Aison2007-10-25 20:52:18
QUOTE(Aison @ Oct 24 2007, 09:44 PM) 453186
(House Aurendil): Narsrim says, "*sings* Mommaaaaa, just killed a maaaaaaan. Put a lyre
against head his head, pulled the string now he's deeeeeeaaaaaad. Mommaaaaaa, life had
just beguuuun. The
liched and got aaaaawaaaaay."
against head his head, pulled the string now he's deeeeeeaaaaaad. Mommaaaaaa, life had
just beguuuun. The

Some of you need to go to the record store and pick up the classics.
It's Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. One of the most well-made songs in existence! Come on!!
Isluna2007-10-25 20:52:30
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 25 2007, 12:52 PM) 453337
I hope there was severe rolepoint docking for that. They didn't even try to hide it, or pretend it was a mischan
EDIT: nope, Suka and Mysti are still 'extremely credible'
EDIT: nope, Suka and Mysti are still 'extremely credible'
Has that even been used? I mean I see the HELP on it, but I haven't seen anyone with what is listed there.. I think one time I noticed someone as a refreshingly credible character.. But I can't even remember who that was.
Stangmar2007-10-25 20:55:35
I've been docked before >.> <.<
It sucked not being able to use GT and CT
It sucked not being able to use GT and CT
Eldanien2007-10-25 22:09:37
I've seen it done, but not nearly as often as it should be. In recent history, Asmoth is the only one I've seen with rolepoints deducted.
Shamarah2007-10-25 22:19:39
QUOTE(Gabranth @ Oct 25 2007, 01:22 AM) 453204

You fail at both music and life.
Arix2007-10-25 23:03:18
I had a mild rolepoint dock when I made a misaether and didn't know I could just say it was a mis and people would ignore it
Malicia2007-10-25 23:10:51
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 25 2007, 05:19 PM) 453386

You fail at both music and life.
You have no taste!
Kharvik2007-10-25 23:16:07
QUOTE(Malicia @ Oct 25 2007, 07:10 PM) 453398
You have no taste!
You lack spice!
Shamarah2007-10-25 23:40:17
QUOTE(Malicia @ Oct 25 2007, 07:10 PM) 453398
You have no taste!
The failure is not for liking My Chemical Romance (who I've never heard), but for not recognizing the song as Bohemian Rhapsody.
Jack2007-10-25 23:52:26
Yeah. I actually had a brief moral dilemna when I read it. I was like "crap, Narsrim likes something good!"
I prayed I was mistaken and the MCR lovers (SCREW YOU ALL BY THE WAY) were right, but no, it's Bohemian Rhapsody, and my respect for Narsrim, though grudging, stands.
I prayed I was mistaken and the MCR lovers (SCREW YOU ALL BY THE WAY) were right, but no, it's Bohemian Rhapsody, and my respect for Narsrim, though grudging, stands.

Jigan2007-10-26 00:09:30
Edit: Apparently I have a conscience. I took the quote down because I felt bad.
Unknown2007-10-26 01:28:47
In defence of the MCR people, Black Parade has a very strong Queen vibe. 

Gabranth2007-10-26 02:50:09
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 26 2007, 08:19 AM) 453386

You fail at both music and life.

Kharaen2007-10-26 02:55:32
QUOTE(isluna @ Oct 25 2007, 04:52 PM) 453372
Has that even been used? I mean I see the HELP on it, but I haven't seen anyone with what is listed there.. I think one time I noticed someone as a refreshingly credible character.. But I can't even remember who that was.
I've been docked once before, for the dumbest thing though I can't remember what it was. There's a lot of people that should be docked arrpee points, but I'm gessing the Gods have shouts and market off when not running events or something.
Acrune2007-10-26 05:03:57
I've been docked like 3 times. Once was because I said on GTS, with one other person there, that editing ghelp files was annoying. Forget the other two. Lacostian was really anal 

Arix2007-10-26 05:05:35
I miss Lacostian
Isluna2007-10-26 06:01:31
QUOTE(Acrune @ Oct 25 2007, 11:03 PM) 453498
I've been docked like 3 times. Once was because I said on GTS, with one other person there, that editing ghelp files was annoying. Forget the other two. Lacostian was really anal 

SCROLLS! SCROLLS! SCROLLS! Not files... And, cause I had to say it, and find it funny:
You say, "One of these days we will see eye to eye you know?"
"Heh heh heh" Forren chuckles.
You say, "We will, when I make it to demi, then I will be a tall fat furrikin."
Ymbryne2007-10-26 06:12:11
Oi, who the **** mistakes Queen for My Comical Romance?!

Arix2007-10-26 08:37:08
Gabranth, apparently.
Lenalith2007-10-26 08:52:25
QUOTE(S.A.W. @ Oct 26 2007, 09:28 AM) 453427
In defence of the MCR people, Black Parade has a very strong Queen vibe. 

The best parts of the song are the ones that sound most like Queen.