Lyora2008-03-27 06:36:14
QUOTE(Eliron @ Mar 27 2008, 02:31 AM) 496388
Of course I wouldn't stop loving her. That's why I want to be able to publicly spend time with her!
@Lyora: Hmm. Given your past cookie efforts I will no longer try to guilt trip.
@Lyora: Hmm. Given your past cookie efforts I will no longer try to guilt trip.

Tomorrow: Eliron tells you, "((Come2Glom!))"
Arix2008-03-27 07:44:49
(Magnagora): Thoros (from the Aetherways) says, "Sohei.."
(Magnagora): Revan says, "That will be ignored right now."
Woogleboops Balizar, Peepeep of Smoogies (Male Archlich Mugwump).


(Magnagora): Thoros (from the Aetherways) says, "Sohei.."
(Magnagora): Revan says, "That will be ignored right now."
Woogleboops Balizar, Peepeep of Smoogies (Male Archlich Mugwump).
Unknown2008-03-27 07:50:55
-quit magnagora-
Although it was pretty funny..
Although it was pretty funny..
Unknown2008-03-27 08:02:24
(Magnagora): Please welcome Jagermeister who just stepped out of the Portal of
Fate as a new citizen!
Mukyu Jagermeister, Apprentice of the Way says, "Who wants a sip?"
Fate as a new citizen!
Mukyu Jagermeister, Apprentice of the Way says, "Who wants a sip?"
Meliana2008-03-27 08:06:16
Woogleboops died to the martial prowess of Revan.
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis
Skein, Rika, Aishaa, Amalii, Amarok, Balizar, Chantal, Doman, Gabranth, Gareon,
Hintaro, Jagermeister, Jayde, Kenuichio, Kuroi, Latulla, Lyora, Macawi,
Malaclypse, Mariello, Meliana, Mortexia, Pharamon, Shiadra, Sugilexe, Sycris,
Terakh, Thiden, Torre, Vajra, Valandriel, Woogleboops, Xedrik, Yukiko, Zacc.
(*) Currently, there are 35 Lusternians on this Plane and 21 on other Planes.
Next please?
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis
Skein, Rika, Aishaa, Amalii, Amarok, Balizar, Chantal, Doman, Gabranth, Gareon,
Hintaro, Jagermeister, Jayde, Kenuichio, Kuroi, Latulla, Lyora, Macawi,
Malaclypse, Mariello, Meliana, Mortexia, Pharamon, Shiadra, Sugilexe, Sycris,
Terakh, Thiden, Torre, Vajra, Valandriel, Woogleboops, Xedrik, Yukiko, Zacc.
(*) Currently, there are 35 Lusternians on this Plane and 21 on other Planes.
Next please?
Unknown2008-03-27 08:07:40
Look at what you did, Revan. Retitling people can cause CHAOS.
...That and singing billy joel over ct.
...That and singing billy joel over ct.
Celina2008-03-27 08:11:54
QUOTE(Arix @ Mar 27 2008, 02:44 AM) 496392
Woogleboops Balizar, Peepeep of Smoogies (Male Archlich Mugwump).
Meliana2008-03-27 08:12:31
The Portal of Fate flashes as Vodka steps through, now ready to begin a fresh
life in Lusternia.
(Academy): Please welcome Vodka who has just enrolled into the Empyreal Academy
to learn the ways of the Tahtetso!
(Celest): Please welcome Vodka who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a
new citizen!
life in Lusternia.
(Academy): Please welcome Vodka who has just enrolled into the Empyreal Academy
to learn the ways of the Tahtetso!
(Celest): Please welcome Vodka who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a
new citizen!
Zacc2008-03-27 08:14:27
Woogleboops Balizar has stopped his own heart, killing himself instantly.
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis.
Heh. Too funny.
What in the...
Name + Title Chan
Vodka OFF
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
Arix has been incinerated by Woogleboops Balizar.
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis.
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
(Celest): Please welcome Vodka who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new citizen!
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
2008/03/27 08:13:05 - Vodka is now known as Bourbon.
2008/03/27 08:25:22 - Bourbon is now known as Iridium.
. . .
Now where's Gin and Plutonium?
Name + Title Chan
Catcatcat OFF
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis.
Heh. Too funny.
What in the...
Name + Title Chan
Vodka OFF
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
Arix has been incinerated by Woogleboops Balizar.
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis.
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
(Celest): Please welcome Vodka who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new citizen!
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
2008/03/27 08:13:05 - Vodka is now known as Bourbon.
2008/03/27 08:25:22 - Bourbon is now known as Iridium.
. . .
Now where's Gin and Plutonium?
Name + Title Chan
Catcatcat OFF
Unknown2008-03-27 08:49:30
QUOTE(Zacc @ Mar 27 2008, 04:14 PM) 496400
Woogleboops Balizar has stopped his own heart, killing himself instantly.
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis.
Heh. Too funny.
What in the...
Name + Title Chan
Vodka OFF
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
Arix has been incinerated by Woogleboops Balizar.
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis.
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
(Celest): Please welcome Vodka who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new citizen!
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
2008/03/27 08:13:05 - Vodka is now known as Bourbon.
2008/03/27 08:25:22 - Bourbon is now known as Iridium.
. . .
Now where's Gin and Plutonium?
Name + Title Chan
Catcatcat OFF
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis.
Heh. Too funny.
What in the...
Name + Title Chan
Vodka OFF
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
Arix has been incinerated by Woogleboops Balizar.
You see the death occur at centre of the Necropolis.
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
(Celest): Please welcome Vodka who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new citizen!
3153h, 4660m, 5451e, 10p, 11870en, 18530w exk-
2008/03/27 08:13:05 - Vodka is now known as Bourbon.
2008/03/27 08:25:22 - Bourbon is now known as Iridium.
. . .
Now where's Gin and Plutonium?
Name + Title Chan
Catcatcat OFF

Unknown2008-03-27 15:53:20
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Mar 27 2008, 04:07 AM) 496396
Your signature is full of win.
Harkux2008-03-27 15:53:42
You whine, "I call all elfen 'it'. I can barely ever tell the difference, I just know that Linwe is a girl because I've known her forever."
Lendren Starfall, Cuirr Arrane says to you, "The girls are the ones with hooters."
Lendren Starfall, Cuirr Arrane says, "Even if the hooters are fake, when they're wearing them, you still say "she". It's respectful."
Totally just made my day. Thank you. <3
Lendren Starfall, Cuirr Arrane says to you, "The girls are the ones with hooters."
Lendren Starfall, Cuirr Arrane says, "Even if the hooters are fake, when they're wearing them, you still say "she". It's respectful."
Totally just made my day. Thank you. <3
Arix2008-03-27 21:12:03
Like when Nejii has his fake artifact hooters on?
Bashara2008-03-27 22:55:59
We all know Faedra's annoying habit of talking like a five year old. Well, I was writing a letter and emerged from Editor as this was happening:
(Glomdoring): Faedra says, "It was bound to happen."
(Glomdoring): Daganev says, "There were so many nice posts back then."
(Glomdoring): You say, "A COHERENT SENTENCE!!!!"
(Glomdoring): You say, "What miracle did I miss!?!?!"
Kundu tells you, "Heh."
(Glomdoring): Faedra says, "Wait what me no be coherent!"
(Glomdoring): Xenthos (from an Unknown Plane) says, "Bashara, please be kind to
my ears." (You're supposed to be concentrating on Domo's!!!
(Glomdoring): You say, "Apologies, Sir."
(Glomdoring): Faedra says, "It was fluke!"
(Glomdoring): Urazial says, "There's another one."
(Glomdoring): Urazial says, "Sort of."
(Glomdoring): You say, "It CAN speak correctly!"
(Glomdoring): Faedra says, "It was bound to happen."
(Glomdoring): Daganev says, "There were so many nice posts back then."
(Glomdoring): You say, "A COHERENT SENTENCE!!!!"
(Glomdoring): You say, "What miracle did I miss!?!?!"
Kundu tells you, "Heh."
(Glomdoring): Faedra says, "Wait what me no be coherent!"
(Glomdoring): Xenthos (from an Unknown Plane) says, "Bashara, please be kind to
my ears." (You're supposed to be concentrating on Domo's!!!

(Glomdoring): You say, "Apologies, Sir."
(Glomdoring): Faedra says, "It was fluke!"
(Glomdoring): Urazial says, "There's another one."
(Glomdoring): Urazial says, "Sort of."
(Glomdoring): You say, "It CAN speak correctly!"
Unknown2008-03-27 23:11:59
Forks of magenta lightning split the sky, heralding the return of Fain of the
Red Masque to mortal perception.
Red Masque to mortal perception.
Rather colorful isn't he?
Fain, Morgfyre, Malicia, Aerel, Akui, Aluniira, Anyania, Aridus, Ayisdra, Ayvii,
Azorin, Bashara, Celina, Crylia, Deskain, Doman, Eliron, Emar, Endantee, Evaran,
Evissice, Faedra, Feria, Ganoreen, Harkux, Iytha, Izekeal, Jayde, Kalindera,
Karrack, Kastraliss, Kayleigh, Kilana, Krin, Lawliet, Livictus, Lutrius, Marcalo
, Miriam, Miriamele, Mirisk, Muacha, Nagrol, Nameryon, Nerra, Pectus, Quisse,
Rancoura, Rastor, Ryleth, Ryuu, Sephoroth, Shaddus, Shan, Shojir, Skoll, Snaithy
, Stangmar, Sthai, Synta, Terakh, Thiden, Torre, Tross, Urazial, Vimorette,
Volante, Xickwyz, Zuriel.
Azorin, Bashara, Celina, Crylia, Deskain, Doman, Eliron, Emar, Endantee, Evaran,
Evissice, Faedra, Feria, Ganoreen, Harkux, Iytha, Izekeal, Jayde, Kalindera,
Karrack, Kastraliss, Kayleigh, Kilana, Krin, Lawliet, Livictus, Lutrius, Marcalo
, Miriam, Miriamele, Mirisk, Muacha, Nagrol, Nameryon, Nerra, Pectus, Quisse,
Rancoura, Rastor, Ryleth, Ryuu, Sephoroth, Shaddus, Shan, Shojir, Skoll, Snaithy
, Stangmar, Sthai, Synta, Terakh, Thiden, Torre, Tross, Urazial, Vimorette,
Volante, Xickwyz, Zuriel.
Yes, he is indeed coming in as that light purple color on the QWHO. Try it out.
Unknown2008-03-27 23:12:46
(Magnagora): Morgfyre says, "Greetings, Fain. Pretty in pink again, are we?"
(Iniquitous Lyceum): Sthai says, "Possibly about the contents of His Divine Boxers as well."
Noola2008-03-27 23:13:40

Celina2008-03-27 23:13:48
(Magnagora): Fain says, "Qw."
Fain2008-03-27 23:17:23
QUOTE(Celina @ Mar 27 2008, 06:13 PM) 496774
(Magnagora): Fain says, "Qw."
It happens to us all

Daganev2008-03-27 23:17:50
last time it said lilac lightning