Ildaudid2007-10-30 04:50:50
(Magnagora): Morgfyre says, "It would seem that Terentia needs to work on her aim."
Thought that was cute.
Thought that was cute.
Acrune2007-10-30 04:53:39
Funny Morgfyre says that, considering whenever he and Terentia fight, it ends with him running for the hills as fast as his tentacles will carry him 

Tenebrae2007-10-30 06:59:26
Reasons to join Celest!
(Celest): Nezha says, "Ok, one last call.. and can we borrow a cubix?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Narallen says, "Or even a prism."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "One day, when you are in bed and all old and shrivelled,
you will remember a day when you could have lived life on the edge and wonder
why you did not go with nezha and narallen to raid earth."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Been there, done that, young pup."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Faragan says, "I"m already old child."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Raiding Earth. Good for your Health. A message from New
Celest's Health Department."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Narallen says, "When you're even older and even more shrivelled?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Uhmm, with all due respect to the old folks about."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Visiting Astral. Good for the Basin. A message from the
Old Celest Health Department."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct Sorry, child. i'm hard of hearing in my left ear after I went to earth in my youth.
(Celest): You say, "Sorry, child. i'm hard of hearing in my left ear after I
went to earth in my youth."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Narallen says, "Well, if anybody has any kind of transplanar object we
could use, me and Nezha would appreciate it very much."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "And if you wanted to impress a girl, why, i will
personally spread tales of your valour. what woman can resist such bravery."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Most women can."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Rynn says, "Its true, we can."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Arin says, "What can women do?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "A whole lot."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "And you learn to fear them for it sometimes."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct When you begin to fear them, you know you've gotten old
(Celest): You say, "When you begin to fear them, you know you've gotten old."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Okok. ignore our deaths then if it happens."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "From when they are Pages, Paladins are trained to
respect, if not fear women. A good deal of our older Knights are women."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "In the Aquamancers you learn to fear Magister Isluna and
her horde of cows from the moment you leave the Portal."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Creslin (from the Aetherways) says, "All but two Ecclesiarchs have
been women. I believe there is a pattern."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct In the Tahtetso.. well, darn, all the upperleveled positions are taken by men
(Celest): You say, "In the Tahtetso.. well, darn, all the upperleveled positions
are taken by men."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Isluna says, "Along with the scholars, pilgrims and bards she now trys
to get to follower her as she takes out all the moose, and rockeaters she sees."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct join us, and need not fear the women... too much
(Celest): You say, "Join us, and need not fear the women... too much."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Thats because Lady Catarin slaps you all around Jigan."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "I'll see what I can do to fix that as soon as possible."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Casilu, you will not join the paladins."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "And Malicia."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell casilu nooo
You tell Lady Casilu Q. Dekoven, "Nooo."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "I know."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Lady Malicia."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell casilu
You tell Lady Casilu Q. Dekoven, ":P."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Join the Celestines!"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "Not more recruiting!"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Heh."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Paladins. You know it makes sense."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Come to the Aquamancers! We have cookies."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Or at the very least lend us a cubix?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "I was already there."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Celestines. We get to wear robes."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Lady Terentia, Lady Catarin, Lady Malicia, Lady Kelly,
Lady Joan, Lady Andala...from the very begining we are fed fear and respect for
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "And each one of those ladies knows how to remove one or
more vital organs."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Well, I'd argue that Lady Terentia can rather FRY your
vital organs..."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct we wear robes as well in the Tahtetso
(Celest): You say, "We wear robes as well in the Tahtetso."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Isluna says, "Well, Kaalak we Aquamancers do that too, and we get to
douse out any hot tempers with a flick of a wrist."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "She certainly knows how to remove them with a blade."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Our robes are more slimming."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-honours kaalak
Cardinal Kaalak, Experimental Theologian (Male Elfen).
He is 64 years old, having been born on the 17th of Klangiary, 125 years after
the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 379th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is an Earl in the Righteous Principality of New Celest.
He holds the position of Guild Archivist in the Celestines.
He is a Pioneer of the Unknown in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is a graduate of the Empyreal Academy (honours).
He is a member of the clan called 'The Star Council.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Silverscribe Bookbinding Cartel.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Missionaries of Light.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Lunar Rose Bookbinding Cartel.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Ecclesiarchy of Celestia.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Blue Candle Tomes.'
He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
His warcry: 'There is a way. There is always a way..!'
He is accounted Intellectual among scholars.
He is considered to be approximately 195% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Armor can make it look like you have rock solid chest."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct Weren't you a paladin Kaalak?
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Which may explain the Celestine's draw towards women."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): You say, "Weren't you a paladin Kaalak?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "A rock solid chest can make you look like you have a
rock solid chest, Jigan."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "No Tenebrae I've always been sarcastic."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Varent says, "Aye, join the Paladins, the shiniest guild of New
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Ah, but in the Paladins, you get both!"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Yevah says, "Blade suggests a sword-- I thought m'Lady Terentia had an
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Shiny? You wanna look at the water on a bright day,
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Swords actually."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Axes have a blade on them."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct How about we take all this to Outside Celest? convert some tree lovers out there...
(Celest): You say, "How about we take all this to Outside Celest? convert some
tree lovers out there..."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Creslin (from the Aetherways) says, "Aye, with such stirring
advertisement, who could resist you lot?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Exactly."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Creslin (from the Aetherways) says, "My citifavour to the first to
convert someone using robes and platemail."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Rynn says, "I'm sure we're really popular with everyone today, I mean
we did convert two villages."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-clwho
The following members of the clan of The Hartfire Hearth are online:
Wanderer Tenebrae
Cohan Hartfire (off channel)
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-honours cohan
Cohan Hartfire (Male Faeling).
He is 17 years old, having been born on the 7th of Estar, 172 years after the
Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 975th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Pilgrim in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is a graduate of the Ancestral Glade of the Moonharts (honours).
He is a member of the clan called 'The Hartfire Hearth.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Octave of the Spirits.'
He is considered to be approximately 20% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "This shouldn't take more than a moment to convert
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell cohan join Celest
You tell Cohan Hartfire, "Join Celest."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
: Time to vote! Click on the vote button on the left or click here: Thanks!
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Sir Jigan, lose the chain and go plate! whadaya say?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell cohan we need more hartfires there
You tell Cohan Hartfire, "We need more hartfires there."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
Cohan tells you, "Psh."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell cohan and at this point, we only have 2
You tell Cohan Hartfire, "And at this point, we only have 2."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Market): Jigan says, "Seeking converts to New Celest, we have slimming robes
and shiny armor."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Faragan says, "A symbol is a lot easyer to wield than a heavy sword."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "There, now we just sit back and wait for them to come to
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "When was the last time your sword could paralize folks.
Our weapon can."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct Put up a couple ads. One for each guild..
(Celest): You say, "Put up a couple ads. One for each guild.."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "So can my staff, Kaalak."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Xavlithin says, "So can a sword."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "So can my hand."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Mantakaya goes on any weapon."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Keep personal information off the aethers Denust."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Ew."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Rynn says, "I can cause dementia by waving my symbol around.."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Coral staff, you old pervert."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Double ew."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Hrm, my cunning plan to use the market to bring converts
in isn't working."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Really I don't care what the Ladies---anyway."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Yep, definitely time to build us an old folks' home."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct moving on
(Celest): You say, "Moving on."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "Try another ad, Sir jigan!"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Not so soon. And, I'd probably get in trouble."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Xavlithin says, "Does anyone need the services of a tailor?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Look at it this way, in the Paladins, you learn self
control and how to kill someone with a sharp object."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "I think the only message we could ever convey is:
"Celest: Run if you value your sanity.""
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "Or blunt."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Uhm, im sorry to interrupt your interesting conversations
but.. its still not to late you know. we go there, go kill some lords, get out,
offer them.. and call it a day. how about that?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Isluna says, "I am not allowed to use sharp objects though... I really
shouldn't be allowed my staff.."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Narallen says, "And in Tahtetso, you learn self control and how to
kill people with a long pole. Only difference is, Monks hit at least three times
every two seconds...And that's at their first form."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "And, from what I've heard Denust, Seren is worse than we
(Celest): Nezha says, "Ok, one last call.. and can we borrow a cubix?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Narallen says, "Or even a prism."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "One day, when you are in bed and all old and shrivelled,
you will remember a day when you could have lived life on the edge and wonder
why you did not go with nezha and narallen to raid earth."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Been there, done that, young pup."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Faragan says, "I"m already old child."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Raiding Earth. Good for your Health. A message from New
Celest's Health Department."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Narallen says, "When you're even older and even more shrivelled?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Uhmm, with all due respect to the old folks about."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Visiting Astral. Good for the Basin. A message from the
Old Celest Health Department."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct Sorry, child. i'm hard of hearing in my left ear after I went to earth in my youth.
(Celest): You say, "Sorry, child. i'm hard of hearing in my left ear after I
went to earth in my youth."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Narallen says, "Well, if anybody has any kind of transplanar object we
could use, me and Nezha would appreciate it very much."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "And if you wanted to impress a girl, why, i will
personally spread tales of your valour. what woman can resist such bravery."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Most women can."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Rynn says, "Its true, we can."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Arin says, "What can women do?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "A whole lot."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "And you learn to fear them for it sometimes."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct When you begin to fear them, you know you've gotten old
(Celest): You say, "When you begin to fear them, you know you've gotten old."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Okok. ignore our deaths then if it happens."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "From when they are Pages, Paladins are trained to
respect, if not fear women. A good deal of our older Knights are women."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "In the Aquamancers you learn to fear Magister Isluna and
her horde of cows from the moment you leave the Portal."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Creslin (from the Aetherways) says, "All but two Ecclesiarchs have
been women. I believe there is a pattern."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct In the Tahtetso.. well, darn, all the upperleveled positions are taken by men
(Celest): You say, "In the Tahtetso.. well, darn, all the upperleveled positions
are taken by men."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Isluna says, "Along with the scholars, pilgrims and bards she now trys
to get to follower her as she takes out all the moose, and rockeaters she sees."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct join us, and need not fear the women... too much
(Celest): You say, "Join us, and need not fear the women... too much."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Thats because Lady Catarin slaps you all around Jigan."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "I'll see what I can do to fix that as soon as possible."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Casilu, you will not join the paladins."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "And Malicia."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell casilu nooo
You tell Lady Casilu Q. Dekoven, "Nooo."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "I know."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Lady Malicia."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell casilu

You tell Lady Casilu Q. Dekoven, ":P."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Join the Celestines!"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "Not more recruiting!"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Heh."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Paladins. You know it makes sense."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Come to the Aquamancers! We have cookies."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Or at the very least lend us a cubix?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "I was already there."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Celestines. We get to wear robes."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Lady Terentia, Lady Catarin, Lady Malicia, Lady Kelly,
Lady Joan, Lady Andala...from the very begining we are fed fear and respect for
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "And each one of those ladies knows how to remove one or
more vital organs."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Well, I'd argue that Lady Terentia can rather FRY your
vital organs..."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct we wear robes as well in the Tahtetso
(Celest): You say, "We wear robes as well in the Tahtetso."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Isluna says, "Well, Kaalak we Aquamancers do that too, and we get to
douse out any hot tempers with a flick of a wrist."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "She certainly knows how to remove them with a blade."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Our robes are more slimming."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-honours kaalak
Cardinal Kaalak, Experimental Theologian (Male Elfen).
He is 64 years old, having been born on the 17th of Klangiary, 125 years after
the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 379th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is an Earl in the Righteous Principality of New Celest.
He holds the position of Guild Archivist in the Celestines.
He is a Pioneer of the Unknown in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is a graduate of the Empyreal Academy (honours).
He is a member of the clan called 'The Star Council.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Silverscribe Bookbinding Cartel.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Missionaries of Light.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Lunar Rose Bookbinding Cartel.'
He is a member of the clan called 'The Ecclesiarchy of Celestia.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Blue Candle Tomes.'
He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
His warcry: 'There is a way. There is always a way..!'
He is accounted Intellectual among scholars.
He is considered to be approximately 195% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Armor can make it look like you have rock solid chest."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct Weren't you a paladin Kaalak?
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Which may explain the Celestine's draw towards women."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): You say, "Weren't you a paladin Kaalak?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "A rock solid chest can make you look like you have a
rock solid chest, Jigan."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "No Tenebrae I've always been sarcastic."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Varent says, "Aye, join the Paladins, the shiniest guild of New
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Ah, but in the Paladins, you get both!"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Yevah says, "Blade suggests a sword-- I thought m'Lady Terentia had an
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Shiny? You wanna look at the water on a bright day,
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Swords actually."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Axes have a blade on them."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct How about we take all this to Outside Celest? convert some tree lovers out there...
(Celest): You say, "How about we take all this to Outside Celest? convert some
tree lovers out there..."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Creslin (from the Aetherways) says, "Aye, with such stirring
advertisement, who could resist you lot?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Exactly."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Creslin (from the Aetherways) says, "My citifavour to the first to
convert someone using robes and platemail."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Rynn says, "I'm sure we're really popular with everyone today, I mean
we did convert two villages."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-clwho
The following members of the clan of The Hartfire Hearth are online:
Wanderer Tenebrae
Cohan Hartfire (off channel)
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-honours cohan
Cohan Hartfire (Male Faeling).
He is 17 years old, having been born on the 7th of Estar, 172 years after the
Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 975th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Pilgrim in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is a graduate of the Ancestral Glade of the Moonharts (honours).
He is a member of the clan called 'The Hartfire Hearth.'
He is a member of the clan called 'Octave of the Spirits.'
He is considered to be approximately 20% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "This shouldn't take more than a moment to convert
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell cohan join Celest
You tell Cohan Hartfire, "Join Celest."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
: Time to vote! Click on the vote button on the left or click here: Thanks!
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Sir Jigan, lose the chain and go plate! whadaya say?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell cohan we need more hartfires there
You tell Cohan Hartfire, "We need more hartfires there."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
Cohan tells you, "Psh."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-tell cohan and at this point, we only have 2
You tell Cohan Hartfire, "And at this point, we only have 2."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Market): Jigan says, "Seeking converts to New Celest, we have slimming robes
and shiny armor."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Faragan says, "A symbol is a lot easyer to wield than a heavy sword."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "There, now we just sit back and wait for them to come to
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "When was the last time your sword could paralize folks.
Our weapon can."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct Put up a couple ads. One for each guild..
(Celest): You say, "Put up a couple ads. One for each guild.."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "So can my staff, Kaalak."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Xavlithin says, "So can a sword."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "So can my hand."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Mantakaya goes on any weapon."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Keep personal information off the aethers Denust."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Ew."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Rynn says, "I can cause dementia by waving my symbol around.."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Coral staff, you old pervert."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nemerle says, "Double ew."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Hrm, my cunning plan to use the market to bring converts
in isn't working."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Really I don't care what the Ladies---anyway."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "Yep, definitely time to build us an old folks' home."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-ct moving on
(Celest): You say, "Moving on."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "Try another ad, Sir jigan!"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Not so soon. And, I'd probably get in trouble."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Xavlithin says, "Does anyone need the services of a tailor?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Jigan says, "Look at it this way, in the Paladins, you learn self
control and how to kill someone with a sharp object."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Denust says, "I think the only message we could ever convey is:
"Celest: Run if you value your sanity.""
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "Or blunt."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Nezha says, "Uhm, im sorry to interrupt your interesting conversations
but.. its still not to late you know. we go there, go kill some lords, get out,
offer them.. and call it a day. how about that?"
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Isluna says, "I am not allowed to use sharp objects though... I really
shouldn't be allowed my staff.."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Narallen says, "And in Tahtetso, you learn self control and how to
kill people with a long pole. Only difference is, Monks hit at least three times
every two seconds...And that's at their first form."
2928h, 4023m, 3282e, 10p, 12810en, 18285w elrx-
(Celest): Casilu says, "And, from what I've heard Denust, Seren is worse than we
Unknown2007-10-30 07:58:52
I needed that dose of silly after fooling around in Aetolia for a while; it's good to be back (but it looks like I missed some good stuff).
And I stand by my earlier statement.

I needed that dose of silly after fooling around in Aetolia for a while; it's good to be back (but it looks like I missed some good stuff).

And I stand by my earlier statement.

Forren2007-10-30 08:20:14
QUOTE(Denust @ Oct 30 2007, 03:58 AM) 454413
I needed that dose of silly after fooling around in Aetolia for a while; it's good to be back (but it looks like I missed some good stuff).
And I stand by my earlier statement.

I needed that dose of silly after fooling around in Aetolia for a while; it's good to be back (but it looks like I missed some good stuff).

And I stand by my earlier statement.

I'm currently fooling around in Aetolia. Let me know if you want to trade credits!
Forren2007-10-30 08:29:48
You shoot a single, deadly thought deep into the mind of Daedalion.
A vein on Daedalion's forehead begins to throb and blood pours down his nose. He puts his hands to his head and screams just as his head explodes in a fountain of gore.
You have slain Daedalion.
The song that Daedalion was performing fades away.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
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Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a watchful kephera sentry.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
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Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a watchful kephera sentry.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a watchful kephera sentry.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a watchful kephera sentry.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a hard-shelled, many-legged cave-fisher.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a deepstone rockeater.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
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Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
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Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a deepstone rockeater.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a deepstone rockeater.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat with Daedalion.
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30898en, 32066w esilrxkdb<>-|FREE|off|Ego: -950|
The soul of Daedalion says, "Do you mind?"
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32080w esilrxkdb<>-|FREE|off|
(House Aurendil): Nydekion (from the Aetherways) says, "Come to Glasfor."
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32080w esilrxkdb<>-|FREE|off|
(House Aurendil): Aison says, "FORREN1!"
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32094w esilrxkdb<>-|FREE|off|
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32094w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|get gold
I see no "gold" to take.
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32094w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|l
Within a phosphorescent fungal garden. (Illteeth Tunnels.)
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. All sorts of fungal life bloom within this winding tunnel, mushrooms and lichen featured most prominently. Each glows a bright and sickly green, giving off no light, but outlining the chamber with
their presence. The fungi grow in ordered, circular patches, each species segregated from the rest in a garden-like motif. With snout burrowed in the ground, a deepstone rockeater is here, munching happily. The twisted remains of Daedalion lie here.
There are 95 corpses of a kephera worker here. There are 34 corpses of a kephera warrior here. There are 4 corpses of a watchful kephera sentry here. The hard shell of a many-legged cave-fisher lies split open, the great beast dead. There are 4
corpses of a deepstone rockeater here. The soul of Daedalion roams the land, bodiless.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32094w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
The soul of Daedalion says, "What the nil."
6600h, 6900m, 5550e, 6p, 30900en, 32094w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|Mana: +187|Ego: +500|say Hunting Kephera
You say, "Hunting Kephera."
6600h, 6900m, 5550e, 6p, 30900en, 32108w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
(House Aurendil): Nydekion (from the Aetherways) says, "Heh."
6600h, 6900m, 5550e, 6p, 30900en, 32108w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|say Don't lie to me again
You say, "Don't lie to me again."
6600h, 6900m, 5550e, 7p, 30900en, 32136w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
The soul of Daedalion says, "I'mm HUNTING ROCKEATERS."
A vein on Daedalion's forehead begins to throb and blood pours down his nose. He puts his hands to his head and screams just as his head explodes in a fountain of gore.
You have slain Daedalion.
The song that Daedalion was performing fades away.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a watchful kephera sentry.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a watchful kephera sentry.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a watchful kephera sentry.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a watchful kephera sentry.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a hard-shelled, many-legged cave-fisher.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a deepstone rockeater.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
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Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
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Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a deepstone rockeater.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera warrior.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a kephera worker.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a deepstone rockeater.
Daedalion drops the corpse of a deepstone rockeater.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat with Daedalion.
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30898en, 32066w esilrxkdb<>-|FREE|off|Ego: -950|
The soul of Daedalion says, "Do you mind?"
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32080w esilrxkdb<>-|FREE|off|
(House Aurendil): Nydekion (from the Aetherways) says, "Come to Glasfor."
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32080w esilrxkdb<>-|FREE|off|
(House Aurendil): Aison says, "FORREN1!"
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32094w esilrxkdb<>-|FREE|off|
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32094w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|get gold
I see no "gold" to take.
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32094w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|l
Within a phosphorescent fungal garden. (Illteeth Tunnels.)
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. All sorts of fungal life bloom within this winding tunnel, mushrooms and lichen featured most prominently. Each glows a bright and sickly green, giving off no light, but outlining the chamber with
their presence. The fungi grow in ordered, circular patches, each species segregated from the rest in a garden-like motif. With snout burrowed in the ground, a deepstone rockeater is here, munching happily. The twisted remains of Daedalion lie here.
There are 95 corpses of a kephera worker here. There are 34 corpses of a kephera warrior here. There are 4 corpses of a watchful kephera sentry here. The hard shell of a many-legged cave-fisher lies split open, the great beast dead. There are 4
corpses of a deepstone rockeater here. The soul of Daedalion roams the land, bodiless.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
6600h, 6713m, 5050e, 5p, 30900en, 32094w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
The soul of Daedalion says, "What the nil."
6600h, 6900m, 5550e, 6p, 30900en, 32094w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|Mana: +187|Ego: +500|say Hunting Kephera
You say, "Hunting Kephera."
6600h, 6900m, 5550e, 6p, 30900en, 32108w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
(House Aurendil): Nydekion (from the Aetherways) says, "Heh."
6600h, 6900m, 5550e, 6p, 30900en, 32108w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|say Don't lie to me again
You say, "Don't lie to me again."
6600h, 6900m, 5550e, 7p, 30900en, 32136w esSilrxkdb<>-|FREE|On!|
The soul of Daedalion says, "I'mm HUNTING ROCKEATERS."
Arix2007-10-30 08:38:39
That's some epic bull
right there

Nezha2007-10-30 08:41:55
hey, if anyone meets him again.. ask him whats he hunting...
hey, if anyone meets him again.. ask him whats he hunting...
Unknown2007-10-30 08:46:06

That... is just awful. I mean, 95 corpses and still spewing an obvious lie...
That's some epic
right there

Shiri2007-10-30 09:05:15
"These aren't the drones you're looking for!"
False memory at its finest.
False memory at its finest.
Hyperion2007-10-30 09:19:33
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 30 2007, 01:38 AM) 454419
That's some epic bull
right there

Didn't you realize he was just holding them for a friend? C'mon!
Yrael2007-10-30 09:30:40
You tell Commander Caedryn d'Iasani, "I am requiring a horse, (x/205+/215+.),
how much?"
You tell Commander Caedryn d'Iasani, "Ah, hammer."
Caedryn tells you, "I was about to say, that horse is capable of a decent bit of
You tell Commander Caedryn d'Iasani, "I want to match my Ghul Maraz."
Caedryn tells you, "You'd need to be careful about neeeighbouring warriors using
how much?"
You tell Commander Caedryn d'Iasani, "Ah, hammer."
Caedryn tells you, "I was about to say, that horse is capable of a decent bit of
You tell Commander Caedryn d'Iasani, "I want to match my Ghul Maraz."
Caedryn tells you, "You'd need to be careful about neeeighbouring warriors using
Saran2007-10-30 09:52:34
Yrael tells you, "((ALSO INSERT MORE ACTUAL WORDS.))"
Tehe I'm annoying
Yrael tells you, "((ALSO INSERT MORE ACTUAL WORDS.))"
Tehe I'm annoying
Daereth2007-10-30 11:01:08
QUOTE(nezha @ Oct 30 2007, 03:41 AM) 454421
hey, if anyone meets him again.. ask him whats he hunting...
hey, if anyone meets him again.. ask him whats he hunting...
QUOTE(Denust @ Oct 30 2007, 03:46 AM) 454423

That... is just awful. I mean, 95 corpses and still spewing an obvious lie...
The simple fact that he told me to stop hunting kephera or he was going to jump me is why I said that. I did just what he told me, I spored from the hive and went to bash rockeaters on my way to turn in my already dead kephera, but he killed me anyway.
Daereth2007-10-30 11:10:12
This is what happend afterwards.
Prince Forren Shervalian, Herald of Justice asks, "Who's around who can immolate you?"
You say, "Nobody."
Prince Forren Shervalian, Herald of Justice says, "Somebody is."
Forren tells you, "I suppose I can get someone to resurrect yuo."
Forren tells you, "Forgive the Avenger and promise not to hunt the Kephera for the next year, and you will be resurrected."
Prince Forren Shervalian, Herald of Justice asks, "Who's around who can immolate you?"
You say, "Nobody."
Prince Forren Shervalian, Herald of Justice says, "Somebody is."
Forren tells you, "I suppose I can get someone to resurrect yuo."
Forren tells you, "Forgive the Avenger and promise not to hunt the Kephera for the next year, and you will be resurrected."
Aison2007-10-30 11:21:50
And then you didn't, so you weren't.
Daereth2007-10-30 11:23:38
QUOTE(Aison @ Oct 30 2007, 06:21 AM) 454446
And then you didn't, so you weren't.
Who would accept that deal? that friggin hilarious I can bash the 15% back with the kephera in an hour
Aison2007-10-30 12:00:51
Don't see why you're letting it get to you, then.
Daereth2007-10-30 12:08:58
QUOTE(Aison @ Oct 30 2007, 07:00 AM) 454452
Don't see why you're letting it get to you, then.
I suppose it's the out of contextness of the quotes post, your right.. It shouldn't bother me period
Shiri2007-10-30 12:09:59
It's pretty funny even with the context, anyway, although not for the same reasons.