Gregori2008-03-18 00:32:49
Father Talkan La'Saet, Hand of the Even-Blade shouts, "Princess Marylinth be your guild, the Supernals be your might. Glory to Lady Malicia and the Light!"
You shout, "If by Princess Marylinth being your guide he means, blow up Celest. I heartily agree!"
Aison has declared you a formal enemy of the Cantors Guild. - LOL
Talkan has declared you a formal enemy of the Righteous Principality of New Celest.
Seriously after 100 years of me instigating conflict with Celest, stirring the pot, labelling Aquamacers as puddle mages, calling their best Prince a puddle jumper.... You mean all I had to do to get enemied was shout about blowing up celest?
You shout, "If by Princess Marylinth being your guide he means, blow up Celest. I heartily agree!"
Aison has declared you a formal enemy of the Cantors Guild. - LOL
Talkan has declared you a formal enemy of the Righteous Principality of New Celest.
Seriously after 100 years of me instigating conflict with Celest, stirring the pot, labelling Aquamacers as puddle mages, calling their best Prince a puddle jumper.... You mean all I had to do to get enemied was shout about blowing up celest?
Unknown2008-03-18 00:42:39
QUOTE(Gregori @ Mar 18 2008, 12:32 AM) 494116
Seriously after 100 years of me instigating conflict with Celest, stirring the pot, labelling Aquamacers as puddle mages, calling their best Prince a puddle jumper.... You mean all I had to do to get enemied was shout about blowing up celest?
No, you just had to look sideways at Talkan.

Unknown2008-03-18 00:58:34
Valdren has been suffocated by a wild, thorny hedge of roses.
Nerf Glomdoring
Harkux2008-03-18 01:01:11
Leshukt tells you, "I WILL find that pig again."
Leshukt tells you, "And i will murder it in front of what lil family it has."
Leshukt tells you, "Oh, yes."
Leshukt tells you, "I'm bad."
You tell Seren Brave Leshukt, "Just like your glee of slaughtering the family of
Leshukt tells you, "Only this will be better."
Leshukt tells you, "And i shall point and laugh at it's shattered corpse."
Leshukt tells you, "And it's bastard piglet children shall cry fat, lard
composed tears."
I...I introduced him to this game?
What have I brought upon Lusternia?
Leshukt tells you, "And i will murder it in front of what lil family it has."
Leshukt tells you, "Oh, yes."
Leshukt tells you, "I'm bad."
You tell Seren Brave Leshukt, "Just like your glee of slaughtering the family of
Leshukt tells you, "Only this will be better."
Leshukt tells you, "And i shall point and laugh at it's shattered corpse."
Leshukt tells you, "And it's bastard piglet children shall cry fat, lard
composed tears."
I...I introduced him to this game?

Everiine2008-03-18 01:06:57
I don't think I've ever been afraid of a Brave before... 

Vaera2008-03-18 01:17:49
(Glomdoring): Kharaen (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "That'll just ensure that I do it to every naked person I see. Well, females only."
Kharaen2008-03-18 01:24:46
Gregori2008-03-18 01:34:49
QUOTE(Aramel @ Mar 15 2008, 11:46 PM) 493851

People need to learn some genealogy, generation spans, and common lineage models before making uneducated comments.
Harkux is 4 generations removed from me down a completely separate bloodline.
Now in real life, the odds of me even being alive are nil.
Supposing all the way down the line we had a kid at 25, that would make me 100 years old in real life. Or in other words dead a long time ago.
Everyone in the world who can trace their lineage back to England is no more than 5th or 6th cousin from the Queen. (or in other words, by the definitions portrayed here, if one British person married another British person, that would be incest)
The fact is at a certain point yes, you can trace your ancestry back to someone, but that means very little in the end and I am glad the family system realizes that after a certain generation the family tie is pointless. You can already see that tie fading in 4th generation family members.
Not to mention, that while you cry "omg incest", every noble bloodline/"Great House" in the world, throughout the ages, is founded and still run on the principle of maintained bloodline purity. For you people who need the Cole's Notes description, "Controlled incest through generation spans".
Penna2008-03-18 01:40:31
You say to Malicia, "Hmm... do you feel any different?"
Lady Malicia La'Saet says to you, "Quite."
Lady Malicia La'Saet says, "I cannot explain it fully."
Malicia creases her brow in a frown.
With a wistful look on her face, Malicia touches the Pool of Stars.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "Doesn't sound like a bad thing, at least."
XBobAnonymous tells you, "She is imbued with astral energies, so if she and Nydekion ever had sex... Nyd will explode suddenly."
You tell XBobAnonymous, "... *choke*."
Malicia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
(Please don't kill me, please don't kill me... I'm still laughing.)
Lady Malicia La'Saet says to you, "Quite."
Lady Malicia La'Saet says, "I cannot explain it fully."
Malicia creases her brow in a frown.
With a wistful look on her face, Malicia touches the Pool of Stars.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "Doesn't sound like a bad thing, at least."
XBobAnonymous tells you, "She is imbued with astral energies, so if she and Nydekion ever had sex... Nyd will explode suddenly."
You tell XBobAnonymous, "... *choke*."
Malicia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
(Please don't kill me, please don't kill me... I'm still laughing.)
Malicia2008-03-18 01:56:25
QUOTE(Penna @ Mar 17 2008, 08:40 PM) 494143
You say to Malicia, "Hmm... do you feel any different?"
Lady Malicia La'Saet says to you, "Quite."
Lady Malicia La'Saet says, "I cannot explain it fully."
Malicia creases her brow in a frown.
With a wistful look on her face, Malicia touches the Pool of Stars.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "Doesn't sound like a bad thing, at least."
XBobAnonymous tells you, "She is imbued with astral energies, so if she and Nydekion ever had sex... Nyd will explode suddenly."
You tell XBobAnonymous, "... *choke*."
Malicia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
(Please don't kill me, please don't kill me... I'm still laughing.)
Lady Malicia La'Saet says to you, "Quite."
Lady Malicia La'Saet says, "I cannot explain it fully."
Malicia creases her brow in a frown.
With a wistful look on her face, Malicia touches the Pool of Stars.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "Doesn't sound like a bad thing, at least."
XBobAnonymous tells you, "She is imbued with astral energies, so if she and Nydekion ever had sex... Nyd will explode suddenly."
You tell XBobAnonymous, "... *choke*."
Malicia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
(Please don't kill me, please don't kill me... I'm still laughing.)

Who is this xbob!
Penna2008-03-18 02:01:09
I'll never tell! ... that timing was so terrible that I almost gigglesnorted at Mali though.
Unknown2008-03-18 02:02:18
QUOTE(Penna @ Mar 17 2008, 09:01 PM) 494148
I'll never tell! ... that timing was so terrible that I almost gigglesnorted at Mali though.
Sounds like Kharvik, actually

or Belloc

Munsia2008-03-18 02:06:27
@Gregori = At least d'Murani aren't in denial about theirs....
Gregori2008-03-18 02:17:20
QUOTE(munsia @ Mar 17 2008, 08:06 PM) 494151
@Gregori = At least d'Murani aren't in denial about theirs....
I haven't denied anything, Munsia. I merely pointed out the facts.
Arix2008-03-18 05:04:19
Better run before you get invited to the 'D'Cente Luv Shack', Gregori
Munsia2008-03-18 05:38:56
QUOTE(Arix @ Mar 18 2008, 01:04 AM) 494190
Better run before you get invited to the 'D'Cente Luv Shack', Gregori

Arix2008-03-18 05:40:57
I can never get that little mark at the end to show up.
*notices she didn't deny the existence of the D'Cente` Luv Shack*
*notices she didn't deny the existence of the D'Cente` Luv Shack*
Aison2008-03-18 05:57:06
(Disciples of Klangratch): Acrune says, "*weave glamours of Malicia on me*."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Acrune says, "WHICH ONE DO YOU RAISE?"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "Would be easy to tell. It would be the
malicia that is not standing in a lazy manner."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Acrune says, ":(."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Acrune says, "WHICH ONE DO YOU RAISE?"
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "Would be easy to tell. It would be the
malicia that is not standing in a lazy manner."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Acrune says, ":(."
Nymerya2008-03-18 06:58:25
Vashner removes flowing robes of pure white.
Vashner removes a sapphire wizard's hat.
I like to play dress up too...
It's only funny if you get the reference. >.>
Vashner removes a sapphire wizard's hat.
I like to play dress up too...
It's only funny if you get the reference. >.>
Unknown2008-03-18 07:33:03
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Blade of the Ouroboros shouts, "Run."
The atmosphere succumbs to a profound silence as Ser Shuyin resonates, "Dead."
The sonorous, multi-toned voice of Elostian emanates from the air around you,
"Good, you are making progress with your grammar, excellent."
The atmosphere succumbs to a profound silence as Ser Shuyin resonates, "Dead."
The sonorous, multi-toned voice of Elostian emanates from the air around you,
"Good, you are making progress with your grammar, excellent."