Lusternia's President

by Roark

Back to The Real World.

Roark2007-07-24 00:07:38
Regardless of your party affiliation, if you were to vote in the Republican primary *and* at the same time in the Democrat primary, which of these announced candidates would you vote for? Here are their websites to review candidates you are not familiar with. I think it'd be a more interesting poll if people read up on the candidates they haven't heard of before voting.

Here are links to all of the above choices in both polls:
Sam Brownback
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo
Tommy Thompson

Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
Christopher Dodd
John Edwards
Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama
Bill Richardson

I'd rather stay home than vote for any of these clowns!
Xavius2007-07-24 04:12:04
My Republican candidate of choice is Hagel. He's also my overall choice. If he stood a chance, I'd re-register as a Republican just to vote for him in the primary. Alas, he doesn't. If Guliani wins, I expect another eight years of gratuitous war for America and a one-way ticket to Canada for me.

The Democratic candidates, by and large, scare me. I'm a content liberal, but I think a lot of content liberals remember the joy of the Democrats taking the Congress only to have that joy dashed hard on the rocks by the rank-and-file idiocy of Pelosi et al. I'll probably vote for Dodd, since he seems to have his head on straight about a lot of things. Like, one, the war. Yes, it was a mistake. No, that doesn't mean you get to bail out right away. He has a very responsible energy policy focused on conservation and invention rather than beating the still-questionable global warming drums. Universal health insurance with scaled costs rather than univeral healthcare, which we aren't set up to accept. Wants to provide incentives to public school teachers with incentives to go where they'll be the most useful, rather than the punish and blame system that Bush set up. I'm not so sure about his grand service plan, but his heart is in the right spot.
Daganev2007-07-24 06:26:15
I've been intrigued to look at You Tube and see any good clips or debate, based on the CNN thing, but I don't have the time to waste. Anyone have good links in that regard?
Unknown2007-07-24 10:31:27
Daganev2007-07-24 17:48:53
first link... Irvine, CA wooo... Visaeris was that you? smile.gif
Daganev2007-07-24 18:13:29
it appears that people who support obama also can't follow instructions tongue.gif