Sthai2008-03-09 02:45:43
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Linaeve says, "If Morgfyre came."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Tya (from the Aetherways) says, "Oh wait. Can't anyway."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Linaeve says, "I would laugh so hard."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Linaeve says, "Trying to bow to him and :censor:."
(Iniquitous Lyceum): You say, "We'd make Morgfyre wear a tentacle monster suit."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Tya (from the Aetherways) says, "I'd go "Do the tittering girl voice!""
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Linaeve says, "Well Lin prostrates."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Jael says, "Morg would be, like, with a bag over his head."
(Iniquitous Lyceum): You say, "...ahem. Obvious insanity. Please ignore."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Jael says, "Damn these fangirls."
A precise lance of scorching blue flame shoots across the heavens. You have barely a fraction of a second to feel a dread foreboding before the lance of flame slams directly into your chest, filling your mind with white-hot pain and seeming to set every nerve in your body aflame. When you finally begin to breathe again, there is surprisingly no mark upon your form, but a weakness of mind and body remain to attest to Morgfyre's anger.
You wince in pain.
(Iniquitous Lyceum): You say, "My apologies, Lord Legion."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Tya (from the Aetherways) says, "Oh wait. Can't anyway."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Linaeve says, "I would laugh so hard."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Linaeve says, "Trying to bow to him and :censor:."
(Iniquitous Lyceum): You say, "We'd make Morgfyre wear a tentacle monster suit."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Tya (from the Aetherways) says, "I'd go "Do the tittering girl voice!""
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Linaeve says, "Well Lin prostrates."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Jael says, "Morg would be, like, with a bag over his head."
(Iniquitous Lyceum): You say, "...ahem. Obvious insanity. Please ignore."
(The Clockwork Antiquities Cartel): Jael says, "Damn these fangirls."
A precise lance of scorching blue flame shoots across the heavens. You have barely a fraction of a second to feel a dread foreboding before the lance of flame slams directly into your chest, filling your mind with white-hot pain and seeming to set every nerve in your body aflame. When you finally begin to breathe again, there is surprisingly no mark upon your form, but a weakness of mind and body remain to attest to Morgfyre's anger.
You wince in pain.
(Iniquitous Lyceum): You say, "My apologies, Lord Legion."
Lyora2008-03-09 05:57:17
Xytia and I debating on who was prettiest (obviously me DUH =P ^^)
Xytia tells you, "Well I'm going to go dance penumbra and plump my bust and then
you'll see!"
- after some time -
Xytia tells you, "Just need to find a third for the coven!"
Xytia tells you, "Then you'll see!"
Xytia tells you, "Just a second!"
You tell Spinner Xytia d'Illici, Defender of Eventide, "My busts are still
bustier than yours and I'm 20!"
Xytia tells you, "Proportionally maybe! That's because you're huge compared to
me. Hmph."

<3 Xytia ^^
Xytia tells you, "Well I'm going to go dance penumbra and plump my bust and then
you'll see!"
- after some time -
Xytia tells you, "Just need to find a third for the coven!"
Xytia tells you, "Then you'll see!"
Xytia tells you, "Just a second!"
You tell Spinner Xytia d'Illici, Defender of Eventide, "My busts are still
bustier than yours and I'm 20!"
Xytia tells you, "Proportionally maybe! That's because you're huge compared to
me. Hmph."

<3 Xytia ^^
Saran2008-03-09 06:31:40
QUOTE(Lyora @ Mar 9 2008, 04:57 PM) 492292
Xytia and I debating on who was prettiest (obviously me DUH =P ^^)
Xytia tells you, "Well I'm going to go dance penumbra and plump my bust and then
you'll see!"
- after some time -
Xytia tells you, "Just need to find a third for the coven!"
Xytia tells you, "Then you'll see!"
Xytia tells you, "Just a second!"
You tell Spinner Xytia d'Illici, Defender of Eventide, "My busts are still
bustier than yours and I'm 20!"
Xytia tells you, "Proportionally maybe! That's because you're huge compared to
me. Hmph."

<3 Xytia ^^
Xytia tells you, "Well I'm going to go dance penumbra and plump my bust and then
you'll see!"
- after some time -
Xytia tells you, "Just need to find a third for the coven!"
Xytia tells you, "Then you'll see!"
Xytia tells you, "Just a second!"
You tell Spinner Xytia d'Illici, Defender of Eventide, "My busts are still
bustier than yours and I'm 20!"
Xytia tells you, "Proportionally maybe! That's because you're huge compared to
me. Hmph."

<3 Xytia ^^
Everyone knows that the bustiest characters in the game have male players.
Unknown2008-03-10 20:43:45
Triana tells you, "I WANT YOUR EXP INSIDE ME."
Unknown2008-03-11 01:49:30
Heh, Bali has a circle 

Krackenor2008-03-11 16:50:45
(Academy of the Shifting Sands): Melville says, "I think you made a mistake"
(Academy of the Shifting Sands): You say, "Oh? I haven't done anything yet, so it was probably done by a predecessor of mine. What's wrong?"
(Academy of the Shifting Sands): Melville says, "You've appointed me as the Divine Patron of the Academy, right next to Lord Morgfyre."
(Academy of the Shifting Sands): You say, "...Crap."
This was, of course, before I'd figured out how how to manage the clan. Following this exchange there were several frantic moments of panic before I knew how to rectify the problem.
(Academy of the Shifting Sands): You say, "Oh? I haven't done anything yet, so it was probably done by a predecessor of mine. What's wrong?"
(Academy of the Shifting Sands): Melville says, "You've appointed me as the Divine Patron of the Academy, right next to Lord Morgfyre."
(Academy of the Shifting Sands): You say, "...Crap."
This was, of course, before I'd figured out how how to manage the clan. Following this exchange there were several frantic moments of panic before I knew how to rectify the problem.
Unknown2008-03-11 19:25:26
Keeping up a non-stop patter, you keep wheedling a fae knight to give up his worldly goods to you in a dizzying display of circuitous logic.
A fae knight sighs dramatically and searches his pockets, looking for something to give you.
He gives some gold sovereigns to you.
You put 1 gold sovereigns in a leather backpack.
Cheap skate!!
A fae knight sighs dramatically and searches his pockets, looking for something to give you.
He gives some gold sovereigns to you.
You put 1 gold sovereigns in a leather backpack.

Cheap skate!!
Noola2008-03-11 19:29:51
QUOTE(Marina_Whytetower @ Mar 11 2008, 02:25 PM) 492872
Keeping up a non-stop patter, you keep wheedling a fae knight to give up his worldly goods to you in a dizzying display of circuitous logic.
A fae knight sighs dramatically and searches his pockets, looking for something to give you.
He gives some gold sovereigns to you.
You put 1 gold sovereigns in a leather backpack.
Cheap skate!!
A fae knight sighs dramatically and searches his pockets, looking for something to give you.
He gives some gold sovereigns to you.
You put 1 gold sovereigns in a leather backpack.

Cheap skate!!
Faethorn pays it's army sweatshop wages!

Snaithy2008-03-11 19:32:17
2008/03/11 19:22:45 - Arin cityfavoured Alluran for: for bringing Alluran to the light! As per Project 25!
You tell Masterchef Arin De'ravenna, Purveyor of the Hymn, "Hehehe."
You tell Masterchef Arin De'ravenna, Purveyor of the Hymn, "Nice."
Arin tells you, "Oh shush."
<3 Arin
You tell Masterchef Arin De'ravenna, Purveyor of the Hymn, "Hehehe."
You tell Masterchef Arin De'ravenna, Purveyor of the Hymn, "Nice."
Arin tells you, "Oh shush."
<3 Arin
Unknown2008-03-11 20:06:44
QUOTE(Noola @ Mar 11 2008, 03:29 PM) 492873
Faethorn pays it's army sweatshop wages! 

I know. I was so disappointed. At least give me 1k gold. Or a honeycomb. Sacrifice for allies only gets rid of hunger so many times until it gets annoying.
Tervic2008-03-12 04:07:22
(Skeleton Hearth): Xiel says, "Braaaaaiiiiinssss."
Aramel2008-03-12 04:30:49
Five people are contending for Seneschal in Serenwilde:
You tell Nejii, "All hail the FFA election! >.<."
Nejii tells you, "Gregori lashes out at Tael with a vicious put-down. He has scored an OBLITERATING CRITICAL HIT!"
You tell Nejii, "All hail the FFA election! >.<."
Nejii tells you, "Gregori lashes out at Tael with a vicious put-down. He has scored an OBLITERATING CRITICAL HIT!"
Arix2008-03-12 05:57:43
Who are the candidates?
Unknown2008-03-12 06:57:37
** The Death Challenge has begun! **
---- NOTE: this is a NON-PK EVENT ----
(Serenwilde): You say, "A death challenge that doesn't involve killing others
sounds a bit counterintuitive."
(Serenwilde): Fleyrina says, "Always up for a murder spree, are you?"
(Serenwilde): You say, "It's merely culling the herd."
(Serenwilde): Fleyrina says, "Well said, another cookie is in order I guess."
A delicious gingerbread man descends, resting on a golden disc of pure light.
(Serenwilde): You say, "Huzzah."
---- NOTE: this is a NON-PK EVENT ----
(Serenwilde): You say, "A death challenge that doesn't involve killing others
sounds a bit counterintuitive."
(Serenwilde): Fleyrina says, "Always up for a murder spree, are you?"
(Serenwilde): You say, "It's merely culling the herd."
(Serenwilde): Fleyrina says, "Well said, another cookie is in order I guess."
A delicious gingerbread man descends, resting on a golden disc of pure light.
(Serenwilde): You say, "Huzzah."
Unknown2008-03-12 17:31:36
(House Aurendil): Talkan (from the Aetherways) says, "My dna is already all over hotel rooms and beds across the country."
Kharaen2008-03-12 18:21:23
QUOTE(Luxi @ Mar 12 2008, 01:31 PM) 493096
(House Aurendil): Talkan (from the Aetherways) says, "My dna is already all over hotel rooms and beds across the country."
Spends a lot of time masterbating?
Unknown2008-03-12 18:39:54
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Mar 12 2008, 11:21 AM) 493117
Spends a lot of time masterbating?
Yea right, Talkan claims he is a pornstar.
Ildaudid2008-03-12 19:11:40
QUOTE(Luxi @ Mar 12 2008, 02:39 PM) 493126
Yea right, Talkan claims he is a pornstar.
Yeah Myndaen said he saw him in a couple flicks at the San Fran theatre.

Unknown2008-03-12 20:52:57
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Mar 12 2008, 02:11 PM) 493132
Yeah Myndaen said he saw him in a couple flicks at the San Fran theatre.

as a fluffer?
Elodres2008-03-12 23:14:34
(Market): Jigan says, "Artisan for hire, ad 55."
(Market): Jigan says, "Bah, ad 154."
ad 55
Poster: Luciden
Price: -
Le Jardin du Paradise
Lonely? Find yourself with unfulfilled needs time and time
again? Or simply just want a night out on the town? At Le Jardin
du Paradise, our highly skilled performers fulfill everyone's
desires. We tend to the needs of male and female clientele, as
we have both male and female performers. We do have a strict
privacy policy that protects the client and any performers that
do not wish to be known. Le Jardin du Paradise accepts clients
from every corner of the basin. Appointments are available, and
walk-ins are accepted. At Le Jardin du Paradise, our prices go
by the rank of each performer. These prices are for a day,
though we do rent by the month aswell.
Matron Courteseans......................................12,000
**If you are interested, or have any questions, please contact
either Luciden or Miriamele.**
ad 154
Poster: Jigan
Price: Varies
Artisan for hire
As an artisan, I can make: Stools, chairs, boxes, small tables,
sconces, baskets, couches, rugs, pipes, drapes, chests,
tapestries, tents, large tables, rockers, desks, cabinets,
racks, beds, instruments, and bookshelves. I can also create
locks on most boxes, desks, and chests. Enemies of Celest, and
citizens of Magnagora will not receive service. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me. If I can't help you, I can
probably find someone who can.
Post Date:
2008/03/11 21:31
You tell Voice of the Enigma, Sir Jigan Dekoven, Grand Inquisitor, "You know,
there's a pretty big difference between Ad 154 and Ad 55..."
(Market): Jigan says, "Bah, ad 154."
ad 55
Poster: Luciden
Price: -
Le Jardin du Paradise
Lonely? Find yourself with unfulfilled needs time and time
again? Or simply just want a night out on the town? At Le Jardin
du Paradise, our highly skilled performers fulfill everyone's
desires. We tend to the needs of male and female clientele, as
we have both male and female performers. We do have a strict
privacy policy that protects the client and any performers that
do not wish to be known. Le Jardin du Paradise accepts clients
from every corner of the basin. Appointments are available, and
walk-ins are accepted. At Le Jardin du Paradise, our prices go
by the rank of each performer. These prices are for a day,
though we do rent by the month aswell.
Matron Courteseans......................................12,000
**If you are interested, or have any questions, please contact
either Luciden or Miriamele.**
ad 154
Poster: Jigan
Price: Varies
Artisan for hire
As an artisan, I can make: Stools, chairs, boxes, small tables,
sconces, baskets, couches, rugs, pipes, drapes, chests,
tapestries, tents, large tables, rockers, desks, cabinets,
racks, beds, instruments, and bookshelves. I can also create
locks on most boxes, desks, and chests. Enemies of Celest, and
citizens of Magnagora will not receive service. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me. If I can't help you, I can
probably find someone who can.
Post Date:
2008/03/11 21:31
You tell Voice of the Enigma, Sir Jigan Dekoven, Grand Inquisitor, "You know,
there's a pretty big difference between Ad 154 and Ad 55..."