Ixion2008-01-14 19:46:45
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Jan 13 2008, 05:05 PM) 476679
(Glade): Mei says, "How many times do I have to bring pixies back to Miakoda?"
(Glade): Alichino says, "Until she hands you one of her nuts."
(Glade): Alichino says, "Until she hands you one of her nuts."
QUOTE(Druken @ Jan 13 2008, 07:23 PM) 476723
(Bellator Societas): Thoros says, "I can tess anywhere."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros says, "I can tess to your face."
(Bellator Societas): Thoros says, "I can tess to your face."

Thanks- those are friggin awesome. I needed those laughs today haha
Tzekelkan2008-01-14 23:27:49
astrocast antlers sphere at tzekelkan
Your vision blurs as your target suddenly shifts away from you, causing you to
lose track of your target.
You blur and slip through time as Tzekelkan approaches you.
Your vision blurs as your target suddenly shifts away from you, causing you to
lose track of your target.
You blur and slip through time as Tzekelkan approaches you.
Munsia2008-01-15 00:14:01
(Magnagora): Yukari says, "Kerigor attacking me."
honors kerigor
Kalas Kerigor, Whisper of the Wyrd (Male Mugwump).
He is 38 years old, having been born on the 20th of Dioni, 157 years after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 687th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is an Itinerant Traveler in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is an enemy of your city.
He is a graduate of the Shadowmaze and the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research.
His motto: 'One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war.'
He is considered to be approximately 0% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
That took me back
Stangmar2008-01-15 01:22:12
If you knew who it was, you would understand.
Druken2008-01-15 01:48:28
Haha, Ixion- I laughed for like half an hour with that one. There was a little more to it, but it involved some colorful expletives that weren't, um, forum-friendly. I'm not sure they'd be friendly on an alley even.
But they sure were colorful!
But they sure were colorful!
Munsia2008-01-15 03:35:17
(The Mes'ard Dynasty): Kimi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Whats a woodey then?"
(The Mes'ard Dynasty): Kyra (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Kimi.."
(The Mes'ard Dynasty): Kyra (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Don't ask."
(The Mes'ard Dynasty): Shaddus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "A small piece of a branch, used to poke people."
The Mes'ard Dynasty): Kimi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Why not call it a stick then?"
(The Mes'ard Dynasty): Kimi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Or a twig?"
(The Mes'ard Dynasty): Shaddus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "He's old fashioned like that."
(The Mes'ard Dynasty): Ixchilgal says, "Well, if you want we could call it the ol' twig & berries..."
Arel2008-01-15 03:40:32
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Arel, you should write a Bible to Elo."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "Do it haiku style."
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "Elostian/We adore His great Power/He has cool
quests, too."
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Wrong number of syllables, some bard you
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "Hey, I'd like to see you be an awesome bard."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "Elostian is smart /
he's gassy, asks hard questions / likes mental torture."
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Wrong."
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "That was 6 in the first one."
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Maybe."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "No?"
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "It is."
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Elostian rules/Can I ring the big bell
now?/Paladins fear Him."
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Wouldn't Haiku-ism bible be more Lyreth?"
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Elostians would involve big and complicated
words naught heard for like centuries which make people google it every other
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "Yes, Elostian deserves
a thesis paper to be defended in front of a panel of 6 judges for 1 hour."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "No pressure."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "Do it haiku style."
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "Elostian/We adore His great Power/He has cool
quests, too."
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Wrong number of syllables, some bard you
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "Hey, I'd like to see you be an awesome bard."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "Elostian is smart /
he's gassy, asks hard questions / likes mental torture."
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Wrong."
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "That was 6 in the first one."
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Maybe."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "No?"
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "It is."
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Elostian rules/Can I ring the big bell
now?/Paladins fear Him."
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Wouldn't Haiku-ism bible be more Lyreth?"
(Skeleton Hearth): Halamir says, "Elostians would involve big and complicated
words naught heard for like centuries which make people google it every other
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "Yes, Elostian deserves
a thesis paper to be defended in front of a panel of 6 judges for 1 hour."
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro (from an Unknown Plane) says, "No pressure."
Unknown2008-01-15 05:33:23
A fountain of sparkling motes of light erupts at your feet.
The light whisks you away, unceremoniously dumping you at the feet of Narsrim.
The Inner Sanctum of Security.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. Limned with holy
fire, a celestial archangel stands loftily on a floating cloud, regarding you
with her sympathetic eyes of light. Bathed in a nimbus of crackling blue energy,
Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope, floats in the air here, her golden
wings stretched out to their full length. A white marble gravestone stands vigil
here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the west. Narsrim D'cente` towers here, folding the spatial fabric to
travel. He wields a magic tome in his left hand and a holy symbol of the light
in his right.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
A celestial archangel exclaims, "You will be brought to justice, enemy!"
Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope exclaims, "I shall protect the Light
unto my last breath, Celina!"
Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope raises her shield above her head and
from it fountains a surge of crackling blue energy that strikes all with cold
bolts of cobalt lightning.
Narsrim has been slain by Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope.
Narsrim drops a sturdy iron bar.
Narsrim drops the corpse of a jet-black manta.
Narsrim drops the corpse of a hellish night mare.
A ghostly form rises from Narsrim's body followed by a bright flash. A new
breathing body appears around the form, restoring him from certain death.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
Your illusory glamour you have woven of yourself melts away.
(p.s. Stop being lame and summon whoring. It's annoying and kills conflict)
The light whisks you away, unceremoniously dumping you at the feet of Narsrim.
The Inner Sanctum of Security.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. Limned with holy
fire, a celestial archangel stands loftily on a floating cloud, regarding you
with her sympathetic eyes of light. Bathed in a nimbus of crackling blue energy,
Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope, floats in the air here, her golden
wings stretched out to their full length. A white marble gravestone stands vigil
here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the west. Narsrim D'cente` towers here, folding the spatial fabric to
travel. He wields a magic tome in his left hand and a holy symbol of the light
in his right.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
A celestial archangel exclaims, "You will be brought to justice, enemy!"
Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope exclaims, "I shall protect the Light
unto my last breath, Celina!"
Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope raises her shield above her head and
from it fountains a surge of crackling blue energy that strikes all with cold
bolts of cobalt lightning.
Narsrim has been slain by Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope.
Narsrim drops a sturdy iron bar.
Narsrim drops the corpse of a jet-black manta.
Narsrim drops the corpse of a hellish night mare.
A ghostly form rises from Narsrim's body followed by a bright flash. A new
breathing body appears around the form, restoring him from certain death.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
Your illusory glamour you have woven of yourself melts away.
(p.s. Stop being lame and summon whoring. It's annoying and kills conflict)
Munsia2008-01-15 14:28:14
QUOTE(Bianca @ Jan 15 2008, 12:33 AM) 477187
(p.s. Stop being lame and summon whoring. It's annoying and kills conflict)
(p.s. Stop being lame and summon whoring. It's annoying and kills conflict)

That IS conflict.....you were raiding. The point was to get you to stop raiding. Killing conflict would be to peace you for the rest of the day
Edit: And it worked... cause you died and didn't come back up there.
Xenthos2008-01-15 16:15:06
An attacker attacks to have fun. A defender defends to get rid of the attacker ASAP, so they can get back to what they were doing. Would expect Narsrim to have more fun actually fighting, but it's not really a rant-worthy topic as long as defenders are virtually forced to defend their territory.
Once again: Make more neutral conflict!
Once again: Make more neutral conflict!
Stangmar2008-01-15 18:58:59
You know, I actually agree with Munsia for once. It's kind of lame to expect a defender not to do everything in their power to stop you, that's the point of defense.
EDIT: However, what happened in Celina's incident was still funny.
EDIT: However, what happened in Celina's incident was still funny.

Lendren2008-01-15 19:11:04
QUOTE(tzekelkan @ Jan 14 2008, 06:27 PM) 477038
That's nothing compared to dodging yourself attempting to dispel an illusion from yourself.
7245h, 7590m, 7590e, 10p, 29400en, 30900w exkb-dispel illusion me invisibility
At the last moment, Lendren dodges nimbly aside.
Sensing the attack, you dodge aside at the last moment.
7245h, 7590m, 7590e, 10p, 29400en, 30900w xkb-
At the last moment, Lendren dodges nimbly aside.
Sensing the attack, you dodge aside at the last moment.
7245h, 7590m, 7590e, 10p, 29400en, 30900w xkb-
For a while that was fixed so it didn't happen, but then it started happening again.
Unknown2008-01-16 01:23:50
I only just logged in, and BAM!
(Newbie): Skein says, "..Bugger you."
And later:
(Newbie): Skein says, "Er. Ignore that."
The best misaether -ever-.
(Newbie): Skein says, "..Bugger you."
And later:
(Newbie): Skein says, "Er. Ignore that."
The best misaether -ever-.
Unknown2008-01-16 01:25:07
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "And does Cosmic ever result in other abilities like
Cosmic Fire, or is that the only one? Deathsight and Waterwalk are useful,
(Newbie): Skein says, "..Bugger you."
(Newbie): Skein says, "Er. Ignore that."
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "Heh heh heh... why?"
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "I mean, why bugger me?"
(Newbie): Skein says, "I made a misaether Gyfaleis, that was in no way directed at you.
Damn novices making the guide curse at them
Cosmic Fire, or is that the only one? Deathsight and Waterwalk are useful,
(Newbie): Skein says, "..Bugger you."
(Newbie): Skein says, "Er. Ignore that."
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "Heh heh heh... why?"
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "I mean, why bugger me?"
(Newbie): Skein says, "I made a misaether Gyfaleis, that was in no way directed at you.
Damn novices making the guide curse at them
Diamondais2008-01-16 01:25:12
QUOTE(Narallen @ Jan 15 2008, 08:23 PM) 477409
I only just logged in, and BAM!
(Newbie): Skein says, "..Bugger you."
And later:
(Newbie): Skein says, "Er. Ignore that."
The best misaether -ever-.
(Newbie): Skein says, "..Bugger you."
And later:
(Newbie): Skein says, "Er. Ignore that."
The best misaether -ever-.

Arel2008-01-16 01:27:39
Tsk, tsk.
Unknown2008-01-16 01:49:26
Eschatologist Incabulos, Facade of Normalcy says, "Save a Life, Become a Dominatrix."
Arvont2008-01-16 10:19:19
QUOTE(Mysti @ Jan 16 2008, 09:25 AM) 477411
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "And does Cosmic ever result in other abilities like
Cosmic Fire, or is that the only one? Deathsight and Waterwalk are useful,
(Newbie): Skein says, "..Bugger you."
(Newbie): Skein says, "Er. Ignore that."
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "Heh heh heh... why?"
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "I mean, why bugger me?"
(Newbie): Skein says, "I made a misaether Gyfaleis, that was in no way directed at you.
Damn novices making the guide curse at them
Cosmic Fire, or is that the only one? Deathsight and Waterwalk are useful,
(Newbie): Skein says, "..Bugger you."
(Newbie): Skein says, "Er. Ignore that."
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "Heh heh heh... why?"
(Newbie): Gyfaleis says, "I mean, why bugger me?"
(Newbie): Skein says, "I made a misaether Gyfaleis, that was in no way directed at you.
Damn novices making the guide curse at them
Makes me think the Guides have this little aether where they rant/rave about the idiocy/cuteness!!! of newbs.

Acrune2008-01-16 14:46:43
QUOTE(Arvont @ Jan 16 2008, 05:19 AM) 477511
Makes me think the Guides have this little aether where they rant/rave about the idiocy/cuteness!!! of newbs. 

That really doesn't look like it was directed at the noob though, but I bet that guide felt bad

Unknown2008-01-16 19:51:25
I wish I was cool enough to be in the Skeleton Hearth. Or at least I wish I made horrible enough puns.