Unknown2008-03-07 15:13:58
I honestly don't remember anymore, it was one of those things you hear on OOC channels at one point that sort of makes sense and was never given follow through. Could be something to try to mythbust if all else fails. 

Malicia2008-03-08 00:58:20
This is relatively long, but I was quite amused! 

(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "I've been thinking about that aeon thing."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Here's my suggestion."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Balizar (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sip phlegmatic sip phlegmatic nooooo."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Um lets have a skill in necromancy...um in fact when liched you become a ascendant with 10 million essence and access to their skillset."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "When you combine the correct herbs to make phlegmatic, you blow up instead. So, no more phlegmatic for anyone."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Lasts for 8 hours."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "At least make it balanced, Shar
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "That's perfectly balanced. I mean, it's just a RP skill primarily anyway. Plus, it's still not on par with trueheal."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Ya munsia."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Then everyone will cure aeon with reishi."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "But munsi."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Reishi blows you up too."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Still think trueheal will be wayyy more op."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Oh man here we go."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I mean it heals you and
(Disciples of Klangratch): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "No, because if that skill existed without a time limit then everyone would go nihiliest."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Throw in a trueheal nerf and it will be fair."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Lol."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "There we go."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yeah."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Yah, you're not supposed to cure my aeon, that's obviously op."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "We don't really need the barrier, do we?"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "You know what's most OP? cosmicfire."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "So mag construct gives ascendent for 8 hours and blocks trueheal."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Lets remove the barrier and make it
have a 10 second eq loss."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yeah, you get healed anyway. Barrier? Wtf."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You can only trueheal between the hours of 2 am and 5 am. We'll figure out your timezone so you're not left out."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Trueheal should cost 11 power."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Catarin only on the 35th second of each minute as well."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "I want my barrier."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Well, of course."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Nog, ceren."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "Wot."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "That's a given."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Heh."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Trueheal should uninstall your mud client when used, then it'd have truehealed all your problems with lusternia away."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Rofl."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "Hehe."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Lol."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Trueheal = killall."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Damnit, Shuyin wins that one."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "Rofl."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Also, when you trueheal you're insta inquisitioned."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "'The shame of you truehealing is too much too bear!/You're too stunned to be able to do anything'"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It takes your 10 power AND all your reserves. But you have to have 100% reserves to use it."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "No cat."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Thats to easy."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Need 101% reserves."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "It should be like Sacrifice."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "So you have to have powerplex to use."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "It's free, but it costs 10p."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Can still use it with a powerplex, nerf."
Acrune tells you, "You around?"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hrmm."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Starchant trueheal."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yeah, make it like sacrifice. It fully heals you, but you have to die."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "I do love that about the angelfont."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sacrifice yourself to fully heal and shield your opponent."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You just don't appreciate the complex mathmatics that go into that equation Talkan!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "And you don't conglut
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Free sacrifice!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Sweet! SACRIFICE 0p."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Well, death does cure you of everything."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "*grumble*."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Damn..."
Nydekion chuckles long and heartily.
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Is it true Narsrim's post got deleted when he asked to fix the angelfont."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Yeah, so it costs 10p and 3xp!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "On celest news."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Yes."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yeah."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Yep."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Was it horribly OOC or something?"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Acrune (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "No."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Dunno. I didn't read them."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sacrifice is op, it now kills every sacraments user in the realms at the same time now whenever used."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It was kind of OOC but not terribly."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It was vaguely ooc."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "If we bring up the Angelfont again they're going to start deleting US."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Deleting the US or deleteing us."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Us."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Celest's players."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Aww."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Yes, trueheal will delete the US."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, ":P."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Let's do it."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Terrorism."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Vote
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Here's my suggestion."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Balizar (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sip phlegmatic sip phlegmatic nooooo."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Um lets have a skill in necromancy...um in fact when liched you become a ascendant with 10 million essence and access to their skillset."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "When you combine the correct herbs to make phlegmatic, you blow up instead. So, no more phlegmatic for anyone."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Lasts for 8 hours."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "At least make it balanced, Shar

(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "That's perfectly balanced. I mean, it's just a RP skill primarily anyway. Plus, it's still not on par with trueheal."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Ya munsia."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Then everyone will cure aeon with reishi."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "But munsi."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Reishi blows you up too."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Still think trueheal will be wayyy more op."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Oh man here we go."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I mean it heals you and

(Disciples of Klangratch): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "No, because if that skill existed without a time limit then everyone would go nihiliest."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Throw in a trueheal nerf and it will be fair."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Munsia (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Lol."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "There we go."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yeah."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Yah, you're not supposed to cure my aeon, that's obviously op."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "We don't really need the barrier, do we?"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "You know what's most OP? cosmicfire."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "So mag construct gives ascendent for 8 hours and blocks trueheal."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Lets remove the barrier and make it
have a 10 second eq loss."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yeah, you get healed anyway. Barrier? Wtf."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You can only trueheal between the hours of 2 am and 5 am. We'll figure out your timezone so you're not left out."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Trueheal should cost 11 power."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Catarin only on the 35th second of each minute as well."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "I want my barrier."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Well, of course."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Nog, ceren."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "Wot."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "That's a given."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Heh."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Trueheal should uninstall your mud client when used, then it'd have truehealed all your problems with lusternia away."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Rofl."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "Hehe."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Lol."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Trueheal = killall."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Damnit, Shuyin wins that one."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "Rofl."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Also, when you trueheal you're insta inquisitioned."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "'The shame of you truehealing is too much too bear!/You're too stunned to be able to do anything'"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It takes your 10 power AND all your reserves. But you have to have 100% reserves to use it."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "No cat."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Thats to easy."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Need 101% reserves."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "It should be like Sacrifice."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "So you have to have powerplex to use."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "It's free, but it costs 10p."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Can still use it with a powerplex, nerf."
Acrune tells you, "You around?"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hrmm."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Starchant trueheal."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yeah, make it like sacrifice. It fully heals you, but you have to die."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "I do love that about the angelfont."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sacrifice yourself to fully heal and shield your opponent."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You just don't appreciate the complex mathmatics that go into that equation Talkan!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "And you don't conglut

(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Free sacrifice!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Sweet! SACRIFICE 0p."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Well, death does cure you of everything."
(Disciples of Klangratch): You say, "*grumble*."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Damn..."
Nydekion chuckles long and heartily.
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Is it true Narsrim's post got deleted when he asked to fix the angelfont."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Yeah, so it costs 10p and 3xp!"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "On celest news."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Yes."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yeah."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Yep."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Was it horribly OOC or something?"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Acrune (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "No."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Talkan says, "Dunno. I didn't read them."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sacrifice is op, it now kills every sacraments user in the realms at the same time now whenever used."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It was kind of OOC but not terribly."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It was vaguely ooc."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "If we bring up the Angelfont again they're going to start deleting US."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Deleting the US or deleteing us."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Us."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Catarin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Celest's players."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Aww."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Shuyin (from the Astral Plane) says, "Yes, trueheal will delete the US."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Sharael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, ":P."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Nydekion says, "Let's do it."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Terrorism."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Ceren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Vote
Shiri2008-03-08 02:14:33
You step towards a diamond vial and place your hands on it, sending a shower of
silvery leaves cascading around you as the branches grow brittle and dry from
the strain. Pale silvery moonlight swirls around you and the air fills with the
thrumming of power. The shimmering, ethereal forms of the Great Spirits briefly
fill the air around a diamond vial, chief among them Mother Moon and the White
Hart, as you are suffused by incredible powers, and rise as a Vernal Ascendant!
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
Diamond. Vial. FTW.
silvery leaves cascading around you as the branches grow brittle and dry from
the strain. Pale silvery moonlight swirls around you and the air fills with the
thrumming of power. The shimmering, ethereal forms of the Great Spirits briefly
fill the air around a diamond vial, chief among them Mother Moon and the White
Hart, as you are suffused by incredible powers, and rise as a Vernal Ascendant!
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
Diamond. Vial. FTW.
Munsia2008-03-08 02:24:31
I'm still geeking at how much of a dumb move it was of Seren 

Unknown2008-03-08 02:33:21
The logic behind it confuses me too, but oh well!
Congrats Shiri!
Congrats Shiri!

Bashara2008-03-08 03:14:40
Zuriel tells you, "That's like a miniature army."
"cow93" a cow
"cow88" a cow
"cow89" a cow
"cow86" a cow
"cow84" a cow
"cow87" a cow
"cow107" a cow
"cow105" a cow
"cow108" a cow
"bard51363" a wandering bard
"bard56399" a wandering bard
"bard58990" a wandering bard
"cow104" a cow
"cow106" a cow
"cow103" a cow
"cow109" a cow
"cow102" a cow
"cow110" a cow
"cow98" a cow
"cow103" a cow
"bard53814" a wandering bard
"cow101" a cow
"scholar45697" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar46487" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar47398" a thoughtful scholar
"bard8385" a wandering bard
"scholar44029" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar38519" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar44224" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar30667" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar90778" a thoughtful scholar
"bard44342" a wandering bard
"unicorn4966" a silvery unicorn
"wolf89059" a black direwolf
Number of objects: 34
You tell Apprentice Zuriel, "Fear my mighty army of cows, bards, and scholars,
for we shall smother the Basin in verbose essays, offkey music, and fresh
"cow93" a cow
"cow88" a cow
"cow89" a cow
"cow86" a cow
"cow84" a cow
"cow87" a cow
"cow107" a cow
"cow105" a cow
"cow108" a cow
"bard51363" a wandering bard
"bard56399" a wandering bard
"bard58990" a wandering bard
"cow104" a cow
"cow106" a cow
"cow103" a cow
"cow109" a cow
"cow102" a cow
"cow110" a cow
"cow98" a cow
"cow103" a cow
"bard53814" a wandering bard
"cow101" a cow
"scholar45697" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar46487" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar47398" a thoughtful scholar
"bard8385" a wandering bard
"scholar44029" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar38519" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar44224" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar30667" a thoughtful scholar
"scholar90778" a thoughtful scholar
"bard44342" a wandering bard
"unicorn4966" a silvery unicorn
"wolf89059" a black direwolf
Number of objects: 34
You tell Apprentice Zuriel, "Fear my mighty army of cows, bards, and scholars,
for we shall smother the Basin in verbose essays, offkey music, and fresh
Rika2008-03-08 05:43:01
(Market): You say, "Selling my secrets to winning hamsterhunts. 50 credits. Limited time only!"
Xavius tells you, "How about one night you'll never forget?
Xavius tells you, "How about one night you'll never forget?
Arvont2008-03-08 07:25:26
Commune Member Rank Position CT
Claire Shade On
Valonah Shade On
Astraea Guardian of the Dark Shadow Court On
Izekeal Dark Woodsman On
Lyora Ravenwood Custodian On
Tenl Shade On
Drakonassus Shade On
Veracruz Night's Tender On
Gabranth Dark Woodsman Commune Aide On
Serilda Shade On
Leiliadhe Ebon Forester Commune Aide On
Nadjia Shadow Warden Commune Aide On
Currently, there are 12 Commune Members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
Commune Member Rank Position CT
Claire Shade On
Valonah Shade On
Astraea Guardian of the Dark Shadow Court On
Izekeal Dark Woodsman On
Lyora Ravenwood Custodian On
Tenl Shade On
Drakonassus Shade On
Veracruz Night's Tender On
Gabranth Dark Woodsman Commune Aide On
Serilda Shade On
Leiliadhe Ebon Forester Commune Aide On
Nadjia Shadow Warden Commune Aide On
Currently, there are 12 Commune Members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
OMFG we have more than 10 members!!!! :glee:

Rika2008-03-08 07:31:52
You better not be who I think you are...
Arvont2008-03-08 07:54:55
QUOTE(rika @ Mar 8 2008, 03:31 PM) 492066
You better not be who I think you are...
Who am I?

Arix2008-03-08 08:43:57
How is Nejii as Vernal a bad idea? He's always been consistently awesome
Noola2008-03-08 08:46:51
QUOTE(Arix @ Mar 8 2008, 02:43 AM) 492073
How is Nejii as Vernal a bad idea? He's always been consistently awesome
Is it the shedding? Is it cause you've got to keep vernal-powered hairs off your clothes and furniture now, instead of regular hair? And vernal-powered hairs just won't come off no matter how many lint-brushes you use?
Shiri2008-03-08 08:48:03
The argument is that it's better, from a minmaxing perspective (and I mean that in the best possible way since it's not necessarily invalid) to have some mortal combatant raised from level 80 to 100 so you can give them better combat powers and have more help in the domoth.
EDIT: Good grief you people hold grudges. Noola, Tael said almost that exact same thing earlier...gah.
EDIT: Good grief you people hold grudges. Noola, Tael said almost that exact same thing earlier...gah.
Noola2008-03-08 08:51:29
QUOTE(Shiri @ Mar 8 2008, 02:48 AM) 492075
The argument is that it's better, from a minmaxing perspective (and I mean that in the best possible way since it's not necessarily invalid) to have some mortal combatant raised from level 80 to 100 so you can give them better combat powers and have more help in the domoth.
EDIT: Good grief you people hold grudges. Noola, Tael said almost that exact same thing earlier...gah.
EDIT: Good grief you people hold grudges. Noola, Tael said almost that exact same thing earlier...gah.
It's not a grudge!

Arvont2008-03-08 08:53:16
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 50.
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
NEW QUESTION: "What's Enlil's middle name?"
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 1 seconds to answer this
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
TIMER OVER. No more answers may be submitted.
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-honours enlil
Enlil, the Necrerast (Male Ephemeral).
He is an Ephemeral, one of the enigmatic servants of the Elder Gods.
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
Enlil, the Necrerast says, "No one?"
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-'Beh!
You open your mouth to speak, but the sound dies as soon as it leaves your
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-answers
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-an .
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
You may not give out answers yet.
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
Enlil, the Necrerast says, "Timmy, the answer was timmy."
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
Enlil, the Necrerast says, "So close."
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
Enlil, the Necrerast says, "So close."
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
NEW QUESTION: "What's Enlil's middle name?"
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 1 seconds to answer this
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
TIMER OVER. No more answers may be submitted.
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-honours enlil
Enlil, the Necrerast (Male Ephemeral).
He is an Ephemeral, one of the enigmatic servants of the Elder Gods.
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
Enlil, the Necrerast says, "No one?"
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-'Beh!
You open your mouth to speak, but the sound dies as soon as it leaves your
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-answers
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-an .
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
You may not give out answers yet.
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
Enlil, the Necrerast says, "Timmy, the answer was timmy."
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
Enlil, the Necrerast says, "So close."
1704h, 2136m, 1916e, 10p, 7060en, 9220w ex-
Enlil, the Necrerast says, "So close."
Shiri2008-03-08 08:53:19
Well whatever it is, it's bloody persistent.
*kicks it in the shins*

Munsia2008-03-08 08:53:22
It's a vendetta
Arix2008-03-08 09:02:51
The world is full of conspiracies
Unknown2008-03-08 10:23:04
QUOTE(Noola @ Mar 8 2008, 02:46 AM) 492074
Is it the shedding? Is it cause you've got to keep vernal-powered hairs off your clothes and furniture now, instead of regular hair? And vernal-powered hairs just won't come off no matter how many lint-brushes you use?
One has to wonder if vernal hair can be used for a powerstone ability, or perhaps sold to gnomish traders for a hefty profit...
Market: Seeking to borrow diamond shears, send tells
Arvont2008-03-08 23:40:23
20 User(s) are reading this topic (3 Guests and 4 Anonymous Users)
13 Members: Arvont, Salvation, S.A.W., Silvanus, Shamarah, Sojiro, Tekora, rika, Refugee, Shaylen, Enthralled, Revan, Thoros LaSaet
13 Members: Arvont, Salvation, S.A.W., Silvanus, Shamarah, Sojiro, Tekora, rika, Refugee, Shaylen, Enthralled, Revan, Thoros LaSaet
Now. Why are we so unhappy?