Looking for a certain painting

by Ashteru

Back to The Real World.

Ashteru2007-09-19 19:57:55
So yeah, I am usually pretty good with art and stuff, but today, my teacher showed me a pic (That I'll later describe) that I have never seen before, put what I thought was looking really damn good.

It basically was drawn in single lines, so, like, no features or anything could be seen. Depicted was a crucified person, and two birds sitting on the cross, one on the right side, one on the left side, again, everything drawn in black lines.

Now, I am still looking for an image for my new tattoo, and I thought, this would be pretty damn nice.
So I submit my question to you, smart and all-knowledgeable Lusternians! Can anyone tell me what picture/artist that is, coming from my description?
Lenalith2007-09-30 15:27:29
This probably isn't the one you're looking for, but it's pretty similar. It's by a guy called Derek Hess, and I've seen quite a number of his paintings/drawings turned into really great tattoos. Maybe you can find some more inspiration in the gallery.

Edit: Woah, what happened to the plain smiling smiley? He's.. insanely happy.