Unknown2007-11-20 14:36:28
QUOTE(Tervic @ Nov 20 2007, 02:09 AM) 459393
Overheard on Skype, and quoted by request: Oh Thoros you mother
, you stupid piece of
, Thoros, I want to kiss you! I LOVE YOU!
Shortly after, same person: OOoooooh yeah, I am happily NAKED! BWAHAHAHA!
And more: Yeah, you like it when daddy eats you huh!? Augh, gotta take a break.... so... HAWT!

Shortly after, same person: OOoooooh yeah, I am happily NAKED! BWAHAHAHA!
And more: Yeah, you like it when daddy eats you huh!? Augh, gotta take a break.... so... HAWT!
Let me guess...Sarrasri?

Myndaen2007-11-20 21:02:42
Veo suddenly lunges forward with a growl and sinks his teeth firmly into plain grey trousers.
Unblooded Umbra says to Veo, in Loboshigaru, "Quit that, you're a loboshigaru not a moth!"

Veo suddenly lunges forward with a growl and sinks his teeth firmly into plain grey trousers.
Unblooded Umbra says to Veo, in Loboshigaru, "Quit that, you're a loboshigaru not a moth!"
Reiha2007-11-21 02:22:23
Character description
Noola is fairly average in height, though his girth is quite impressive. Most of it is muscle, of course, though not all. His arms and legs, as well as his back and chest are covered in thick black hair which curls slightly. The hair on his head is a lighter shade, but cropped close, in an attempt to hide the still very visible balding spot. Sweat streams from his sun-tanned skin, clinging to the body hair and causing it to glisten. It is kept from running into his dark blue eyes by the incredibly thick and bushy eyebrows sitting above them. His teeth, stained with wine and fruits and other unknown substances, are revealed when he smiles - which he does often.
Noola is fairly average in height, though his girth is quite impressive. Most of it is muscle, of course, though not all. His arms and legs, as well as his back and chest are covered in thick black hair which curls slightly. The hair on his head is a lighter shade, but cropped close, in an attempt to hide the still very visible balding spot. Sweat streams from his sun-tanned skin, clinging to the body hair and causing it to glisten. It is kept from running into his dark blue eyes by the incredibly thick and bushy eyebrows sitting above them. His teeth, stained with wine and fruits and other unknown substances, are revealed when he smiles - which he does often.
And yes, she wrote this herself

Noola2007-11-21 02:44:23
Someone decided I was a guy, so I figured it'd be funny. 

Aison2007-11-21 05:56:44
Poor thing.
Fionn2007-11-21 13:54:10

Tervic2007-11-21 20:47:05
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Nov 20 2007, 06:36 AM) 459435
Let me guess...Sarrasri?

hahaha, actually no.
Unknown2007-11-22 04:49:58
Thoros has been cut down by an emaciated virgin.
You see the death occur at a lone bush amid the sands.
You see the death occur at a lone bush amid the sands.
Arix2007-11-22 07:04:11
No means no.
Also, someone give those virgins a sammich
Also, someone give those virgins a sammich
Unknown2007-11-22 09:19:15
Meliana has sacrificed herself for the resurrection of Avery.
Avery has died due to drowning.
Right after the resurrection.
Avery has died due to drowning.
Right after the resurrection.
Yrael2007-11-22 13:10:55
(Newbie): Ataxia says, "Can you put gnomes in the rift?"
Arix2007-11-23 03:24:22
see, when you ressurect someone in deluge, they come back with 1 HP and then drown again
Veonira2007-11-23 06:02:25
QUOTE(Myndaen @ Nov 20 2007, 04:02 PM) 459489
Veo suddenly lunges forward with a growl and sinks his teeth firmly into plain grey trousers.
Unblooded Umbra says to Veo, in Loboshigaru, "Quit that, you're a loboshigaru not a moth!"

Veo suddenly lunges forward with a growl and sinks his teeth firmly into plain grey trousers.
Unblooded Umbra says to Veo, in Loboshigaru, "Quit that, you're a loboshigaru not a moth!"
Unknown2007-11-23 16:01:28
QUOTE(Veonira @ Nov 23 2007, 01:02 AM) 459896
Grief it into inactivity/suicide. I would.
Ildaudid2007-11-23 18:05:07
QUOTE(Arix @ Nov 22 2007, 02:04 AM) 459791
No means no.
Also, someone give those virgins a sammich
Also, someone give those virgins a sammich
NMN was one of the best bands of all times!!!! "Onlysomanysongscanbesungwithtwolipstwolungsandonetounge" is a great song, along with "The Day Everything Became Nothing" (They are a canadian band, which should give the canadians hope that they don't always suck)

Fualkner2007-11-24 03:57:07
(Ship): Midnight's Fang (Aamirez) says, "(Ship): The Aether Wyrm says Ok Revan
says lets blow stuff up."
^^^ Fun with triggers and ship aethers.
says lets blow stuff up."
^^^ Fun with triggers and ship aethers.
Meliana2007-11-24 09:06:01
(The Dekoven Lineage): You say, "In the old days whenever there was a wedding or a ceremony and someone in the fam had to lead, everyone would talk and shout in the clan to try and make them mess up."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Jigan (from the Aetherways) says, "This is why I'm having a small wedding."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Arin says, "Can I be your bride?"
(The Dekoven Lineage): Jigan (from the Aetherways) says, "A very small wedding. A few people, Lady Andala, and whatever god or goddess deigns that marriage is a suitable punishment for me."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Casilu (from the Aetherways) says, "His prison bride. In the undervault."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Arin says, "I'm a prisoner of love."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Ruiku says, "You mean war."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Jigan (from the Aetherways) says, "This is why I'm having a small wedding."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Arin says, "Can I be your bride?"
(The Dekoven Lineage): Jigan (from the Aetherways) says, "A very small wedding. A few people, Lady Andala, and whatever god or goddess deigns that marriage is a suitable punishment for me."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Casilu (from the Aetherways) says, "His prison bride. In the undervault."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Arin says, "I'm a prisoner of love."
(The Dekoven Lineage): Ruiku says, "You mean war."
Meliana2007-11-24 09:26:01
Andddd another:
Doctor Casilu Q. Dekoven says to Gyorn, "I'm really crazy."
Rian smirks.
Gyorn La'Saet, Scholar of the Tides says, "Yeah, all Doctors are."
Gyorn La'Saet, Scholar of the Tides says, "So, what are you a doctor of anyway?"
Doctor Casilu Q. Dekoven says to Gyorn, "I'm a proctologist."
Gyorn La'Saet, Scholar of the Tides says, "I'm sure.."
Doctor Casilu Q. Dekoven says to Gyorn, "I'm really crazy."
Rian smirks.
Gyorn La'Saet, Scholar of the Tides says, "Yeah, all Doctors are."
Gyorn La'Saet, Scholar of the Tides says, "So, what are you a doctor of anyway?"
Doctor Casilu Q. Dekoven says to Gyorn, "I'm a proctologist."
Gyorn La'Saet, Scholar of the Tides says, "I'm sure.."
Myndaen2007-11-26 06:37:49
Talk about signs from god!
You pick up 420 gold sovereigns.
You pick up 420 gold sovereigns.
Shiri2007-11-26 06:45:03