Glomdoring Summit 2.0

by Daganev

Back to Common Grounds.

Nadjia2007-09-03 15:07:10
QUOTE(Kaervas @ Sep 3 2007, 08:10 AM) 438357
I'll be doing whatever I can to help and hopefully other people will as well.

well, I know I will be trying, as always, to create and expand the avenues of RP. I have added several things already that may or may not take off, just have to wait and see. I haven't lost all faith in the commune, and I hope that we are not cutting off an arm to spite a finger.
Unknown2007-09-03 15:14:36
I think all we can do is ante up and kick in. I have a few purely for consideration suggestions I am going to forward. As an off peak person I'm going to ramp up my interaction with novices.

I know we are not going to get a Divine now but I still think some sort of contest to select a pure RP admin for Glom would be a big help. Get as much of a consensus as possible and combine that with Estarra's own demands for how she wants to see improvement. Give that Divine a clear defined mission statement to use as a big stick against road blocks.
Morgfyre2007-09-03 15:36:02
It's fine to post the log.
Reiha2007-09-03 15:55:37
When my alt tried to get into Glomdoring, it took a couple of hours. I enjoyed the RP (kudos to Kundu, Xenthos, and Druken, but I was slightly irritated OOC cause I was censor.gif ing hungry and wanted to eat), but not everyone will express the same appreciation when they try to join. Hopefully changes and comprimises can made without feeling Glom's going to lose their RP style.

And I see 12 other users waiting for the log, where is it? freaked.gif
Shamarah2007-09-03 15:58:35
QUOTE(Avaer @ Sep 3 2007, 02:38 AM) 438259
Because I am that interested, and because I am a sad, sad person, here's a program to do it for you! (You have to run it in a command prompt dialog in windows.)
Also, the code (so you can compile it yourself if you don't trust an exe file):

Yes, its a hack job, but it should work (I think) and get that log posted up here!

Well, how can I resist that, then.
Shryke2007-09-03 16:42:49
I for one will be heading back to Glom, as soon as I tie up my loose ends in Mag... Glomdoring is where my heart resides, and I don't want to see it get killed off.

But seriously, we help our novices when there are people to help them around, and we -are- welcoming, to those who show lotalty... There are limited amounts of things we can change.
Arel2007-09-03 17:01:55
The only problem with novice retention is not having the people around to help in off-hours. That was not the subject of the discussion, it is more the atmosphere of Glom once you graduate and get to know the place.
Unknown2007-09-03 17:05:32
Wow, thankyou Shamarah! <3

And I'm surprised at how intelligent and mature the discussion was, even though I disagree with the prevalent view about the elitist attitude as the cause and I think saying that the problem is entirely political is naive, from a game designer point of view. Still, almost everyone there spoke exceedingly well, and barring the one or two slips into election bickering I don't really understand why that group of players doesn't get along a little better.

Oh, and whoever was the Norns, good on you for asking the question no-one could answer! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

Hazar2007-09-03 17:07:21
I was going to answer it, but I was still manually logging at that point and couldn't find time. *shrug*
Arel2007-09-03 17:10:42
QUOTE(Avaer @ Sep 3 2007, 01:05 PM) 438390
Still, almost everyone there spoke exceedingly well, and barring the one or two slips into election bickering I don't really understand why that group of players doesn't get along a little better.

Very different views for how Glomdoring should be, I'm guessing.
Forren2007-09-03 17:32:22
Interesting log.
Unknown2007-09-03 17:33:31
I think you're right, Arel. I just don't understand why the core issues of identity and consistency are brushed over all the time, no matter how many times it is pointed out.

And... a cop out? What does that mean? I just don't fathom how you can watch the situation for two years and not come to the same conclusions, and at least analyze those deeper issues with an open mind. I don't think you can spend thousands of dollars and hours on a game and then quit over minor RP tweaks you disagree with - I certainly didn't. I would -love- to come back and invest as much as I did, but no matter how often I try, I always get so disillusioned with the same patterns that keep popping up. I really do think Glomdoring fundamentally altered the foundations of Lusternia's RP integrity, and while a lot of that has been repaired with time, I think its folly to continue the same path and expect different results.

I guess the only conclusion I can come to is that many of Lusternia's influences are coming from those who enjoy hard roleplay (complete separation between player and character - acting a defined role like in a play, with next to no immersion), and I just don't.

Meh, maybe I'm wrong, and it is as simple as switching people around, let's hope so.

Although it gives me no end of satisfaction that no matter how much I am dismissed and put down, the opposing view just hasn't worked.
Furien2007-09-03 17:36:22
I dunno, I really don't think Glomdoring's RP as a problem, nor is the 'forcing' and 'change' that Daganev described.

However, that log was really..depressing. Cutting Glom off from Monks and the portal is like taking someone off life support. Good luck, guys. sad.gif
Kaervas2007-09-03 17:43:39
At the end of the day it's people's attitude that's the problem, and leaders who do nothing but argue with each other. The RP of Glomdoring has nothing to do with it, it's just that some people don't seem to care anymore. I just hope that our efforts don't end up being wasted because of some selfish people.
Shryke2007-09-03 17:51:01
QUOTE(Avaer @ Sep 3 2007, 10:05 AM) 438390
Still, almost everyone there spoke exceedingly well, and barring the one or two slips into election bickering I don't really understand why that group of players doesn't get along a little better.

Too many kings and not enough pawns.

Anyway, we have an IRL month?

Hmmm... Gonna be gone for a few days.. sad.gif But after that it's time to get busy.

To those who play in other orgs, make alts and play them, so we don't get shut down! If you can't beat them, cheat!! rolleyes.gif

//that last bit was only semi-serious... But really, come check us out and give constructive criticism please.
Acrune2007-09-03 17:53:34
Thanks for the log.

I have mixed feelings about the meet itself though. Lots of problems discussed, but not really any solutions. The idea of replacing those five is interesting. I have nothing against any of them IC or OOC and I've liked the ones that I've talked to on AIM, Bellators, irc, etc, but maybe replacing them could be a good thing, even though I doubt the problems can completely be blamed on them. Sometimes you can put great and productive people together and have nothing useful come of it. Replacing leaders gives the opportunity to start a lot of things fresh, but at the same time there is a good chance that anyone replacing them would either not know any different from the ways Glomdoring has been lead, or will be afraid to make the drastic changes that are needed. It really is terribly unfair for those five, but it is just a game, and the game can still be played without an elected position.

Daganev2007-09-03 18:07:20
QUOTE(Xavius @ Sep 3 2007, 12:48 AM) 438276
The whole "dark" concept never seemed to draw many people.

When I left Achaea, Hashan was by far the smallest city, and it wasn't the newest.

Ithaqua apparently has issues.

And now we have Glomdoring.

Yes, there is in general, a problem with organizations that are publicly known for being secretive and manipulative.
Arel2007-09-03 18:09:13
QUOTE(daganev @ Sep 3 2007, 02:07 PM) 438404
Yes, there is in general, a problem with organizations that are publicly known for being secretive and manipulative.

Yes, very few people want to do that for fun and thus don't join them.
Daganev2007-09-03 18:13:59
QUOTE(shadow @ Sep 3 2007, 02:27 AM) 438302
I -think- the reason for them to remove the joining from portals is to prevent mud or IRE newbs that need -alot- of help simply to get started to end up in a commune that because of its low population alone might not be able to fullfill those needs.

I don't know how much the players try to help newbs, but I'm guessing they're doing their best. But no one can be around 24/7 and if you are entirely new you just sometimes -need- someone to help you. Else you give up out of frustration.

Disclaimer: That's just my personal -guess-. In no way does this have to be true at all.

EDIT: IF the portal thing happens at all.

That is my understanding as well.

Removing Newbies might actually be a good thing, then the aspect of Seduction and Beauty within Glomdoring can be emphasised more, since there will have to be effort to bring people there.
Arel2007-09-03 18:16:24
QUOTE(daganev @ Sep 3 2007, 02:13 PM) 438407
That is my understanding as well.

Removing Newbies might actually be a good thing, then the aspect of Seduction and Beauty within Glomdoring can be emphasised more, since there will have to be effort to bring people there.

That is by far the most asinine thing I have ever heard on these forums.