Arin2008-04-16 03:56:18
(The Star Council): You say, "I noticed that Harkux can't spell consequence."
(The Star Council): Malicia says, "Heh. I noticed as well. I thought of
correcting it for her."
(The Star Council): Eventru says, "Barbarians, Arin. Some things are to be
expected, such as shortcomings in some of the finer arts. Like reading and

(The Star Council): Malicia says, "Heh. I noticed as well. I thought of
correcting it for her."
(The Star Council): Eventru says, "Barbarians, Arin. Some things are to be
expected, such as shortcomings in some of the finer arts. Like reading and

Unknown2008-04-16 04:13:14
Serens seem to know the art of debating though.
Feyrll2008-04-16 05:27:39
Whispering poisonous words and terrible lies into her ear, Feyrll of Magnagora began to delude what sanity remained in Raziela, convincing her that Celest sought her harm.
My 3 seconds of fame at last! (sorry to anyone who was actually frustrated by what I did)
My 3 seconds of fame at last! (sorry to anyone who was actually frustrated by what I did)
Arel2008-04-16 20:46:39
Hyrtakos Ta'Lykaios, Scythe of the Daughter says, "The cows will stiffle our
advances. Don't worry."
Hyrtakos Ta'Lykaios, Scythe of the Daughter says, "We can't break their
advances. Don't worry."
Hyrtakos Ta'Lykaios, Scythe of the Daughter says, "We can't break their
Harkux2008-04-16 20:56:35
QUOTE(Arin @ Apr 15 2008, 11:56 PM) 502626
(The Star Council): You say, "I noticed that Harkux can't spell consequence."
(The Star Council): Malicia says, "Heh. I noticed as well. I thought of
correcting it for her."
(The Star Council): Eventru says, "Barbarians, Arin. Some things are to be
expected, such as shortcomings in some of the finer arts. Like reading and

(The Star Council): Malicia says, "Heh. I noticed as well. I thought of
correcting it for her."
(The Star Council): Eventru says, "Barbarians, Arin. Some things are to be
expected, such as shortcomings in some of the finer arts. Like reading and

The letter was rushed, sue me...

Doman2008-04-16 21:20:34
It was just IC hate. We dun want to tear out your intestines IRL, just IC
Harkux2008-04-16 21:28:36
I hope not. I like my intestines intact!
I hope not. I like my intestines intact!
Doman2008-04-16 22:32:24
Shoulda thought of that before you stepped to Celest, foo
-insert REQUIRED gangsta smiley-
-insert REQUIRED gangsta smiley-
Arix2008-04-16 22:35:45
Serenwilde > Celest
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "Are any members of Lord
Noctu's order about?"
(Glomdoring): Ashai says, "Lord... Noctu?"
(Glomdoring): Drusilla says, "...Nocht."
(Glomdoring): Ashai says, "I was not aware that he had ascended."
(Glomdoring): Arel says, "A fine Harbingers, but not a Lord."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "I feel dumb now."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "Lord Nocht."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "Are any members of Lord
Noctu's order about?"
(Glomdoring): Ashai says, "Lord... Noctu?"
(Glomdoring): Drusilla says, "...Nocht."
(Glomdoring): Ashai says, "I was not aware that he had ascended."
(Glomdoring): Arel says, "A fine Harbingers, but not a Lord."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "I feel dumb now."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "Lord Nocht."
Unknown2008-04-17 00:26:53
(Market): Luciden says, "Clever, intelligent, and attractive tailor for hire."
(Market): Kuraitaiyo says, "Bookbinder also, with special deal in magicscrolls!"
(Market): Doman says, "Trans tailor who has never run a brothel."
(Market): Kuraitaiyo says, "Have that person you really hate? Sick of conventional weapons? Buy a book, and give them papercuts!"
(Market): Inox says, "Trans tailor with shears and a private cartel who has never run a brothel."
(Market): Kuraitaiyo says, "Or just throw it at them. Bookbinder!"
(Market): Luciden says, "Fabled tailor who currently owns an Escort Service called Le Jardin du Paradise (AD 57) for hire."
(Market): Crylia says, "Brothels have never hurt anyone. Artisan for hire."
(Market): Doman says, "Still a trans tailor, also an artisan. I promise not to get anything...questionable on my works for you."
(Market): Ashyr says, "Trans cook who has never molested a child."
(Market): Arin says, "Transcendant chef. Guaranteed no venereal disease included."
(Market): Eventru says, "Desist."
(Market): Kuraitaiyo says, "Bookbinder also, with special deal in magicscrolls!"
(Market): Doman says, "Trans tailor who has never run a brothel."
(Market): Kuraitaiyo says, "Have that person you really hate? Sick of conventional weapons? Buy a book, and give them papercuts!"
(Market): Inox says, "Trans tailor with shears and a private cartel who has never run a brothel."
(Market): Kuraitaiyo says, "Or just throw it at them. Bookbinder!"
(Market): Luciden says, "Fabled tailor who currently owns an Escort Service called Le Jardin du Paradise (AD 57) for hire."
(Market): Crylia says, "Brothels have never hurt anyone. Artisan for hire."
(Market): Doman says, "Still a trans tailor, also an artisan. I promise not to get anything...questionable on my works for you."
(Market): Ashyr says, "Trans cook who has never molested a child."
(Market): Arin says, "Transcendant chef. Guaranteed no venereal disease included."
(Market): Eventru says, "Desist."
Acrune2008-04-17 00:39:58
QUOTE(Harkux @ Apr 16 2008, 04:56 PM) 502855
The letter was rushed, sue me... 

Can't beat that opening paragraph:
While we of the Serenwilde, in some small number, are sorry for bringing pain to Lady Raziela during her time in Muud.
I guess thats what happens when you only have a day to decide what to say

Bashara2008-04-17 00:59:31
Drusilla tells you, "Someday I'll be a real girl!"

Harkux2008-04-17 01:11:42
QUOTE(Acrune @ Apr 16 2008, 08:39 PM) 502949
Can't beat that opening paragraph:
I guess thats what happens when you only have a day to decide what to say
I guess thats what happens when you only have a day to decide what to say

Concidering I had, literally, 5 minutes to write the thing up because I wasn't expecting to be around today at all and my internet connection wasn't going to be lasting much longer last night. Today, I was supposed to go see a friend in the hospital but it didn't end up happening.
Then I had people telling me 'Apologize!' then 'Don't do it!' so I just..
...yeah. That was honestly the first thing that came to mind.
Unknown2008-04-17 03:04:29
Ah, the joys of a name beginning with 'in'.
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Wood."
4402h, 4875m, 4791e, 10p, 17200en, 20980w esSilrxk<>-
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Wood."
4402h, 4875m, 4791e, 10p, 17200en, 20980w esSilrxk<>-
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "You heard nothing."
4402h, 4875m, 4791e, 10p, 17200en, 20980w esSilrxk<>-
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Wood."
4402h, 4875m, 4791e, 10p, 17200en, 20980w esSilrxk<>-
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "You heard nothing."
Unknown2008-04-17 03:05:37
QUOTE(Arix @ Apr 16 2008, 11:35 PM) 502893
Serenwilde > Celest
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "Are any members of Lord
Noctu's order about?"
(Glomdoring): Ashai says, "Lord... Noctu?"
(Glomdoring): Drusilla says, "...Nocht."
(Glomdoring): Ashai says, "I was not aware that he had ascended."
(Glomdoring): Arel says, "A fine Harbingers, but not a Lord."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "I feel dumb now."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "Lord Nocht."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "Are any members of Lord
Noctu's order about?"
(Glomdoring): Ashai says, "Lord... Noctu?"
(Glomdoring): Drusilla says, "...Nocht."
(Glomdoring): Ashai says, "I was not aware that he had ascended."
(Glomdoring): Arel says, "A fine Harbingers, but not a Lord."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "I feel dumb now."
(Glomdoring): Callia (from the Aetherways) says, "Lord Nocht."
Oh, look, Dylara v2.0
Diamondais2008-04-17 03:11:23
QUOTE(Inky @ Apr 16 2008, 11:05 PM) 503004
Oh, look, Dylara v2.0

Bashara2008-04-17 04:23:13
QUOTE(diamondais @ Apr 17 2008, 03:11 AM) 503006

Diamondais2008-04-17 04:30:58
May he never have the misfortune to have his eye torn out, have one regrown while he sits in shock, and have it reanimated so it can follow him and eat his flowers.
My poor poor little eye, come back!
My poor poor little eye, come back!

Bashara2008-04-17 04:33:56
QUOTE(diamondais @ Apr 17 2008, 04:30 AM) 503028
My poor poor little eye, come back!
I lol'd.
Tael2008-04-17 04:37:26
QUOTE(diamondais @ Apr 17 2008, 12:30 AM) 503028
May he never have the misfortune to have his eye torn out, have one regrown while he sits in shock, and have it reanimated so it can follow him and eat his flowers.
My poor poor little eye, come back!
My poor poor little eye, come back!

I want the Eye of Dylara. *wonders if he can get a custom necklace named the Eye of Dylara*