Duum and unleashing a soulless god and pissing everyone off, and more than likely will also have you get eaten by an aether Cloier somewhere down the line. Trust me, that quest is NOT worth it. At all.
Qistrel2008-05-15 13:19:44
QUOTE(Tervic @ May 15 2008, 01:07 PM) 512344
It's an incredibly long and annoying quest that then involves going to Balach Swamp and Duum and unleashing a soulless god and pissing everyone off, and more than likely will also have you get eaten by an aether Cloier somewhere down the line. Trust me, that quest is NOT worth it. At all.
Right. *goes to Tolborolla*
Kharaen2008-05-15 14:10:50
Yeah, the cloeir is pretty early on in the quest. You need to have a group of WILLING people to be able to do that portion at the least, which may be hard to find, even in Mag.
Rika2008-05-15 19:50:21
I forgot which your character is, but the quest is banned by one organisation and extremely frowned upon (ie pretty much banned) in another. Not sure about Glomdoring. Magnagora doesn't mind, though.
Tervic2008-05-15 23:12:55
Tolborolla's also long and annoying, but at least the end result is neat and doesn't get anyone pissed at you. (By that I mean it's one of the more worthwhile quests that I've done)